What if… My GF Didn’t Get Amnesia [M/F] Ch. 6


=== ***Raissa*** ===

He is… different, is all I can say.

He is more romantic than Victor. He pays a little bit more attention to me. He visits me at work, and he does not shy away from kisses after I suck his cock.

He is different. In a good way.

We are betrayed by the same person, Anna. While I do not harbor any more ill feeling towards her for stealing Salazar from me, I do have a newfound dislike for her in how she has treated Chris, who defended her when she needed him the most. I can only hope that Chris has not been broken by her betrayal.

I feel closer to Chris than I have with Victor. I feel at ease, like I do not have to try and be this person I am not. Victor liked a quiet, docile girl who does as she is told, and I played that role for as long as I could. Chris wants me to be myself. He wants me to be me.

So, I showed him who I truly am, and he is quite receptive to it. Receptive as in he didn’t take any shit from me and dished it right back to me.

If I am bossy, he can be just as bossy but receptive to what I’m being bossy about. If I act out, he listens to me and what I am feeling. If I am pouty, he waits for me to open up to him. He is quite a different man than what I am used to.

But he refuses to take my bullshit. Any argument we have, he picks it apart and offers a solution. If it is not to my liking, he would try and think up more ways. Then, there are days where he recognizes that he just needed to listen, and listen to me he does. He brings me calming tea when I am clearly stressed out, and then he asks me how my days has been going.

The other day we argued about our laundry, how he does not separate his whites and colors. Instead of how Victor would react to that, usually by telling me to do my own laundry while he does his own, he just said “Alright, I will separate them,” and then he does it. But then he gave me a reason why he does not separate his laundry, which is because the colors he uses does not bleed into the whites.

I understood why. He gave me a reason why he does not, and it made sense. But instead of fighting me on it, he just decided to do it anyway. I felt heard and understood, and at the same time I understood his own way.

Food. He likes the food I cook. He looks forward to it, in fact. Victor does too, he likes the food I make but Chris almost looks forward to it. He started working in his office again and he would take leftovers to his job for lunch, and before he leaves, he would ask me if I were making anything. Sometimes I do not, as I feel tired from work. During those days he cooks the type of food he likes. Victor barely cooked for me, but Chris likes cooking just as much as I do.

On nights he would take me to the movies. I like drama and romance, Victor did not, but Chris does. He confessed to me that he tries not to watch any romantic drama because it is easy for him to cry, and he does, in fact, cry when sad scenes start. I rarely cry, yet here is a man who would confess something embarrassing. Sure enough, when we watched a scene where the girl has cancer and the boyfriend wanted to marry her, Chris cried and had to excuse himself.

I have never felt more attracted to someone before. It is funny, because if I compare him to Victor in terms of attractiveness, he is sorely lacking. He is not ugly, far from it, but by his own admission he will not be picked for any handsome pageant.

But I’ve always been one to look at someone as a whole package. I mean, Salazar was not a handsome man, yet I was attracted to him at first.

Now, lovemaking. While Chris and Victor are almost similar in length, with Chris being an inch shorter, the difference in how thick Chris’ dick is makes a lot of difference. Chris can already reach whatever Victor could, but how he spreads me MORE is really enjoyable. His dick’s thickness just feels better, more enjoyable and it just sends me into heaven. Chris also likes to kiss me more-so than Victor, and he does not care if I had just given him a blowjob. Chris is also better in eating me out, and sometimes I find myself looking forward to it.

Chris likes it when I am dominant. He likes it when I am in charge of our love making. Victor did not, he felt the need to be in charge every time. When I am forceful with Chris, he allows me to throw him around, or force myself on him. He allows me to rip his shirt open, or demand sex whenever I want. But this goes both ways. When Chris takes charge, he takes charge. He forces his cock down my throat, fingers my ass, or do whatever it is that he wants with my body. I loved every second of it, and I realized that Victor was not as forceful as Chris. But Chris does not go far. He does not hurt me.

Chris is a much better lover.

