Anything for an A – Part 1 [Mdom] [Exhibitionism] [slight blackmail]

stared down at the C- minus in horror. 

In high school, I’d been a straight-A student with a perfect GPA, but now that I was in college, my grades and my GPA were plummeting. 

It wasn’t even that I was slacking off or partying – I’d spent countless nights locked away in my dorm, eyes glued to my textbooks until the sun came up. But the curriculum was harder here and the professors didn’t give any breaks. 

What am I going to tell my parents? They’re paying for my tuition. If they think I’m slacking off or being lazy, they’ll drag me back home and force me into community college. 

As hard as university was, it was still better than crawling back to my tiny, po-dunk hometown as a failure. 

No, there’s got to be something I can do – maybe some sort of extra credit. I’ll talk to the professor. 

With that plan in mind, I waited until class was over the next afternoon to speak with Professor Abbott. The other students cleared out quickly, but Professor Abbott remained at his desk, clicking away at his laptop. 

I took a deep breath and approached him. “Um, professor?” 

He looked up and my cheeks flushed almost instantly. I’d be lying if I said Professor Abbott wasn’t attractive  – despite being close to forty, the man was a silverfox with dark, well-kept hair and piercing blue eyes. 

“I was wondering if we could talk about my latest grade. You know, the C- you gave me.” 

“Of course, let me see your test,” he said, gesturing toward the paper in my hand. 

I handed it over, and he spent a few minutes going over the exam before handing it back. 

“It seems pretty clear to me. You got a significant portion of the answers wrong, and I’ve highlighted the incorrect answers with my red pen. So, what’s confusing you, Ms. Stuart?” 

“Well, uh, I guess I just wanted to know if there was any way to fix it,” I said, and my eyes hesitantly met my professor’s hard ones, “My parents are very strict about my grades…if they get even a whiff that I got a C, it’s not going to be good for me. Is there any way I can bring this up? Maybe retake the test?” 

Professor Abbott scoffed. “I don’t allow retakes, not unless you missed the original test for an emergency. You’re not the only student with difficult parents here, Ms. Stuart.” 

Already, I regretted coming to Professor Abbott  – all I wanted to do was take my terrible C- and leave, but I was already committed. 

“Please, professor,” I pleaded, “Is there some sort of extra credit I can do? I can’t bring home a C.”

I was already prepared for a no, but to my surprise, Professor Abbott’s eyes seemed to light up. “Well, now that you’ve mentioned extra credit, there may be one thing, Ms. Stuart. But I doubt it’s the kind of extra credit you’d want to perform.” 

“Please, professor  – I’ll do anything, I just need an A.” 

A mischievous smile overtook Professor Abbott’s face. “Anything? Well, in that case, perhaps you’d like to lift up that skirt and bend over my desk.” 

My cheeks flushed bright red, my heart practically skipping a beat. “E-excuse me?” 

Did I hear that correctly? There’s no way my professor just came onto me. 

“You heard me, Ms. Stuart,” Professor Abbott said, leaning back in his chair, “Do you really think I haven’t noticed that perky little ass bouncing in all those short skirts every morning? Hell, you’re even wearing one right now. You’ve been begging for my attention since the moment you stepped foot in my classroom, and congratulations  – you’ve finally got it. But I’m going to punish you for it.” 

I glanced down at the short plaid skirt I was wearing. Sure, I liked to dress a little risque and I loved the way my classmates ogled me whenever I passed by, but had I really caught my professor’s attention too? 

“Why should I? I could report you for even making those advances to me right now,” I replied. 

I expected Professor Abbott to backtrack, but he just chuckled. “Sure, you could, but I doubt you’d get anywhere. I’m a tenured professor, little girl. It’s going to take more than one schoolgirl’s accusation to get me out of this position. Go ahead and try and report me  – I’ll knock your grade down to an F and stick my cock in your ass while I’m at it.” 

I gasped, but the most embarrassing part? I could already feel my panties becoming wet. Professor Abbott’s blackmail was actually turning me on. 

