For the Love of Stars part 3&4 [Sci-fi horror, fantasy, tentacle aliens, breeding, long, NSFW]

This is the continued story of a previous post I’ve made. Part 1 and 2 can be found on my profile. These chapters are more erotic than the previous 2 but the best is still to cum!


3. Contact

“This is Captain Lehane of the Colony ship, Gathered Hope, reporting a change in terrain. Our quest for an amicable water source has been fruitless as of now but geological scans showed an undiscovered canyon running through the Castro Planes. We are setting in now, the walls are wide enough to accommodate the Gathered Hope so we’ll take her through.”

A sound like a large fist hitting a metal door sounded over the recording. 

“Lieutenant Eagle, report!” Captain Lehane shouted, his voice sharp and crisp. 

“Negative, Captain!” She responded. “No obvious damage.”

“That’s odd. Did we strike the wall?”

A few clicks sounded before Lieutenant Eagle responded. “Negative. But, whatever happened must have damaged a sensor. We’re suddenly reading a drastic weight increase.”

“Weight increase?” The Captain let a thoughtful silence pass. 

A sound like screaming death came over the recording. Claxton alarms with human shouts filled the audio, making it unintelligible. 

“Emergency stations,” Captain Lehane’s voice rang out. 


“Eagle, send the order.”


“Fuck! She’s dead!”

“Oh, my stars! What is that? What is it?!”

“No. Please. Noooooooooooo!”

A watery gurgle came from the recording followed by the slamming of a ship into the ground. The next 2 minutes were the worst kinds of sounds. Screaming voices and tearing metal painted a picture of absolute destruction. 

“Boss?” A nervous looking technician in a grey jumpsuit looked at his supervisor with obvious horror on his young face. 
“I have to get this to the General.” The woman in a black jumpsuit reasoned. “The EXO Knights are already in that canyon.” She grabbed the recording and ran for the Mothership’s bridge.

“Base, do you copy? Base, respond. Base, respond now.” The Commander had stopped the march forward to check in. The returning silence was very troublesome. “Shit. We probably lost signal in this canyon.” 

The whole squad knew better. Their equipment did not experience signal failures this close to their ship. Something had gone wrong and they were deep in unfriendly territory. 

“Orders, sir?” EXO 2 asked while keeping his focus on his assigned area. 
“Onward.” The order came without hesitation. “We got to find Folly Days. Maybe their ship wasn’t as damaged.” 

“Yes, Commander.” His tension was as obvious as the rest of the squad. 

The Commander felt just as uneasy as his squad felt. He could sense their apprehension and fear. He wished he could call them back and return to base but he had a sinking feeling that base was gone. He pictured the remains of Gathered Hope and knew his ship probably looked the same. Would that amount of destruction make enough noise for them to hear it? Perhaps if they had landed in the canyon itself. These walls would have carried the echo for miles. He shook the thought of what the victims had heard during their disaster. 

A small picture in his HUD grabbed the Commander’s attention. It was the live visual feed coming from the battle droid. The picture showed a small avalanche of stones falling down from a top ledge. The rocks were inconsequential, too small and far away to hit the squad but why had they moved? That close to the top, could it have been the wind or an animal? The Commander was about to call a halt when EXO 3 spoke up. 

“Ship ahead” Her voice did not betray her unease. The canyon grew deeper as they progressed, casting them into darker shadows. The air down here was cold, if not for the armor, she would be shivering. 
Folly Days looked as if it had met the same fate as Gathered Hope. The parts of the ship were scattered as if it had offended the attacker. Any hope of salvaging a ride out of here was immediately lost. 

“Right. Same mission here.” The Commander said, pulling the squad away from the rising fear. “We gather info and we get the hell out of here.”

“Yes sir!” The squad snapped in unison. They were bolstered by the promise of getting this mission behind them. 

As the team did the scans, Commander Illidan kept his eyes scanning the area. He felt a pricking on his neck and felt too exposed. The mental image of rocks falling down a canyon returned to him randomly. His instincts were firing but at what? His eyes and the battle droid saw nothing out of the ordinary. Was this just raw fear? No, it felt substantial. 

“Where are all the people?” EXO 4 asked, her scanning device was pointed at the ship. “This place looks deserted.”

“Did they get away?” EXO 3 asked while looking for a place they could have ran to. “Is that a cave?” She pointed to a dark place a little deeper in.

“I don’t know about you but I don’t really feel like spelunking today.” EXO 2 replied dryly. 

“Same here.” EXO 5 added.

The Commander’s shout cut over the chatter, stopping it instantly. “GUNS UP!” 

All 5 members of the squad reacted perfectly. Their guns rose as they moved to reform positions around each other. There were no named targets but each member put pressure against the triggers of their guns. A few seconds of tense quiet passed. 

“Commander?” EXO 2 whispered. 