But the sadness that Anna left is still with him. Try as he might, he cannot forget it. There are times he would sit alone on the dining table, looking out the window with a sad look on his face. He tries to mask it, but I know. He claims to not have any more feelings for her, and while I believe him there is something there.

Perhaps he needs closure? I do not know how he will get it, given the fact that Anna is in Florida. But I can tell it eats at him so, but he tries to hide it. He tries to be strong, to show me and the world that he is unbothered by her betrayal.

Chris and I shower together often. I enjoy it and so does he, and he makes sure to wash me up. This is one of the things Victor does not do often with me. He used to, when we first got together, but as time went on he stopped doing some of the things for me.

“You’re so pretty,” he said as he picked up my chin. He looked deeply in my eyes, and I felt vulnerable.

“Am I prettier than your ex?” I asked and he nodded as he kissed my cheeks. “Prettier than the crazy one?“ I remembered the girl, the one that went crazy in my party. She is tall, very beautiful and well endowed. But she was crazy!

“I think you’re prettier than her,” he answered without hesitation. His skin is soft, his body is not as muscular as Victor, but I think his muscles are different. What I mean by different is that Chris built his muscles to be of use. He told me that he used to go boxing, that for 10 years he trained himself like how a boxer would. So, most of his muscles are designed for throwing punches. His back is ripped and so are his chest, forearm, shoulders and legs, but his muscles are not big.

He confessed, however, that he is slow when running.

Victor’s muscles are what some call “show muscles” and are just that, for show. He does not fight, nor does he do any sort of sport.

I reached down and stroked his cock, angry and wanting. I made sure to wash it, gentle and careful. I cupped his balls and washed them too. In turn, he washed my back and my ass and he made sure to rub and massage my chest.

“You really do not mind them to be so small? I can go and get them operated on?” I asked.

“Raissa, look, if you want to make them bigger then do it because you want to, not because you think I want them bigger. I’m telling you, I love them the way they are.”

I nodded. Victor said the same thing, and so I am glad that Chris thinks the same thing too. “Thank you, Chris. I appreciate it.”

I am thankful, because I like them the way they are. Salazar wanted them bigger but he was forceful about it, almost demanding for it. Victor was alright with how big they were.

When we wash one another, we try not to have sex. Sometimes we do, sometimes we do not, it depends on the mood and if we are busy. Chris wanted to go out and buy something, and I have some things to take care of for the restaurant, so we just kissed, and I stroked his dick while he gently fingers my pussy or rubs my clitoris.

=== ***Chris*** ===

I wanted to be a bit more adventurous, so I went to this shop off of Emerson. It’s a sex shop and they sell a variety of items. I wanted something to enhance our experience as well as grab some lubricant. Raissa told me that she and Victor had anal once and she would like to do it again.

I browsed around and they do sell a bunch of stuff. Stuff that I’ve never even heard of. But two things caught my eye: Fireman Special and Honey Dude. Fireman Special claims to increase my sperm output, and Honey Dude claims to make it taste similar to honey. I think Raissa would like them, so of course I grabbed the last bottles.

I also bought a butt plug and a bottle of lube.

“This gonna be it dude?” the cashier asked and I nodded. He took a quick gander and snickered, “gonna be a lucky gal.”

“She is,” I answered, and I swear he scoffed. He probably thinks I’m just some pervert. He rang me up, signals for the card reader, I paid, and I grabbed my stuff.

Before I went home, I drove by the old gym. I looked around, saw Trevor and he gave me a wave, and I even saw the new girl that he’s training.

I walked into the coach’s office, with him sitting in there like some old taskmaster. I wanted to start training again, to get into better shape. He agreed and he’ll even let me spar like the old days. The membership is $150 a month, a regular’s rate which I agreed to. Before it was only $75, a special just for me, but that was last year and he’s a bit low on funds.

“This’ll make keeping that girl afloat easier,” he groaned, “she’s a good fighter, but it’s getting harder to find female fighters in our city.”

I can only agree with him. I wonder which girl he’s talking about, but it’s got nothing to do with me. I shook his hand, talked to Trevor on my way out, and got into my car again. I’ll start training again a week after the New Years.

