[Part 12] Lisa Galaxia – The Gambler (blowjob, group sex, alien sex, creampie, sci-fi, choose your own adventure saga)

[Lisa Galaxia Story Hub](https://www.reddit.com/user/Butterflies-n-cream/comments/qp1l5y/lisa_galaxia_story_hub_a_scifi_choose_your_own/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) – For a plot summary and previous chapters!

Previously Lisa and Rachel were rescued by their employer after a run in with pirates. He agreed to pay for their medical treatment, but needed the women to do a job for him in return. Lisa and Rachel were brought to a banquet while dressed in extremely revealing outfits and asked to entertain the planetary governor. Their boss was hopeful it would help secure him a promotion.


“So come, sit, what shall we do tonight ladies?” The governor was asking as he waved his arms beckoning them to come forward.

Lisa was still running through some options in her head, but couldn’t quite make up her mind. “Hmm, well what would you like to do tonight?” She asked as she slid into a chair at the governor’s side.

“Ooo I like choices!” The small green man laughed, “What kinds of things can I think of. So many possibilities. Hmm I do have one weakness…”

“Anything you’d like, just name it!” Rachel chimed in sounding eager.

“Really anything huh? You two are awfully brave to offer anything!” The governor narrowed his eyes and grew an evil grin.

“Err… well almost anything, of cours…” Lisa stammered.

“No, no! Too late! Anything I want, that’s what the red head said!” The governor cut in clapping and laughing. He pointed around the banquet table. “Everyone here heard it!”

Lisa turned and shot Rachel a look that could have sliced through steel.

Rachel nervously shrugged her shoulders. “Sorry, I was just trying to help!” She whispered back to Lisa.

The governor began speaking to Lisa now, “so are you much of a gambler?”

“Not really, I’ve played some card gam…” Lisa began to reply.

“Doesn’t matter, you are tonight!” the governor interrupted. “Did you know your boss and 5 others are all vying for the same promotion? They all lent me women for tonight. They’re good, but all of them think they know what I like. Never ask me though, but you did. How about a bit of a game for all you then? The winner gets their boss a promotion, losers get a punishment? It can be the centerpiece of tonight’s entertainment!”

Lisa met the governor’s gaze, “Hmm, what’s in it for me?” She asked boldly.

“Ooo there it is! I knew you would have a spark! Thinking of yourself too!” The governor seemed very amused. “Okay we’ll let you bet too, it’ll be a sexy game. You win big or lose big okay?”

“What’s the game?” Rachel chimed in curiously.

“Oh how about a blowjob race; first girl to get a man off wins their boss a promotion.” He smiled and offered.

Lisa was getting self conscious again now. Public sex wasn’t really in her comfort zone, but she tried to keep up her brave facade “so again, what’s in it for us? We’re employees of Mr. Nutrin, not slaves after all.”

“Yes of course, the best part!” The governor cackled and leaned back in his chair, “We make it interesting then, okay. It’ll be good for you too, or bad maybe. How about if you finish your man off before another shoots his load in your pussy, then I’ll pay off your debt to Earl.” He then paused for dramatic effect, “but if you fail to, I add onto your debt and you work for me. Then we can have many more sexy parties like this one!” The governor sounded excited at the thought of it.

Lisa went deep in thought for a minute, it was a tempting offer after all. She had no more urge to smuggle endangered animals for Mr. Nutrin after the last incident with the Night Terror eggs. This was risky, but could be her ticket out. Then again the governor seemed the perverted type, being his employee could be somehow worse.

“What about the other women?” Rachel chimed in, breaking the silence.

The governor smiled, “oh I can work out something similar for them. You’re not the only one in debt to one of us. Most of the women dressed like you tonight are in a similar position. Heavy debt, and wishing to be free.” He then turned to a servant standing behind him. “Nery, be a good man and tell my wife I’ll need to borrow a dozen of her Ramonans for the evening. I’ll make it up to her.”

“Yes sir, right away. I’ll get everything prepared.” Nery responded with a bow and hustled away.

