Hi! Me again!
Thank you so much for all the amazing feedback and comments on my first ever story: Aly and Uncle Toby. I was nervous when I posted it, but you’ve given me the confidence to post the next part!
I think Part Two is the quickest I’ve ever written a story! I was up half the night typing it out, because I hate disappointing people.
Here’s Aly and Uncle Toby, Part Two….
Aly spent the rest of that evening flipping and flopping between being so horny that she felt crazy with it, and being so nervous that she was on the brink of crying several times.
What had she done?!
Now Uncle Toby knew what type of girl she was, and what type of thoughts she had. Those were meant to be secret thoughts that no one who knew her would ever know, and yet she had gone and basically laid it all out for the one person who really shouldn’t have ever known.
Still though, she thought about that little twitch she had seen in his trousers, and they way he had so smoothly muted the volume on her laptop before opening the video while her mum was sitting right there in the same room.
Godddddddd! That little twitch! Just one jerk in his pants. That’s all it was. And yet she couldn’t stop thinking about it. It was his dick – that much was obvious. She had seen her uncle’s dick move. Surely that meant he had been hard? She had been sitting right next to him while his dick swelled up and got firm and rigid. Just inches away from something that she had cum hundreds of times imagining.
She imagined it a few more times that night, while her fingers worked frantically on her pussy. She came several times thinking about how it would look, how it would feel, how it would smell and taste, and mostly about how big it would feel inside her. She came so many times that her fingertips got all wrinkly like they did if she spent too long in the bath.
Aly could have spent the entire night having orgasm after orgasm (interspersed with little bouts of guilt and near-crying) but when her pussy began to hurt (especially her clit which felt swollen and tender) she knew she had to stop. If anything was going to happen the next day then she didn’t want it to happen while after making her pussy so sore that she could barely touch it.
So, she took her paci from the little box at the back of the drawer where she put it to keep it hidden from her mum’s prying eyes, popped the soft rubber tip into her pussy to get it coated in her juices, then turned off the light and eventually fell asleep, suckling on her own taste as she did. Aly knew that covering her paci in her own juices was a bit weird, but it gave her comfort in a way that she couldn’t quite explain.
She was awake at 7am the next day – super early for her – and it was like waking up with an emotional hangover; her head was fuzzy and slow, and she definitely regretted some of the things that had happened the night before. The morning after always brought things into a sharp, cruel focus. Normally the guilt would just be about what she had cum to the night before, but this time there were real and actual consequences. And one of those real and actual consequences would be arriving at her house sometime that morning.
Aly considered telling her mum that she needed to go out to run errands, but she never went anywhere on Saturday mornings, and knew there would be too many questions, not least of which would be how she could be so rude as to not be there when Uncle Toby arrived with her ‘fixed’ laptop.
By 8am she was downstairs, head slumped in her hands over a bowl of cereal.
“Are you okay, Aly?” her mum asked. “You look like you’ve got the weight of the world on your shoulders.”
“Fine, mum,” she replied. “Just feeling a bit under the weather.”
“Well, if you can’t face your breakfast then don’t force it. Just go back to bed and rest. The only thing you need to do today is remember that your Uncle Toby is bringing your laptop back.”
Aly groaned internally. How could she forget?
“Maybe he could bring it later? When you’re home?”
“Don’t be silly, dear. He said he had things to do in the afternoon. Don’t be ungrateful, Aly. If you’re feeling sick that’s a shame, but all you need to do is open the door, take the laptop and say thank you. You can explain that you’re not well to Toby. I’m sure he won’t want to hang around once he hears that.”
Aly knew that Uncle Toby definitely would want to hang around. And a part of her still wanted that too. It’s just the new day had brought back the old feelings, and they were killing any chance of her feeling horny. Plus, the reality of it all was much more serious and intimidating than just fantasising had ever been. What if Uncle Toby was expecting more from her than she was willing to give? What if he got angry with her? What if he shouted at her and called her a tease? Even worse, what if he took one look at her and saw her for the inexperienced girl she really was? She didn’t know how to do sex stuff. Fuck, she’d never done anything with a boy before, let alone with a man who no doubt had been with his fair share of sexy, confident women. If she tried to be sexy and he laughed at her…
Aly groaned again, but this time it was audible. Her mum walked over and clamped a hand against her forehead.
