Anything for My Domme Mommy Part 2 (FF, MF, Oral, Bondage, Creampie, D/s)

Sorry it took so long to post this everyone. I’ve been a little under the weather. I hope it was worth the wait. Part 1 is here:


The next day, Ashley dutifully nursed on Brenda’s breasts after dinner, once Eric was put down. The act lost none of it’s forbidden thrill during the encore performance. When Brenda made her beg to be allowed to cum again, Ashley fell further under the older woman’s spell.

Friday afternoon though, she was disappointed to find the new breast pump on the porch. That disappointment worsened when she saw how excited Brenda was to finally have it. “Now you won’t need to make any more of that terrible formula for my sweet baby boy,” she said, jubilantly, “It’s no replacement for mother’s milk.” Ashley was forced to agree, and for the first time she found herself jealous of the infant. She’d only had his mother’s breast for two days, and she was already addicted.

But even if she didn’t get to nurse at mommy’s breast, she still got to share her bed, and that was as amazing as always. She’d never slept more soundly than she did, with Brenda’s big milky tits pressed against her back as she spooned with the younger girl, making her feel warm and safe.

The following day, everything was off, except for Ashley. Normally she’d have the weekend to herself since it was Saturday, but Brenda had to go in to work because of some big project, and Mike was stuck on the east coast because of a snowstorm. He might not even be back until Monday. Ashley tried to make the best of it though – even if she felt neglected, it was the least she could do for Brenda. She made lasagna, and everything seemed to be going normally as she picked at her food. Finally Brenda put down her fork and looked at the younger girl. “Well, are you going to sulk all day Ashley?” she asked, just a hint of annoyance in her voice.

“I – ummmm,” Ashley stammered. “No, Ma’am. Everything is fine.” She hadn’t been aware she’d been letting any attitude shine through her even tempered mask, and she flushed lightly in embarrassment.

“If you’re going to lie to me, then you can be excused.” Brenda said, looking right through her.

“But I’m—” Ashley started, looking from her mostly full plate to the older woman’s stern expression. “Yes ma’am. I’m sorry ma’am.” She quickly got up and darted away towards the stairs. For the briefest moment she’d thought about arguing with her, but she knew instantly that would be a mistake.

“Stop.” Brenda called out, making Ashley freeze in her tracks. “Strip off those clothes, then go wait for me in my study. Stand in the corner near the door with your nose against the wall. I’ll be along after I finish eating. Now that I don’t have your little storm cloud hovering over me to ruin my appetite.”

“Yes Mistress,” Ashley said, rushing up the stairs as she started to unbutton her shirt. Since Brenda didn’t say she could put her clothes away she left them in a pile in the hallway, and assumed the position she’d been ordered to, feeling slightly off balance and more than a little silly as she leaned forward to obey. Ashley had read enough erotica to understand a D/s dynamic, but she’d never been put in a position to obey orders like this, seemingly at random. It was unnerving, but also pretty hot, and she wasn’t at all surprised to find her nipples hard from more than just the cool air.

Ten minutes later she heard Brenda walking up the stairs. As she walked into the office she acted as if she’d almost tripped on the clothes Ashley had left in the hall. “Damned girl,” Brenda muttered as she walked to her desk ignoring the naked girl in the corner. “She used to be such a hard worker, but she’s gotten so sloppy.” Ashley opened her mouth to object, but then closed it again. She wasn’t being talked to she realized – only talked about, and interjecting would likely get her into more trouble. Instead she just stood there while Brenda kicked off her heels, sat down at her desk, and opened up her laptop.

After a couple minutes, as Brenda typed away on whatever she was working on, she finally asked, “So have you learned your lesson princess? Are you ready to apologize to Mommy?”

Ashley turned around and took a step closer, “I’m so sorry Mommy, I didn’t mean to be grumpy, I…”

“Good girls don’t apologize like that, do they, little one? Get on your knees so I can see how much you mean it.” Brenda interrupted without bothering to look away from her monitor.

Ashley knelt with only the smallest of delays, feeling her knees complain as she knelt on the hardwood. “I just…” she started again, but was cut off almost immediately this time.

“Come closer, darling,” She admonished. Ashley was starting to get confused now, but she did what she was told. ‘Was she going to be corrected over and over just to fuck with her?’ she wondered as she crawled forward, closing half the distance from where she had stood to where Brenda’s desk was.

This time as soon as she stopped and started to sit up, another “Closer,” rang out. Ashley was starting to get annoyed now. If she crawled any closer she wouldn’t even be able to see the older woman. She’d practically be under her desk. She would… Ashley paused, and looked under the desk, and was able to just barely make out that Brenda wasn’t wearing any underwear. Now everything started to make sense, and Ashley smiled to herself, suddenly enjoying this game a lot more.

