Owned – Chapter Four – A lonely mom learns to love enslavement by grown son and his domineering girlfriend … Rape, Incest, Humiliation, (lots of) Forced Orgasms, Drugs, FFfM, BDSM, Long

Chapter 4 *- Call Me Abby*

The first time I met Melanie in person was on my back tied to my bed.

Frank Jr. was in my bedroom that morning doing FaceTime with her on the iPad when I came out of the shower in my bathrobe and a towel around my wet hair, telling her to come over and meet his mom. I was confused, both that he had a girl, and because up til then he had been treating this day like one of *those* days: I take some kind of pill he gives me, shower, then surrender utterly to whatever he wants to do to me for as long as he wants to do it. Plus, the restraints and flog were already laid out on my bed.

I never knew for sure which trip I was taking because he never told me. He only made me take the drugs once or twice a week, and never the same one twice because he didn’t want me to develop a tolerance to anything. But after performing my ablutions that morning, I was starting to feel the warm melty edges that made me think it was probably the X, which isn’t as extreme as some of the others.

While they’re chatting and totally ignoring me he props the iPad upright with the case open on the low dresser next to my bed like when he films us fucking. Then he grabs me and pulls me onto his lap so she can get a better look at me. He holds my jaw for her so I can’t turn away and pulls one side of my robe open to expose a breast.

Up close I can see that she’s a pretty blond in her thirties who was decidedly un-shocked by what Junior was doing to me. I was used to his rough handling, but being on display for her was unbearable. I did the unthinkable then, and for maybe the first time ever began to struggle against his iron grasp. Without hardly trying he pulls both of my arms behind me and pins my wrists together in one hand. Then he sweeps the robe back off my shoulders with the other so I’m completely exposed. He holds up one of my sagging tits for her and says, “Huh?” Like he’s asking what she thinks.

“Holy shit, babe!” She says. “You were not kidding about her body! Your mamma’s a fucking hotty! Hi Mrs. Geddis!”

It sort of registered that she was paying me a compliment which was confusing because it also felt like she was mocking me. And who was she, anyway? And why was she so pleased by what he was doing to me?

“Go away!” I screeched at her and struggled even harder against his grasp.

He stood up lifting me off his lap with his hands under my arm pits, then casually turned and tossed me on the bed like a sack of potatoes.

“What are you going to do to her?” She asks him in this breathy voice. Not like she’s worried for me, though. Like she was excited to know.

“Everything. You gonna watch?”

“Oh, fuck yeah! Are you going to tie her up? Are you going to fuck her?” I hear her ask, and I’m wondering that myself.


“I’m coming over,” she says, but she doesn’t hang up.

It is strangely contradictory to feel panicked when you are high on Ecstasy, but as Frank Jr. set about buckling the leather cuffs to my extremities I fought him in desperation. I’d already let him do this to me too many times to count without offering any resistance whatsoever, but letting her see us was more than I could bear. I don’t know what all I screamed, but I know I begged and blubbered more than I ever had before just from him tying me down.

I could still sometimes see the iPad on my dresser while I fought in vain against my bondage. The bitch was obviously on the move because the world behind her head was swirling, but her smiling face was still glued to her phone.

Frank straddled my body and gets my hands fastened above me to the headboard. I know there is no hope that this isn’t going to happen now, and still I thrashed and screamed.

“Taste her for me, babe.” I hear her say from the dresser.

I looked over and the phone wasn’t in her hand anymore because I could see almost all of her now on the iPad. There’s a loud wind noise on her end and her wavy blond hair is whipping around her head so it’s clear she’s driving a convertible. The wind and hard sunlight made her pretty b-cup tits and rather prominent puffy nipples super obvious under the pale green silk tank top. Her cut off jeans are open and the hand she’s not steering with is holding a little battery powered vibrator on herself. Even though they probably can’t see it, I think it must be obvious to anyone else in their cars what she’s doing because she’s making no effort to hide it. It also makes me think that they can see me on her phone because it’s attached to the dashboard somehow.

Frank Jr. pulled my ankles apart with a flourish like he’s showing off for her then buries his face in my vagina and starts lapping and slobbering and loudly sucking on me like a pig. I stopped my angry yammering then, and started gasping and writhing instead because what else *could* I do?

I looked up at the iPad and she’s watching him do it to me with her mouth open like she’s getting off on it, and it occurs to me that this is probably exactly what my face must look like to her just then.

I prayed for her to crash and die in a fire.

“Fuck that’s hot, baby! I still can’t believe you do that to your mom! My pussy is dripping! I want to be there with you so bad!”