“You don’t feel like you’ve got a temperature,” she said. “But get back to bed anyway.”
Aly slid off the breakfast stool and walked, shoulders slumped, towards the door.
“Aly,” her mum said just as she reached it. “Before you climb into bed, it might be an idea if you have a quick shower. It’ll make you feel better, and, well, you’re a little bit…” Her eyes flashed to Aly’s crotch for a split second. “…whiffy, dear.”
This time the groan was more of a scream of embarrassment, quickly followed by the slamming of the kitchen door.
Three hours later, Aly was lying on top of her bed, dressed in her most shapeless jeans and a baggy, brown hoody. In the time since breakfast she had showered (cringing as she pulled off her panties and realised just how strongly her pussy smelled from the previous night’s masturbation session), paced her room, tried to distract herself on her phone, paced some more, and eventually gotten dressed in the least attractive clothes she owned and lay down and stared at the ceiling.
She had decided that there was zero point in trying to be the sexy nymph that she knew she wasn’t. Instead, when Uncle Toby arrived she would revert to her natural talent of being awkward, cold and distant. She would put the security chain on the door before opening it, take the laptop through the narrow gap, say thanks, then close the door and go back her bedroom and never leave it again for the whole of her life.
She wasn’t cut out to be a teen temptress; it was just too stressful. Uncle Toby wouldn’t be able to make a big deal out of it, because she was the kid and he was the adult. If he got shouty she would remind him of that, and tell him that she would tell her mum. Only when she had her laptop back in her hands though. That was the only evidence he had that she was the one who had set this whole thing in motion. Once she cleared her history she would be back to avoiding him at all costs, and never again would she take the advice of random strange girls on the internet.
The knock on the door shook her from her thoughts.
It was three raps, spaced out so that they sounded almost hesitant.
Maybe if she stayed in bed he would just leave the damn laptop on the front porch and go away.
Less than a minute later there was another triple knock, this time louder.
Aly took two deep breaths, got up from her bed, and walked slowly downstairs. She was only halfway down when she heard the sound of a key rattling in the lock.
Uncle Toby had a key?! Since when?
She froze on the spot.
The unmistakeable sound of the front door opening then closing.
Her heart began to pound hard in her chest.
“Aly?” shouted Uncle Toby.
Aly’s heart jumped up into a gear that she hadn’t even known existed. She didn’t know what to do. Her plan had been to take the laptop without fully opening the door, but now here he was, already in the house.
The front door opened straight into the livingroom, and she could tell he was standing in it.
“You there?”
Could she pretend she wasn’t? Sneak back to her room and lock the door? The door to the livingroom opened onto the stairs she was standing frozen on. Would he even try to open it? Maybe he would just sit the laptop down and leave.
One second the door at the bottom of the stairs was closed, then, before she could react, it was wide open, her uncle standing looking at her.
“There you are,” he said. “Your mum said you weren’t feeling well. Said if you didn’t answer the door you might be sleeping. That I should use the spare you gave me ages ago to let myself in. Hope you don’t mind? You don’t, do you?”
His words came spilling out in rapid fire, like he was nervous or frantic or something. But he was staring at Aly as he spoke, and she saw his eyes drift over her body. Was that a flash of disappointment at her choice of outfit, or did she just imagine it?
“Sure,” Aly said as flatly as she could. “Whatever.”
This time the disappointment that spread over his face was clear and obvious.
“I brought your laptop back,” he said, holding it up for her to see.
“Cool. Thanks. Just leave it in the kitchen or whatever on your way out.”
Aly turned to walk back up the stairs, dismissing him.
“That is one sweet looking little ass.”
His words caught her by surprise. Mostly because of what the words were, but also a little bit because of how shaky his voice was as he said them. She stopped, one foot on one step, the other on the next one up.
“I mean, even in those baggy jeans, it looks amazing.”