“Ramonan?” Lisa asked, not familiar with the species.

“Yes, my life loves them!” The governor joked. “She employs many. Strong and very handsome humanoid species. Fairly intelligent, much like you humans, but with 4 arms and another special surprise for the ladies.” He winked.

“Special surprise? What’s the surprise?” Rachel asked, her curiosity getting the better of her.

“Oh they have a knot on their cock, which swells up just before they cum. It’s really quite amazing. My wife very much loves the feel of it inside her.” The governor replied in a very matter of fact manner.

“They have what?” Lisa gasped in horror.

The governor laughed again, he was definitely having an amusing evening if nothing else, “oh don’t be afraid, just finish off the one you’re giving a blow job to first and you won’t have to feel it at all. Shouldn’t be a problem for you ladies if you’re half as talented as Mr. Nutrin claims you are.”

Lisa turned and glared at Rachel again. For her part Rachel just sat there mouth agape, finally realizing she may be in over her head.


Lisa and Rachel waited on the side of the stage awkwardly as the governor made an announcement of the evening’s entertainment. He explained the rules of the game, announced the men up for promotion, and finally motioned to the far side of the stage where 12 of the Ramonans walked up.

“Wow, he wasn’t lying, they’re all pretty handsome.” Rachel giggled from beside Lisa. “His wife has excellent taste, almost worth losing to them don’t you think?”

“Mmhmm” Lisa half-replied and nodded in acknowledgment, but was far too nervous at the moment to really think about it. There was that incident landing at the starport, or the time in the cargo bay with the Night Terrors, or earlier this evening walking down the street and into this ballroom; all times she’d been nearly nude in front of strangers. Somehow it never got any easier for her though, and she was shaking a bit now standing in front of everyone in her mostly sheer pantsuit.

After a round of applause the governor called for several women, employees of various promotion-hopefuls, who would be trying to earn their boss a promotion, and themselves a bit of a prize. Rachel spotted a familiar contestant first.

“Lisa look! It’s Anity!” she practically screamed in Lisa’s ear.

It was Anity all right. The same one they had helped rescue nearly a month ago. She was competing for one of the other men. “How’d she end up here?” Lisa wondered out loud.

“I don’t know, she looks much better though, doesn’t she? Look she’s smiling!” Rachel replied and waved. “Anity, Anity over here!” she called out.

For her part Anity’s face lit up when she saw Rachel and Lisa. Her smile grew and she eagerly waved back as she took her spot on stage.

Lisa and Rachel were called up next. They both got to compete for Earl, given his generosity in lending him two women not just one. The women took up their places on stage between a couple of the Ramonans.

“Hello there,” Rachel waved to one of them as she approached.

The Ramonan make a kind of cackling ticking sound and appeared to acknowledge Rachel in a friendly manner waving one of his four arms to greet her.

Rachel smiled back at him, “Okay, darn a language barrier! Sorry I didn’t really understand, but nice to meet you too!”

The governor’s assistant Nery took over the “game” now as the governor took up a seat near the stage next to his wife. Six of the Ramonans took a seat in chairs and removed their shorts to the wild whistles from some of the female attendees. The women competitors promptly kneeled in front of them, and the other 6 Ramonans stood behind somewhere where Lisa couldn’t see. There was Rachel, Lisa, Anity and 3 others. One was a very conventionally beautiful blond woman. Taller than normal and very thin, in a miniskirt and bikini top. Next was a blue skinned humanoid woman, with hundreds of these thin tentacles growing like hair on her head. They were adorned with beautiful beadwork, and she wore a metallic colored bikini top and bottom. The final girl was a bit smaller than the rest of them, with very dark skin. She had very long black hair and was in a yellow bunny suit.

With everyone ready Nery began a formal anniversary. “In the name of the Esteemed Governor of Niliputus, Michel Farlong I wish you ladies all the best of luck.” He was announcing with a jovial grin. “Please your men, hide your hindquarters, and be careful of that bulge!”

