I lost control and took what I needed. [F4M] [Gentle Femdom] [DD/LG] [First Person] [To be continued?]

This work is completely fictional and a collaboration with u/turtlespice18

Tap, tap, tap, tap, my ink pen vibrated off my desk calendar. The work was all caught up, appointments scheduled and meetings assigned, there was nothing left to do for the rest of my six hour shift. That didn’t stop my mind from toying with the fantasy you created earlier. I felt so restless sitting at my desk, hips rotating into my seat with an uncontrollable heat as I thought about it – No, I can’t do that. Standing and moving over to the printer, the same one from earlier, I scanned a few copies for your folder. It didn’t malfunction that time, unfortunate as it was and as unlucky I was, because you weren’t involved this time. Paper in hand, I sauntered back to my desk with hips swaying. The way the string caught between my lips and flicked my clit with every step sent a small shiver down my spine to the extent that I was glad my eyes stayed open. We won’t speak of the flush & blush against my cheeks though. Trying to sit, my body couldn’t help itself as I missed the chair and I grinded on the arm for a split second hoping for release. It was like a teasing kiss, and though it made me feel so much better; the release I was looking for was nonexistent. Sitting down fully and sliding my thick thighs under the desk, I couldn’t stop the replay as I placed the duplicate files into their respective folders.
The morning was like any other; I came in off the elevator and put my lunch away. After chatting with Sophie and Erika about some nonsense, I made my way to the front of your office and found a comfortable spot at my desk. Collecting the new faxes and filing them away, setting a manila envelope on the corner for you to grab on your way into seclusion, and checking the emails for appointments that may have been requested from the day before. My day began, plain as every other, until that moment I dreaded and begged for: you walked in. Your button-down was pressed and perfect for your presentation that day tucked into your black trousers with matching loafers tapping softly into the hard floor. The top button was undone, exposing a white undershirt as you walked towards me, and my heart skipped a beat like it did every morning. “Good Morning, Mr. Draper.” I couldn’t keep the heat off my voice which you had brushed off like every other morning; my own fault for seeing the same sight over and over, wanting more than just an introduction. “Good Morning Ms. Anderson.” Your response automatic, your eyes working too hard to stay above my eyeline as we traded a simple smile. Every day is the same, your fingers gripping the folder and taking the new paperwork into your office, and I’m left to dream of things that’ll never happen as the door shuts with a soft sigh from my plump lips.
The day wears on as I file away the random bull- paperwork that accompanies your position; grabbing some new entries and taking it over to the copy machine. My hands repeating the same motion I’ve practiced every day, sliding it along the top into its shelf, and something changed; a moment different from the others when you step out of the office. A soft, coy smile threatens to betray my thoughts; laughing at myself on the inside, my eyes search and find yours as you’re coming out. “How was the meeting yesterday?” I watch my daydream play out, taking me right there and filling me with your beautiful cock and hot seed against the printer in front of the office. “About as you’d expect,” is the response that ends my dream, but I kept the smile as the noise from the machine lurched to a stop. With a heavy sigh, my fingers found the latch and pulled open the front door of the printer. “Mr. Draper, this is the fourth time this week!” I say with no amount of subtlety behind my annoyance as I bend over at the waist, my ass rising and seeking approval, as I lean forward into the heart of the machine.
My hand pries apart the toner from the jammed paper as I lean over to try and find the problem, my other hand hitting ‘start’ on the machine as I work to keep my balance. It starts moving, my hair drags and my face presses against the plastic as I gasp softly. “Eve, do you need a hand with that old thing?” Your voice vibrates against my skin as my mind jumps to those videos that are all the rage now. “Thank you Mr. Draper, but the only thing that is going to fix this,” I emphasize with a soft pull and a loud grunt. Stuck as I am, my pussy grows wetter with the hopes you’ll make my dreams come true and grind that beautiful cock into my pussy. Take Me, my mind tells me as I gulp softly. “Is a new copier.” My voice sounds disappointed at myself, and wanting more than you’ll ever give as I feel you step behind me with a chuckle. “Don’t worry we’ll get you out of there even if we have to use scissors.” With a soft, nervous giggle comes my reply, “I’d like my hair to not be lopsided after this.”