“Get over here, then.”

“I’m git’n! Promise me you won’t let her cum til I get there!”

“No problem,” he mumbles into my vagina without looking up, and slows the aggressive tongue lashing to maddening, gentle strokes.

I screamed at her to go away again which they both have a chuckle over.

It took her some time to get to our house, and my son used every second of it to torment me with arousal and pain. The whole time she watched us as much as she did the road, and kept up a running commentary not only about how she was pleasuring herself in public, but also of things she wanted to watch him do to me. He did everything she asked. She wasn’t even in the house with us yet and already I felt like I was being raped by both of them.

I was furious to be used for her entertainment, but also kind of shocked that she seemed to be in charge, sort of. I hadn’t thought Junior capable of taking instructions from anyone much less some girl, even if she *was* beautiful.

“Can you fuck her without making her cum?”

“Naw. She usually pops as soon as I’m in there.”

“Eat her ass for me, babe.”

“K” he replies, and rolls me on my stomach.

“Put some pillows under her so her ass is sticking up….a mountain of pillows… Yeah… Like that… That’s hot, babe. Now, show me how you pleasure your mama…..spread her with your hands… now spank that pussy… Oooh, that’s looks so *good*, baby. I can tell she loves it! … She’s close, though babe. Don’t let her cum.”

She was right, and he didn’t.

With all that was happening to me I was still hyper aware of what she was doing to herself. I marveled at how powerfully erotic it must be to have that kind of freedom. Like life was a waking dream with no consequences. I decided she was crazy like my Junior. I still wanted her dead, but also I kind of envied her.

“Babe!” She gasped. “That’s so fucking hot! Hurt her tits for me, honey. Use the whip.”

He did.

“Oh Jesus!…You’re gonna make me cum, babe! Keep hitting her! … Yes! Hurt your mamma’s tits for me, honey!…Now hurt that pussy, baby. Yes! Yes!… Harder baby! Make it hurt!… Yes! Here it comes!… I’m stopped at a red light,… and,… and this family is next to me in a Volvo,… and,… they’re watching me!…”

Even though my son was savaging me with his whip I couldn’t look away from her. With her car stopped she was able to give total focus to her phone. I watched her rotate her hips towards me and swing a long leg out of the camera’s view, but up high so definitely in view of the people stalled in traffic around her. One hand worked her plump nipples through the silk, and her legs were wide as she rolled herself in circles against the toy in her pants. Junior is spreading my labia with one hand and flicking my clitoris with the tip of his tongue while the tip of a finger eased gently in and out of my anus. I feel my toes curl and my thighs begin to quiver as the orgasm took form, and so did my bastard of a son. He kept probing my ass but his tongue abandoned me and now he’s only blowing on my hyper sensitized clit. Still, it’s enough. When he started mauling my tits with his free hand I could feel myself teetering on the edge of that moment when gravity takes over and you fall irrevocably into bliss. But he knows.

I am shocked away from the edge again by the hot sting of a slap against the inside of my thigh. The orgasm my body kept promising dissolved yet again and I cried out in frustration.

“Please!” I begged.

I realized as I said it that I was staring at her, but she had her own thing going on.

“Ah!… Ah!… Oh fuck!…I’m gonna cum! The mom is screaming at her kids not to look… but the windows are down and everyone is… watching me…HI SWEETY!…they’re all,…watching me cum… Oh FUCK!…Oh FUCK!… Here it is! … It’s so good, baby! I’m cummin so good!! OH GOD! OH FUCK!” And so on until she finishes.

After, she just lays there slumped back against the door breathing hard with her eyes closed while the lane next to hers streamed by. People are holding up phones and screaming support or condemnation at her from their open windows while the people stuck behind her are honking at her to go, but she doesn’t give a shit. It felt so unfair that she got to cum and I didn’t.

I was so excited and so desperate for release my vagina was clenching convulsively, trying to complete the process on it’s own. He slapped my thigh again, and again the orgasm retreated just out of reach. I needed to cum so bad, but Junior knew my body too well.

I began to weep in frustrated confusion. I didn’t want to feel this impossible amount of pleasure at the hands of my son, or at the powerfully erotic sight of this strange woman pleasuring herself, but it wasn’t like I could decide how it all felt.

“Please,” I begged her again. Smiling, she stared straight into her camera knowing that I was looking into her eyes and shook her head, no.

