The Grayson Family – Part 2

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Ashe finds himself in the shower. Although he did need some cleaning up for his inspection, the reality is he loves to hide in there when he is stressed. “What if I’m ineligible this year? Or even worse, what if I get selected for the new blood program and don’t get to ever participate?!” he thinks nervously to himself. “Well suppose it can’t go any worse than I imagine it will,” he mutters as he steps out of the shower. His member swinging from thigh to thigh, water splashing with each hit.

In the Manor’s ballroom, this years unpaired breeders and judges gather. The judges consist of the Matriarch, the lead breeder, and the most inbred member from each branch family.

*Note* – The branch family consist of members who have been selected for outbreeding. Any members of theirs can be chosen to be paired with any other family member. The main goal for a branch family is to have its lineage bred into the main family line. After this the branch family might stop existing entirely.

This year’s breeders gather around a long, wooden table in the middle of the ballroom. Ashe sits down between his sister, Aurora, and aunt, Ingrid. Although his sister has had two children already (one from each of their immediate uncles) she still has yet to be paired with a life partner.

*Note* – typically family members 35 and older have already been paired with life partners. Incidentally, Ashe’s aunt, Ingrid, is actually only a few years older than him. A lot of suspected age gaps between certain relations changes due to the inbreeding.

At the head of the table is smaller, more ornate one that lies perpendicularly to it. There sits the judges, with the matriarch in the middle. Hilde stands and announces “Welcome everyone to the Grayson Breeding Committee. All of you have been chosen to continue on the family tradition. Wish you all the best luck in finding your love here tonight in this room and may your children be beautiful!” she smiles and scans the room. “Now, please strip and line up in a single file line for your assessments.”

Everyone stands up at their seats and begins to strip. As Ashe’s aunt and sister fix their hair, they both get caught off guard as Ashe removes his underwear and what they can only describe as an enormous cock is revealed. “Jeeeesuz christ, how much are you working with there?” Aurora asks suddenly. Got off guard and slightly embarrassed, Ashe tries for a clever response “wait a few minutes and we’ll find out for sure”. He then grabs it by the base and spins it around to sell his fake confidence. The trio then joins the rest of the family in line to await their assessments.