Your chuckle sent shivers down my spine as I hoped beyond dreams, kneeling down slightly with your hands moving around my thick hips. Your gaze found the havoc that was wrecked and you pressed against my hips with your own, a hot breath finding the nape of my neck. “You know Eve, I think you may be right.” With a tug and a soft moan from me, feeling your body tighten against mine, I could swear there was something pressing against my thigh for a moment. “It’s time to replace this old piece of junk.” Another pull, your legs pressing against my body as I ground back into your thickening cock, my voice stuck in my throat as my mind begged for you to use and abuse me. “Let’s get you out of there.” It was comforting and soft, yet yearning for more as I pressed back against your hips, wishing there was nothing between your prick and my hungry cunt. A groan of pleasure caused me to slip from my work standard, “Fuck!” My cheeks heated in more ways than one as I waited for a reprimand, but being quick on your feet the answer was easy. “If something tugged on my hair like that it’d better be fucking me too!”
We both shared an awkward chuckle and giggle as you pressed against my hips again, me trying carefully to not make it obvious as I pressed my ass against your growing erection. A nervous giggle escaped from my throat as I reached forward to grasp the strands still stuck in the machine. “I really do not want some random chunk of my hair left in the machine.” My hands gripping the hair attached to my skull as I wished that cock was inside me. “It really is stuck, isn’t Eve…” Your voice came against the nape of my neck with enough heat to give me goosebumps. “Here, I’ll hold it.” My voice came out as a whisper, I could feel the hair on your chin move slightly, nodding, against the back of my neck as I braced myself. Scooting closer, pressing that beautiful erection against my ass even more as you hugged my body against yours. I couldn’t help but scoot back against you, pressing that bump against my ass cheeks, hoping you would understand my intent silently. With a couple good jerks, your cock thrusting against my ass, my hair came free, a throb from your delicious cock pressing against my wanting lips in the moment and I knew, then, that today I was going to find that release I had so desperately wanted.
Quickly taking a step away to preserve your pride is when I managed to stand up myself. My back pressed against your chest and you moved further away making me wish for more. “I’ll send an intern down to get this crap out of here.” You said as I turned slightly, my eyes met yours and I realized that this was far more than some mere fantasy. The way your thick, broad shoulders were always on display, the way you combed your salt and pepper hair just slightly to the side so it blended with the brown. The way your massive hands held a pen when I needed you to sign a document, or watching as you gripped the clipboard when I handed it to you.
“Thank you…” I said softly, hoping, begging that you had picked up enough of an enticement to ask me to come to your office. Every ordinary day slammed into one as it didn’t come, and I found myself here back at my desk tapping on the calendar in a need to fill the time. My cunt oozed around my G-String as I thought about today. I couldn’t help but try and relive myself, pressing against the chair so that the string pulled against my clit; it didn’t work and I found myself growing warmer and hotter. A plan grew in my mind as I checked an empty email hoping for busy work to fill the time. Yet all I found was a conversation that happened a week ago to your college roommate describing the ways that Rachel had grown to dissatisfy your needs. She’d only allow you to fuck her if she was partially clothed with the lights off, an attempt at a religious rite that belonged to husband and wife. I saw your complaint, wanting more, wanting excitement in the bed akin to things done in those videos you liked.
You wanted to fuck a young, tight, wet pussy and desired to stretch a whore’s asshole in the same night, to fill three holes with your thick and creamy sperm from those heavy balls- My mind caught finding itself inside a fantasy designed by my dripping pussy. Concern spread as I shifted in my seat, hoping that the wet spot in my g-string wouldn’t spread to the skirt. I shivered, my eyes closing briefly, as a gooey discharge seeped from between my lips. I was so afraid that my tiny panties wouldn’t be able to contain all of my juices as I came softly to your desire. An understanding slammed into my mind like I wanted your hips to press into mine. I couldn’t go to the women’s room to just relieve this pressure, my fingers wouldn’t be thick enough to fulfill the desire I felt pressed against my loins earlier.
Looking to the side, a thought struck me as I remembered your calendar. You hadn’t come out of your office since the printer incident, since I was able to offer myself earlier that morning. My mind clouded as I stood, dropping my pen and twisting slightly, I stood and walked over to take a firm hold of the doorknob. *You are going to cum with me.* I couldn’t stop myself, opening the door and walking in. The door slid open and I was greeted with the sight of you studying the papers on your desk intently, a flush against your face as you yourself fought against the desire we both had.