Aly didn’t want his words to have any effect on her, but they did, and the familiar tingling ache started up in her tummy and pussy. She turned to face him, her cheeks red hot, hoping the frown on her face would be convincing.
“Th-that’s not an appropriate thing to s-say to me,” she stuttered.
He hung his head slightly, but kept looking up at her.
“I know,” he said. “But it’s true. You’ve always had the sweetest little ass.”
Always?! So, this wasn’t the first time he had looked at her in that way?
“Uncle Toby, I think you should leave.”
“If that’s what you really want then I will,” he said. “But only if it’s what you really want…”
Aly stayed where she was, breathing hard, in and out through her nose, the sound the loudest thing in the space they shared.
“I just said it was, didn’t I?”
He rubbed a hand over his head. Aly recognised it as a classic comfort gesture. Being the quiet awkward kid meant she had studied people’s gestures and actions all her life, and knew it meant that he was doing something that made him feel uncomfortable.
He held up the laptop.
“What I saw on this makes me think that maybe you aren’t so sure about that.”
A little burst of shame erupted in the pit of Aly’s stomach.
“Those were private,” she said quietly. “You shouldn’t have been looking.”
“You didn’t seem to mind last night, Aly.”
She bit her lip and looked at the floor. The way he said her name had sent a powerful jolt through her. It was almost a whisper, the letters soft and slightly drawn out.
“I thought that maybe… maybe when I came here today you were going to be a… good girl for Uncle Toby.”
Fuck! She knew he was doing it deliberately, knew that he was using phrases designed to hit her right in the pussy. Fuck again! Aly felt the wetness between her legs, and an urge to do exactly what he said. Those words had such an incredible power over her.
She shook her head slowly, not able to meet his gaze.
“Come on now darling,” he continued softly, like a firefighter trying to coax a frightened kitten down from a tree. “How about you give your uncle a proper thank you for fixing your laptop.”
“It wasn’t even broken,” she said, her voice so that quiet that she wasn’t even sure he could hear the words.
“I don’t want much. Just a little peek at what you’re hiding under those loose clothes.”
Aly stayed exactly where she was.
Uncle Toby stayed at the bottom of the stairs.
No one moved.
“Aly,” he pressed. “Do you want to be a good girl?”
She nodded her head. All she had ever wanted was to be a good girl for someone.
“Do you want to be a good girl for Uncle Toby?”
She nodded her head again, her hips beginning to swing slowly from side to side as if by their own accord.
Aly knew she close to slipping right into little space. She didn’t try to fight it, and instead embraced the warmth that spread from between her legs and through her entire body.
“I am a good girl,” she whispered.
“Then why don’t you prove it, and lift that top up and let Uncle Toby see what you’re hiding under it?”
Aly did as he asked, rubbing her hands on her hips nervously before gripping the base of the hoody and lifting it slowly, hesitantly up until her bra-covered breasts were clearly visible.
“Jesus,” Uncle Toby exhaled. “You are beautiful.”
His words made her smile with pride. Beautiful was one thing she never considered herself to be.
“I’d like it very much if you unfastened your bra,” he said. “Would you do that for me?”
Aly nodded, tucked the hoody under her chin, reached round and unclipped the bra. It popped open, but the material stayed over her breasts, covering them. She felt the cool air of the stairway on her nipples, and they immediately began to stiffen.
“Lift it out of the way sweetie,” her uncle breathed.
Aly did as she was told, revealing breasts that she knew were small, but firm and pert. Right then they were rising and falling visibly because of how heavy her breathing was.
She glanced at Uncle Toby and saw that he was still holding the laptop in one hand, but he was now squeezing and rubbing his dick through his trousers with the other. She hoped he would get it out soon and finally let her see it for the first time.
“You are so perfect,” Uncle Toby said. “Those have to be the cutest little titties I’ve ever seen.”
“Honest?” Aly asked, genuinely surprised by his reaction.
“Cross my heart and hope to die,” Uncle Toby said, releasing his dick and doing the action that went with the phrase.
“Thank you, Uncle Toby,” Aly said.
He put his hand back on his dick, Aly noticing that he was tugging and squeezing it harder than before.
“Drop your trousers, Aly,” he said. His voice was firmer now, like he was growing in confidence.
