I celebrated passing my final by doing The Mall Challenge and sucking a stranger’s dick [FM]

Wow. Okay. I did it. I wasn’t sure if I was going to end up going through with it, but I did. I needed a couple days to work up the motivation to type this up, but I need to write this while its still relatively fresh in my head.

A few months ago, I discovered this subreddit. I got really turned on by the challenges and makeovers, but things were busy with school and I wasn’t sure if I would have time for any of them, so I decided I’d maybe look into it during winter break. In the meantime, to make thing interesting I sluttied up my wardrobe a little bit. I bought some slutty workout clothes since I’d been lifting, and wearing those has really raised my confidence. I got some of the outfits Gymshark sells, matching sports bras and yoga pants (which leave your midriff exposed), and wore just those to the gym.

The first time wearing my new clothes, I was super self-conscious, because those are not the type of clothes I normally exercise in, and being relatively new to lifting made it even worse, especially because some days I’m the only girl using the squat rack. I thought maybe I was imagining it, because of my new attitude, but my new clothes made a tangible difference. I feel like people always check each other out at the gym, but wearing my new outfits has ratcheted it up an insane degree. Over the course of the semester, I’ve really started to enjoy the attention, and the fact my outfits are so revealing has been great motivation to work on myself.

Fast forward to two weeks ago, I was in the middle of studying for finals and I was dying. I needed something to motivate myself. Somewhere on like day 2 of 5 studying for my calculus exam, I decided if I managed to get an A on my final, I would reward myself by doing the mall challenge from Stupid Sluts Club. I know that probably sounds like a ridiculous way to motivate yourself, but whatever works, ya know? Those were dark times.

I got the grade needed, thankfully, and a week later I was back at home. After taking a few days to unwind I started thinking about logistics of actually doing the challenge, and this is where I started to get cold feet. I’m pretty new to this, and have never had a one-night stand or anything like that. So, the idea of going to the mall and blowing a total stranger was insane to me, but the idea was also insanely hot in an abstract sense, and it kept festering in my mind and refused to go away.

I ended up using the trick I like to use to stop procrastinating. The way it works is I start off with something small and low commitment, like just putting on my gym clothes, or just sitting down at my desk. The first thing I did was make an account to post this story on. Next, I picked out my outfit. I didn’t want to totally overdo it because it’s the fucking mall, and I wanted to look like a slut with plausible deniability. So, I settled on a corset and a leather miniskirt, which is one of my sexier outfits. Last thing I needed was to write a notes explaining my situation. I wasn’t sure precisely what I wanted to say, but I settled on ‘Can I please give you a blowjob? I’m serious.’ Once finished I decided that was enough for one day, and made plans to go through with it the next day.

Just having everything ready to go changed everything, because I felt like I couldn’t back out without feeling like a major loser, which is exactly how I wanted it. I also had to stash the notes in my sock drawer because I was paranoid someone would find them.

The day arrived, and I was nervous, so I broke everything into steps. First, I put on my outfit, and told my family I was leaving to do some Christmas shopping. Then I drove to the nice mall I sometimes go to. Have you ever seen a person walking outside that made you think ‘that outfit is way too cold for the weather’? Well that was me in the parking lot, even with a jacket.

Inside the mall was hectic. There were people everywhere doing last minute Christmas shopping. Meanwhile, I’m wandering around wondering why I came to a mall filled with beleaguered parents just to find someone to give a blowjob to.

Since I love to worry, next I started getting nervous about the logistics of where we were going to go if anyone agreed to my proposal. I’ve read about people going to changing rooms and I was like ‘no way’. I imagined some employee knocking on the door like ‘is everything okay in there’ and I was like no fucking way do I need that in my life. Anyway, I found a spot that had the private lockable bathrooms, and decided that would be perfect place.

With everything sorted out I found a bench and did some people watching. There was something super-hot about looking at randos and knowing their dick might be in my mouth 5 minutes from now, and I could feel myself starting to get turned on.

I kind of spied on people for a while, doing the thing where you peek at someone over the top of your phone. I toyed with the idea of some older guys, and dismissed quite a few people, but finally I saw him.

He was tall with tan skin and curly hair, which is definitely my type. There was a long line at a jewelry store, which he was stuck at the back of, looking irritated. I thought it was cute, because maybe I could cheer him up.

Feeling super nervous I made the long walk over to say hi. We chatted briefly and I asked him if he was shopping for anyone, because I was kind of worried, he had a girlfriend, but it didn’t sound like it. So, I told him I had something for him, and at that point I just kind of handed him the note and looked away, because I was too embarrassed to make eye contact.

There was a long awkward pause, so I knew he had read the note correctly. Eventually he asked, “are you for real?”

And I was relieved to have the awkward part over with, and I was like “Yes I am.” And I suspected he was interested, so I even threw in a “pretty please, may I?” and at this point I was super turned on because he was handsome, and I really eager to go through with it, and I think some of that desperation creeped into my voice.

