Tales from the Next Sexual Revolution – Riot Control [SciFi, MF, FF, Group, Public Sex, Satire]

The new recruit was still spouting the feminist talking points as the crew donned their riot gear. No one knew how she passed the qualifiers but Jenkin’s speculated it was her big tits. The crew, entirely made up of women, laughed as the puzzled recruit kept babbling. The World Economic Conference was underway and the protestors were out in force, although their efforts were more than futile at this point. The agreements had all been signed long before the actual meeting, so the event was really just an expensive party for the world leaders and their cronies. Despite knowing this, the special unit still prepped to help subdue the crowds.

“Are you sure you’re in the right job, missy?” asked the squad leader, Brittany Jones. She was a tall, muscular woman with the lowest body fat of anyone on the team. “You seem a little flabby for this. If you still want to call quits, I can write a release out for you.” “I’m not a freeloader!” the feminist gasped. “I’ll do my share per my agreement. But I have to say, these uniforms don’t seem very efficient.” She pulled at the garments that fit poorly on her frame. Her tits were indeed quite ample as they jutted forth, uncovered.

“Mindy, help the recruit with her gear. We’re moving out in ten, get your shit together,” Jones barked as she checked out the crew in the cramped locker room. Their transport was waiting outside, engine running. They’d be able to get a quick start without getting hassled by the regulars who never seemed to get tired of jeering the special team.

Their riot gear barely resembled the normal police equipment except in color and some of the accessories. First of all, their skin was mostly unprotected, with large gaps for their breasts and genital areas. In fact, only their knees, shoulders, and elbows had flexible padding while a small helmet protected their heads from light impacts. The helmets were bright and distinctive with mostly useless attachments that seemed to be more cosmetic than practical, including comically large antennae that gave the women a bunny-like appearance. A thin visor could be pulled down, but most of the girls didn’t bother using it. They each wore a utility belt which held various accessories, none of them practical for actual police use. Still, each member of the dozen person squad checked out their gear: Velcro pockets that held medical wipes, lotion, sprays, bandages, different varieties of dildos and sexual aides, lubricant squeeze tubes, aphrodisiacs, mints, a folding blanket, and extra foam padding strapped to their backs. They looked absolutely ridiculous.

The recruit examined each in puzzlement, “No pepper spray? No batons? Unless you expect me to fend off a rioter with this?” She whipped a floppy, faux penis around.

Mindy shook her head, “Just follow me, I’ll tell you what to do. What’s your name?”

“Oh, I’m Veronica,” she shook hands while openly staring at the other woman’s chest. “Your cups are even bigger than mine.”

“Yup, so we have to hold the line while the specialists pick out the leaders. It should be easy. Most people get distracted easily. Come on let’s go.”

Mindy slapped her bare ass as the crew lined up to enter the armored transport. It was cramped inside the old APC, so by the time the machine wound its way through the city to the first hot spot the girls were practically all over each other, bare skin sticking with sweat. A couple of them had started making out but Veronica tried to ignore them.

Jones shouted for them to get out, opening the hatch and waving them onward. They tumbled out into a scene of bedlam. Smoke filled the air from burning trash and tires as various figures dashed through the intersection. Regular riot police were lined up on the street, shields locked together in a phalanx. Every few moments, a tear gas gun went off into the melee. Shop windows were smashed and refuse littered the street. A few bloodied people sat on the sidewalk or were being attended to be emergency responders. From other APC’s, more special units deployed until there was a significant force of the scantily clad women.

The girls formed up, a bit nervous, but Jones smiled as they became noticed. There were jeers from the cops and many of the protesters. Others cheered. Jones talked to a police commander who pointed out a swelling batch of instigators around the next corner. She nodded and the troop marched down the street. People saw them and made way, many of the men grinned. Some of them walked up and smacked their asses or took a grope. Veronica didn’t know what to do, but followed Mindy’s lead by only smiling as a youth, face hidden behind a bandanna, reached out and cupped their ample chests. He gave them a thumbs up and skittered away. At first it seemed there wouldn’t be any real opposition to the new force, but quickly they came upon a batch of hard core protesters who shouted at them and did not budge.