For a moment, I considered still reporting him, but deep down, I knew he was right. The only way I was going to walk out of here with an A is if I bent over his desk and earned it. 

Wordlessly, I moved closer and bent over his wooden desk. The wood dug into my stomach and my skirt was short enough that I could feel cool air on my scantily-clad ass. 

“Good girl, you were easier to convince than I thought,” Professor Abbott smiled, and I heard him get up and move behind me. 

His rough, calloused hand flipped up my skirt and I felt him caress my ass. 

“Look at you, I can tell you’re already wet,” he said, and I couldn’t help but moan as one of his fingers slipped inside my wet folds. 

He played with me for a moment and just when I thought  – 


The impact of his hand was abrupt and sharp and I gasped in pain. I hadn’t been expecting Professor Abbott to smack my ass, and the impact stung more than I thought it would. 

“Have you ever been spanked, Ms. Stuart?” 

He couldn’t see my face, but I was bright red. 

“No, Sir,” I replied. 

“You’re about to be. I’m going to teach you a lesson, and the bruises I leave on you should help you remember it.” 

Before I could reply, he spanked me again, this slap just as sharp. 

“Count for me, Ms. Stuart. I want you to count each slap and thank me for each one. I’m being generous with you, aren’t I?” 

“Yes, Sir.” The humiliation must’ve been obvious in my tone because I could hear Professor Abbott chuckle again. 


“One, thank you, Sir.” 


“Two, thank you, Sir.” 


“Three, thank you, Sir.” 

Each slap stung more than the last and Professor Abbott made sure no part of my ass remained untouched  – once both cheeks were stinging, he alternated spanks on my thighs, and that seemed to hurt worse. 

By the twentieth spank, there were tears streaming down my face and I didn’t have to see my ass to know it was going to bruise purple. 

“You did so good for me, what a good girl,” Professor Abbott kneaded my stinging ass cheeks in his hand. “You took your lesson so well.” 

With teary eyes, I turned back to look at him, still bent over the desk and exposed. “Does this mean you’ll change my grade to an A now?” 

Professor Abbott smiled at me, but it was the kind of smile you give a naive child who’d just said something stupid. 

“That was part of the lesson, my dear,” he said, and he began helping me off the desk, “But you’re far from earning an A. I want you on your knees, under my desk.” 

My heart dropped, but I did as he asked. I got onto my knees and crawled under Professor Abbott’s desk. The space was cramped, and I had to sit back on my heels. Almost immediately, the new position caused my bruised cheeks to ache, but I swallowed down the pain.  

It was one of those retro wooden desks  – I had a perfect view of the professor and his chair, but I wasn’t visible unless someone looked under the desk. I watched Professor Abbott sit in his expensive leather chair and unbutton his suit pants in one motion. I might not have been the most experienced girl, but even I knew where this was going. 

“Take my cock into your mouth, Ms. Stuart,” he guided my jaw slowly until close to his entire length was in my mouth. I began to gag, but Professor Abbott held my jaw firm. I couldn’t move my mouth off his dick. 

“Just relax, Ms. Stuart. You don’t need to suck, just keep my cock warm with that mouth of yours. You’ve got a little while to go.” 

I tried to do as he asked, breathing out of my nose and trying not to think of how big he was or how the wrong movement would cause me to gag. 

I can do this, it’s probably just for a few minutes. 
Just as I was beginning to get comfortable with my mouth stuffed full of dick and my bruised ass, I heard the door open and the voices of students filter into the classroom. 

Oh, no, his next lesson. 

I couldn’t speak and I didn’t want to alert anyone to my presence, but I tried to convey my panic to Professor Abbott with muffled moans. 

“Just keep steady, Ms. Stuart,” he whispered, “Don’t make a noise and nobody will know you’re there. Be a good little cockwarmer for me, I’ve got a long lesson to teach. Who knows? Maybe you’ll finally learn something.” 

*If you like this, you can check out my profile to see where you can find part two and more of my erotica*


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