Clementina, Part XXIII [extreme, sf/horror/fantasy, monster, tentacles, transgender, anal, lactation, TTTTTFFFF]


If you are new to this story, I suggest going back and reading the earlier parts or you will be confused.

As with the previous installments, if this sort of thing is not your cup of tea, please do not read any further. I want readers to have fun – not be disturbed. Please heed all warnings!

There are transgender people in this story, there are monsters in this story, and there are transgender monsters in this story. I AM NOT IMPLYING TRANSGENDER PEOPLE ARE MONSTERS. I am just having fun with genders.

This story assumes you have read all previous parts. If you haven’t you will probably find some of this bewildering.

This part begins Chapter 5, and begins immediately after Part XXII ends.

I appreciate all your comments and feedback in the comments section and read every one of them.

Clementina, Part XXIII

Chapter 5: Citadel (continues)

Weird. Yeah. But we were getting used to weird.

The room we had entered was about the size of Makala’s chamber with her throne, or Alura’s chamber with her well and the tentacle-labia statue. Except in this room the ceiling was much higher and their appeared to be some kind of a balcony that ran around two thirds or so of the way up.

But that wasn’t the weird part. The weird part was the pair of statues that formed a sort of arch over a small pool – not unlike the antechamber connected to the house where I first met the light phallites. Similar to that room, this one held statues of two individuals with, um, body parts, extended over the pool. Both of the statues before us now had generally female phallite forms, with their pendulous breasts, long nipples, narrow waist, and flared hips. And both statues had normal phallite female labia and vagina. However both had cocks where their clits should be.

But that wasn’t the weird part.

Both statues had very large cocks. But one of the statues had two cocks, one just on top of the other, both sprouting from where the woman’s clitoris should have been. If this were a normal-sized person, the cocks would have been around eighteen inches long – the size of Oympia’s meat. I glanced up at the face of the statue. The face held at least a passing resemblance to her. This statue had one hand on their lower cock, and the other hand reaching across the pool to the other statue.

The second statue had a face with some similarity to mine, however it had a vagina, not testicles. The labia around the slit were big, and hung down like a thick ragged hood nearly a foot below the body. The statue had a gargantuan cock, that sucker would have been more than two feet on a normal sized person – not unlike my own when I tighten up all my muscles. But the cock head was flared and the slit at the end was long and had what looked a lot like pussy lips around it. Not lobed labia but more of the puffy innie sort of pussy lips. The statue was grasping its cock in both hands like it was a fucking baseball bat, and the opposite statue had reached across the pool and slid two fingers inside the head, stretching it downwards. If that were a normal sized person, the head of the cock would have been stretched out at enough to slide your fist inside.

All three cocks were carved as if slime or come were assaying from the tips.

It was freaky.

Behind the statues on the wall was another image, this one carved in relief, showing a phallite-like female with a crow or raven on one shoulder, and a bat on the other, along with a decent-sized cock. Beside the image of the crow/bat girl was a set of stairs leading up to a bricked-in arch.

We all stood taking the scene before us in. I glanced around and noticed that Makala and Alura had moved back so their backs were against the far wall and they were looking upwards towards the balcony that ran around the upper reaches of the chamber.

I followed their gaze up and in the shadows I thought I saw something move.

“There’s something up there,” I said. All heads turned up as a shadow moved along the balcony.

“Alura? Makala?” came a sweet-sounding woman’s voice from above. “How long has it been?”

“Nearly a century, Bathory,” said Makala.

“And who are your friends?” the shadowed figure asked.

“The One, the Six, the Consort, the Two, the Not-the-Two, and of course, the Whore,” Makala called back.

“There are many Ones, Makala. Is this ’A’ One or ‘The’ One?”

“This is The One,” Alura said.

“And you know this how?” came the voice from above.

“Come down and taste her for yourself, and you shall know.”

“And if I come down and it is not The One, may I have her?”