Slowly she crawled forward more, until she was under the desk, and only a few inches from the older woman’s shaved and exposed pussy. “I’m so sorry, Mommy.” Ashley started again, making sure that even though her words were quiet, the breath from them was strong enough that Brenda would be able to feel them as she exhaled across the older woman’s dewy cunt. “I’m sorry I’ve been a bad girl. Please let me apologize to you properly and make you feel as good as you’ve made me feel.”

“That’s my good girl,” Brenda purred, as she slowly spread her legs “Go on baby. Show me how much you love your Mommy.”

That was all it took. Ashley smiled as she leaned forward as she started to kiss Brenda’s inner thighs, slowly making her way to her sweet musky cunt. When she got there, she started to kiss and lick around her clit in an almost teasing way. Then she used one hand just above each knee to slowly spread her thighs even wider so she could get even closer to her target. “I’m sorry.” she murmured between kisses, “I’m sorry Mommy. Please forgive me. Please let me make it up to you.”

Throughout all this, Ashley couldn’t help but notice that Brenda had hardly slowed down her typing, and took that focus as a challenge redoubling her efforts. Now that Brenda’s thighs were spread wide, she attacked her slick slit, dragging her tongue up and down the prominent outer folds as she rejoiced in finally getting to taste Brenda’s sweet musky scent. It was at that moment she was finally rewarded with her first faint moan, as she heard the noise of the keyboard falter for the first time. Moving her hands up to Brenda’s pussy, she used her finger tips to spread her outer lips and get at the sensitive inner labia, first licking, but then tongue fucking her hot little hole. Brenda’s moans became louder, and more constant. Within a minute the typing stopped altogether.

“Mmmm, Baby” She moaned. “Just like that. Sho- Ohhhhhhhh… -ow Mommy just how sorry you are baby. Kiss it all better. Uhhhh… That’s my good good … good girl…” As she started to babble and moan, her thighs started to reflexively tighten on the younger woman’s head. As she got closer and closer to cumming, eventually there wasn’t any room for Ashley’s hands, and she was forced to pull them away from the pussy, using them to keep Brenda’s thighs from suffocating her completely. In the end all she could do was suck on the older woman’s clit, swirling her tongue around it in a way that reminded her of how she had nursed on her nipples earlier in the week. Moments later her mommy came all over her face, vocally, moaning long and loud as she did.

It took almost a minute for her to come down from her own private heaven, and when she did, all she said was, “That’s my good girl. Run along Princess and get ready for bed. I’ll be there in a minute.” Then she started up her typing again. As Ashley got up and left the room she wondered if she’d be more jealous of her job or her son at this rate, because both of them got more of Brenda’s time than she did. On her way to the shower she picked up her clothes, and when she got out she went to bed wearing only a cute green nightie that brought out her eyes, hoping that Brenda would return the favor. She fell asleep waiting though, and when she finally felt her crawling into bed a quick look at the alarm clock said it was a little after 10. What was supposed to be a few minutes turned into two hours of waiting. But still, as her Mommy put her arm around Ashley, she tried not to be annoyed. Good things are worth waiting for, right?

“Sorry I took so long princess,” Brenda whispered as she snuggled up next to her lover from behind, wearing only panties. “It’s been a very busy day. I want you to do something for me.”

“Anything” Ashley breathed as she felt her heart starting to beat faster.

“Don’t play with yourself until I give you permission.” she ordered. Her voice sounded casual, but the hard edge made it clear she expected to be obeyed. Brenda felt Ashley’s body sag in disappointment as she realized she wouldn’t get what she had craved and added. “Don’t worry baby – I’ve got something special planned, but it’s got to wait until we finish this project.” She reached a hand around to grope Ashley’s sensitive breast, making her sigh. “And I want you to be aching for it when I finally have the time to make you my priority…” Brenda breathed her last words into Ashley’s ear and then left a trail of kisses down her neck before cuddling closer to her.

“Yes Mommy,” Ashley whispered, somewhat mollified. She could wait as long as there was something worth waiting for, she thought grudgingly. Knowing that it would all be worth it in a couple days did nothing to ease the ache between her legs right now; she was always especially horny this time of the month after all. She wanted to cum so badly, and feeling Mommy pressed against her like this made those urges worse, not better.

It was a long night for Ashley, and it took her nearly an hour to fall asleep, but in the morning, everything was fine again. At least until she got into the shower and was tempted cum with the handheld shower head. No one would ever know if she took the edge off with a quick orgasm or two. In the end she chickened out though. She knew what a terrible liar she was, and she had no idea how much longer Brenda would make her wait if she found out that Ashley had disobeyed her. Instead she kept busy, and whenever Eric didn’t need her full attention she busied herself cleaning. Maybe if Mommy saw how hard she worked for her, she’d give her a reward a little early.