Walking in, sauntering in, my hips swayed with each step as I closed the door behind me. Walking over and placing both of my hands on either side of the paper you were reading. “Mr. Draper, can I have a word with you please?” A slow, cautionary glance upward confirmed my suspicions as your face flushed an even deeper shade of pink. “Is everything alright Eve?” Fidgeting slightly, a hand rising to pull the reading glasses down a bit to peer up at me. My juices quivered between my thighs as I felt that moist juice spreading from just your eyes. “Maybe, my problem is right here….” My voice was slightly higher as I started sliding my hand from your desk to my thigh. My fingertips dragged up the skin, pulling the fabric of my skirt up a notch as I pulled it higher; tracing my figure as I gripped the top of my blouse. “Eve, what are you doing?” Your voice sounded so rightfully concerned as you leaned back in the office chair as I stepped around it, the first three buttons almost popping from my hardening nipples as I released my cleavage. The cool office air breathing against my skin and making my nipples point harder against the fabric as I inhaled slowly, forcefully.
“What we both want…” My voice sounded odd to my own ears as I pulled my shirt open, fingers flying through the buttons as I rolled my shoulders and let my beautiful breasts press against the bra that held them in place. Leaning forward, my fingers finding the zipper on my skirt, I breathe into your ear. “I need your big daddy dick…” The look on your face sends a shiver down my spine as my blouse hits the floor, my bra falling next as I start to lean back against your desk and drink in your surprise. “Won’t you fill my pussy Daddy?” My voice but a whisper as my skirt hits the ground, my lips peeling around the g-string from my earlier administrations. Your voice catches in its throat as my hand wraps around your head.

“C’mon Daddy, don’t you love me?” I can’t stop myself, my pussy finding words for my mouth as I pull you forward and press your lips against my cunt. A soft moan escapes my lips as your nose presses against my clit, and I start grinding into your face. “There’s a good Daddy…” My eyes drinking in your visage as your tongue finds its way into my folds. The moan that comes next isn’t trying to hide anything as I rotate my hips into your mouth, using it to cream on your tongue.
Letting your head go with a sigh, you sit back with your head rolling against the top of your char, a smile glistening on your face as my eyes drink in the bulge in your pants. Growing harder by the minute as I reach down and slide my fingertips against your erection. You begin to think of what it would feel like for my tits to press against your face, my nipple in your mouth as I shift and move forward. “Does Daddy have an issue?” I ask teasingly as I sit back on your desk. Papers spreading below me in unison with my legs spreading exposing the same folds you just ate. “I want you to see how wet you make me…” I cooed out breathily as a finger ran down my stomach to play with my folds. “Does Daddy want to put something here…?” My voice teasing as I reached forward to run my nails along the length so proudly coming to want attention.
I rose myself up and pushed you back into your chair with my foot. My fingers traced against my folds as I watched your cock bulge in its prison. “Come here.” I order you, sliding forward towards me as I lifted both my legs for you to get close. I dropped one on each side before taking a little leap onto your lap. I could feel your hard thick cock begging to be released from the prison your pants created. I grinded slowly on your lap while licking your ear. “Oh daddy your big cock wants inside my pussy I can feel him”, I whispered blowing out more than normal over the damp skin I had just been licking. The hairs on the back of your neck stood up and your dick pulsed. I stood up to rip your pants off ordering you to unbutton your shirt. A second later you sat in the same chair only completely naked. That’s better I thought as I returned to your lap. I sat on your cock with it pushed upward rubbing my swollen clit on it. I started to moan in delight, you twisting my nipples. Your cock was drenched as I continued to pleasure myself using your member making me secrete more and more. My moaning was getting strong, my pace picking up.
Letting your head go with a sigh, you sit back with your head rolling against the top of your char, a smile glistening on your face as my eyes drink in the bulge in your pants. Growing harder by the minute as I reach down and slide my fingertips against your erection. You begin to think of what it would feel like for my tits to press against your face, my nipple in your mouth as I shift and move forward. “Does Daddy have an issue?” I ask teasingly as I sit back on your desk. Papers spreading below me in unison with my legs spreading exposing the same folds you just ate. “I want you to see how wet you make me…” I cooed out breathily as a finger ran down my stomach to play with my folds. “Does Daddy want to put something here…?” My voice teasing as I reached forward to run my nails along the length so proudly coming to want attention.
