Drive-In Blues [Gay/Hypnosis/Feminization]

Chapter Four: Send Me No Wine

[Warning: Heavy Themes of Mind Break and Non-Consent]

After half an hour of cleaning up the office with their tongues, the two were thoroughly exhausted, and no longer hypnotized. Ian and Alex leaned against eachother on the couch, desperately wanting a nap. Mr.Ferguson chuckled. “All tuckered out now huh? I live in the second and third floors of this building. Eliana will help you two find your way.”

Ian expected the secretary to come through the door to the lobby, but a different door opened to the left. A bubbly blonde no taller then Alex’s chin entered. What she lacked in height she made up for in her bottom half. Her hips and thighs would have made Ian hard if not for the previous hours of stress his cock had endures. Or was it his master making him slowly lose interest? There was no way to tell.

She smiled ear to ear “Come with me boys! We have the best silk sheets money can buy!”

Ian and Alex shambled over to her, resigned to their current situation. Ian decided that another plan to free them could wait until after a decent nap.

The stairs led to a much nicer apartment then either of them were expecting. A wide open living room was overlooked by a second floor balcony that most likely housed Mr.Ferguson’s bedroom. Three other women laid across the couch in different positions, watching the news on TV. What was disturbing to Ian was how normal it seemed to them. They were obviously enslaved, and yet one of them ever appeared to be working on schoolwork.

Eliana led them up the stairs and to the bedroom. Ian and Alex didn’t hesitate to flop onto the bed together. They both had full memory of what Mr.Ferguson had done with them. Any embarrassment about just sleeping next to eachother was gone. Eliana shut the blinds and darkness filled the room. Ian’s last thoughts before falling asleep were simple: *She wasn’t lying about these sheets*


Alex woke up first. He stretched out and yawned, and hung his head in defeat when he realized he had done so in the most effeminate way possible. Ian follow soon after. They both remained silent for a while.

Ian spoke first “Alright. One step at a time. Step one: We get dressed.”

Alex nodded “He ripped your shorts. Maybe you have a chance to wear something normal and go against orders”

Ian shrugged “It’s worth a shot” He stood up and walked over to the drawers that sat underneath the TV. He spent a moment looking through them, and picked a good looking pair of cargo shorts. He would need a belt, but they would work. Ian was just about to put them on when-

“Hellooo there!” Mr.Ferguson opened the door with such timing that Alex wondered if he had been watching them. Both Ian and Alex nearly jumped out of their skin. Ian dropped the shorts, not sure how to cover up what he’d been doing.

Mr.Ferguson grinned ear to ear. “Dont worry about that Ian, your loving master sent one of his slaves over with a new change of clothes and a gift for you two.”

Ian tried to regain composure. “He-he sent a slave over already?” *Just how close is he?”

Mr.Ferguson nodded and laid the clothes out on his bed in front of Alex. “Its a few hours of driving, but luckily you two slept right through it. I’d like you to meet your fellow toy: Izzy!” He put his hands out like a gameshow host towards the door as the telltale sound of flip flops rang out from it.

In walked a woman slightly taller then Ian. Her dirty blonde hair was cut at her ears, and she had a nose piercing. She wore Jean shorts cut low enough that the pockets could be seen poking out above her thighs. Her tank top had a local rock band on it, and her flip flops were black and cheap looking. She looked down at Ian and Alex and showed where she viewed them on the pecking order in an instant. “They’re even cuter in person. I can see why master is savoring them.”

Mr.Ferguson chuckled “As if he didn’t savor you just as well. I remember when he brought you to our poker night-”

Izzy cut him off “Ay Ay Ay, if master wants to tell that story to them he will. Until then only those who were there will know” her blushing was the only crack in her composure.

Ian and Alex looked at the clothes she had brought for them. They were matching outfits this time. Candy cane striped thigh highs were the eye catcher, then a solid red skirt, with suspenders that clipped onto them. Followed by what’s was probably tight fitting plain white shirt to go under the suspenders. Finally the finishing touch: the smallest set of white panties Ian had ever seen, with a little red bow on the hem right above where his dick would be.

Ian looked at the clothes for a second and back up at Izzy. “Really? Why not just fuck a girl like you at this point”

Izzy laughed at that “Im sure by the end of the week you’ll understand. As well my fellow slave: what’s the difference between you and a girl? You fall to your knees for masters cock all the same”

Ian wanted to argue but his smooth hairless legs reminded him how ridiculous that would be. For all intents and purposed he had been made so feminine that calling himself a man would be laughable. He wasn’t a woman either, but something in-between. Made to be toyed and played with for his masters sexual desires.

Ian shook his head. Those thoughts couldn’t be his own. This master had tainted his thoughts. Ian looked to Alex and despaired slightly when he saw Alex was already slipping on the thigh highs. Alex was probably farther under the masters control then he was. Who knew how hard it would be to free himself, let alone Alex.