Lisa looked up at Ramonan in front of her and gave him a nervous smile while she waited. He smiled back warmly and made a couple of friendly sounding clicks.

“On your marks, get set, go!” Nery shouted, and with a roar of applause they were off! The Ramonan in front of Lisa spread his legs for her, revealing a small flacid penis. It looked and felt mostly like a human one though the base of the penis felt extra spongy and soft, with very loosely hanging flaps of skin. Lisa surmised this is where the knot must form. She began stroking it softly with her hand.

Rachel had thought quickly and scooted herself forward. While all the other girls were kneeling, she was sitting on her bottom on the stage floor with her legs locked around the legs of the chair. She was craning her neck up, barely managing to kiss the base of her Ramonan’s dick, but it was a much safer position. The Ramonan who was tasked with penetration rushed up behind Rachel eager for sex, but was now baffled as he had to try to unwrap her from the chair first. He pawed at her body in a confused manner trying to pry her loose from the chair.

‘Darn it, good idea.’ Lisa thought as she caught a glance of Rachel, she quickly tried to do the same but before she could really get herself in position a pair of strong arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her back. Lisa tried to free herself from their grasp, but the arms held her tightly and soon she was back on her knees, one hand still on the dick in front of her. She tried to balance hiding her sex with the necessity of pleasing the dick in front of her.

Then there was a squeal from the tall blond woman. She had been moved into a doggystyle position, and her miniskirt and panties were down around her knees. The Ramonan behind her had just pulled them down. He held them with one hand while two more spread the woman’s legs apart, and his fourth hand had pushed the woman onto her hands and knees. She had let go of the dick she was supposed to be pleasing and was fully focused on trying to free herself.

Lisa couldn’t help but think having four arms was quite an advantage over having two.


As if to drive the point home Lisa heard the Ramonan holding her tear apart the thin mesh fabric of her pantsuit. He was pulling it apart with two arms and holding her firmly with the other two. Lisa kept her focus on the penis in her hand though, she leaned forward and ran her tongue along its length. It was thankfully growing larger and nearly fully erect, quite a relief for a nervous and hurried Lisa who just wanted this ordeal over with.

Rachel on the other hand was deftly dodging the grasp of the Ramonan trying to have his way with her. She was somehow managing to stay on the other side of the chair from him all the while teasing and playing with her assigned man’s penis. Giving it a passing tease or lick as she danced around the chair. This was much to the amusement of the crowd as all the other women had been grabbed and were being undressed already.

“Ahhh!” the blond woman moaned loudly as the Ramonan behind her slid his penis inside. She seemed shocked and froze momentarily as the male began thrusting roughly at her hips. She struggled to regain her senses and grasped wildly for the penis of the man in front of her. Grabbing the still flaccid cock firmly she began yanking at it clumsily, trying to bring it to her mouth as she was tossed around. The Ramonan attached to it didn’t seem very amused by the situation, and had a strained look on his face.

Ignoring the momentary distraction Lisa opened her mouth as wide as she could and slipped the penis she was holding inside. She pushed it in as far as she could, it tickled the back of her mouth and touched her throat making her choke momentarily. She bobbed her head in smooth rhythmic motions as best she could, flicking her tongue side to side, trying to coax the penis towards climax.

As Lisa concentrated, the Ramonan holding her was making quick headway though. He had torn open the bottom of her pantsuit exposing everything between her belly button and her thighs to full view. This accomplished he positioned Lisa on her knees, legs apart. The same position as the blond woman was in. Lisa could feel a hand on her neck holding her in place, two hands were holding her legs apart, and the fourth was where?

“Ahhmmm!” Lisa gasped with a mouthful of cock. The fourth plunged between the folds of her sex and found her clit! The hand began rubbing it gently, working bottom to top, and traversing in small circles around her nub. Lisa began to feel her own arousal build now.