I rose myself up and pushed you back into your chair with my foot. My fingers traced against my folds as I watched your cock bulge in its prison. “Come here.” I order you, sliding forward towards me as I lifted both my legs for you to get close. I dropped one on each side before taking a little leap onto your lap. I could feel your hard thick cock begging to be released from the prison your pants created. I grinded slowly on your lap while licking your ear. “Oh daddy your big cock wants inside my pussy I can feel him”, I whispered blowing out more than normal over the damp skin I had just been licking. The hairs on the back of your neck stood up and your dick pulsed. I stood up to rip your pants off ordering you to unbutton your shirt. A second later you sat in the same chair only completely naked. That’s better I thought as I returned to your lap. I sat on your cock with it pushed upward rubbing my swollen clit on it. I started to moan in delight as you twist my nipples. Your cock was drenched as I continued to pleasure myself using your member, making me secrete more and more. My moaning was getting strong, my pace picking up.
“Oh, Daddy…” I couldn’t stop myself, a moan of pleasure as my thighs shook to their orgasm, juice spraying against your legs as my feet planted themselves against the carpet of your office. “Oh God…” Trembling, my hands shaking on your chest as ecstasy played across my face as I began spraying against your cock and stomach like I was marking my territory. Toes curling against themselves as I gripped your shoulders, a gasp of pain emanating from your throat. I couldn’t stop it, my hand sliding to your windpipe. My fingers playing fiddle to your desire as my hips slowed their rotations and I gave into my own resignation. “You made me squirt Daddy…” A playful giggle plays across my face as my breasts bounce against you; my nipples rubbing circles into your skin as my fingers tighten on your throat. “Daddy, I can’t hold it anymore. I need to feel you inside me, and I’m going to take it from you.” Leaning forward as I lifted myself, the other hand sliding down between us and feeling my cream on your body.
My fingers slide around your shaft as I reposition it, the tip of your head pulsing in time to your heartbeat against my fingers, pre leaking from the tip and mingling with my own cum as it pressed against my entrance. Your response, your submission, was perfect as your hands pressed against my breasts. My nipples coming forward for the much needed attention as a finger and thumb gripped one and your hot mouth found the other. Teeth clenching against the skin playfully, a suction pulling it further as my mouth fell agape. “Oh Daddy I can’t hold it anymore!” Giving into my own desire, my legs failed as I squirted against your girth shaking softly as it pierced into my wanting depths. Toes flexing as I slid down your length, your voice vibrating against my flesh as our moans coincided to the pleasure we both needed.
The head of your cock snuggled against my cervix as the pressure forced my legs to stop my descent. The walls of my cunt gripped your fuck stick like it was made to have you there as my thigh shook. I couldn’t control it, you biting into my flesh sending waves of pain up my shoulders and pleasure down my spine. “Oh my God, Daddy…” My voice breathless like I’m trying to catch up, your cock throbbing against my womb as I reach back to find my prize still sheathed. My fingers play lightly over your heavy balls as I realize there’s more to go. My desire causing drool to run out of the corner of my smile as I need more of it. “Daddy, I need more of you,” the moan escaping my throat that belonged to you. I belonged to you but you belonged to someone else. That smile crept higher as my feet slid against the carpet pressing your girth against my reproductive tract. My walls are squeezing and milking you, wanting the seed that was reserved for someone else in your heavy balls. “You’re mine Daddy.” I couldn’t stop it, my jaw set and teeth clenched as I let my feet slide further apart with the pain pressing against me.
My hand on your throat gripped it tightly, my nails leaving imprints on your skin as I forced your mouth from my breast. I’ve had enough and I look down at you; my thighs still shaking as my body rolls into another orgasm at the thought that pried itself free. “Promise me you’ll only fuck me from now on…” A gasp escapes as I feel your pre leaking against my inner gate, a shiver running down my spine as I grip your throat harder and stare into your eyes as color enters your cheeks. “You belong to me now Daddy, understand?” You couldn’t answer, trying to nod as your vision began to blur and that smile I had slowly became cruel. “This cock is my toy, my womb your plaything, your seed belongs to me…” My feet let go, I stop fighting it and I let gravity do the rest as the head of your cock finally breaks me inside and enters my womb. Sliding past my walls like the first cock that took my virginity. I groan into your face as my grip loosens, a moan escaping yours as you enter that sacred place. I can’t help it, my feet find traction as I lift myself up and feel your shaft slide along the walls of my cervix. My body convulsing around the dream I once thought impossible as I milk the precum from your dick into my womb. “You belong…” I cant help the next moan as your cock plays with my pussy, a pulsing sensation washing over you as my walls constrict and grip your cock. My cervix kissing your head like a lover as I force it past my deepest part again.