“SHHHH!” He shot back. “Something is here.” 

EXO 5 breathed in sharply but did not speak. 

All 5 members flinched in surprise as the battle droid opened fire on the right side of the canyon wall. The fusion Cannon sent a volley of superheated plasma rounds before sweeping its barrel quickly to the left. The plasma continued to fly as the barrel spun in circles firing at nothing. The EXO Knights were too well trained to allow panic to take over. Instead of all turning to face the target, each member took position on a quadrant and waited for their shot. 

Commander Illidan could not see what the battle droid was targeting but he trusted it’s programming. He tracked its trajectory and aimed his gun ahead of the tracking fire. He squeezed his trigger by instinct alone and got the luck he was praying for. The almost random shot hit something and knocked it off the wall of the canyon. 

A monstrous screech of surprise and pain shot through the canyon almost too sharply for the audio dampers in the EXO Knight’s armor to block out. EXO 2, having the line of sight on the fallen thing, opened fire, adding his plasma rounds to the Commander and the battle droid’s barrage. He tried to understand what it was his eyes were seeing but could not bring his mind to know it. Was it even an it? Or was the ball of whipping appendages a they? Roto Martinez opened his mouth and roared out a primal battle cry, a defiant act against the black tangle of death flying at him. 

The other EXO Knights added their firepower to the maelstrom and the monster finally reacted like it was taking damage. It screamed again, nearly stunning the whole squad before whipping one long tentacle at EXO 2. It wrapped around Roto’s waist and yanked him along with it as it fled the scene. It quickly moved into the cavern, taking a still shooting and screaming soldier within its grasp.

“No!” EXO 3 shouted and started to run after them. She was quickly held back by the Commander.

“Think!” He said, pulling Yulia to face him. “If you run in there alone, we’ll never see you or Martinez again.”

She did not like it but Yulia backed off. “We must go, now.” She urged her team. “I would for all of you!”

“We’re going.” EXO 4 stated. “No question.”

Commander Illidan did not speak because there was a question. This felt dangerous and emotional. They had managed to put enough fire into it to drive it off and that was vital information. Without the base to relay that to the Mothership, they were the only humans that knew. “Okay. We’ll go in but the droid isn’t coming. We’re the only ones who know this thing can be hurt. That information has to make it back.”

The squad agreed although none of them wanted to go on without the canon support. The Commander uploaded an information dump into the battle droid and sent it to move towards the destroyed ship that brought them here. Emotionlessly, the droid turned and left the way they had come. The squad watched for a few seconds, feeling jealous of the droid’s new mission. Still, their comrade’s screams were echoing through their coms and they had to move fast to save him. 

The monster moved through the tunnels like a blur, feeling the alien’s weapon spitting the poisoned heat into it. It had been so long without warmth, it had forgotten that some could hurt. It wanted to keep the alien alive but the poison was becoming too damaging. The tentacle holding the alien contracted violently, causing the thing to squirm suddenly. Various pops and squishing happened inside and the alien stopped moving. The tentacle loosened slightly, still feeling life in the unmoving alien. 

When the first egg had come from the sky, the excitement and lust for warmth had overcome its senses. It did not know how fragile the aliens were and it had killed all of them in it’s outburst. The aliens hold no heat when the blood rhythm in their bodies stop. When the second egg brought more, it had seen the hand of salvation and knew that it had to change. To use these aliens, not waste them. It took some time but it had found an amount of pressure that would not always kill the aliens. Some of the more sturdy would keep warmth although they stopped moving on their own. Others only required the threat of more pressure to become docile.

The creature made it back into its lair and  deposited the new alien to the collection of squirming humans. They all seemed to be too damaged to move or stuck to the ground by a thick gel like substance. Even if Roto Martinez was conscious, he would not need to be glued down. The creature had squeezed hard enough to bypass his armored suit and broke his spine. Some of the humans were conscious and moving but the pitch black darkness and unfamiliar territory rendered them completely helpless.

The creature scurried over to its preferred resting place and settled its form down to the ground. With a strange vibrating humming, it relaxed and sent its appendages out to find and collect the warmth. Like inky water flowing over stone, the tentacles spread out, moving towards the warm aliens. The whimpers from the captives increased as they felt the invasion of the tentacles again. They cried out weakly in vain as their tormentor took their bodies for its own satisfaction. 
The female alien near the creature’s bed had crawled away while it was fighting the EXO Knights. 

The monster found her easily enough and used a couple of its tentacles to pull her back to it. She tried to dig into the hard stone but found no hold as she was dragged back. Hovering above the face down alien, the monster summoned its main body part. The dark purple tentacle with silver veins slowly slivered out and nestled into the warm place between the female’s thighs. From the slit at the head of this tentacle, a clear substance leaked and coated the alien’s hole. It had been discovered early in its experiments with the aliens, this preserved their weaker bodies and made them more pliable.

