[F] – I got manipulated by a photographer back in college

I used to be a nerdy girl that got bullied by hotter girls and jocks or so that were in sororities and fraternities. I didn’t really get attention or hit on cause I was insecure anyway ..

Not going into details .. but at one of the events a guy came up to me and kinda flirted and told me I would look nice as a model and all that bla bla , which boosted my confidence a bit , and he knew I was insecure and he took advantage of that to get my attention which he easily got cause he was more attractive than any man I’ve ever had a long convo with . He was at a frat but he did photography and convinced me to do a photoshoot to show me how “hot” of a model I am .. I was insecure so idk I was easily manipulated .

Went to his place at the day he planned, it started with normal photos, he got more flirty and got more outfits that were more and more revealing . I didn’t look hot in them cause my body wasn’t great but he kept insisting and flirting with me that I believed it … it got more and more revealing until his flirtation started to be more touchy and I was just mesmerized by him being hot and by his words that I didn’t stop him and let him have his way and fuck me that night. I was happy and I enjoyed it because he was hot and I was made to feel so hot which I wasn’t really …

But it all changed when I found out that he had a camera rolling and filmed everything . Filmed how desperate and easy I was , how pathetic I was , how unfit I looked and sweaty and vulnerable and just following his orders because I was mesmerized which made me look so desperate and pathetic. I didn’t even look hot .

I found out about it because it got shared around frats and sororities and after seeing it again it was obvious he was just using me and not attracted to me and just being sarcastic but I was too dumb and insecure that I believed it and gave my self so easily ..

So yea bullies had their fun with that and I would start getting hit on by drunk guys at ends of parties and events telling me they know I’m easy and desperate or stuff like that or so .. which made me feel insulted …

But sometimes I let it happen just to feel wanted for the night and end up regretting it all at the morning after feeling used and discarded..

It is my choices and fault that I do it then just feel bad about doing it but that’s how insecure me got something at least

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/rv0y8u/f_i_got_manipulated_by_a_photographer_back_in


  1. Aw sorry to hear that just know your beautiful no matter what! It’s because of radiant light that people are drawn to try anything. Don’t be hard on yourself we are our own harshest critics. Once you learn to love yourself it won’t matter what others think. Hugs and kisses to you 😘❤️

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