Step Sister Corruption Part 199 – Day 113 Dr Talk (fiction, M/F/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con)


Yesterday was weird.

Ok last night was weird. Wasn’t expecting Summer to rape me. Let alone her confession of her **feeling** my precum leak inside her.

But this morning Summer seemed like her normal self as she kissed me and did her normal morning routine as she teased me before she had to go to work.

Kel helped Summer *tease* me as both gobbled and took turns licking off my precum as it leaked out.

When Summer left for work Kel herself kicked me out of my room so she could *edit* the video’s from her car and needed to be alone so she wasn’t distracted.

I for myself found my girl’s recent actions weird. Weird enough I needed to talk to someone.

And that someone was Dr Braxter.

I decided video chat was probably the best option and quickly called Dr Braxter.

The phone rang a few rings before Dr Braxter’s face came onto my phone.

Dr. Braxter saw my face and immediately smiled, “Ah Mr Newman. Perfect timing I was going to call you today.”

I looked at her, “Oh?”

She nodded, “Yes. I had gotten most of you all’s test results back the other day as I had more detailed tests ran and they took longer than normal.”

I looked at her, “Is something going on?”

Dr. Braxter shook her head, “No unfortunately. Just more questions than answers at the moment.”

I looked at her, “But we’re ok. Right?”

Dr. Braxter nodded, “Sure Sure.”

I quizzically tilted my head, “Then why do you need to talk to us if all your tests on us came back leaving you with more questions than answers?”

Dr. Braxter just looked at me, “Just trying to be thorough seeing how you, Kelly and Summer are the first to undergo the enhanced formula just trying to get as much information as possible.”

I blinked, “Oh.”

Was there something going on with our tests?

I looked at her, “Was there something happen with **my** test results?”

At least this question might help answer something about what has been happening.

Dr Braxter was quick to answer, “Nothing out of the ordinary that I can tell but like I said there’s more questions than answer’s.”

I looked at her, “Like?”

Dr Braxter sighed, “First your sperm results came back looking normal with nearly the same results as last time. Though there was more volume it acted like it was normal.”

I thought about what she just said and what happened last night and was left in the same result as Dr Braxter….confused.

Maybe my nuts hadn’t made the ‘*enhanced*’ portion of my sperm because it was already full with old ‘*unenhanced*’ sperm?

Did that make sense?

Could that be why it gave nearly the same results?

She looked at me and spoke snapping me out of my thought, “Seeing how you called me is there something you want to talk about?”

I sighed, “How do I explain this.”

Dr. Braxter spoke, “Gabe you can talk to me. If there’s something going on I need to know.”

I nodded, “Yeah something is going on with the girl’s.”

Dr. Braxter looked interested, “Like?”

I spoke, “How do I explain this….

The girl’s have admitted they have craved my precum and love the taste. Which is fine and all.

But last night Summer went into full lust mode as she tackled my ass and basically raped me saying stuff like *feeling* my precum leak into her pussy.

Oh and why is it when I cum in them my cum doesn’t leak like it used to?”

Dr. Braxter laughed at me, “She raped you?”

I looked at her thinking that was highly unprofessional but I nodded.

Dr. Braxter spoke, “Has Kelly raped you?”

I shook my head.

Dr. Braxter looked at me, “There has to be a reason. What did you do over the last couple of days?”

I shrugged, “Me and Kel went out of town for a couple of days then we got back last night.”

Dr. Braxter mused, “And Summer wasn’t with you during this trip?”

I shook my head, “No.”

Dr. Braxter smiled, “And have you and the girl’s been regularly having intercourse since you left the hospital?”

I looked at her, “Yeah….”

I was obviously confused as to what she’s been getting at.

Dr. Braxter continued her questions, “And has the girl’s increased their activity to, excuse the term….give you a blowjob?”

I thought back on everything and spoke, “Now that you mention it yeah they have increased their willingness to go down on me.”

She smiled but continued, “And have they gone crazed when they taste your * ahem * precum?”

I nodded, “Yeah.”

She smiled, “And how long was Summer away from you before she raped you?”

I shrugged, “A couple of days at most. Why?”

She smiled, “Well there you go. That’s the reason she raped you.”

I blinked confused.

How does both girl’s increasing their willingness to give me head relate to Summer raping me?

