Online Boyfriend (Part 8) MF

I woke up with Kevin grunting beside me. He had a splitting headache, so I prepared strong black coffee for him and his favorite soup. He was silent the whole time we were having our breakfast, which was a bit weird because he was usually chatty especially on trips. I remembered what happened at dinner last night and I got a bit worried. Then I remembered what happened afterwards and I turned red.

“You had a good night?” Kevin asked.

I gave him a quizzical look. He wasn’t smiling.

“Well, we had to carry you which was a bit funny,” I tried to joke but he wasn’t smiling. Instead he just continued drinking his coffee and looking beyond the villa. I decided not to test the waters.

It was already 10 in the morning and Kevin and I would be leaving after lunch. Still there was no sight of Nathan and Lito said he didn’t get out of his villa yet.

I went back to our villa last night, so I was able to leave Nathan alone. He was okay when I left him so I was a bit worried when he was not getting out.

When Kevin was busy with his phone calls, I decided to go to Nathan’s villa. I brought two cups and a steaming hot coffee for him.

Holding the tray, I was standing in front of the door and was thinking what I would say when it suddenly opened and it was Hannah.

“Lisa!” Hannah exclaimed. “What a surprise. We were about to get outside…”

I felt my heart thudding from my chest. Hannah was wearing a gorgeous two-piece yellow swimsuit, showing her curves. Her skin has this gorgeous tan and definitely young looking. How old did Nathan say she is? Ah, 23 years old. Younger than I.

I smiled. “Oh, yes. I was wondering if you did arrive since Nathan is not coming out. I brought coffee.”

“Oh that is so sweet. Thank you. We were just about to go ask Lito to bring something,” Hannah replied. “Honey, you want to take your coffee here?”

Hannah took the tray from my hand. Nathan suddenly appeared behind her, wearing nothing but his boxers. His hair was still wet, he must have been from the shower.

Hannah has her back turned on me, thank goodness, because I was blushing like a tomato looking at Nathan. He was always gorgeous as he was, his wonderfully toned muscles a heaven to look at. I remembered what he did last night and my pulse quickened. I dare not look down on his boxers or I might imagine his cock.

“Let’s have it outside,” Nathan replied. “I hope Lisa and Kevin would join us for breakfast.” He took the tray from Hannah’s hands like a devoted boyfriend that he was.

“You sure? I hope I didn’t tire you too much this morning…” Hannah teasingly said. Nathan smiled at her.

They fucked! My heart stopped.

“I’ll go get Kevin,” was my only reply and I didn’t wait for them to respond because I already turned around and walked to our villa.

My heart started to beat back when I was walking. I felt something hard on my chest and I quickly shook the feeling. Why am I feeling this way? Of course they could do it, they’re a couple! Just like Kevin and I. But somehow… I don’t know… it’s like I didn’t like thinking about it.

I shook my head. I should get back to my senses. Nathan and I simply enjoy fucking. That was all there is. It was clear when we first talked online that we were both satisfied with our relationships and there was nothing between us. Just the fucking.

I should stop now before I get crazy thinking about it.

Kevin was animated on the breakfast table and Hannah was her usual bubbly self. I could see why Nathan must have loved her. She was youth and beauty, everything I was not. She was charming and sophisticated…

I looked away and smiled. Did I really become this stupid girl who compares myself with others? I was never that. Somehow, being with Nathan made me that way. I should stop this now before it becomes an addiction.

I poured another cup of orange juice on my glass, just amused with the stories Hannah was telling and Kevin was commenting on. I was never a talkative person, so I kept silent. I smiled adoringly at Kevin when he shared something about our past and when I turned my head I saw Nathan looking at my face. A pink flush appeared on my cheeks and I looked away.

I was sitting directly opposite him, with Kevin beside me and Hannah was sitting beside Nathan. I’ve been trying to avoid Nathan’s gaze all morning and was planning to just keep doing that until we get home.

“You’ve never been there? Oh my god we should go real quick before you leave,” Hannah said. She turned to Nathan and told him we should go see it whatever it was since I was not able to hear it. Nathan tore his gaze from me and answered his girlfriend.

We were supposed to go to this area to see something but I told Kevin I was not feeling well so he should go with them while I just go pack our stuff. Kevin offered to stay but I insisted since he’s an adventurous guy and I know how excited he was when he heard about it.

He gave me a long serious kiss before he left the room with his phone in tow. I waited a full minute before I decided to pack our things. We were going home so I decided to take a quick shower. When I was done, I put on my bathrobe and went out just in time there was a knock on the door. Kevin must have left his keys, I thought.

My hair still dripping wet, I opened the door and saw Nathan standing there. He was wearing this blue board shorts but nothing above. His hair was a bit wet too as I have noticed.

