Step Sister Corruption Part 203 – Day 113 Test Pt 2 (fiction, M/F/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con)


Did this bitch’s nipples suddenly get hard???

And her areolas puffed out?

Or was my eyes playing tricks on me?

Sabrina noticed that I couldn’t stop staring at her chest even after she was done with her drink. She looked down at her breasts to see what I was looking at before looking at me, “What is it Summer?”

I looked up at her, “Did your nipples get hard?”

She looked down at her nipples before looking at me and shrugged, “So my nipples got hard. So what? They do that randomly especially since I had them pierced.”


Is that a thing?

I looked at her, “So your nipples randomly get hard?”

She lightly chuckled, “Yeah they do that. They hardly go soft as they get hard for the smallest thing. Rubbing against a bra gets them hard. Change in the air…hard.”

Maybe Gabe’s thinking was wrong.

Then I remembered my line of questioning. I looked at her, “Sorry where were we?”

Sabrina smiled, “You asked me if I’m into giving guy’s head.”

I smiled, “Right. Sorry.”

I vaguely remember asking her that before she decided to finish her tea and her nipples decided to become hard right before my eyes.

I looked at her, “So you don’t like how they taste. Is that right?”

Sabrina nodded, “Yeah every time I’ve *tried* to go down on a guy their dick’s usually smell like they haven’t washed for the occasion and they usually don’t do shit to their hair so when I do go down on them I’m picking their hair out of my mouth. Then there’s their cum. It’s just too salty and slimy. Instantly trigger’s my gag reflex.”

She pushed her mug towards me, “Mind if I get a refill?”

I looked down at her empty mug and looked down at my own mug as it was also empty.

I wouldn’t mind a refill myself.

I laughed as I stood up, “Yeah I feel you on guy’s not preparing their shit for head. Before Gabe, I had to convince every guy to at least trim their bush before I even put my mouth near their dick’s. Hell when Gabe and I first started having sex his bush was wild and unkempt.”

I walked over to the kitchen where I had set the pot after pouring our tea so it wasn’t in the way.

Sabrina spoke, “Really? How’d you convince him to shave?”

I shrugged as my back was to her, “Easy. I told him if he didn’t shave I wasn’t going to go down on him.”

Sabrina chuckled, “That’s a good motivator.”

I reached up to where I hid my special *whiskey* and squeezed a dropper or two of the slimy substance into each of our mugs before pouring the tea into it finishing the pot.

I took a spoon and stirred each of our mug’s so the tea could dissolve **my** *whiskey*.

Then I emptied the pot of the used leaves into the trash. After that I put more water into the pot this time enough water to make seven or eight cups and threw in the rest of my peppermint tea leaves as I didn’t have much left.

Looks like peppermint tea will be added to the shopping list for the next time we go shopping. Or I might have to make a special trip to the tea store near my work for the real shit. Can’t stand bagged tea in the stores after I found the tea shop.

I sighed but nonetheless moved on not dwelling on my supply of tea being used.

I walked back to table and slid Sabrina’s mug towards her.

I sat down in front of Sabrina and took a sip of my tea before I addressed Sabrina, “So the reason I’m asking is I know Gabe loves a good blowjob.”

Sabrina sighed, “So you’re telling me Gabe will want me to use my mouth on him?”

I smiled, “A mouth I’m sure is more talented than **my** mouth.”

Sabrina blushed, “I doubt that. Besides I just said I don’t like how guy’s taste especially their cum.”

I smiled thinking *Yet you have no problem’s with his precum that your drinking!* as I watched her take a big gulp of *my* tea.

I smiled, “Yet you have that big mouth.”

Sabrina blushed.

I continued, “And that long ass tongue.”

Sabrina blushed but spoke, “Yeah but I only use that for food.”

I thought *And talking shit!*. I leaned forward, “I’m sure if you practiced you could see how good it feels to control a guy with your mouth.”

I smiled wickedly, “And that tongue.”

Sabrina blushed but spoke, “I don’t think I can do that.”

I leaned with a smile, “Nonsense it’s amazing being able to control a guy’s orgasm with just your mouth. It’s exhilarating.”

She blinked at me, “Really?”

I gave her my wicked smile and simply nodded while I thought *Though with his new stamina he’ll make your jaw hurt*.

Ok I was being *really* **really** vindictive as Sabrina had held onto her thoughts and still shared her idea’s of us being *whores* and *sluts* at every turn. But she still did everything I asked of her.

Amazing what one will do in order to get regularly fucked after not having dick for so long.

Sabrina blushed, “I don’t think I can control a guy’s orgasm with my mouth let alone him cumming in my mouth without wanting to throw up.”

As she drank more of the tea that held the thing she said she couldn’t stand.

I smiled at the irony not realizing exactly how much of a bitch I was being.

Ok I knew I was being a bitch.

But come one if any girl in my shoes with my background of our circle of fun. Would they do the same?

Would they blame me?

Yeah I thought so.

I spoke, “Really even if his flavor profile is changed?”

Sabrina thought about it, “Not even then. Something about the texture just sets off my gag reflex no matter the taste.”

Then a absolutely evil idea hit me. Ok it wasn’t as evil as what was hiding in Sabrina’s cup but evil nonetheless.

I had completely forgotten the idea that Brynn brought over….the milky thick liquid that closely resembled cum but wasn’t cum.

Brynn brought it over shortly before our change and completely forgotten about it as we had been a little busy since the change.

And it even had a funny name…..*Incubum*. Whatever that meant.

This stuff was supposed to have an aphrodisiac in it that was both mild non addictive and strong bringing out a person’s willingness to swallow cum.

When I had originally tried a sample of the mysterious fluid finding the texture closely resembled fresh thick cum as it was slimy but the flavor notes were completely off.

It didn’t have Gabe’s natural *earthy-ness* that tasted really ***really*** good…..and that’s before he takes those supplements that I *may* or *may not* have convinced him to take which turns his flavor notes to almost irresistible levels as I constantly find myself having a hard time tearing myself away from ingesting.

This was more bland and nearly flavorless.

What it did do was coat my mouth and insides. And I felt like the pseudo cum was more of a filler….at first.

Once whatever was in the stuff kicked in I kind of went into overdrive as I sucked Gabe off again and again until his dick couldn’t cum anymore though I wanted more like I was some type of *cumpire* (a vampire that survived on cum instead of blood).

I would say it turned me into a succubus but I thought that term was wrong as a succubus would *suck* the life out of their prey through their victim’s dick and usually drain their victim. All I cared about was the cum so my *cumpire* analogy was more correct in my mind.

That was before the change.

Been a little busy to actually remember it and haven’t had Sabrina, or any of the other girl’s over since our change due to the holiday’s, to get back to her *training*.

Guess now was the best time as any.




  1. Omg this is great I was wondering when Sabrina was coming back and now she’s gonna be completely addicted to gabes cum

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