Eternal Spring [F/exhib/Voyeur]

Below is the first chapter of an erotic story I’m writing as a young woman living in China. Please excuse the poor English, I tried my best :) I have written 3 chapters so far and I’m working on the 4th now. This is based on a true story from my own personal experiences. I hope you enjoy it!
**Chapter 1:**
As winter turns into spring, I enjoy sitting by the window in the early morning and looking out as the snow melts off the distant mountain across the lake. A cool breeze blows through the open window of my bedroom with the warmth of the sun glowing on the side of my face. A beautiful morning to start my day. My apartment is small, but cozy and comfortable, with one bedroom and a living room and my small kitchen. When I was looking for somewhere to live in this city a few months ago, I wanted somewhere that felt open and peaceful, and this apartment, although small, fit perfectly with what I wanted. In the living room, there is a small balcony enclosed by glass walls. It faces the sleeping beauty mountain in the distance, which I feel reminds me of how small and insignificant I am to the vast expanse of the world. In the mornings and afternoons, the sunset and sunrise floods light in through the balcony windows and floods the whole apartment with an ambient glow. My bedroom is small, but also has a large window wall facing in the same direction as the living room. I like to leave the curtains drawn as a natural alarm clock so that I wake up to the softness of the sun on my bare skin. The cool wind gives me goosebumps, and as I live alone, I don’t need to adhere to anyone else’s preferences, so I take this opportunity to enjoy these little moments of subtlety. My kitchen is just to the side of my living room and doubles as a laundry. Where I live, this is not uncommon to see and it works perfectly fine when living alone. On the other side of the living room is my bathroom, which looks out across the other apartment buildings. It’s a simple rectangular shaped bathroom with a wall-less shower. The exterior wall is lightly frosted and tinted glass, which was hard to get used to at first because it feels like the whole world can see you, but I was assured by the builders that the inside is not visible from outside. To them it appears as just a glass corner.

I continue day dreaming for a little while, looking out the window as the city in front of me wakes up. The fog over the mountains starts to clear as the sun rises and it’s warmth touches my skin. I look over at my clock and see it’s 5:20am, time to take a shower and get ready for work. As I stand up from my chair near the window my white silk dressing gown comes undone and my naked body catches the sun. A cool breeze blows through the window and tickles my breasts. I move to close my gown but the feeling is so comfortable, so I stand for a short moment and embrace the warm yet cool comfort. “Ok, that’s enough. I need to take a shower and get myself ready for work” I say to myself. I walk through my apartment and into the bathroom, drop my robe and turn on the shower. The steam fills the room and I walk underneath the stream of water from above me. There’s an empowering feeling being naked above the world below that can’t see you. Everyone busy with their morning routines while I stand in my shower washing myself. “Ah, there she is” I think to myself as the lady from the apartment block across from me appears by her bedroom window. It seems like clockwork every morning that she comes to her window and looks out just as I was doing earlier. Today, as every day, she’s wearing her work uniform – A navy skirt, white top and navy jacket. “I wonder where she works to have to wear the same uniform every day? I don’t see any logos or emblems”. As she looks around out her window, I give her a little wave. She stops looking around and is looking right at me.. “Can she… see me?”. I wave at her again, and she looks away, then disappears back inside her apartment. “Hmm, it must just be a coincidence that she looked at me as I waved”.

I push the handle of my shower down to stop the shower and step onto the bath mat, then dry myself with my white towel then dry my hair. I gently rub body moisturizer over my whole body, put my robe back on then apply my makeup and make my way back to the bedroom. I look at myself in the mirror and mumble to myself “what should I wear today? Maybe I can copy what the girl across the street was wearing.. haha. Mmm, maybe I’ll wear a skirt, tee shirt and an oversized sweater. That way I won’t have to wear a bra and be comfortable all day”. I reach into my cupboard and take out my beige pleated skirt, a white tee shirt and my favorite black ESSENTIALS sweater, then walk over to my chair by the window and drape my dressing robe over the back to dry in the sun. As I walk towards my underwear drawer, the wind blows through the window and again, my body is covered in goosebumps. “Ah, so comfortable. I love this weather”. I open up my drawer and take out my white Calvin Klein thong and put it on, then continue getting dressed. “Ok, it’s almost 6am now I need to get out of here and get some breakfast before work”. I take my black laptop tote bag and sling it over my shoulder, put on my white sneakers and leave the apartment. My apartment is on the 4th floor of a 20 story building on the outskirts of the city center, so luckily for me it’s not a long way down the stairs. Today I feel good, so I don’t want to take the lift, plus this is better for my health. I can’t stay 49kg if I always take the lift!. As I get to the bottom of the stairs, I walk outside and a gust of cool wind hits me. My legs feel quite cool, but once I have walked to my bus stop, I’ll feel warm again. I turn the corner of the path leading out of my apartment community and am greeted with the beautiful cherry blossoms lining the pathway. This city really is beautiful, and I am truly fortunate to have been able to move here and get the job of my dreams. My boss at KMG Photography has helped me so much with moving here after I took the job offer as department manager, from helping me move in and renovate my apartment to even bringing me food every now and then. A boss like this is a rare opportunity here, so I truly appreciate all he does to care for me.

“Oh fuck I’m too slow!”. I look at my phone screen and see it’s 5:54. My train leaves at exactly 6am. I start running out of the community towards the subway entrance down the road. It’s not too far, but if I miss it, the next train doesn’t come for at least 10 more minutes. If I want to eat something before work, I need that 6am train. I pass a lot of people on the way who are staring at me running. I must look so funny running with my bag at full pace along the pathway. The sun has come up and the cool wind on my face, legs and butt is piercingly cold, but I need to get to the train, I’m so hungry!
I turn the corner down to the subway and scan my card to get through the gate. As I step through the barrier, a security guard grabs my shoulder firmly and stops me. “Excuse me miss, please cover yourself appropriately” he says to me. Huh? My face must look confused as he points to where my bag is. I look down and see my skirt is gathered up around the bag. Oh my god… I feel my face and chest blushing as I quickly fix up my skirt, then say thank you to the security guard. How long was it like that? No wonder all those people were staring at me running. Still blushing from embarrassment and the half marathon run I just completed, my train pulls into the station. I say thank you again to the guard and he smirks back at me as I get onto the train. Ugh, how embarrassing. Lucky him I guess.. I grab onto one of the poles in the train as it lurches into motion towards the city.



  1. I would certainly like to read more about this story. Don’t worry about your English, it’s quite good 😊

  2. It’s worth mentioning that this first chapter is by far the shortest and probably the least explicit of the series. It all starts taking more shape around chapter 3, after the main characters have been introduced and the setting created

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