“Yeah, gotcha! Woo!” Rachel was screaming in triumph now. She held the dick of the Ramonan she been pleasing in her hand as streams of milky semen began to stream out. She jumped to her feet and gave him a kiss on the forehead as he basked there, grunting in the pleasure of a good healthy nut. She hadn’t been undressed at all somehow, and other than a run in the left leg of her mesh pantsuit she was completely untouched.

“Well congratulations to Rachel Nev and Earl Nutrin!” Nery was announcing! “The promotion is his it seems, as Rachel is the first one done! Now our other ladies still need to finish up still, they’re all gambling a lot on the out….”

“Damn it, get hard!” The blonde woman’s screaming was drowning out Nery’s voice she was roughly yanking at the dick she was supposed to be pleasing. The Ramonan it was attached to seemed like he was in great discomfort now, as wasn’t hardening a bit. “No, fuck this, hurry up and get hard!” Her frustration was giving way to panic now, the Ramonan who had his buried inside her had been thrusting away for a while now and the poor woman was enduring the best she could; which wasn’t well.

Then the blonde woman leaned forward to try to put the dick in her mouth, but lost her balance as a strong thrust impacted her hips. There was a yelp of pain, as she refused to let go of the dick as she fell. The Ramonan she was trying to please had finally had enough now. He grabbed the woman’s hands and tore them off of his member. He breathed heavily a moment and then turned on the chair to face away from her.

The woman panicked, “what are you doing? Turn around!” She ordered, but the Ramonan had had enough of her and refused to budge.

“Please, I’m sorry. I’ll be gentle I promise!” She called as she gasped for breath while enduring an increasingly rough onslaught from the one fucking her hips. His pace was quickening, and she was almost out of time.

Her eyes then began to grow wider, “quick please, I feel him growing!” The woman yelled as she reached her hand out and pulled on the Ramonan in front of her, trying to turn him around.

The one fucking her appeared to have enough of her shenanigans as well now. He pushed the woman’s chest down to the floor roughly, and pinned her there while his other two hands clamped down hard on her hips, holding them firmly in place. He let out a low guttural growl and closed his eyes. The woman gasped as he thrusted sharply and forcefully into her body, depositing his seed inside.

As this was happening Lisa was trying to keep focused. The Ramonan behind her had made her a sopping wet mess with his constant fingering. Now Lisa felt something different than a finger press into her sex. It slipped inside her well lubricated pussy effortlessly. Yup, that could only be his penis. She was in a race against time now. The cock in her mouth was fully erect, but her body shook as she took the first mighty thrust from the man inside her. It was going to be harder to keep focus now!

“Come’on Lisa you can do this!” Rachel’s voice encouraged her.

Another loud grunt could be heard from one of the Ramonans on her left. Out of the corner of her eye Lisa could just make out the Blue-skinned woman collapsing the floor in defeat, as her pussy was filled with sperm.

“Let me go!” The blonde haired woman was complaining now. She was trying to stand up and get away, but the Ramonans knot was keeping the two of them locked together for the moment. Her antics were amusing the crowd though. She flailed around awkwardly with the engorged penis firmly locked inside her, complaining the whole time.

Lisa shook her head, she needed to concentrate. The Ramonan inside her was intent on making that difficult though. He had on hand on her clit which he was stroking gently. Two more pinched and teased at her nipples while massaging her breasts. The fourth was locked around her shoulder, holding her firmly. This was crazy! Her knees weakened as a wave of pleasure crested. Her whole body felt warm and aroused, teased and pleasured by each stroke and tug.

Lisa knew the male in front of her was getting close though. She felt the cock in her mouth began to bulge at the base, and she couldn’t take him all the way in anymore. She lifted her head from the dick and slid it out of her mouth. Her hand caressed the length of the penis softly as her tongue began to do little circles on the swelling bulge at the base of his shaft. ‘This wasn’t too bad’ Lisa thought, ‘I’ll get a few amazing orgasms out of this and still finish him off first.’

A surprised yelp from the smaller woman pierced the room now, followed by a guttural growl, as another Ramonan triumphed. His seed now gushing inside her body. Only two women were left.