Ian finally sighed and relented, getting dressed alongside Alex. It annoyed him to no end how comfortably the thigh highs hugged against his legs. Even worse was how…right the panties ft against his crotch. Ian had hoped for the relief of it being uncomfortably tight, but that was robbed from him. Instead the bulge and squeezing of the top part of his ass made him feel, damn it all, sexier.

The final product increased that feeling even more so. Standing alongside Alex in their matching outfits, it gave Ian the impression of being a set of earrings. Ian gritted his teeth and swore that the master would pay for every second of humiliation, and every though that was forced into his head.

Mr.Ferguson looked them up and down. “Very nice, how is your master doing anyway Izzy?”

Izzy spoke while putting two wrapped gifts onto the bed. “Very well, though busy with all the moving. I’m surprised he had time to set up the boy toys here”

Ian decided to ignore the comment and pointed at the presents. “And what are these supposed to be?” The presents were both square, and in any other circumstance Ian would have assumed they were an item of clothing. However he would have bet every cent in his bank account that there was a dildo hidden in there.

Izzy smirked and looked down at the presents. “Master doesn’t want you to open them until you get back to your dorm. And if they are what I think they are” she smiled up at Ian “You’ll be having lots of fun”

Izzy began to exit the room. Mr.Ferguson followed. Ian looked at Alex, somewhat annoyed “What you have nothing to say to this?”

Alex shook his head “Look man, arguing with people who have complete control over you is how you get your ass spanked. Alexa may want that, but I sure as hell don’t.”

Ian sighed “Yea…yea you’re right. Maybe playing along will make them careless”

Alex shrugged “Who knows. Playing along might take us deeper. Hypnosis is annoying like that”

Ian chuckled “Couldn’t you have been into feet or leather like a normal degenerate”

Alex laughed “You can blame the snake in jungle book for that. Let’s get going”


Ian breathed a sigh of relief as they got back to his dorm. No sudden shots of arousal through his body. Even though Izzy had said to go back to the dorm to open the presents, Ian had been on edge the whole drive. It didn’t help that they were unable to roll up the windows, small electric shocks keeping their hands away. Every car that stopped alongside them at a light got a great view of their outfits. The walk from the car to the dorm left them both in a state of mortification and arousal that Ian hoped he would never replicate.

Up in Ian’s room, him and Alex both stared at the presents in their hands. Each one came with a card in an envelope, addressed to Alexa and Nia. Alex began opening the envelope “What are the odds on our triggers being written in these?”

Ian did the same. “Well I’m sure it’s somewhere between the sun rising tomorrow and my ass being sore tomorrow.”

They read the card inside the envelope at the same time. Ians read: *Just a little taste*. Ian raised an eyebrow and traded cards with Alex. It read the same.

“Dildo?” Ian said

“Definitely dildo” Alex replied.

Again they opened the presents in unison. Underneath the wrapping of Ian’s gift was a shirt. It was workout shirt, and to Ian’s surprise, was definitely worn recently. Ian realized what was happening and tried to throw it away, but the smell hit his nose and his fingers wouldn’t let go. This was the scent of his master. The sweat that would drip off of his masters body as he ravaged Ian’s body over and over. Instantly Ian’s body was hot, his dick hard against the small panties. Even his fucking nipples were hard and visible underneath the tight white shirt.

Ian knew he was trapped, and behind the shirt he could see Alex going through the very same emotions. Ian threw aside his clothes, possessed by an urge to have this shirt against his naked body. He was only wearing the panties when he pulled the shirt over his head. The smell enveloped him like a heavenly glow. If this was just a taste of his master, it made him genuinely excited to meet the real deal.

The shirt went down past his waste, and halfway a quarter of the way to his knees. Their master was a big man, a real man. Ian couldn’t stop those kinds of thoughts from flowing through his mind as he rubbed his crotch through the shirt and panties. He rolled on the ground, moaning as he did. Real men didn’t let themselves get toyed with like this. The fact he was ever close to becoming this way meant something had been wrong with him from the beginning. He had been destined to be a toy for real men.

Ian felt Alex push himself on top of him. Alex was also wearing his shirt, and it increased the smell of sweat that clogged Ian’s mind. Their tongues desperately twirled together, and Ian felt Alex pulling up on his panties, digging them deeper into his ass and tightening them against his erection. Ian did the same to him, unsure if it was an act of revenge or if he wanted Alex to feel the same pleasure.

Alex groaned and whispered something Ian’s ear that made him shiver “Are we even hypnotized right now”

Ian didn’t have tim to answer before they began kissing again. They had to be hypnotized. There was no way this was natural. But the though that this was just who he was….somehow it made his cock even harder.

His erection pushed through four layers of clothing against Alex’s. They grinded against eachother, instinctually, thoughtlessly, wanting nothing but the pleasure that came from submitting to the mere scent of their master.

Ian was sucking on Alex’s tongue, and felt him come all over the inside of his panties. The wet feeling made him shudder, and he squealed as his own cock rocketed cum against his white panties.

They fell asleep just like that in Ian’s bed. Cum filled panties, and their masters sweat smell mixing with their own.

*End of Chapter Four*