Instead, when Brenda got home, she barely noticed her nursemaid. Rather than notice how clean the house was or how pretty Ashley was, she fumed about work, and after a dinner of salmon and green bean casserole that had turned out better than Ashley expected, Brenda had her go put Eric down for the night rather than flirt with her even a little. When she came back down stairs she’d expected Brenda to be back on her laptop, but instead she’d stripped from the waist up and was wearing only her skirt and her heels.

“Get over here slut. You’ve done a wonderful job today, and certainly haven’t earned a punishment, but today was a shitty day, and I need to hurt someone.”

“Yes Mistress,” Ashley said, feeling the confusion mixed with excitement. It was only when she was in the living room she noticed that Brenda had gotten a rope over one of the exposed beams that crowned the living room and began to get a little nervous.

“Well,” Brenda chastised her plaything, “What are you waiting for? Strip!” Ashley shook herself out of her thoughts and complied, revealing her sexy body a piece of clothes at a time until everything from her generous tits to neatly trimmed pussy was visible. She was a beautiful young woman, but Brenda didn’t stop to admire her. Instead she started to tie her wrists together as she complained about budget estimates, cost overruns, and the fact that she had to work on a fucking Sunday to get things back under control. It was clear that she was talking at Ashley, not to Ashley, so she just stood there while her Mommy secured her wrists together before taking the slack out of the rope and tying the remaining taunt to the Newel Post of the banister.

This forced Ashley to stand on her tippy toes facing the couch, leaving her with the impression that a group of people might come by tonight to watch her torment like they would watch the latest episode of their favorite show. The thought sent a shiver through Ashley, but she didn’t have long to think about it, because soon Brenda was manhandling her again. This time she was taking some thinner rope and binding her tits so they stood out away from her body in a parody of their normal beauty. Ashley had only ever seen this in particularly brutal porn, so she started to worry about what her Mommy had planned.

“What are you doing Mom—” Ashley began to ask before she was interrupted by a slap across the face.

“That’s Mistress to you, and you will only speak when you are spoken to slut,” Brenda said in a serious tone that had just a hint of anger to it. This shut Ashley up, at least until she watched Brenda pick up a wooden paddle and walk behind her. Then she whimpered involuntarily as she heard the wind up on the wood slicing through the air. Ashley had played with pain before and had enjoyed being spanked by a dominant ex-girlfriend, but it had never been with more than her hand, and she hadn’t been particularly strong. The blow that her Mistress dealt was as painful as all the times she’d ever been spanked before combined, and she gasped audibly as the blow registered on her pale skin.

Ashley waited for another blow to land and set her already reddened flesh on fire again, but it never came. Instead Brenda pressed her tits against Ashley’s back and moaned in her ear, “That’s a good girl Ashley.” Brenda reached her free hand around between Ashley’s thighs, to feel her pussy which was already starting to get wet. It wasn’t from the pain she told herself, it was from just how erotic the situation was. “What’s the matter,” Brenda teased, playing with the younger woman’s clit, clearly not satisfied with her level of arousal, “Don’t you like it when I play with you?”

“Yes Mmmmhhh… Mistress,” Ashley gasped between moans as she felt her mind going blank under the assault. Then just as quickly as the pleasure had started, it stopped as Brenda pulled her hand back. Ashley didn’t have to wait long to find out what she was up to. A few seconds later that hand returned, but it wasn’t empty this time. Instead it held a magic wand. Ashley had never played with one, but had seen them enough in porn movies to know how intense it was supposed to be. But when her mistress gave her slick little pussy a quick burst of high, it showed just how unready she was as her legs almost gave out.

“You don’t deserve that sort of pleasure, slut,” Brenda said, pulling it back. “You’re such a spoiled little doll – you don’t know how good you have it.” While she talked she used bondage tape and started securing the Hitachi to Ashley’s inner thigh. When her Mommy turned it back on, there would be no way for her to escape. “You’ve still got a fertile womb and perky tits.” Once it was secured, she turned it on low, making Ashley gasp as she tried to pull away from the pleasure. Wherever her hips moved though, it followed. This squirming distracted her enough that she didn’t realize the next blow with the paddle was coming until it landed, making her cry out for the first time. “If a guy came in you any day of the week,” Whack! “You’d have a better chance of conceiving,” Whack! “Then I did after a year of Invitro.” Whack! “Do you know that slut?” Whack! “Do you?”

Ashley was dizzy with the intoxicating mix of pleasure and pain. She was vaguely glad that she’d obeyed and hadn’t cum in the days leading up to this. Her frustration and arousal made everything that much hotter. Just like Brenda had said it would. “N-no Mmmmm… Mistress…” she whimpered, panting between blows. “I —”

“Of course you don’t.” Brenda interrupted. Whack! “You don’t know how close this deal is to falling apart.” Whack! “You don’t know how my boss keeps staring at my tits.” Whack! “You don’t know how badly I could go for some dick.” Whack! Whack! Ashley’s ass felt raw and bruised, but in a way, it was starting to feel good. She wondered if that was the Hitachi’s fault, or if she really enjoyed the pain. “You don’t —” Brenda started to wind up again when the sound of the front door opening broke the erotic tension.