“Taste me? And what does she mean ‘have me’?” I interrupted.

“Nothing to worry about,” Makala said, clearing her throat then calling up to Bathory. “No promises, only that when you come down and taste her, you will know.”

“Will the Citadel be restored?” Bathory said.

“Why the fuck else would we be here?” Alura said, exasperation in her voice.

“Does she have the beacons?” Bathory asked.

“She is the One, so she has the beacons,” Makala called back.

“What are the beacons?” I asked, interrupting again.

“Nothing to worry about,” Makala said.

“But are the beacons ready?” Bathory asked.

“We’re getting to that…” Makala said with a sigh.

“And has the Two been made the Two?”

“We were still getting to that as well,” Alura said.

“Then why are you here?” Bathory said. “Come back when they are ready.”

“Things are different then they used to be,” Makala said. “People are different. They’re softer, kinder, more sophisticated. They want to know what they are getting in to rather than blindly following creatures who seem to have supernatural traits.”

“Plus,” Alura added. “It’s probably better they start getting used to you now, what with your delightful personality and kind disposition.”

Suddenly the shadow up on the balcony above us jumped and – spread its wings? All of us leapt back against the wall as Bathory lit on the floor in the center of the chamber next to the statues.

Of course, she had the usual phallite shape – wide bust, wide hips, narrow waist, big labia, and in her case, a huge cock instead of a clit. But the rest of her was anything but standard.

Her scaled skin was deep, deep red, and black veins criss-crossed her entire body under her scales. Her hair was black and giant black ram’s horns like Makala’s sprouted from her head. Her eyes glowed red. Her scales were interrupted by three patches of fur. One patch started just above her cock and ran in a narrow strip about an inch wide up past her naval, up between her breasts, and then expanded into a diamond shape about three inches wide above her cleavage. She also had thin strips of fur on either side that started near her hip bones and ran up under her armpits.

Her breasts, carrying the usual phallite shape, had black veins that pulsed and throbbed all around them. Her nipples were long and black and pulsed in time with the thick veins standing out against her scales all around her pendulous mammaries.

But most shocking of all were the leathery bat wings that sprouted from her shoulder blades and arced behind her.

“Whoa,” I said.

“Yeah, whoa,” Clementina said, standing next to me.

Bathory looked us over, then her eyes lit on me. She flexed her wings twice as her eyes took me in, strafing down my body, studying my face, my breasts, my cock – which was still coated in pink slime from the stalk.

“Hmm,” she said.

She turned and her eyes locked on Olympia, immediately looking straight at her cock.

“This is the Two?” Bathory asked.

“She is,” said Makala.

“She is not ready, the One is not ready. We are not ready to raise the Citadel. You know better than this, Makala. You know the rules.”

“Come off it,” Alura interrupted. “We know the difference between the rules that were made by the gods, and the rules that were just made by a bunch of old, horny, guys who think they know the will of the gods. There are rules about what it takes to raise the Citadel, but there are no rules from the gods that say that Miss Bathory the high-and-mighty can’t be awoken from her slumber until all preparations are ready.”

There was a long, uncomfortable silence. Us mere mortals were hovering back, trying to remain unobtrusive while the spirits sorted out their dogma. Then Bathory laughed.

“My apologies to you – and to everyone – for the offense.” she made a sweeping gesture encompassing all of us, and then bowed low enough that her engorged, veiny tits almost brushed the floor. “I am Bathory, the Guardian of the Citadel.”

Introductions were made all around, then Bathory turned to Olympia and I.

“How much have Makala and Alura told you about raising the Citadel?”

“Uh, not much,” I said. “They say there are certain things they are bound to not say.”

“This is true, but now that I am here and the Door of the Three is open, you can understand what comes next. First, the Two must be made the Two.” She gestured to the double-cocked statue.

“So you are going to give me another cock?” Olympia asked.

Bathory nodded. Olympia smiled.