I feel it flex inside me, your shiver starting at the head of your body and working its way down to your root and back up my spine as I constrict into another orgasm around your fuckstick. Fingers grasping your throat again, I begin lifting myself up that beautiful cock and let gravity pull me back down as I stare into your eyes. “Oh fuck… Daddy!” The orgasm rocks me from the toes curling against the rug, up my thighs, past my vagina, and into my core as my eyes roll back into my head. “Fuck I love this cock.” Nails piercing the skin on your neck as I use your tool to get off on, “Daddy I love your cock!” My voice reaching a crescendo to let the whole office know what was happening. “I love this cock Daddy, oh god!” I couldn’t care less as I let all manner of filth fly from my lips. My body bouncing on your cock like a play thing as I finally released your throat. With a gasp and a shudder I can feel it expanding in my womb, pressing and stretching against my cervix. “Oh Daddy you feel so good inside my little pussy…” Leaning forward, my hand sliding behind me again to fondle those beautiful seed sacks. Your pubes tickling my hand as I grip your cock with my walls every time I slide upward, it sends shivers down my body when I finally let go and release my tension and fall into your lap for your balls to press against my thick ass.
Your hips meet mine as you finally, finally give into what’s happening and we both grunt into our pleasure. My fingers fondling your balls, your lips pressing and sucking a needy breast into your mouth as you suffocate yourself in my skin. I laugh softly, so giddy that I can’t help it, as your cock begins to spasm uncontrollably. “Cum Daddy, Cum in me…” I moan, leaning forward to let my breath play against your ear. “Cum in my pussy Daddy and breed me, breed your office slut.” I can’t believe the words coming out of my mouth as I moan softly, your cock throbbing as I sit down one last time and we both cum together. My pussy gripping your shaft, my cervix milking the head of your cock, as you fire thick ropes of cum against my deepest parts. I shiver, and jerk softly each time I feel that beautiful seed splash against my reproductive tract. My mind races as I realize in the heat of the moment, I forgot to take my pill. My moan grows louder as I lift myself off you at first to be replaced with the dirtiest part of my mind. I slide back down forcing my orgasm to milk the seed from that beautiful cock. “Make me pregnant Daddy…” Sliding up as you start to come down from your ogasm, my pussy literally pulling the sperm from your cock into my womb. “There’s a good Daddy…” I praise you, sitting down and fondling your balls as they press between my cheeks and tickle my rosebud. I shiver uncontrollably at the audacity I’ve shown today, squeezing and clenching your cock over and over…
It was a plug, to keep all that warm sexy baby juice in my womb, and as you grew softer. Your hands falling off me as you released more cum than you had ever done so with your girlfriend into my womb, I couldn’t stop it. My mind broke as I slid up and down on your shaft hoping to get more. Wanting more of that precious seed in my womb. “Daddy, your baby juice feels so good inside me…” I moan against your lips as I look into your eyes, my hand cusping your cheek and pressing my nails into the back of your skull. “I’m not done Daddy…. Are you?” I breathe against your lips, feeling your shaft throb in my pussy as I milk your cock. You grunt softly, part of you scared to say no, and the other part thinking of the business needs. I watch and can see you fight with yourself as you know this is unprofessional. I’m your secretary and my cunt just milked your precious seed into it, not knowing if I was even on birth control. A smile spreads across my lips as I come to the same understanding, my mind hazy with the desire to feel another load splatter against my womb. “Give me a baby Daddy…” Your cock throbs and your eyes wince in an internal struggle for your girlfriend, and your new mistress demanding more. “Give me your cum.” It wasn’t a question, it wasn’t a statement either; looking into your eyes as my fingers send pain up your spine. Gripping your balls tighter as I began to fuck you again, your mouth falling open in surprise as I give myself over to the new me.

“Your mistress needs another load, Daddy…”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/roto1m/i_lost_control_and_took_what_i_needed_f4m_gentle