“Honey,” he called out from the entryway, “I’m home!” A wave of fear passed through Ashley at those words. Fear of being exposed. That he would… that anyone could see her like this except for her Mistress was unthinkable. The shame redoubled moments later when he came around the corner and saw her hanging there being tormented while she moaned like a bitch in heat. Ashley screwed her eyes shut, trying to block out the fact that a man could see her like this, but it didn’t help. Even if she couldn’t see him, he could see her. In fact, not being able to see him made it worse somehow, so she split the difference and peeked out at the room through her eyelids.

“Am I interrupting something,” he asked, sitting down to watch what his wife was doing to their nanny as if this was normal.

“Not at all,” Brenda said, walking over to kiss her husband. “I’d just finished bruising this little bitches ass and was about to start on her tits. But I can start on your cock instead if you’d prefer, baby…”

Mike smiled. “No sweetheart. You finish what you were doing and then we’ll play. Pretend I’m not here.”

“Alright Darling. Five more minutes.” she said as she put down the paddle and retrieved a light flog. She brought it down hard on Ashley’s bound B cups, delivering a cascade of stings and small red marks across her purpling tits. It didn’t hurt nearly as bad as the paddle had, but the location was more sensitive and much scarier as her Mistress rained blow after blow down on her abused breasts. For the first few blows Ashley tried not to cry out, to preserve what little dignity she had in front of Mike, but it didn’t last. Soon she was crying out with every strike, but that wasn’t the worst part. The worst part was that even though her Mistress was hurting her, it was like she wasn’t paying attention to her. Now that her husband was home, she was telling him about the week and talking about his flight delays like she wasn’t even there.

Ashley couldn’t do anything about it. She couldn’t fight, she couldn’t protect herself, and she certainly couldn’t run away. Not even when Brenda got to the part about how the breast pump had broken and Ashley had to help her with her not so little problem. Mike just laughed at that, but Ashley blushed bright red and looked like she wanted to crawl into a hole and die. For part of the conversation Brenda stood between Ashley and Mike, and when she moved, she saw that he had taken his dick out and was slowly stroking his cock while he watched her torment. She whimpered at the sight and averted her eyes. She’d seen dicks in porn of course, but she hadn’t been so close to one in years.

Finally, Mike had enough of waiting and said, “Why don’t you let her down and come here baby.”

“This slut?” Brenda answered, “She doesn’t deserve to be untied yet. Let her watch.” The only concession that her Mommy made to her comfort was to untie her breasts, letting the blood rush back into them before she jumped on her husband’s lap, grinding her pussy against his thick exposed dick. Ashley felt a strange mix of jealousy and lust as she watched Brenda getting ready to fuck someone else, even if it was her husband. She also felt vaguely resentful; she hadn’t gotten to feel orgasmic bliss in days, and now Mike had interrupted her special evening.

“God, I’ve missed you baby.” she moaned. “Please let me have your cock. Pretty please? I’ve been a good girl.” Mike’s only response was to reach down and adjust his cock so that the next time she bucked, her pussy slowly devoured his cock instead of gliding along it. Ashley couldn’t help but watch as Brenda arched her back in pleasure, and then started to bounce up and down on his dick while he groped her tits. It was both erotic and disturbing. She’d never been in the room with other people having sex without being involved, and even though she couldn’t look away it felt somehow rude to watch such an intimate moment.

But the eroticism couldn’t be denied. She was bound and aching, her tit’s felt like they were on fire now that the blood was returning to them, and the Hitachi was still blazing along on her clit. The combination of those perverse factors combined with watching her employers fuck eight feet away from her was almost enough to make her cum, but she just couldn’t get there. If the toy was one setting higher or strapped to her a little tighter than maybe she could, but as it was, she was stuck in the most pleasurable limbo she could imagine. As she bucked and writhed against her bonds and torments, she noticed eventually that Mike was no longer looking at his wife as she fucked herself on his lap; he was staring right at Ashley.

She couldn’t look away either. She was paralyzed by those eyes, and the connection somehow made this whole thing feel like a perverse three-way instead of an exercise in voyeurism. With every moment that passed though, Brenda’s strokes were getting shorter and shorter as she bounced up and down, and her moaning louder and louder. Finally, she collapsed into a shivering, crumpled mess against his chest begging him to breed her as he held her hips and erupted inside her. Even in this intimate moment though, he didn’t look away from their young nanny, tied up and utterly vulnerable a few feet in front of him. Ashley had never wanted to try a real cock before, but at this moment she wouldn’t mind trading places with her Mommy.


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