The second to the final stop was to a wine store. I bought a $2K wine bottle and then delivered it to Lanie. She didn’t want to accept it at first, seeing as it was something she thought I should know, but I insisted that she accepts it. She gave me a hug and apologized that it didn’t worked out. I told her she had nothing to apologize for and that I met someone I think I’m better with. She expressed concern that I moved way too fast, that I needed to work out my feelings first but I told her that I already did.

“Well, I hope you know what you’re getting into. You just got your heart broken; you need some time to heal.”

“I know, but trust me I’ve worked it out. I’ll see you at work on Monday, boss!”

Lanie and I have a brother-sister relationship, and I respect that immensely. Even though she’s a really beautiful woman, she’ll never step out of her marriage again after the first time. David keeps a pretty loose leash around her, but he had already told her that if she steps out again then they’re done and he’s leaving with her new son.

Raissa’s been sending me some text messages, mostly how work has been. We’ve been together for a couple of weeks now and Christmas is fast approaching. She even joked that she would like to meet my family, and I told her we could if she wanted to. I’m serious about that.

While her and Victor had been together for a while, she had never met his parents. She is now absolutely nervous, and a nervous Raissa is quite adorable.

Raissa, I guess to calm herself down, went and got her hair dyed blonde. It’s a beautiful contrast to her light caramel skin, and quite frankly it draws attention to her beautiful face. She gave me a selfie of her new look and I’m taken back at how beautiful she looked.

“Come over please,” she begged and who am I to refuse.

“To the office.”

The office? Huh, I don’t know anything about an office. She sent me the address to an apartment studio and as soon as I knocked on the door, she threw it open and pulled me inside.

“I am so stressed out! Meeting your parents and Christmas! Do I need to bring presents! Will the kids like me!?“

“Calm down, I got the presents and there’s no kids. Just… just bring yourself, alright?”

She just stared at me for a second and I could feel the panic melting away from her. “B-Be myself. Okay, I understand. Do not embarrass me, amor, because I will do the same with you!”

“Oh come on, I won’t embarrass you!” I replied as I gave her ass a firm slap. She’s wearing a tight little black dress that goes past her knees, a pair of black rimmed glasses and black heels. She exudes confidence and power, and I can actually tell that it gives her a little boost in confidence.

But then she lay her head against my chest, and I can feel her vulnerability. “I am always afraid of meeting parents, amor.”

“Rais, you just need to be yourself. My parents will like you.”

“You are sure? I would hope so.”

I sat down on her couch, a slew of jackets and shirts thrown all over the backrest. Spent cups and plates are piled up on her mini fridge. I sighed as I took a small box from my car, the box that had Anna’s stuff in that I donated, and started gathering it silently. They are mostly jackets and shirts and pants, mostly what she wore while working or to the gym. The dishes are all from the restaurant and Clarissa probably sent it over for her to eat and Raissa is supposed to bring it back.

“Thank you, amor,” she sighed as she rest her head down on her palm.

I got the stuff into my car and went back in and gave her a kiss. “I’ll see you later,” I said but then she stopped me.

“Just give me some time, I will go with you.”

She typed up some stuff, made a few phone calls, and within about 30 minutes she was ready to go. I passed the time by looking at her books, mostly cookbooks, and was lost in reading about various curry dishes. I need to try Curry bread from Japan, or there probably is one here somewhere. Maybe California.

By the time we got home it was already late afternoon. I needed to make dinner for her, she hasn’t eaten anything since breakfast.

“Anything, amor, please cook me anything.”

“Anything?” I called out and she just gave me a tired groan as she fell on the couch.

I try to cook something quick and easy, so obviously I went for spaghetti and meatballs. Now, I make my own sauce from scratch. San Marzano tomatoes, that I puréed. I sautéed some onion and then added some cloves of garlic. When it’s fragrant and soft, I added chicken broth, the puréed tomato paste and crushed tomatoes, fennel, oregano, salt, pepper, basil and parsley and let it simmer for a few minutes. Then I took an immersion blender into it and I left it a bit chunky. Then I just let it simmer so the flavors will marry.