Eventually Frank Jr. released my hands from the headboard, but only to change the shape of my bondage. He had connected the cuffs on my wrists to the cuffs on my ankles, and then to the straps that went under the mattress (thanks again, Amazon!) so that I was spread as wide as my hips would go and utterly helpless when I heard her come in through the front door. He’s slowly pumping me with the long middle fingers of one hand while the other is brushing rapidly back and forth across my clitoris as the orgasm took form again.

When she yelled, “Hey Baby!” from the hallway, he yells back, “In here!” and I know my worst nightmare was about to come true.

I felt the pleasure surge as my hips started lurching uncontrollably and I yelled, “No! No! No!” at no one in particular because saying no to Junior is like saying no to the rain.

As I’m mewling through my first soul crushing climax of the day, in walks Melanie with an open mouthed smile, hopping up and down and clapping and giggling like a ten year old girl just finding out she was getting Barbie *and* the Dream House for Christmas.

I see why Junior listens to her, was my first thought, cause she was local weather girl pretty. And too old for him, was my second. But also familiar, somehow.

Junior isn’t letting up with his fingers though, and my hips are hunching into his hands as the orgasm rips through me. Once he gets me going he can pretty much keep me going, and it’s just wave upon wave until he gets bored of making me cum.

And even though I’m being rocked by drugs and forced to feel overwhelming sensations, there is another me paying attention to everything. Like; how wild her windblown hair is and I how I wished my hair was like that. And how her silk tank top showed off the flush in her neck and chest from all the cumin she did in her car on the way over. And how he probably likes her tits more than mine on account of how pretty and upturned they are on her slender frame.

She slips her sodden shorts to the floor and hops half naked up on the bed so she’s kneeling next to my spasming body, then introduces herself all sweet and polite, “Good afternoon Mrs. Geddis. I’m Melanie.” like we were at a church social.

Without another word the bitch starts raking her manicured claws across my tits and pinching my nipples with one hand while the other slides under the back of my head and grips me hard by the hair. I’m only cuming harder now and suddenly her smiling face is growing in my vision. I feel her mouth settle gently over mine.

“I’m kissing a woman,” is all I can think – and all I can do is helplessly moan my orgasm into her mouth.

After they finish with me I lay there in bondage panting like I just ran a million miles while the lovebirds made out with each other pretty much on top of me. It occurred to me that she was tasting my vagina on his mouth and I hated her with the fire of a thousand suns. For the first time in my life I knew what burning jealousy felt like, which I will admit is a strange thing for a mamma to feel over a son who is busy raping her. Even so, I resolved to murder the bitch just as soon as he cut me loose.

I heard her ask, “Can I play with her?” All sweet and innocent like she wanted to have a tea party, but she was grinding my nipples hard enough between her fingers to make me whimper while she said it, so I guess we all knew what she was asking for.

“Sure, baby,” he says. “Go nuts.”

I wailed, “Noooooo!” and started sobbing again like they had just agreed to murder me because it almost felt like it. After all the indignities I had suffered at the hands of my psycho son, now he was going to let this middle aged slut have lesbian fun with me as well? Life was screwed up enough as a heterosexual woman. The last thing I needed was for this beautiful she-devil to make me a gay.

She clapped her hands again in that girlish way and waggled her eyebrows suggestively at me as she slipped the teddy top off over head. Good God, the girl is a beauty. I found myself wondering what it would feel like to put my mouth around her surprisingly pale and puffy campfire marshmallow sized nipples, then blushed when she caught me staring. She smiled knowingly and ran her hands over her body for me. Maybe if I hadn’t been so high I might’ve looked away. She giggled and exchanged a look with Junior.

“It’s okay Mrs Geddis. You can look. I like lookin at you, too. You’re beautiful, honey. Your Frank’s a very lucky boy he gets to fuck his mamma, aren’t you baby?”

He just smiled.

I lost it again and started screaming the most horrible things at her. Just crazy things like that I would tell the internet that she was a rapist so nobody would care when I killed her with a big kitchen knife or ruined the paint on her car, and that she was going to Hell when she died even though I didn’t believe in it anymore, etc. etc. Just lots of screaming, lots of crazy. But really, I think I was mostly afraid that I was gonna like whatever she was about to do.

Junior left the bed while I was having my meltdown and went to sit in the comfy chair by the window to watch her do things to me. She just shushed me like she was quieting a fussy baby by stroking my face and hair. Then she left trails of whisper soft butterfly kisses up and down my splayed limbs that tingled on my skin long after her lips moved away. Eventually I spent my tantrum like an over-tired child, and even though I was till sniffing and hiccuping I allowed her mouth and soft stroking hands to comfort me. Also the Ecstasy was pleasantly softening and amplifying everything so her touch made my nerves sparkle like when Frank Jr. does it, but different.