The riot team locked arms, thrust their chests out and herded the crowd as best they could. Many did not want to resist, but those in back did not want to retreat. Mindy showed Veronica how to use her chest to intimidate the protestors by thrusting their wares into their faces. Some liked the contact, others didn’t. Either way, few wanted to strike back at naked women. Jones and a couple of their more experienced officers broke off into the crowd, using their sinewy strength to single out the presumed leader. He had been shouting from the back but somehow the team managed to isolate him and create a little cordon inside the mass. Jones used her lithe body to embrace him, kissing him deeply so he could no longer make coherent orders. His followers seemed to hesitate. Some of the female protestors looked disgusted and turned away, discouraged.

“Quick, put down the pad!” Jones commanded. An inflatable mattress was activated, and she pulled down the helpless man with her weight as two of her team mates licked his ears and massaged his back with their chests. In moments, he had lost his will to lust and a four-way began on the street. Many of the protesters gawked. A few of them still seemed to have the will to resist. Mindy saw this and shouted, “Break! Formation Delta!” Mindy grabbed Veronica and split from the main force. The women regrouped to form a perimeter where more mattresses were being laid down.

Mindy had a secret technique that helped open a way to the last group of hard-core resisters. She squeezed her nipples, launching breast milk at anyone who got in her way. They were either mollified or surprised, losing their will to fight. Some laughed, trying to lap the spray. Veronica couldn’t do that but followed closely along, spouting her feminist tracts, “The power of the female will always overcome the dominant patriarchy. Mother’s milk nourishes!”

“I’m not falling for your tricks! You’re all goons supporting the status quo. Slaves to the machine and the bankers.” said a red-faced protestor. He swung at Mindy, almost knocking her helmet off. She tripped and fell to the ground. The man began kicking her in the side. Veronica launched herself into the fray, using her body to catch the man’s foot. She held onto it desperately, “Force is the outdated method of the patriarchy. Awaken to the new truth, comrade! Use love not your fists. Flay us with your true manhood, not your sticks or your guns.” She looked up into his eyes pleadingly. Instinctively Veronica lay back, exposing her sex to him. He hesitated.

“Please, master. Strike me with your man-stick,” she begged. Mindy was quick to catch up, deploying a mattress. The man sank to his knees, entranced. Veronica pulled at his pants, resting her head on his now engorged member as it pressed against the fabric.

“But, we need to fight. We’re just allowing ourselves to be used. Humanity will be slaves to an unbreakable hegemony,” he whispered, dazed as Mindy rubbed her chest into his face. Veronica unzipped his pants, exposing his true self to the world.

“For now, we’ll be your slaves, master,” Veronica cooed, as she began fellating the protestor. Something within him broke and he began desperately to attack Mindy’s chest with his mouth.

Jones clapped Veronica on the back afterwards, “I’m amazed, recruit. You fucked like the best of us. I’m going to recommend you for promotion.” The protest in their section had turned into an orgy. Once satisfied, most dispersed of their own will or were easily gathered for detention by the regulars. Mindy was busy giving a couple of them farewell blow jobs so only gave the team a thumbs up as the group cleaned up, wiping each other down and sorting their gear.

“Leave the rest for Sanitation to clean,” Jones ordered. She licked some of the cum off of Veronica’s ear. “This engagement went better than expected, but don’t think that is the norm. We’re moving on to another hotspot, so get rehydrated gals. If anyone is too exhausted to continue, take relief now. I don’t want stragglers slowing us down, so if you don’t think you can hack it, stay behind.”

“I can keep up, sir,” Veronica smiled. Except for some bruises, the rest of the team was also ready and willing.

At a different part of the city, trouble showed up almost right away. Jones cursed when she saw the opposing force, “Damn it, it’s those sluts. Pussy without Borders.”

Veronica raised an eyebrow, “Really? I almost joined them. I might know some of them.” The group of naked female activists stood in a row, exposing their butts to the riot police and shouting obscenities about being literally raped by the State instead of figuratively.

Mindy shrugged, “Just a different type of hole to fill, in my opinion.” She pulled out her flex-dildo and wacked her palm with it, nonchalantly. Others began lubing up in readiness. Jones just spat into her palm and wicked her labia with her spittle, sneering.

Jones waved to her crew, “Ok, we’re going in one-to-one on this one gals. Make the bitches submit, you know the drill. Recruit, follow our lead.” Hooting, the special riot force marched to the front lines, past the police barricade and engaged the radicals with all orifices, wet and ready.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/35d1t9/tales_from_the_next_sexual_revolution_riot