I dropped the pasta into the boiling, salted water.

Next I made some meatballs. I got some ground beef, added an egg, bread that’s been soaking in milk into it, with the milk squeezed out of course, chopped onion and breadcrumb into it, balled it up and fried it.

By the time the meatballs are done, I’ve already got the pasta into plate with the sauce over it. I made the meatballs medium size. I sprinkled some Parmigiano-Reggiano on it.

“Should’ve cooked the meatballs first,” I scolded myself. Hopefully the pasta isn’t overdone.

“Rais! Food!” I called out and she slowly lumbered over, “hey, wash your hands now and why didn’t you change your clothes?”

“I did not feel like it -“she stopped and looked at the plates. “Spaghetti…?”

“Yeah, is something wrong?”

She looked at me and it looked like all the fatigue she had in her eyes are gone. “I… I love spaghetti! How did you know?!”

“I didn’t, you asked for food, and I made some!”

She ran up to me and gave me the tightest hug. “Thank you! Oh, thank you! I thought I would not be able to eat any more since Victor left!”

“Relax, it’s easy I’ll teach you later. Come on, it’s going to get cold.”

She settled into her chair and licked her lips. “Meatballs too! Oh, it has been a long time!”

“A long time? Victor knows this is your favorite food, right?”

She didn’t hear me as she took a forkful of twirled pasta into her mouth. She moaned as she started to chew, then she took a meatball and cut it into quarters and took one piece into her mouth and chewed as well.

“Oh, Amor! The sauce! It is so nice and tangy, a little sour but savory! The meatballs are juicy, and I can feel the juice burst into my mouth when I chew!”

“Well of course, it’s not jarred spaghetti sauce or frozen meatballs.”

She stopped chewing and looked at her plate. “This… you made the sauce?” I nodded, “and… and the meatballs? You made them?” Again, I nodded. She got up and walked over to me and with surprising strength she pushed the table away and sat on my lap.

“Marry me,” she said, and I damn near spat out my food.

“Rais, we’ve only been going out for two weeks!”

“I do not care! I want you to be mine and mine alone!” She started taking her shirt off, but I stopped her.

“Rais, come on let’s just eat dinner first and then we can do this later, alright? I cooked us a nice dinner, and I want you to enjoy it.”

She nodded, a little disappointed at first but she regained herself and fixed the table where it was. She happily ate her food and tucked some away for lunch tomorrow. I’ll have to see what else she likes, probably other pastas too.

I’m just happy someone’s enjoying my food.

I made sure she cleaned and washed her plate and she fussed about that. Apparently, Victor spoiled her a little bit when they were together because he did most of the chores. Not with me, she’ll have to pitch in on chores and the likes.

Oftentimes I find her slacking and I made sure to remind her that this is HER house. When she gets pouty and bratty with me, I make sure to punish her by spanking her sweet, juicy ass. She seems to like a bit of rough play, I found out, and often times she would purposely act out just so I can spank her.

=== ***Raissa*** ===

We share a bed. Most of the time he sleeps and stays in the house. He has not moved out of his apartment because he does not know if we are together, like in a relationship. He has not asked me, and if he did then I will gladly accept it.

But he wants me to meet his parents, it is strange.

I am looking at him and he is just staring at the ceiling. It takes him some time to go to sleep, and we have not had sex for about a day or so. I want it, actually, but he said he had taken some medicine and it would be wise to not have sex for at least 12 hours.

That was yesterday.

“Chris, what are we?” I asked as I turn to him and he gave me a short puff.

“We are… complicated,” he answered but I am not satisfied with that.

“I would like something more than that,” I went on and he just looked at me and then turned to lay on his side.

“What would you like us to be? Boyfriend-girlfriend? Exclusive?”

“Yes, I would like that,” I answered and he softly rubbed my cheeks, “I would like that very much.”

“Okay. Raissa, would you like to be my girlfriend?”

“I would, Chris.”

Then he kissed me, softly, and he started pulling me harder into the kiss. His passion is intoxicating, and I find myself grabbing his back and pulling him towards me. I threw the covers off me and climbed atop him and we kept our lips together.