“I’ve been loving the one, I bet I will love having two. I’ve got two twin daughters, one cock for each.”

Athena and Demeter smiled.

During this exchange, I had been staring at the other statue. I turned to Bathory.

“Is that other statue me?” I asked.

“It is,” she said.

“The gaping cock head is strange but okay, but that statue has labia and a vagina, like you, Makala, and Olympia. Right now I have testicles.”

For the first time I saw honest kindness wander across Bathory’s face. She put her arm around me, and I could feel the fur on her side against my skin. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but it was incredibly soft, like mink or sable. And her scaled skin was also warm and soft. If you’ve ever held a snake that has been basking in the sun – it was that same soft warmth. It was comforting, even the feel of her heavy black veins pulsing under the scales was warm and soft.

“There is nothing to be afraid of,” she said. “You haven’t been producing semen from those organs since you made the transition. Any tightening or sensations during orgasm are just muscle memory. You’ll like having a pussy a lot more than your useless balls.”

“Will this hurt?” I asked.

“Not at all,” she said.

“What will happen to my nuts?”

“They will become the beacons.”

“My balls are beacons?” I said, stifling a snicker.

“They will be once we raise the Citadel. And once we raise the Citadel, the beacons will draw to us the one who is to be the Keeper of the Citadel.”

“Who is that?”

Bathory shook her horns and nightmare black tresses.

“I don’t know, I just know it will be someone known to the Seven – you and your mother. Possibly someone you are close to. The gods can be pernicious sometimes, so it may not be someone you expect.”

“Wow, this is a lot to process.”

“Which is why it’s probably a good time for us all to take a pause and call it a day,” Alura interjected. “The Roshele and Olympia probably need some rest after opening that door.”

I had been so full of nervous energy ever since entering Bathory’s chamber that I hadn’t realized just how tired I was after opening the door. I murmured assent and we all made our way back up to the house.

Like the other spirits, Bathory had a human form, though she retained the soft fur in a large patch above her cock and under her arms. We returned to the house and spent the rest of the day trying to recover from the morning exertions, doing minor chores, and lounging around the pool.

The next morning, however, found all of us back in Bathory’s chamber staring at the strange statue with the two cocks.

Olympia had already undressed and was standing in front of the pool under the statues. Her thick cock was already partially erect as she gazed at the double-cocked effigy.

“So how do we do this thing?” she asked without taking her eyes off the statue.

Bathory came up beside her. The Guardian of the Citadel had reverted to her spirit form, her bat wings folded up against her back, her scales gleaming. Her cock was already fully erect and immense, the same size as Makala’s when hard. It was burnt red and pulsated as it hovered up just in front of her engorged, milky breasts. Her cock and her tits had heavy black veins pulsing and throbbing. Bathory’s wide aureoles were black against her red scales and thick phallite milk was trickling from the long nipples. Her meaty labia were parted and thick slime coursed from within, sliding down her already-slick thighs. Her asshole also assayed slime and a red sheath was sticking out several inches – even the sheath had thick black veins running through it, pulsating and throbbing. The strip of soft fur on her stomach and abdomen was already slick with slime and milk, and stuck against her scaly skin.

“We’ll need the One, the Two, and the Not-The-Two.” Bathory glanced over at myself, Athena, and Demeter. “So you guys might want to lose those swimsuits.”

Staring at the aroused Bathory had brought me partially to attention, so I was glad to be free of the restrictive swimsuit. As my own milk-filled breasts and my growing erection swung out of my swimsuit, Bathory looked me up and down.

“You will do nicely,” she said, locking her eyes on my cock. Watching her stare at my meat made me only harder, and my cock rose, slime sliding thickly from the tip.

Demeter and Athena, the goth twins, moved to stand next to their mother. They had stripped and their heavier, milk-laden mounds were even larger than mine. They each kissed their mother on the lips then the three stood arm-in-arm and looked at Bathory.