Honestly, it was real nice how she touched me. Not even that sexual at first. But just as I had that thought she took my nipple between her lips. I wasn’t prepared for how right it would feel. She slid her slender fingers gently up into my wetness and I felt my body rocking against her hand in response. I couldn’t stop myself from letting out a long, low, moan of pleasure and despair.

She began to slide her naked body over mine like she was trying out all the wonderful ways we fit together. I’m not sure why it was so electric, but the feeling of those pretty hanging tits dragging back and forth over my exposed skin set me on fire like nothing I had ever felt.

She draped a leg over mine and lowered herself onto my thigh. I felt her vagina open against my skin like a wet mouth before sliding slowly in towards my own, very exposed vagina, my body quivering in anticipation of the contact. Like two octopuses finding love in the murky deep, they merged and began to dance against each other as if they had wills of their own. I was shocked at how good it felt.

“Oh,” I thought. “So this is gay.” I suddenly understood why people loved it so much.

I had that two-person feeling again to where I was both tied to my bed experiencing the touch of another woman for the first time, and at the same time in the air above us watching her make love to my helpless body while over on the chair my son held his phone camera on us and stroked his penis.

For some reason I believed that if she made me cum, then I would be turned. So when I felt the pleasure gathering like a cresting wave in my loins I fought to hold it back. “I’m not a lesbian,” I gasped.

She lifted her smile from my breast long enough say, “Me neither, Mrs. Geddis,” before returning her exquisite lips to my nipples.

It must of been the X, or just social reflex, but before I could think to stop myself I responded with, “Call me Abby.”

The me that was watching was fascinated by the difference in being loved on by a woman instead of a man. It was softer and gentler as you would expect, less heavy, but it was more cooperative, sort of. Junior wrenched orgasms from my body without mercy like a bear pulls salmon from a stream. This felt more like conjuring.

Yes, she was coercing it from me – my hips began to thrust against hers and I knew I couldn’t stop it anymore – but what I felt emerging from me wasn’t something to be frightened of. A hand was under my ass pulling me hard against her as we ground our pussies together, and she was crushing my tits just hard enough with the other. When her mouth covered mine again I didn’t have to be told to make it good. I couldn’t stop myself. We kissed like we had loved each other for a thousand years. It was like our mouths and vaginas completed an energetic loop between us so that my orgasm began to flow into her and hers through me in pulse after pulse until we were transported to a transcendent state of bliss outside of time.

Did I mention yet how much I like the X?

I remember feeling disappointed when her body pulled away from mine, but she wasn’t done with me. She rotated herself over me and lowered a perfect breast to my mouth. I hesitated when she brushed the puffy mound across my lips, but when I felt her suckling my own breast I did what felt natural and took the puff between my lips. It was beautiful. Just beautiful. We pleasured each other’s tits for long minutes with our mouths, lost in bliss. I found myself wishing my hands were free so I could handle hers like she was handling mine. I was so excited by her mouth and hands on my breasts that I was on the verge of cuming again. I guess she could tell because she started playing with my pussy, alternately plunging her fingers into me and then quickly spanking my clit until the orgasm became an eruption.

“Say, *Thank you My Love.*”

I tried to say something in response to her instruction but the words wouldn’t form. She started spanking me slower, but harder.

“Say, *Thank you My Love*.”

“Thankyoumaaah,” I gasped, but that’s as far as I got before she slapped me again. With each strike I was cycling between shocking pain and orgasmic explosions.

“Please,” I managed to gasp between my crazy sounding high pitched wales.

“*Thank you My Love*,” she repeated and slapped me again.

I could only scream as I felt myself squirting another jet of fluid into the air.

“My Love!… My,…thankyouLove!… ThankyouMyLove! ThankyouMyLove! Please! Please!” I sobbed.

“Oh, Honey,” she said sounding genuinely regretful that she had gone too far. She bent down over me and took my face in both hands.

“Oh, poor Baby,” She began to kiss the tears that streamed backwards down my cheeks into my ears and hair.

“Oh, my sweet, sweet, girl.” She said and kissed me gently on the lips. “Was that too hard? You want me to be gentle, baby?” she cooed at me.

I wasn’t fooled. The gentle angel who had been coaxing me to the dark side had been replaced by a cynical succubus who was using me for her pleasure. I didn’t want her to do anything to me, but I would take gentler if that was the best I could hope for. I nodded.

WHAAP! She smacked my vagina again!

“Use your words, dear,” she said like she was instructing a child.