“Did you not want me to be your girlfriend? What would you have called the time we spent together?”

I kissed him again and I grind my hips on him. “How many time have we slept together?”

I’m wearing a black tank top and a thong, my usual sleep wear, and he has on a pair of pajama bottoms. His dick is pushing through the fabric and they felt so hot and hard. I need it, and he has made me wait for them.

“We-we… I lost count after 10,” he answered and I rubbed my teeth across his jaws.

“We have fucked 19 times already,” I corrected as I flicked my tongue across his lips, “but why did you tell me we are complicated?”

I held his hands over his head while my hips gyrate in his dick as it kept getting hard. “I didn’t want to label us unless I am sure,” was his answer. I’m slightly offended, because I thought we were boyfriend-girlfriend before.

“Sure? We slept together nearly 20 times and you are not sure?” I pressed and then slammed my ass down on him. He grinned at me while mockingly biting at me, and I did the same.

“I’m sorry I wasn’t clear.”

“Why did you not realize that I wanted to be with you? I slept with you almost 20 times, and yet you still had doubts?”

Again I slammed my hips down on him and he just grunts and moans. “You are a silly man,” I said. I’m feeling in control right now as I slide down. I am rubbing his dick through his pants and it feels… off? It feels hard, that is for sure, but it felt different.

I remembered he left his work earlier than usual. I remember him texting me about some pain, but he did not come to the house. He went over to his apartment and stayed there for a few hours before coming over.

“You are happy to see me,” I said while I traced his hard cock through his pants. But then it caught my eye. It is larger. I looked at it and then at him. “You… what did you do? Take off your pants!”

He bridged his hips and I practically tore his pajamas off him. I could see his cock peeking out from his pant leg! I slowly took his underwear off and he hissed with each length lost.

His dick lay down against his thigh and I can see some clear fluids dripping from the tip, letting a small pool of it collecting on his thigh.

“It… it just… it just grew,” he groaned painfully. I looked at it and then at him. “Be gentle.”

“Be gentle,” he said with a tight hiss. I just looked at him and grabbed his swollen dick. My god, I could barely wrap my hands around it! It is definitely thicker than before, and probably even longer. I also looked over and I could see his swollen balls. It is engorged with his sperm!

“Does it hurt?” I asked as I ran my fingernail over the shaft. I poked each and every one of the veins and he flinched and twitched every time.

“It is… uncomfortable,” he answered, “but not painful.”


I looked at his blood filled dick, just shaking and throbbing in my hand. It definitely has some weight on it! I am trying to figure out how to get it inside my mouth, inside my throat even, because I could barely do it by myself.

First I started licking up the clear fluids on top of his dick. It taste… sweet. I like sweets, so I just sucked at the head for now, and I gave it some nice kisses too. “You took something,” I said plainly and he just groaned at me, “and your hands are not where they are supposed to be.”

His hands flew and landed on my ass, slipping down under my thong and cupping it. “You know what I want,” I told him and he started fingering my pussy, “hmmm, that is better.”

I like how he fingers me down there. His fingers would wriggle and separate and sometimes they would vibrate. But right now my biggest problem is in front of me. I gave his cock a few licks, from the base all the way to the tip, and even licked and sucked on his balls. He seems to enjoy it, and I am glad.

I spat on his dock a couple of times and rubbed it all over. “Too big,” I muttered to myself, and when I tried to put it inside of my mouth I could feel my jaw stretch more than before. “Too big,” I said again. But I will not give up. I could not down Victor fully, and I definitely won’t be able to do it with Chris’ monster of a dick. It was big before, but now it is bigger!

“Amor, my mouth is too small,” I moaned at him while my hands glides up and down, “you could not fit before, but now it will not fit!”

I poured at him, with a pointed lip and disappointed look on my face. But I want him to force it in my mouth, like how he does sometimes.

So he grabs his dick and pinched the head together. He then frees his other hand from my pussy lips and brought it to the back of my head and be guides me down. With the pinched head it manages to get inside of my mouth, but it’s really tight.