Kneeling down in front of Olympia, Bathory Olympia’s cock up between her scaled breasts. She pressed Olympia’s meat between her mounds, tit-fucking her. Olympia moaned and leaned over to share a deep soul-kiss with Demeter. Athena sucked on her mother’s milky tits. She squeezed them, sending a stream of milk across Bathory’s black, silky tresses and curved, dark horns.

Bathory opened her mouth and revealed a long, serpentine tongue similar to my mother’s, but hers was forked at the end. It was deep red like her scaly skin. She wrapped the tongue around the end of Olympia’s cock and squeezed, teasing the head. Olympia moaned as Athena lifted a mouthful of her mother’s milk up to her mother and shared it. Some of it went into Olympia’s mouth, but some trickled down across her firm, full breasts. They kissed and Athena ran her tongue down her mother’s neck and up her other breast to her long, erect nipple, devouring it and the intoxicating phallite milk within.

The scaled Guardian of the Citadel opened her mouth and slipped her head down on Olympia’s cock, pulling it inside her mouth and sucking. Olympia moaned again as a thick glob of slime slipped from her lips and ran down her chest.

Bathory gestured to me and pulled me over, pressing my cock next to Olympia’s between her tits and squeezing them together. My cock was immense, and Olympia’s was not exactly small, but Bathory opened her mouth unbelievably wide and pulled both of them inside, sucking on the tips. Olympia and I shared a slimy soul kiss while Athena and Demeter went back and forth between their mother’s breasts and my own.

Bathory sucked on our two cocks, insanely pulling the two massive shafts down her gullet and deep-throating both of us over a foot into her body before pulling back out. Loads of slime gushing from our cocks and her mouth, sliding thickly down our meat and her pulsing tits that were streaming heavy loads of milk from their dark nipples. Bathory gently pushed Olympia backwards and gestured Athena and Demeter to get down on their knees in front of their mother and suck on her cock, which they willingly did, double-teaming Olympia’s pulsating, purple shaft. Her labia were parted and both her vaginal and anal sheaths had prolapsed out, hanging thickly down between her legs and dripping sinuous globs of slime on the cave floor.

While Olympia’s twin daughters worked over her cock, Bathory focused on my own meat. She slid her lips down the underside of my cock, then back up, running her long red tongue along the shaft. She grasped my balls and gently squeezed, then slid her hand further back, slipping several fingers into my asshole, popping it open, and allowing my sheath to slide out. She pulled the sheath up between my legs and sucked out my ass slime.

I moaned as thick slime coursed from my asshole down the sheath and into Bathory’s warm, wet mouth. She pulled several inches of my sheath down her throat, then pulled my cock in next to it, using my cock to push my sheath even deeper into her body. My sheath was now at least three feet out of my ass and loads of slime poured out around it, dripping thickly to puddle on the floor. I reached back and slid several fingers into my asshole. I pulled it wider, allowing even more of my sheath to slide out and disappear into Bathory’s slimy gullet.

I glanced around the chamber. Ona, Clementina, and my mother were kissing and fondling each other as they watched. Makala had moved into position behind Clementina and was just slipping her cock into her ass. Alura was rubbing herself under her tentacles.

Olympia’s daughters were still working her over. Demeter had taken her mother’s meat most of the way down her throat, and Athena had moved to her mother’s asshole, sucking slime and her sheath into her mouth. She slid several fingers into her mother’s asshole and stretched it wide, revealing the pink, crumpled, slimy flesh within. She pressed her lips against Olympia’s sphincter and sucked more of the thick anal slime out, sending it sliding down her chin and across her pendulous milky breasts. When she pulled back she had her mother’s anal sheath in her mouth, stretching it out, then pulling it down between her tits, squeezing her mom’s anal slime across her gushing breasts.