Lisa continued to tease and caress the cock, but it was getting more difficult. Each thrust into her awaiting hips was somehow stronger and more piercing than the last. Her body was being tossed about more, and it was difficult to keep her lips on the penis she was pleasing as she was bounced around.

Then she felt a slight fullness than began stretching her pussy just a little wider with each thrust. The knot on the one fucking her was beginning to grow! It wouldn’t be long before it would plunge inside her for good. Lisa began to panic, she started rubbing the penis she was pleasing faster, her mouth sucking a bit harder.

Rachel noticed Lisa beginning to worry. “Just relax Lisa!” She called out in a calm soothing voice, “you have this!”

Lisa took a deep breath and tried to calm her nerves. She resumed her old rhythm, and the Ramonan seemed to respond. Lisa could hear a faint pleasurable groaning from his lips now.

Her pussy was feeling stretched too though. The knot was growing with each thrust, as it popped in and out. The Ramonan slowed down his rhythmic pounding now, his hands groping Lisa’s breasts firmly. He pulled out one more time with an uncomfortable stretching he popped free and began to press his bulging penis back inside Lisa’s completely soaked and battered pussy.

Lisa kept as calm as she could. Her tongue making small circles, a gentle touch, a slight suction from her mouth. She had to be almost done.

There was an intense pressure on her pussy now. “Aaahhhhh” Lisa let out a pleasurable moan as she was stretched wide. There was a wet popping slosh, and the Ramonan fucking her slid inside. Lisa felt the pressure of him as he tried to pull back a little, but couldn’t remove it. The two of them were locked together now. The rubbing of his enlarged penis inside her body caused Lisa to moan uncontrollably again.

These pleasurable moans were a perfect extra push, and that sent the penis in her hand over the edge. Lisa felt it tighten in her hand slightly and then erupt. Streams of semen shot out, dribbling down her hand and splashing against her cheek while the Ramonan growled in ecstasy.

“I did it!” Lisa yelled. She jerked her hips forward and tried to get to her feet. Her pussy stretched wide against the knot holding it in place. Lisa grimaced in discomfort, as did the Ramonan buried inside her. There was plop and it popped out! Lisa stumbled forward and fell down. She turned around to look at the Ramonan she’d just pulled free from. His penis was fully erect, soaking wet and sporting a golf ball sized knot at the base!

Lisa watched in surprise now as the knot continued to swell despite her being free of it. Within a few seconds it was as big as a tennis ball! It grew a bit more as the penis stiffened and twitched a bit. A stream of semen began to dribble and squirt from it as the Ramonan ejactulated harmlessly onto the stage floor. She had gotten it out just in the nick of time!

Lisa breathed a big sigh of relief as Rachel rushed up to give her a big hug. With their gamble successful, the women would have the debt cleared! Nery was announcing to a round of applause from the onlookers. Lisa felt a bit embarrassed again as she realised her exposed body was catching leering eyes from some of the crowd. At least she couldn’t see them watching when she was facing the other way she thought.

“Ahhhh!” There was another moan from the stage now, as the women realized Anity wasn’t finished yet. Her head was resting on the hips of the Ramonan in front of her. She seemed to be struggling as she stroked his erect cock weakly with her hands.

“Keep trying Anity, you can do it!” Rachel cheered hopefully, but it was soon apparent Anity wasn’t making headway. Minutes passed tensely as the women watched their acquaintance struggle to massage her assigned cock. The Ramonans seemed to be drawing this out intentionally. She grimaced and moaned as she endured the constant rhythmic thrusting of the one holding her hips and massaging her breasts. She at times looked lost in pleasure, and other times on the verge of exhaustion from being on the receiving end of this neverendind fucking.

Then, completely spent, she stopped massaging the cock, and it began to grow limp. Upon seeing this the Ramonan fucking her smiled and said something to the other by him. He then began to scoot backwards and drag Anity away from him. Anity grasped weakly at the chair as she was pulled away, but was way too tired to resist anymore. The Ramonan lifted her into the air and turned to face the crowd.