He said “I’m down.” And I was immediately super relieved, because I had been worried about how awkward getting rejected would be, and also super thankful the first person had said yes.

I told him there was a nearby bathroom and we could go there. As we walked, he asked me what my name was, and I told him I didn’t want us to know each other’s names. Which I could tell made him more excited.

Once we enter the bathroom, I decide to immediately get down to business. I crouch down in front of him, and as I’m pulling off his sweatpants, I can feel his dick is already hard, which is a huge turn on. Once the boxers are off, I immediately start going to town. I had already decided this was the only person I was going to try this with today, so I wanted to make the most of it. I took his dick all the way into my mouth, moaning and swirling my tongue all the while. Then I start working his dick using both my hand and mouth, slobbering as much as I can.

He started pumping his hips, and in the middle, I literally heard him say, “I can’t believe this is happening to me.”

I couldn’t think of a response, so I just kept going, but hearing it was honestly a huge ego boost, because I wanted to do a really amazing job. And as it was happening, I kept thinking I DON’T EVEN KNOW WHO THIS PERSON IS, but I couldn’t stop it was like I was on autopilot.

I could tell he was getting close, because the muscles in his legs were super tense and he kept twitching, and he grabbed onto my head, which was making it hard to pull back. I just kept bobbing my head and using my tongue as much as possible. Then it happened. He tensed and latched onto my head, and I could feel his dick twitching. My mouth was full of his cum, and I honestly couldn’t even remember tasting it because I was so focused. I started swallowing as a reflex, because my mouth was filling up so fast.

He pulled out toward the end, rubbing his dick over my face, and ended up getting a little of his cum on me, which I initially wasn’t thrilled about, but I decided to roll with. I pretended not to notice it, to see if he would say anything, and he didn’t. Which I thought was annoying, but the disrespect was also kind of hot. Maybe he guessed I would be into it?

Afterward he said thanks. I told him I would follow him out of the bathroom, so I could skip over any awkward chit chat.

I went straight back to my car after that. During the drive home I was reliving the encounter in my mind and already starting to touch myself. When I finally got home, I went straight to my room and took care of business with my vibrator. Everyone got a happy ending, which I guess makes me a Stupid Slut now.

I just want to say, if there is anyone out there like me who thinks ‘no way, this sounds hot, but I’d never actually do this’, you should reconsider. I had a lot of fun.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/rq9qc1/i_celebrated_passing_my_final_by_doing_the_mall


  1. Oh my god. That is SUPER hot. Such a great writeup.

    Well done you stupid slut. 😘🥰

  2. Wow! Now that was an amazing story. Happy to hear you enjoyed and I’m sure you made that guy’s day! ❤️

  3. it’s really hot. the complexity of mind and making it happen and go through all of this is pretty arousing to me too.

  4. i use the family bathroom anytime i wear a romper, cause i hate to pee in them. If you don’t know peeing in a romper is a chore, it’s a one piece and you basically have to strip to your ankles so the more privacy the better. They are fantastic otherwise, you can move, jump around and you don’t need to wear a bra, which also means you’re completely naked when you pee.
    I don’t normally have a problem using the family bathroom at the mall, i love them in fact, until i actually used it with my family, well my husband. Because of the anxiety of peeing naked i asked him to come along and stand guard near the door while i went, but he insisted on coming in, okay fine whatever so i strip to start peeing and he’s getting a chuckle out of the whole thing. Then a knock at the door, “mall security, open up,” my husband and i look at each other like wtf and they knock again, “you can’t be in there, open up!” more aggressive this time.
    My husband, god bless him, cracks the door open to get a look at who’s knocking and as soon as he does they push open the door; there i am mid pee, i let go of my romper to cover my bare chest with my arms so it falls to my feet so i just lean forward and look down to hide, absolutely mortified beyond words. “my wife is using the restroom” he tells the two guards.
    “Sir, you can’t be in here” they respond.
    And my husband proceeds to argue with them about it being a family restroom and i just yell, “Get out! all of you!”
    They all stop and look at me, and i think it clicked at that moment cause everyone left. They apologized to my husband and explained they’ve had a lot of teenagers having sex and smoking weed in the restrooms and it’s such a problem that they have had to get aggressive about stopping it. They even put cameras outside the restroom so security can keep an eye on things. They had got a call over the radio saying an older man with younger female entered the family bathroom so to them it sounded like a situation they had to do something about. I kinda take it as a compliment, just not then, i was pissed then.

    To this day, my husband laughs uncontrollably anytime someone brings it up. We actually talked to a lawyer about suing but he kinda dragged his feet and nothing really happened. I think about it sometimes, play with the ending in my mind a bit but that’s all i’m gonna say about that, lol.

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