Bathory tapped Athena on the shoulder and gestured for her go back to sucking her mother’s meat with Demeter. She gave her mother’s asshole sheath another tug, bringing it out a couple of feet, then moved back into position on her mother’s cock. She and Demeter kissed, then each slid their lips down the opposite side of their mother’s shaft. Olympia moaned and squeezed her mountainous mounds, sending streamers of thick phallite milk coursing through the air.

Bathory bent over in front of me, stretching her slimy asshole and letting her sheath slide free. I pulled it up to my mouth and sucked her slime before pushing my gargantuan meat inside her stretched ass.

Just as the first couple of inches of my meat slid into her asshole she unexpectedly leaned upwards. Instead of my cock sliding into her body, it popped out of her slit.

“What the…” I began, but Bathory just laughed.

“Alura and Makala have been holding out on you,” she said with a giggle. Bathory was straddling my cock, my meat going into her asshole and popping out her vagina, both her anal and vaginal sheaths now gripping my cock like dual foreskins. She pushed herself backwards until her ass was against my body, pulling my cock up between her tits against her own pulsing, burgeoning meat. She slowly slid her body up and down my cock in a strange two-hole tit fuck. More slime gushed from the gaping hole in the head of my cock. The veins in her cock and the veins in her tits throbbed as she worked my meat over. I moaned. It was unlike anything I had ever felt before. Loads of slime poured from my cock and my asshole, as more slipped from all of Bathory’s gaping holes.

“Enough,” she finally said. “Let’s finish this.”

She slid her body off my cock and moved behind me, guiding me so I stood behind Olympia. Reaching three fingers from each hand into Olympia’s gaping asshole, she spread it wider. More of Olympia’s sheath slid out, so several feet of the pink, translucent flesh hung down, glistening behind her.

Bathory lifted the sheath to her lips, sucking Olympia’s slime into her mouth, then kissing me, swapping the slime between us. She slid the sheath over my fully-erect cock then guided it to Olympia’s waiting ass.

As I slipped my cock into Olympia a shiver shot through me. It wasn’t unlike the shivers I had felt when I was transitioning into my current form. For a moment I felt a moment of wooziness, but then it passed. Bathory had moved behind me and I felt the tip of her scaled cock slide into my slimed asshole. I gasped at how soft and warm her scaly meat felt inside me.

As Bathory slipped deeper and deeper inside me, a couple of things happened all at once. First, I heard Demeter squeal.

“It’s splitting!” she said. “It’s splitting into two cocks. Holy fuck.”

I peered over Olympia’s shoulder and could see that she now had two huge cocks, one on top of the other, like on the statue, both gushing slime and come. She was moaning with pleasure as Demeter and Athena worked both of the pulsing shafts over.

Bathory pistoned deeper into my body until the tip of her cock hovered at the back of my throat. I thought for a moment that she was going to push all the way through, but she stopped there and leaned forward.

She flexed her bat wings twice, then brought them around, wrapping her and I inside their soft, warm, leathery embrace. She pressed against me, her scaled, milky breasts and stomach fur pressing against my back, her cock tip teasing the back of my throat, her chin on my shoulder, her licorice breathe on my ear.

“Do you know whose Citadel it is we will raise?” she asked, whispering in my ear softly.

“Whose Citadel?” I said, repeating the question. “I don’t know. Yours? Makala’s or Alura’s? Some other cave spirit I’ve yet to meet?”

“No,” Bathory whispered huskily, her licorice breathe hot on my neck. “It’s your Citadel, it is the Citadel of the One.”

She gave her cock an additional thrust and the tip burst out of my mouth, snapping my head back and sending thick loads of my slime and Bathory’s semen coursing down my neck and breasts. She pushed me forward, thrusting me deeply into Olympia. My own cock pulsed with slime, and a moment later, my semen.

“The Citadel of the One,” she repeated softly, embracing me even more tightly under her leathery bat wings as thick loads of musky come shot from both of our cocks – hers into the air, mine into Olympia slimy, gaping, begging asshole.