“Oh sheesh, what a showoff, the poor girl!” Lisa gasped, looking away.

The Ramonan encouraged the crowd to whistle and jeer, and they obliged, whipping themselves into a mild frenzy. The fucking continued as Anity clung weakly to the Ramonan. He held her legs and arms apart, exposing her heavily ravished body to the amused crowd. Then in the excitement he began to thrust harder. Anity ached and groaned as the knot began to grow inside her. It wasn’t long before he mercifully finished and the two of them collapsed exhausted to the floor.


Ramonan knots will return to normal size over the course of about an hour the women learned. This gave the two victorious women time to change into something more modest for the remainder of the night. Mr. Nutrin was ecstatic and made sure the two of them got to rub elbows with some of the dignitaries and notable guests as the night progressed. Eventually the joined couples on the stage were freed from embrace as those knots shrunk and they were allowed off stage to recover and get cleaned up.

Lisa and Rachel were bidding goodbye to Mr. Nutrin in the early morning light when he mentioned something surprising.

“Thank you again, you ladies are the best, the very best!” He still seemed excited about his new job, “but don’t leave without your big prize.”

“What prize?” Lisa asked curiously.

“Yeah, the governor already paid our debt to you right?” Rachel added in.

“He’s talking about me.” came a voice from behind them. The women turned to see Anity. She was clearly exhausted and sore, given how she was walking with a slight limp, but was still smiling happily regardless.

“Wait what? You?” Lisa gave her a confused look.

“Yup, that was my bet.” Anity started explaining. “I win, I get my own spaceship, I lose and I’m indentured to the winner for a year.” Then she shrugged her shoulders, “and I lost.”

Rachel jumped forward and squeezed Anity in a big hug, “and we’re happy to have you!” She squealed.

“Why’d you make that bet? You didn’t have to, did you?” Lisa asked.

“I was trapped here after you two helped get me rescued. No money and no job, so I started working for this government official helping him with clients.” Anity was explaining. “When the governor approached me with that kinky bet I figured this was finally my way off world. Then when I saw you two, I guessed there was at least a chance for you to win if I lost, and maybe then I’d finally be free of this place either way.”

She then gave Rachel a squeeze in return “so where to boss?”

The women left Mr. Nutrin behind and returned to the Rose Rocket. It had been pretty well looted by the pirates, but was still holding together. Now that the three of them were free again, there was a lively discussion over where to go next.


Option A: On to Nova, of course! It’s been our goal for so long now, and may finally be in reach. Untold mysteries and treasure perhaps? Sounds like fun.

Option B: Anity’s hometown is still being controlled by pirates. Perhaps it’s time to see if we can do something to help her family who she’s been worried about?

Option C: How about some repairs? The pirates damaged the ship pretty badly. Perhaps a visit to our mechanic friend Tom on Nexer to see if he can help?

Option D: Money, we have little, and could use more. Let’s see if we can find a few odd jobs here in town before we set out.


Hello again everyone! 👋

Hope you all had a Merry Christmas! Let me know your choice for next chapter! We have a new crew member, and it’s time to jump into a new plot arc of your choice!

Have a safe and sexy day! 😊

Last chapters rejected storylines (outcomes) included: Giving the governor a blow job (Mr. Nutrin gets the promotion, and the girls continue to work on their debt), dancing for the governor (fail to impress and the girls remain indebted), and telling stories of their adventures (Mr. Nutrin doesn’t get the promotion, but the governor hires the women for some higher paying work).

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/rp4nnv/part_12_lisa_galaxia_the_gambler_blowjob_group


  1. YEAH!!!!! Issue 12 Already!!!! I can’t wait for the NEXT Dozen!!!

    Oh, rrriiiggghhtttt, MY OPTION, hhmmmmm……

    B, I like the Pirates, I want More Pirates…..so B, Bring on the Pirates!!!!

  2. I will have to go with C, for I believe that Upgrades to the engines, armour and weaponry will be needed for another encounter with the Black Claw!

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