Aly dropped her top so that she could unbutton her jeans.
“No,” Uncle Toby instructed. “Keep your top up while you do it. I want to see all of you.”
Aly lifted her hoody up again, tucked it back under her chin, and pushed her bra up under it so that her breasts were on full display for her uncle. Her hands were shaking as she unbuttoned her jeans. They were too big for her really, so as soon as they were unfastened they slipped down off her narrow hips and landed in a heap around her ankles. She wished she had chosen sexier underwear now, instead of the plain white cotton panties she was wearing.
Uncle Toby didn’t seem to mind though. He was staring at her pussy through them, running his tongue over his upper lip. Aly hooked her thumbs into the waistband, just about to pull them down and reveal all of her, when Uncle Toby stopped her.
“No,” he said quickly. “Not yet. Before you take them off, I want you to pull them up as tightly as you can. Think you can be a good girl and do that for me?”
Aly nodded, gripped her panties tightly in both hands at the hips, and pulled them upwards, feeling the material stretch against her pussy, then some of it slip right into her groove. She gasped as the panties pressed hard into her, tilting her hips to get the same sensation onto her clit.
“Tighter,” Uncle Toby said. “Pull them as far up into that little slit as you can, baby.”
Aly did as she was told and pulled as hard as she could, until she was gritting her teeth with the combined effort and delicious pain between her legs. the crotch of her panties bunched up until her pussy lips were on either side of it, the material now just a thin, cutting, line..
“Fuuuuuck,” Uncle Toby said. “Would you look at you. What a good girl you are, Aly.”
Aly looked up at him again. He was now basically jerking himself off through his trousers. They were light green cargoes, the material thin enough that she could see the shape of him. From what she could see, it looked like Uncle Toby had a nice dick.
“Do you want to see it?” he asked, reading her mind.
Aly nodded her head quickly and enthusiastically. She was now grinding her pussy against her panties, any of the earlier shame completely banished. Hell yeah she wanted to see it. She wanted to do more than that to it.
“You show me yours,” he said playfully. “And I’ll show you mine.”
Aly instantly whipped her panties down, revealing her smooth, freshly shaven pussy. She was soaking, and enjoyed the feeling of the cooler air between her legs.
Uncle Toby laughed.
“My,” he said. “You are an eager little thing, aren’t you?”
“Please,” Aly said. “Please can I see it?”
“Well, seeing as how you showed me that precious little mound, I don’t think it would be right if refused to keep up my end of the deal.”
He kept staring between her legs as he unbuckled his belt and pushed his trousers down. his shorts were light grey, and, Aly could clearly see, had a wide patch of wetness of them. She could also now see the full shape of him, even make out the head of his dick.
Uncle Toby pressed his dick down against his thigh so that the head of it poked out under the bottom of his shorts. It was so thick and wet and manly that Aly’s breath caught in her chest.
“Please,” she pleaded.
He smiled, placed the laptop on the floor, then pulled his shorts fully down, revealing a veiny, thick cock that sprang upwards and two swollen, hairy balls. As soon as his dick was free he clamped his hand around it again and began furiously stroking it up and down, his hand a blur of cock and fingers.
He looked at her as he did it.
“Touch your cunt,” he said.
Aly was shocked by the word he used, but licked her fingers and immediately began to stroke her clit.
“Fuck it with your fingers,” Uncle Toby commanded.
Aly pushed a finger inside herself, it sliding easily into her soaking wet hole. She fingered herself fast and hard, watching as her uncle’s face got redder and redder. She knew she would cum in less than a minute, and wondered if that would be okay. She wanted to wait until she saw her uncle cum. She wanted to see if he made as much cum as the men in the videos she watched. Wanted to see if it would shoot out of his dick, all white and hot and creamy. Fuck, what she really wanted was to feel it spray inside her, for him to call her a good girl as he emptied his load right up her.
“Stop and get down here,” Uncle Toby said, his voice urgent. “I’m going to cum, and you’re going to take it all over those little titties.”
Aly almost sprinted down the stairs.