My mouth is full and so I decided to go down slowly. I feel like he is stretching my jaw, with how big his head is. My tongue had to slide under it too. I could only go down a couple of inches past the head, and I finally released it with a loud pop.

“You… that thing will be my goal. I will get it down.”

“You don’t have to,” he said but I slapped his dick and he yelped in pain.

“I will get it down,” I said with conviction.

But how does it feel inside my pussy? I need to find out, and my pussy aches for it. I like sex, I want it every day but Victor only wanted it once every couple of days. Chris, I find, has a sex drive that either matches me or is more than my own. He does not ask for sex, he does not demand it, but he is more than willing grant me my request. Every time, without fail, he will fuck me. He even comes over during his office lunch and we have sex! When we make love, it is always passionate and lustful, and I find him always hungry.

Maybe this is an effort to please me, but I have never heard of any medicine making a someone’s dick bigger and thicker. I cannot tell if he is in any pain, he’s just hissing a bit.

“Does it hurt when I slapped it?”

He nods.

“Well you are a bad boy, so you deserved it.”

I slapped it again and watched it wobble. Again he hissed and cursed under his breath. Then I gently started licking it again and kissing the head.

Then I bit the shaft and he yelled, more in surprise than pain.

“Who said you can make it bigger? I was getting used to it before!”

I bit his dick again and he yelped in pain, but he did not stop me. I gently squeezed his balls and watched his face. I watched it turn from pleasure and I kept squeezing until it turned to pain and I let go.

“Bad boy. What will you do with a dick like this?”

I opened my mouth as wide as I can get it and pinched his dick like how he did. I closed my lips around it and I let it slide inside my mouth and to my throat. I did it slow, I need to get used to it again, and I threw my legs over him and put my ass on his face.

And he is glad for that.

I love having him eat me. It is a selfish request, but I think he gets pleasure from it too.

He moans while he licks and nibbles and sucked down there, while I am trying not to choke on his cock.

“Rais, don’t try it if it hurts,” he tells me. I’m offended, he thinks I cannot even enjoy his dick!? I will, I truly will, and if he thinks he can stop me, well I will have to just disappoint him.

So I just push my ass harder on his face, and he gave me muffled cries.

I licked the precum that was collecting on his thigh, and I made sure to suck on the tip a little bit. His precum taste so sweet! I think he took something else for that, but I cannot get enough of the taste. I know I need to make him cum if I want moreC and I am looking forward for that.

But he is also releasing a lot more than he usually does. His precum has coated my tongue and my throat throughly, and it fills my head with that sweet, manly smell too. I am intoxicated with the smell of his cum and the taste, and I wanted more and more.

I could not contain it anymore. I want him, I want his dick!

I took my ass back from him and spun myself around. I rubbed the head against my bottom lips, oh how thick it is! I got myself into a squat, hanging over his cock with me holding it up.

I took a few deep breaths as I stared at him. His lovely light-brown eyes, how his hair is a little curly, and his nice chiseled jaw. If I study his face, he is handsome. If It is a quick glance then not so much.

He held onto my knees, waiting for me. I took a couple more breath and started going down.

I felt his head pierce through, and already my head is starting to go crazy. “You are so big, amor!” I cried out and I have just started. I grunt and groan, and he joined me too, because he is just stretching me so wide!

“Mierda! Oh god! Oh god it is so big!”

He held onto my hand and I continued, with him grunting and groaning in a deep tone.

I struggled to take him all in. He is so thick and wide and I’m afraid that I’m starting to hurt him. “A-are you alright, amor?”

He groaned at me, “I’m okay… oh god you’re so tight, Rais.”

I love it when my man tells me I’m tight. “Am I wet enough for you?” He nodded at me, and so I started going up and down. This is as far as I can go for now, right where his dick is the thickest, the middle part. My god, he is just so good! The way he spreads me apart, it is much more than what Victor has done, and every time he goes in he rubs the pleasure points intensely.

