Gambled away Pt. 2

Part 1:

I was given a choice. Come quietly without any fuss, or be dragged away by the wrists. Either way, the contract I signed to in order to gamble at this exclusive, elites only casino would be executed. Nothing, absolutely nothing was off limits to gamble with. Your car, your house, even your child. Or in my case, my body. They gave people rope and they hung themselves with it.

So here I was being led away by two men the size of bears to a room “in the back”. I decided to keep what shreds remained of my dignity, as I’d lost everything else.

I kept my head down and my arms at my side, avoiding curious and judgmental eyes. Two meaty hands guided me by the shoulders through a gilded paradise of opulence. The gold detailing and red felt that I was enamored by before was now smearing together into a shimmering golden prison. One which I had stepped into willingly and offered myself to be chained because I so sure I could escape.

Inside the room, I was once again show the contract I signed a week ago, in blood. They sure had a flair for the dramatic, but it got the point across. If you gambled something you weren’t prepared to lose, the consequences were your responsibility to live through. Or die from.

For my release paperwork, I was given, what do you know, yet another contact. That I would for one month, be at the mercy of the man I lost too. If I was to violate the terms our gambling agreement, I would be repossessed by the casino, but this time in a more permanent fashion.

Apparently my new owner had already specified how he wanted his new toy wrapped and delivered. Blindfolded, collared and hands secured behind my back with that same silvery chain. Led out the front entrance through a crowd of onlookers. I couldn’t see them, but I could feel their collective gaze burning into my skin from the way they quieted down as I passed by. Did I bring this on myself? Was I a victim? Or a prize to be envied?

A car door opened and a large hand pushed my head down and forced me inside. This was real. It was happening. I would be a man’s property for an entire month and I didn’t even know his name. I only prayed he would be gentle.

“You’re very beautiful, Miss.” His voice was soft and a bit husky even. I felt a hand on my chin turn my face towards the sound. His finger brushed my lips and I felt the back of his hand caress down my body. Starting with my neck, I felt his touch trace over my shoulder, brush over my breasts then graze down my waist to my hips.

I forced myself to not shirk away from his touch. I’m not allowed to resist and I couldn’t stop him if I wanted to anyway. If I wanted to. Wanted… Did I not want him to stop? A cocktail of pleasure and anxious fear swirled in my body.

With both hands he removed my blindfold and smiled warmly at me. His face was soft, so unlike the cold steel mask he was wearing not even an hour ago.

“I’m very pleased to make your acquaintance. What’s your name, Miss?”

“It’s Jade.” I tried to focus on anything but his thumb rubbing the inside of my knee and how powerless I was to stop him.

“For your eye color?”

“Yes. A lot family on my mother’s side have had green eyes. Her name was Ivy, and her mother’s name was Sage. We’ve traced it as far back as a woman named Esmeralda from the 1600s.” I wanted to struggle and knock his hand aside. I wanted to melt in his hands.

“Beautiful name, and a beautiful history behind it. I have nothing so illustrious. No parents that I know of. No children. My lineage starts and ends with me.”

“You were an orphan?”. Focusing on our little rapport was increasingly difficult. I was balancing my two wills on the blade of a knife and any gust of wind would blow me over. I tried to control my breathing to hide the effect of his hands on me, but he was must have noticed anyway, as his he took increasing liberties with my restrained form.

“It wasn’t so bad. I had a lot of time on my hands. Someone had donated a second hand deck of cards, and the I guess the nuns running the place thought, ‘better some harmless card games now than women or liquor later’ so they let keep us keep them.
“Well look at you now. Indulging in all three. I’m not so surprised at your skills anymore either. You were practically born with a deck in your hands!” 15 minutes in those hands and my resolve was already starting to crumble.

“I used to sneak the deck into bed with me, dealing hands, shuffling. I’m sure you know how it is. At some point I no longer even needed deck. I’d visualize a dealing in my head and try and calculate all the odds’s. I found it quite addictive.”

Addictive was the word alright. Dose after dose of his touch was being forced on me, and there was nothing I could but let the drug wash over me. My body happily betrayed me, siding with my captor to keep my mind prisoner.

“Please sir… please…” the last of my physical and mental strength were dissolving away and I could no longer find the words.

“Please what miss? Please stop? Or keep going?“ I must have really looked it pathetic because he leaned and whispered. “Don’t worry Miss. I just wanted to give you a taste of how you’ll be treated this month.”


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