I mean I know she didn’t *rape* me as I was willing to fuck her but the fact that she tackled me and acted so out of character was the big thing.

That and the whole *feeling* my precum was completely unusual.

I spoke, “I don’t follow.”

She smiled, “I’ll speak in simple terms Mr. Newman. The girl’s have increased their willingness to blow you correct?”

I nodded.

She continued, “Meaning that their libido has been put into overdrive which explains their craving, as you so eloquently put it, for your precum and cum. The longer they’re away from said craving aka you and Kelly going on a trip without her for a couple of a days was enough for her to be foaming at the mouth to have her craving satiated hence why she tackled you and fucked just to get your unique flavor.”

She mused out loud, “Which brings into question if your reproductive fluid has a possible addictive quality in it.”

Addictive what?

What was she talking about?

Was she insinuating that my cum is now crack? Or some type of addictive drug?

She looked at me, “Have you fucked anyone other than Kelly and Summer?”

Uh oh!

I looked at her and nodded.

She spoke, “Have they become addicted?”

I thought about her question. I mean I did fuck those eight girl’s yesterday though I didn’t cum in them I’m sure I dumped enough precum in them.

Did their behavior change after that?

I don’t think they did.

Ok well maybe Jaime but I think that has more to do with her confidence that she believed her pussy was so good that she was certain that I would be a two pump chump. And I was satisfied to show her that she wasn’t.

But did her demeanor change after that?

I just chalked up her change to her confidence that her pussy was the shit and couldn’t believe my dick naturally resisted cumming in her.

No. I don’t think it did.

I looked at Dr Braxter, “I don’t think so.”

She mused out loud again, “Maybe they have to ingest it or be exposed to more of your fluids before addiction sets in.”

She looked at me, “Anything else?”

I nodded, “Yeah why can’t I fucking cum fast?”

She blinked at me at my obvious outburst but quickly recovered, “I’m sorry?”

I spoke clearly, “Why…Can’t…..I…..Cum….Fast?”

She smiled but coughed before she spoke, “Well as I’ve explained the enhanced formula would have multiple side effects. Are you telling me you can’t cum? Or just not fast enough?”

I sighed but spoke, “Not fast enough.”

She smiled, “But you can cum?”

I nodded, “Yeah but it takes forever.”

She laughed again.

Yeah she was being unprofessional.

This wasn’t a laughing matter. This was serious.

She got herself under control, “Maybe you just need to adjust to your new body and you’ll find your ‘trigger’. Like I said you’re in new territory.”

I sighed. *Thanks genius I already did that.*

She spoke, “Anything else?”

I nodded, “Yeah why is it when I do cum in them my cum doesn’t leak out?”

She shrugged, “No idea.”

Great thanks bitch. I could have come up with that answer all on my lonesome.

Dr Braxter spoke, “Though if I were to **guess** now that their bodies are enhanced it’s possible their ovaries are producing more eggs and dropping more eggs which increases their libido to a heightened magnitude. It’s possible with said increase their pussy’s are just holding onto as much of your cum for said eggs to fertilize them which is why they aren’t leaking. That’s just a guess though.”

I looked at her, “Huh?”

Dr. Braxter sighed, “You did pay attention in class when I talked about reproduction. Right?”

I shook my head, “No not really.”

Dr. Braxter sighed and shook her head while she pinched the bridge of her nose.

I looked at her, “So what should I do?”

Dr. Braxter smiled, “Enjoy it.”

I looked at her, “No. Not that. If my cum is addictive what should I do?”

Dr. Braxter laughed, “Afraid your harem might get bigger?”

Yes bitch. I have enough of a headache as it is.

She looked at me serious, “I’d like for you to come in and we get some of your sperm to retest and I can run some test’s on it’s possible ‘addictive’ nature.”

I sighed thinking that I really didn’t have time with everything going on.

I looked at her and spoke, “I’ll have to find some time to do that but with recent events I don’t know **when** I can come in.”

She looked at me, “Mr Newman this is important we need it if what you’re saying is true.”

She smiled, “But if **you** want fast result’s you can test if your cum or precum is addictive.”

I spoke, “Ok how?”

She looked at me and I could tell she was masking something. Then she started talking about how she wanted me to *test* if my fluids were addictive or not.

I knew right then and there….I was going to be raped….again.