“Mmmph, it is so big, amor!” I tell him again. I have forgotten how many times I have told him his dick is so big, but I can hardly believe it myself. My head is spinning! Every time I go down and up, slowly so my pussy can get used to him, it would just fill my head with pleasure and it makes me want to go faster! But I cannot because I am not used to him yet!

Then my legs started to get tired, and I had to go down to my knees while I ride him. He rubbed my back and I have not stopped having this mind numbing orgasm and it had been hitting me ever since he penetrated me.

“Babe, are you ok?” He asked as he gave my forehead a kiss. Such a silly question from an equally silly man: of course I’m fine, I’m being fucked by the best dick I have ever had!

“Y-yeshhhh,” I slurred out, “I am jusshht having an… orgashhumm….”

“Do you want me to take over?”

“Pleasssh? Chrisssshh, make me feel good.” I slurred again. I am trying to say the words correctly, but it is coming out in this troubling slurs. Like I am drunk.

He kissed my forehead again and then he rolled me to my back.

He started slow and gentle, not trying to force it in but is very firm. I could feel the head just rubbing against the wall, hitting every spot rough and slow. Then he pulls back and hits it again, and then he sends my head spinning.

Then faster, and faster, and I forgot what day it is.

I am moaning, moaning my heart out, moaning for more and more. He leaned down and kissed me, and he fills my head with so much lust and pleasure. I cannot stand it! He makes me weak, he makes my heart flutter and skip and jump! I thought I was in love with Victor before, but he had never made me feel like this!

I cannot stop. I cannot stop cumming and cumming and it keeps hitting and hitting me over and over again! “Cum! Cum for me, please! Cum all over my body, I want to tassshte you!”

He gave me a nod and he kept going and going, and I am just being overwhelmed with all of this pleasure! He kept kissing me too, our tongue rolling around and tripping over one another, dancing and clinging like they were meant to be. I am feeling all sorts of things for Chris. Emotions like Love, Lust, and how I want to spend the rest of my life with him. Oh, he had truly carved himself into my heart and brain.

So when he roughly pulled his cock out of me and jerked it, he shot such steamy strings and lengths of cum towards me. He covered my belly, he covered my chest, and he covered my face and then he put the head over my mouth, jerked or some more, and he fed me a mouthful of cum. So much hotness covering me.

He moaned loudly as he slumped down on the bed, admiring his work. I just laid there with a mouthful of cum, savoring the sweetness on it, swishing it around my mouth. It is delicious! Probably the best tasting sperm I’ve tasted!

And he’s all mine!

I got up and showed him exactly what he did to my mouth, and with a swift movement I swallowed it. I took all of the cum on my face and sucked them all off my fingertip. The ones on my body and chest, I picked them all up and ate them too. I think I’m starting to get addicted to him, to his massive cock, and I found myself sucking him up just to get the little bit of cum hiding inside of him.

“Mierda, that was good!” I purred against him. I licked my lips and the inside of my mouth to try and get all of it, and to my surprise he started kissing me again! Does he not care that I have his little sperms in my mouth!?

Oh, this is frustrating me. I want more of him, but my body is so tired from all the orgasms. My jaw is a little sore too. I need to measure him later, I need to know what kind of monster he has now.

I’m so excited!

Having said that, he spreads my leg again and rubs the head on my clit. I just looked up at him, tired, “more?” I eked out and he nodded, “o-okay, amor, b-be gentle please.”

But then his prick started to spread me apart again, and I could not contain myself. This is my house, and I am glad that it is only the two of us because my howls of pleasure was not contained very well. He leaned down onto me, one hand going up behind me and up my back the other went down to my ass. He massaged both while his hips slowly went forward and back.

“Y-you are enjoying yourself?” I asked of him and he nodded and kissed my cheeks. “Do you like my pussy?” He nodded again and kissed my neck.

“Then tell me.”

He brought his head up and gave me a look of effort. “I like how it feels, wrapped around my swollen dick,” he started as he kissed my lips, “I love how it twitched and spasms when you cum,” he said then he kissed me again, “and I like how you look when I press hard into you!”

Then he pressed himself against me and I came again. He held himself there, only leaving that spot momentarily and then touching it again roughly. Again and again I came, with my hips shaking and my toe curling.

