Fantasy Artificer needs help testing her greatest invention. (Noncon, power bottom, mind control.)

Remmy, my hyperactive friend was embarrassed, who wouldn’t be I guess? We sat together in the smokey hall of the drunken skeleton, an old but cozy establishment built from the some of the first trees that were ever felled to build Toilgate. “I just can’t see how it works for men, and not women, surely it’s just a matter of fitting it differently, but noooooo, any change to it’s configuration ruins the effect in it’s entirety.” Said Remmy in her most exasperated voice. She blew a few strands of her short ruby hair out of her pale freckled face once she was done speaking.

After letting her vent I finally ask my oldest friend, for details, ranting helps her cool down I’ve found over the years. “You keep saying that, it works for men and not women, whats the problem exactly?” I ask in my most even tone. She sighs and reaches a skinny hand into a leather pouch at her hip and withdraws a somewhat large, but thin looking ring. It’s golden with a few tiny gems studded into it. Remmy sets it down on the table and slides it to me. I pick it up from the table and quickly note that it’s too large to really fit on any of my fingers, save maybe a thumb, but that seems uncomfortable at best.

I examine the ring and see it’s magic seals etched in every surface, it seems like fine work but the symbols mean nothing to me. I go to hand it back to Remmy and note she seems to be shaking a little, her wiry shoulders exposed by her rolled up sleeves seem devoid of the normal dirt and grime she’s typically covered in. I take note of this but decide to ask later. “It’s too big for my fingers that’s for sure.” I say evenly. “I know” she snaps back. “The size can’t be changed or this powerful device becomes little more than expensive jewelry.” She says with a light quaver in her tones. A long pause follows and she shifts in her chair, rubbing her legs together. It’s a nervous tick of hers I’ve seen whenever a situation is becoming too much for her, however I can’t help but notice shes shaved them recently. Remmy hates shaving, I wonder if she started seeming someone recently? It would explain her cleaning up as well.

“This is kinda…kinda why I asked you here.” She finally continues, avoid eye contact. “There is only one place it will fit, and to really test my greatest achievement I…need your help.” Her words are somewhat slow and grating I can see how much this little confession cost her. I raise a confused eye and smile back at her. “Sure, but I don’t really see how I can help, It doesn’t fit me either.” I say softly trying to be helpful. She clear her throat before speaking, “It might…in the right place.” she says lightly rapping the table between my legs with her nails, very recently painted blue.

“huh?…O? OOOO” I say in mild amusement at the realization. She shifts uncomfortably once more and bits her lower lip. “Well…don’t leave me in suspense, it’s not a big deal, not really.” She says with her nerves clearly getting the better of her. I divert my eyes to the floor, then the ceiling before quietly asking. “What does it do exactly?”

She answers excitedly all her awkwardness vanished in an instant. “If you were a mage or schooled in magic, it should allow you to cut down the accurate motions required for casting spells, as well as being a magic storage device. BUT, I know your not so for you all it should do is allow you to use the single complete spell I’ve built into it. Which is simply a minor illusion creation spell. Thank you so much!, you have no idea how much this means to be, I spent years working in this and I can’t even use it myself!”

I hadn’t really agreed to it, but her excitement was just to pure to crush for no reason. The short girl stood up and grabbed me by the arm and began to lead me upstairs. “I know it’s super awkward, but I promise it will only take a second and it means the world to me.” She says speaking even faster than her normal hyperactivity provokes. I allow myself to be lead upstairs by the arm as she navigates the wooden corridors of the drunken skeleton and stops at a simple wooden door on the second floor. She pulls out a key and with shaking hands unlocks it before pushing her way inside.

I free myself and walk over to the bed standing stiffly, I stare back at her bright blue eyes before asking, “So how do we do this?”. She pipes up a little more quietly than before. “Well it’s simple, put it on, make yourself….ummm “ready” and then just let me know, I’ll activate it with it’s command word. I made this thing for me so only I can activate it. After that the power is yours, or it should be anyway.” She reaches back into the pouch and holds out the ring for me.

“Make myself “ready”” I say questioningly.

“Yes, it won’t fit otherwise I suspect.” she says as a matter of fact while trying to hide a grin.

“You owe me for this, you know that right?” I say with clear annoyance in my voice.

“I know.” she says quietly. “I’ll pay you back, I promise.” with her voice reaching a new excited high.

I let out a sigh before I grasp the ring from her and unfasten my belt. “turn around” I say with a hint of red rushing to my face. Remmy turns away from me without a word, a rarity for her. I reach down into my pants and without ceremony slide the ring unto my already erect manhood. A tight fit and it takes a few attempts to slide it all the way down to the base without pinching anything. Truthfully seeing her legs all shaved, and her nails painted, and her shoulders exposed, and the excitement in her voice along with my own lack of recent engagement had made getting “ready” a simple task.

“It’s done” I say, now how do I make an illusion or whatever.

Remmy turns around. “It’s good and tight?”

“I wouldn’t call it good, but yes it’s tight.” I reply feeling a bit embarrassed.

“All thats left is the command word then. Ready?” She asks, but she does not wait.

“DomCokevernight” She says in a deeper voice than I had ever heard her use. I try to comment on the odd sounding word but I find I’m frozen in place. My hands won’t budge, my chest feels heavy, my feet feel connected to the floor. I try and fail to flail in panic and protest at my new found immobility.

Remmy stands there motionless, waiting, patient. “How do you feel?” she asks. But I cannot answer. I stand motionless and silent like a hunk of wood. “Tell me your name” she says with authority I’ve never heard in her. I tell her my name, in a slow halting voice even through I am trying to demand she remove her defective cock ring.

Remmy walks forward biting her lip. “I’m really sorry about this, I hope you know that.” She says with a sudden sultry tone to her words. “You ignored me too many times, brushed aside my attempts without even acknowledging them. For now, at least for tonight, you won’t do that.”

Remmy breathes in sharply then continues. “I’m going to tell you exactly what your going to do tonight, and in the morning, maybe you’ll thank me.” She pauses briefly and makes eye contact a forlorn smile takes to her face.

“Tonight, your going to grab me, your going to rip my clothing off even as I fight back against you, your going to hit me to force me to obey you, your going to hold me down and force me to cum over and over with your fingers and mouth, your going to use me as roughly as you can, to fill me with all the cum you can, your going to kiss me and tell me you love me, your going to slap my tits and call me a slut, your going to make me beg to cum, for your cum, to be free, to be hit. And your not going to stop until morning. Your not going to stop even if I tell you to, your going to FUCK ME, your going to hurt me with your cock, with your hands, with my love. Now, DO IT.” she demands in her authoritative voice.

I nod a single time against my will, and go to take her for the night.



  1. I hadn’t expected so many peeps to enjoy this one. Guess I’ll get started on part two then.

    This is part of a series based on D&D classes each thematically appropriate kinks and situations, so if there is one you want to see let me know.

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