The purple tentacle sunk slowly into the woman’s pussy, stretching her and reaching deep into her body. She squirmed, unable to crawl away and helpless against its advance. The fear of this monster was extraordinary but the feeling of this invasion was sublime. She tried to hold the fear as a shield against the pleasure but the overriding nerves in her pussy were too sharp to ignore. The monster did not fuck her, not really. It seemed to settle itself into her and just relaxed. She could feel whatever this monster ran on, pulsing inside her and that was enough to keep her body orgasming sporadically. 

She laid there feeling good and low at the same time. She had been an astrophysicist, top of her class and the best of the Folly Days staff. She had been on a trajectory for leadership and was thriving. Now? She was just a warm hole for a cold creature from the abyss. The feeling of degradation and uselessness was becoming euphoric for her in a way. She had been in absolute control of her life before the canyon and now she could just exist here for this purpose. Until she starves, she guessed. She eventually passed out in a pool of her and the monster’s carnal fluids while listening to the other captives in their own hellish ecstasy.

4. A Damned Race

“Commander?” EXO 4 whispered urgently. The team had stopped at a fork in the tunnels and the Commander seemed to be at a loss. 

“I know!” He snapped back, uncharacteristically losing his patience. He had been watching the tracker in EXO 2’s armor as they moved. While he was relieved to see it had stopped moving, the depth of his tracker was unreasonable. Now with this fork in their path and no obvious sign of the monster, he wondered if his team would obey a retreat command. EXO 3 would undoubtedly be angry but she was not the only one who cared for Roto. He inwardly sighed at his compromise.

“We’ll split up here. Yulia, you and Kevin go left. Fiona and I will take the right. We’ll each go no more than one mile before stopping and reporting back. If we lose com range, we meet back here after the one mile and discuss what we found. Clear?”


“Okay. If we lose coms and you run into trouble, use an A.O.E. signal. Do not bring this down on our heads.” The Commander tapped the jagged stones above their heads.

“Roger that.” Yulia answered. “Come on rookie.” She turned and began moving quickly down the tunnel. 

Commander Illidan and EXO Knight Fiona moved down their assigned chamber quickly and quietly. The LEDs on their battle suits provided enough light for them to see without shining out too brightly. Illidan watched the distance counter for Roto tick down meter by meter. It seemed that they were going the right way, for now. 
After a few minutes, they found a smooth rounded chamber that they could comfortably stand up in. Though they had not gone the exact mile, Commander Illidan called back to the other team while EXO 4 examined the walls of the chamber. 
“EXO 3, do you copy?”

“We copy, Commander. Problems?” She sounded faint and a bit static. 

“Negative. We found a chamber. Looks like a hub of some sort. There’s a few offshoots here. If you don’t find anything on your end, regroup on us.”

“Roger that, Commander.” Yulia answered and signed off. 

Commander Illidan walked towards a tunnel and aimed a bright light down it. He saw what he had expected to see, nothing but uninterrupted darkness. He was about to check another tunnel when EXO 4 spoke up in a reverent tone. 

“I can’t believe it. These are hieroglyphics!” She was getting excited. “No fucking way! Commander, look at this!” 

Commander Illidan felt uneasy as he joined Fiona. Any creature as violent as the one they had faced, should not be intellectual enough to write history. That would stack the whole deck against them. He felt the uneasiness turn to dread as he looked at the masterful work of art. 

“This is their whole history, broken down to the final days of a whole species. Look here,” Fiona pointed to a carving of the creature, a sphere of limbs. Only it was surrounded by other spheres and what looked like stars. “It had once been the size of a planet!” She beamed at the Commander, forgetting to be afraid in the midst of this discovery. 

“Fuck. I guess we’re lucky it’s smaller.” He responded. Illidan did not care about the history, he cared about the debt it had collected in human lives. 

“Yeah, I guess so. But look here,” Fiona moved over to another section of stone. “Look at what it ate. Stars. This creature moved across space, from star to star, devouring each one and moving on.” 

Commander Illidan felt his mouth go dry. A star eating monster? They were so far out of their depths here. “Record this. When the others get here we are beating our feet.”

As if she did not hear him, Fiona continued to read the history out. “This was their downfall. They moved too far between stars and got stranded here, in this galaxy’s Goldie Locke orbit. That’s…peculiar.” She trailed off thoughtfully. 

Commander Illidan was starting to feel a rising tide of anxiety. This place was closing in on him and the mission had become so deluded that he did not even know what they were doing in here. To make matters worse, his partner EXO 4 seemed to be having a religious experience and was letting her guard down. If that thing busted in on them right now, they would both be torn to shreds. “Fiona? I think we need to go.” 

EXO 4 slowly turned towards the Commander and for a fleeting moment, he almost pulled his gun up on her. The paranoia was getting too strong for him. 