“Yes?” I asked innocently.

Without further ado, he went it and kicked the door closed. The next thing I knew he put his arms around my waist, pulled me close and started to kiss me hungrily. As if by instinct, I tried to pull away, surprised with what was happening.

“Nathan…”I gasped. “What are you…?”

He looked at me with that dark look in his eyes. He was looking at my whole face, my hair… I know I look terrible. I don’t even have my makeup on!

“I want you,” was all he said.

Then I felt him untie my bathrobe and I was naked in front of him. I felt his shaft against me and it was so hard it was almost digging into my skin. He was kissing me fiercely, his mouth taking not only my lips, but trailing down my neck as his hands travel down and touch one of my aching nipples. We were still glued together and he was pushing me back, we were walking towards the bed.

We stopped when I felt the bed touch the back of my thighs. I put my hands against his chest and tried to compose my thoughts. We shouldn’t do this.

“Nathan,” I said, mustering my courage and staring deep into his eyes. He was breathing hard and was already caressing my ass. “We should stop this now.”

“What’s wrong, babe?” he asked his bedroom voice so sexy I almost melted.

“Everything!” I exclaimed. “Kevin and Hannah—”

He looked down and I could feel his gaze on my breasts. I wanted him to suck it but I have to control myself or I’ll get lost again.

“It doesn’t matter,” he said. “I want you now Lisa.”

I wasn’t able to respond to that, because he already bent down and took one my breasts into his mouth and sucked it hungrily. I gasped with pleasure, my hands gripped his hair tightly. He licked my nipples, going from one peak to the other as if trying to wake them up, which he was really good at. My huge tits were so wet. I could also feel my liquid starting to build in my pussy. How could he do this? Even Kevin wasn’t able to arouse me this much.

I was concentrated on how he lavished my breasts with kisses that I didn’t notice that he has taken off his shorts and underwear. He stepped back and held his cock.

“I’ve been hard like this since I saw you outside the villa this morning,” he said.

It was a moment given to me to protest again.

“Nathan, please…” I said. “We really shouldn’t. I enjoyed it but we can’t continue it.”

“Why not, babe?”

“We have our own partners! We don’t fit together..”

He grabbed me and then turned me around and I felt his cock behind me, his shaft rubbing against my ass sending tingling sensations. My pussy started to throb.

He turned me to face another side of the room, where the full-body mirror was. I could see both of our reflections, I naked as a baby, my breasts dangling in front of me, with Nathan behind. He was also staring at the mirror, looking at my body from head to toe. I felt so fucking naked.

Then he suddenly pushed my back down a little so that I will lean and then the next thing I felt was his cock inside my wet entrance. It was so sudden, but my pussy was wet already so he was able to get it in with one thrust. I let out a cry and his groan accompanied mine. Then when it was inside, he put his arms around my waist and started to pound me. We were fucking in standing position. I could feel urgency with his every thrust, I was completely helpless. My pussy was betraying my body because I was so fucking wet I knew I would come any minute.

He held me closer then tried to straighten my body so that I could look again at the mirror. My back was sculpted against his chest, his cock inside of me. I saw his hand run down my stomach and found my pussy. Using his finger, he opened my pussy lips and found my clit. He started to play with it as he pounded forcefully. His other hand was squeezing my breasts. He was doing all of this while looking at the mirror, watching my reflection.

I closed my eyes and felt the moment he tensed. He was cumming.

“Lisa,” he whispered to my ear. “Open your eyes. Look, we fit together, darling.”

I opened my eyes just in time he started to pound harder and his fingers tightened against my pussy. We will both cum!

I opened my mouth to let out a loud moan.

“I want to cum inside of you.”

I didn’t reply and it was the answer he was waiting. The buildup was fast and wonderful. I want to cum with him.

We did cum together. Our bodies shuddered as one as we reach the peak, our groans and moans filling the room. He didn’t stop thrusting his cock, though I have already felt his seed exploding inside with mine, the wet liquid dripping down my thigh. He continued pounding me and I couldn’t help but cum over and over again, my knees starting to wobble but he held me close.

“Come for me, baby,” he said huskily and he continued to give it all out.

I can’t remember how many times I came. I was afraid I will faint with his lovemaking but he held me tenderly close refusing to let me go.

When it was over, he just stopped but kept his cock inside of me. It was still hard, and I felt my pussy like a vacuum sucking it in.

We were both breathing hard, but we were staring at out reflections in the mirror.

How could I let him go with this? I felt something in my eye but kept it.

He trailed kisses on my neck and licked the sides of it. Then he looked at me straight in the eye, with the help of the mirror.

“You’re mine, Lisa,” he whispered. “I’m not letting you go.”