“Yes pleease, pleeeease be gentle.” I wept.


“YESMYLOVE! YESMYLOVE! Please!… Please!” I was willing to say anything to get off the roller coaster.

I felt her knees slide forward to my shoulders as her hips straddled my head and had only seconds to realize that she was about to make me taste her before it happened. I regained my sanity for a moment because I started babbling something about not wanting to be a homo right before she smothered my mouth with her vagina. I turned my head away in disgust so my face was smushed against her thigh, but she wasn’t having it.

She started slapping at my tits hard enough to make them bounce and says, “Now, now, Abby. Be a dear and put your mouth on my cunt like a good little whore. It’s okay if I call your mamma a whore, ain’t it, Frank?”

He didn’t say anything so I guessed she was playin for the camera, and he was smiling his consent.

When I didn’t comply I felt her smack my vagina so hard I screamed against her thigh.

She bellowed like a drill sergeant, “On my cunt, whore! NOW!” and slapped me again down there.

The pain was a blinding white flash in my mind, but the strikes shocked me back into an orgasmic state and I cried out as I felt myself ejaculate again.

“JEsus, your mom is orgasmic!”

“Oh, hell yeah.”

I did what she wanted. I turned my head and put my mouth against her velvety center but kept my lips tight so the juice couldn’t get in. I was still telling myself that I wasn’t gay yet in spite of how much she had already made me feel. In retrospect I was being stupid to think that I could resist anything she or Junior wanted of me, but I wept over my loss of purity with my mouth sealed tight so it sounded like I was humming into her pussy.

She seemed to switch tactics and became gentle again. “Like this, baby. Do what I do.”

When I felt her mouth on me I gasped and suddenly my own mouth was open wide against her wetness. I cried out again when I felt her rake my clit hard between her teeth. She gyrated her puffy vagina lips over my mouth as if bating me to kiss it back, but when I felt her suckling my clit in and out of her lips like a little penis I found my mouth copying what she was doing to me without even thinking about it.

Tasting her was like returning to a primal experience I had once known well, but had forgotten. I was surprised by how complex yet sweet she was, and by how natural it felt to return the pleasure she gave. When she flattened her tongue against my clit and shook her face so the broad surface swept delicious friction across it, I found myself lovingly doing the same to her.

That’s when I realized she had done it! It was the colorblind sunglasses thing all over again! I was already a gay!

“So that’s all it took?” I thought to myself as our orgasms flowed into each other’s hungry mouths just as easy as breathing.

I was so caught up in our pleasure that I hadn’t even noticed that Junior had joined us on the bed again until I felt his bulbous dick replace her mouth against my vagina. I felt her hands spread my lips for him and groaned as he inserted himself. For the next several minutes he fucked me hard and deep while she rode my mouth and tortured my tits.

I can’t begin to explain how rape can be ecstasy, but for the rest of that morning it was both heaven and hell. Over and over they beat me til I came and made me cum until I begged for it to end.

Melanie became a fixture in our home after that. Eventually she gave up her apartment and came to live with us. If you had asked me a year ago how many times a week the human body was capable of achieving orgasm, I would have guessed a small fraction of what they made me feel on a daily basis. They were insatiable. My entire concept of myself became that of a servile receptacle of their whims. Sometimes it was only Junior having me, and sometimes it was only Mel. But the two of them together brought me to a level of experience I hadn’t understood was possible until it became routine.

Junior made good on his promise to whore me out on line. The three of us have become regulars on a website that lets people pay for the privilege of watching my ‘children’ abuse me. A few times a week I am bound, beaten, and made to cum for the pleasure of strangers.

I still have a hard time wrapping my head around how many people out there want to watch this type of kink, but the amount of money they are willing to pay to feel like they are participating in my degradation is staggering.

Sometimes they even bring other women into our home to share in my torment. Some as old as me, and some so young I have to wonder if it is against the law for them to be with us like this. They tie us together in obscene configurations and force us to pleasure each other while they whip us. We quiver and whimper and cum hard as our tears wet each other’s skin. It is both profoundly disturbing and profoundly erotic to taste a girl who’s name I don’t know and never will.

Am I unhappy? Yes and no. But that’s life, I guess. If you asked me do I miss my old life I would have to say no. I could end what they are doing to me at any time, I think, if I was willing to face the consequences. It’s all so wrong and confusing and sometimes terrifying to feel so helpless, but also exciting beyond anything I could have imagined. I have learned to love being their slave. Honestly, I hope it never ends.

Chapter 5


Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/rsdsui/owned_chapter_four_a_lonely_mom_learns_to_love