The Legend of the Kundali Tribe [Incest] [Tribal] [Breeding] [M/S]

(All characters are 18+)

Deep in the eastern hemisphere is a jungle that has been deemed “Off limits” by the nations that surround it. There resides a tribe of people who’s traditions have been unchanged for countless generations.

Many of the surrounding tribes and nations look down upon them. Deeming them barbaric savages for their practices. Yet not one tribe or nation has ever been able to defeat them.

This is primarily due to the fact that the skill, strength, and speed of the Kundali warrior has become the stuff of Legend. Any expedition or manhunt into their territory has lead to every person who entered the jungle to be gone without a trace.

But this unmatched power has not been given by chance. At a young age, every Kundali male must begin warrior training. During this time they will face every hardship and challenge that both nature and the violence of combat will throw at them.

Once they reach the age of Manhood, they must undergo a series of trials that shell determine their future. These trials push them to the absolute limit. Testing their strength, speed, and intelligence to root the weak out from the strong.

Those who succeed come home to be marked as warriors. They will be given traditional tattoos which reflect the trait the warrior displays most. Whether it’s Wisdom, Speed, Strength, or Courage.

A celebration is held for the new warriors. Full of feasts and festivities. However at night there is a Ritual that must be performed.

Whilst the warrior is enjoying a day of fun and celebration, the mother of the warrior is being prepared by having her body bathed in what the Kundalis believe to be a type of holy water, before being draped in jewelry upon her naked body.

A golden chain is pierced through her nipples that is attached to a ring pierced in her septum. Markings of red are drawn across her body and a golden collar attached to a lead are placed around her neck.

Once the Warrior arrives at his tent he will be instructed to wait there. As the Father grabs the Mothers lead and guides her toward the tent. She is to crawl upon all fours toward his tent, as a gesture of respect to the mew warrior.

Upon reaching his tent. The Father will then explain the Tenants of Manhood. Telling him both his duties as a Man as well as the new found rights and privileges he will have access to.

One of these rights being having authority over the women around him. After the Warrior pledges to uphold these tenants the father will then hand him the lead attached to his mothers neck and leave the tent.

It is at this point that the Mother of the warrior shall kneel before him and tell him that she no longer has any right over him. She may no longer give him orders, chastise him, or discipline him. Her rights of Motherhood have been revoked and she is his for him to use as he pleases.

She will then turn around and place her head upon the floor and raise her womanhood to face him. Telling him to grant her the blessing of taking a Warriors seed as many times as he desires.

For the rest of the night the two will copulate as the Warrior uses her body as a vessel for his seed.

Whilst the outside world views this as barbaric. For a Kundali Mother this is a night of great pride. She has raised a strong warrior. A Man who takes what he wants yet protects that he owns. To feel that strength inside her is a privilege few in the outside world shall know.

Once this night is over, the Mother will then soley be the property of her Son for the next 6 months. Obeying his every need and desire. It is not uncommon to see a Kundali Man walking his Mother alongside him upon all fours. Her belly brewing with his child as he keeps her upon full display.

There are many more traditions within the Kundali tribe. From the rite of womanhood to the wedding ceremony, but perhaps those shall be covered in another post. If many are curious to read on it.