“Are you cumming? You came again, didn’t you?” He dared to ask and I could not answer him properly. “You’re squeezing me so tight down there, you must have came again!”

Then he placed his mouth near my ears and he licked it teasingly. “I just found your button,” he said in such a low tone. I felt chills running up and down my spine, but I was not scared, no. I was excited.

But I can’t cum anymore. My body is sore, my throat is dry and I am just tired. But he just kept giving me more and more and he made me cum again and again and again!

“Stop, amor! Too much!” I cried out, and he gave me a small kiss on the nose.

“Too much?” He repeated, “alright, alright then. But let me give you one, your last one, alright?”

“Okay… okay, amor, go ahead.”

Twenty minutes ago he showered me with his seed, his sweet and delicious seed that he also let me eat. Not a minute after that he was ready again.

My previous partners were done after orgasming once. Victor can go for a long time, his record is an hour or so. But Chris, we have been making love for nearly two hours. When I looked at the clock it was a little after 10 PM. It is almost midnight and he STILL wanted to go. He was still willing, and if I was ready I would have met him.

I can still feel his cock deep inside of me, throbbing and pulsing strongly, and while it did so his lips were busy with mine. I have not met a man who enjoys kissing like he does, and he knew that he had literally covered me with his seed.

“One more time,” he kept saying while he thrust his cock deep inside me,’”you’re so wet and tight!”

“Only because you are so big, amor!” I corrected him, “if your size was like before, it would fit.”

“You don’t like how big it is now?” He said as he looked at me. I pulled him in close and kissed him again.

“I love it,” I corrected him, “this dick better be only for me, or I will be really hurt and sad.”

“I wouldn’t want you sad or hurt,” he reiterated as he gave me another powerful thrust, “but I want you squirming and cumming again!”

He pulled my hand over my head as he started licking me all over, even my underarms he kissed and lick and it brought me a giddy laugh. He pulled my soaking tank top up, I had forgotten to take it off, and started sucking and kissing my tits while he gave me powerful thrusts.

The his thrust started going faster and faster. I know what he wants to do, I know what he is going to do.

“Come one, come one, amor. Fill me up, fill my pussy up,” I grunt against his kiss. He looked longingly at me and from time to time he would peck my lips with his own.

Then, he exploded inside of me. He grunts and moans and whimpered while his cock kept pushing more and more of his sperm out of his body. He filled me up with his thick, creamy semen that I know my pussy is trying hard to contain. But every time he thrusts in to deliver more, I could feel some spill out from me.

Meanwhile, I could barely contain my urge to moan alongside him. Salazar was a silent lover, he did not tell me he was enjoying our time together. Victor and Chris are similar, in a way that they let me know that they are enjoying me, and I appreciated that from them.

But just the way Chris makes me cum, he makes me cum so hard!

“You need to let me get used to your new size, amor, okay?” I told him and he nodded, “I love it, I really love it, but I want to satisfy you as well. I want to get used to this big, white cock, and I want to have it inside me lots of times.”

He nodded again and whimpered. “Amor, we need to wash up. New sheets too! Come on, we cannot sleep with wet sheets and sweaty bodies now!”

He carried me over to the shower and I am surprised he still has the strength to do so. We washed one another and he cleaned my pussy and I cleaned his majestic tool. Then, we changed the sheets and we both crawled into be together.

“You should move in, amor,” I said in spur of the moment. He thought about it for a moment and then he kissed me again and pulled me close to him.

“Alright, I’ll move in.”

~ End of Ch. 6 ~

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/rqxg6q/what_if_my_gf_didnt_get_amnesia_mf_ch_6


  1. Wow! This was the BEST chapter so far I tell you not just the final sex scene but the spaghetti and meat balls! I want to try the recipe for myself. Well done so well written other than some of the grammar it was awesome. Thank you thank you it made me melancholy and happy also, so well done.

  2. Great story and well written! I don’t think you brought up her name but Alex shows up at the gym and Chris is going back to the gym after the 1st. There’s going to be something there I think.

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