My wife and I visit our sons new apartment.

My wife Sarah and I recently visited our sons new apartment. He was still at work, but his three male roommates were at home. I brought him a case of beer and my wife brought a bottle of Whiskey. His roommates said he wouldn’t be home for a few hours but that we should stay and have a few drinks. We had just finished date night so my wife had on her sexiest yoga pants and white tank top. We agreed and sat down. They all three went in the kitchen to make drinks and put the beer in their fridge. They were in there awhile so I told Sarah I’d check on them. When I entered the room, I noticed them sprinkling some powder in our drinks. I asked what was going on. One of them walked over, put his hand on my neck and said, “nothings up man, we’re just making good drinks. As his hand touched my neck, I felt a tiny “prickle” on my neck. Like he’d inadvertently shocked me. I blew it off and said okay. We all went back in the living room and began to drink. 3 or 4 drinks later, I started to feel weakness in my body but still being fully aware of my surroundings. Pretty soon I couldn’t even move to get up, but noticed my wife dancing in the middle of the roommates with them rubbing their hands all over her. She seemed very happy and horny. I went to raise my hand and say “stop,” but the words wouldn’t come out and my arm barely moved. One of the roommates noticed, walked over and said, “don’t bother trying to talk or move, we’ll take special care of Sarah tonight and you get to watch the whole thing.


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