“Like, right now.”

His words were punctuated by the sound of an explosion coming from the tunnel they had come down. 

EXO 3 moved quickly down the tunnel, knowing that time was her enemy. The monster had Roto and every second counted. If she could make it 1 mile quick enough, she might be able to push a little further before the Commander called them back. Her pace was nearly running as she ducked and dodged the extremities of the cave. 

“Hey! Slow down! You’re going to get us killed!” EXO 5 was breathing hard and falling behind. He was beginning to feel panicked as well. This suicidal plunge into the caverns was madness. This seemed to be going too far beyond the terms of duty. How could they report on anything if they needlessly die here? The resolve in him weakened with each step they took. 

Yulia heard Kevin’s protests but did not stop. If the coward turned tail, so be it. She would not abandon Roto to this fate. They had been too close for that. She moved as quick as she could and was well past the 1 mile mark when the Commander radioed them about the chamber. She pressed on, watching Roto’s tracker distance tick down as she moved in the right direction. 

“EXO 3!” Kevin hissed up at her. “What the fuck are you doing?” 

“I’m not going to abandon a comrade to this hell!” Yulia answered with venom. 

“You’re thinking selfish! These are the risks we take as soldiers! Our mission is to make it out alive!”

“You got to, you mean?” She turned to him and nearly pulled her rifle to arms. “This is it, yes? Bit off more than you can chew and now you want out? Go then, you coward.” She turned and continued to move into the darkness.

A cold stab of shame hit Kevin’s heart and he curled his lip at the back of the woman. How could she, an obviously reckless and selfish soldier, call him out for wanting to follow orders? His face grew hot with the embarrassment of it. He knew how to fix her, this problem and their mission all at once. They had to survive, maybe not all of them but at least one. Why not him? Why not the one who did not sign up to be torn to pieces by a monster? Kevin pulled an explosive from his belt, armed it and threw the grenade as far as he could in front of Yulia. 

EXO 3 saw the grenade sail over her head and disappear into the dark. She could not believe it, the act was so ridiculous that she could not understand. When EXO 5’s explosion happened, the force of it slammed into Yulia and threw her back into her partner. The dust and rain of rock shards was like a wave that covered them. Their armor was battered and pierced in some places but it mostly held. Yulia could not hear anything other than an intense ringing as she tried to remain conscious. 

EXO 5 thought he had moved away quick enough but the whole body of his partner hit him like a cannonball. His armor could withstand a substantial amount of damage but he still felt the bone jarring force. He tried to stand up and run back the way they had come but his right leg would not hold weight. His helmet screen had cracked and the H.U.D. was disabled. He could just see the ground with his limited light but that was all he needed. The outside world had enough light, he just needed to get there. Without checking on or waiting for Yulia, Kevin moved as quickly as possible. 

EXO 3 slowly got to her feet and could see her limping teammate retreating. She felt a murderous rise in her chest that nearly won. Instead, she contented herself to beat him into the ground before seeing him charged for this betrayal. Julia took one look back at the collapsed tunnel and then began her own limping pace. Her gun never pointed too far from the man in front of her. 

A familiar feeling began to rise in the creature as it rested its body in the warm aliens. A building of pressure that moved through the complicated internal organs of the creature. It felt both good and painful at the same time and it began to buck against the pressure. The female alien below it hissed out as the purple tentacle sunk deeper into her pussy, grinding against her womb. The sudden motion surprised and pleased her but the creature did not consider her. The feeling was still growing. 

With an intense vibration of pleasure, all the black tentacles retracted slightly as the creature pushed the pressure through the purple tentacle. Finally, the rise of feelings collapsed euphorically and the purple tentacle began to spasm inside the alien woman. It convulsed several times as it deposited the load into the alien’s body. The creature’s appendages all relaxed and lazily slithered back into the warm aliens. The purple tentacle withdrew entirely, trailing seminal fluids and returned slowly into the mass of the creature. 

The alien woman groaned and curled her body as if she was wrapping itself around the egg inside her. This time the deposit seemed to work. Unlike the male alien before her, the female accepted the gift and her body began to incubate the egg within. That seemed to have something to do with the alien anatomy and internal workings. It wondered if the strange aliens only reproduced from one type of body. The creature has no eyes to see with but the radioactivity of these aliens could be sensed and read. As it regarded the alien beneath it, sensing the egg and waiting to see if it would fail, the ground began to shake. A tidal wave of heated energy burst into the lair, sending stone and dust whipping all around. 

The creature withdrew itself, the various tentacles recoiled and wrapped around the impregnated female alien protectively. The wave passed and seemed to be only that. No damage followed the attack. The creature gently lowered the alien that held the future to the ground and moved nightmarishly fast into the dark tunnels. The aliens from before have come to steal the heat. That could not be allowed. 


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