When she got to the bottom, Uncle Toby grabbed her left breast hard with his free hard, and tugged down on it, forcing her onto her knees in front of him. He pinched her nipple hard, twisting it so fiercely that it was agony. His dick was an inch away from her face, and she could smell the musty aroma of it.
She wanted to taste it.
She fucking needed to taste it.
But his hand was moving so fast that she couldn’t figure out how to get it in her mouth and also avoid being punched in the face.
Just as she was going to beg him to stop, Uncle Toby gripped her by the ponytail, pulled her head back, and shuddered and groaned as he came, pointing his dick at her chest, the thick spurts of cum shooting out of him and landing with a wet splash on her face and tits. She watched enthralled as his whole body pulsed, his hips thrusting as if he was fucking some invisible pussy, the cum warm and amazing on her skin. She placed a hand on his thigh, enjoying feeling his muscle tense as he orgasmed onto her.
His pulses gradually slowed down, his hand now squeezing his dick as if he was trying to get the last of the cum out of it. Aly watched the last few drops gather in a sticky mess around the head of it.
Her uncle looked down at her and smiled.
“Good girls clean up the mess they made, don’t they?” he said, holding a hand that was sticky with cum in front of her mouth.
This was it! She had been a good girl, and now she was going to get her cummy reward, just like the girls in the videos did!
Aly leaned forward, her mouth wide open and eager to clean her uncle’s hand, and then hopefully his dick. She would be the best girl and make sure she got every single drop of it.
Her mouth was a hairbreadth away from finally tasting him when the sound of a key in the front door shattered their perfect little world.
Aly’s mum was home.
Uncle Toby pushed her away so hard that she fell backwards onto the stairs, the carpet burning her lower back. He stepped into the stairway and pulled the door closed behind him.
“I’m home!” her mum shouted as the front door opened.
Aly tried to pull her panties and jeans up, but her hands wouldn’t do what she wanted them to, and she ended up awkwardly climbing the stairs with them still bunched up around her knees.
“Laptop!” Uncle Toby hissed behind her, passing it to her trembling hands through the banister.
Aly almost dropped it but just managed to keep hold of it as she half walked, half crawled up the remaining stairs and into her bedroom, her wet panties almost tripping her a few times in the process.
“Hey, sis!” she heard Uncle Toby say. “Just dropping off the laptop. Aly’s up in her room. Poor thing doesn’t sound well at all.”
He must have stepped fully into the livingroom, Aly hearing the latch click closed, the rest of the conversation cut off.
She stood in her bedroom with her back pressed against her door, listening intently. She half expected to hear her mum scream or shout. Surely it would be obvious from his face and his breathing that Uncle Toby had been upto something? But, whatever explanation he was giving, it seemed that her mum believed it, and no shouting or screaming happened.
Aly slid down the door until she was sitting on the floor. Her heart was racing. They had been so close to being caught!
A second or two earlier, and her mum would surely have heard her uncle cumming.
It had been far too close.
And yet, her pussy was still begging for attention, her thighs still wet with her juices, and best of all – Uncle Toby’s cum was still on her face and tits.
Aly smiled.
She wiped her fingers across her tits, scooping his cum from them. She rubbed it between her fingers and thumb, enjoying how silky and warm it was, how if she pulled her finger and thumb away from each other the cum stretched between them.
She finally got to taste him and she licked her uncle’s cum up, like a good girl.
As Aly sucked on her fingers, she scooped some more of his cum from her face with the other hand. Then she reached between her legs and began to fuck her Uncle Toby’s cum into her tight little pussy.
No, not pussy.
That’s what Uncle Toby had called it. Aly closed her eyes and fucked her Uncle Toby’s cum into her cunt while she sucked yet more of it from her fingers, and thought about what they might do the next time they were alone together.
She was going to be the best girl for him…
Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/rqsa6z/aly_and_uncle_toby_pt_2
So fucking hot. Bring on Pt 3 😁
Another original and beautifully paced nicely constructed picture!
Great story! Great writing! Looking forward to Pt 3! 👏👏👏
Awesome work! I’m not even into incest but this was great!
Can’t wait for part 3! This is so hot.
Sooo hot!