Step Sister Corruption Part 196 – Day 112 Drive Home Pt 4 (fiction, M/F/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con)


We all sat in the mini mall that was considered a gas station.

You know the places where there’s your typical gas station with a fast food joint connected to it…. Just larger.

All the girl’s, all eight of them, sat in front of me while Kel was outside plugging her car into the charging row next to rig sleeping area.

I’m kind of glad all of them stopped though I had to wait while each of them topped off their tanks with gas and park before they came inside to sit.

So all of them were sitting in front of me while Kel was probably staying in her comfy electric watching a movie while it charged something about not wanting to put on clothes and it being freezing out. So I put on my clothes just so I could fix **her** mess.

She didn’t want to be part of the conversation as she admitted she felt bad for her indiscretion.

I looked at all the girl’s as they cackled with each other thinking I better get this over with. I cleared my throat to get their attention and spoke, “I’m glad each of you chose to stop.”

Jaime spoke, “If it gets me a chance at that cock I’ll do just about anything.”

Heidi nodded vigorously, “Same.”

Kumi leaned forward, “Are you taking something?”

I looked at her, “Noooo…why?”

She didn’t answer instead asked another question, “And your dick is real right?”

I looked at her confused, “Last time I checked it’s real.”

She leaned back and mused, “Huh.”

I shook my head letting the girl’s get me off topic and spoke, “I wanted to speak with all of you about what you witnessed.”

Heidi spoke, “About how fantastic your cock is?”

I blushed, “Yeah that.”

Jaime butted in, “Or how big it is.”

Kumi, “Or it’s stamina.”

Anita, who had been quiet for the most part since meeting her, “Or how delicious it looks.”

I held up my hand to get them to stop talking about my dick and get it back to topic at hand, “No that’s not what I wanted to talk to you about.”

Jaime leaned forward and smiled, “Is it because you’re willingness to fuck your sister?”

My eyes widened.

Heidi lightly slapped her sister’s arm, “Step sister, remember Jaime, step sister.”

Jaime smiled, “Right step sister. Is that what you want to talk about?”

I looked at all of them and felt guilty like I was being put on trial. Still I *tried* to steer the conversation away from what was between my legs to the taboo so they **understood** what was going on.

I cleared my throat and nodded, “Yes. I want you to understand our situation and how imperative it is that our relationship remains between us.”

Kumi was about to do something but Jaime stopped her and spoke, “What do **we** get if we do?”

Kumi looked at Jaime for a second but quickly shut up.

In fact all the girl’s looked at Jaime but remained silent.

I looked at them, “What do you want?”

Jaime smiled, “You already know what I want.”

She wanted my dick though I wasn’t her protested preferred type of guy. My only qualification that she was interested was what was between my legs.

I looked at the other girl’s, “Is that what you all want?”

Jaime leaned forward, “I think I speak for each of us as that is exactly what we want for our *silence*.”

I sighed, “I don’t think that’s wise.”

Jaime shrugged, “Fine by me.”

She looked at Heidi, “Who do you think we should tell first. The person behind the register?”

She looked at me, “Or maybe the mayor?”

I see what this little bitch was getting at….or more as to something she wanted. Now that I knew what she wanted maybe I could turn the tables to my advantage.

With her motives blatantly obvious getting her to seal her lips might be stupid easy….just need to use my cock

I looked at her stone faced trying to hide my fear, “What I meant by that wouldn’t be wise is I have people at home waiting on us. If I dicked each of you we’d be here forever.”

I looked around the mini mall, “Besides I don’t see anywhere we can fuck without getting in trouble.”

Jaime looked at me, “You really think your stamina can go that long?”

I smiled and leaned forward, “It’s not my stamina that is in question but yours.”

Jaime smiled a shit eating grin, “Oh I know I can withstand any guy’s pounding.” She leaned forward, “The question is can you withstand my pussy?”

Was this bitch serious?

I have two enhanced pussy’s by the names of Summer and Kel that I can’t cum in without using a technique to help **me** cum faster.

Though yes their new pussy’s are quite sensitive.

But still my point applies.

I looked at her knowing full well that my stamina can withstand any pussy but kept my facial features as stoic as possible, “I can entertain your bet but my original point is still a problem. I don’t see a place where we can fuck without getting in trouble.”

Jaime looked around seeing my point but then she pointed her chin towards the shower area for riggers, “What about that place?”

I looked over to the direction she was indicating. I laughed, “Yeah I doubt we can get one of those. They’re meant for riggers.”

Jaime looked at Heidi and Heidi nodded as she left. Jaime looked at me, “If we can get one of those would you be willing to fuck me?”

I looked at the other girl’s, “Is that what you all want?”

The girl’s looked at the showers and each one sounded their agreement.

I looked at her, “Sure under two conditions.”

She looked at me, “And that is?”

I shrugged, “Like I said I can’t just keep going until **I** cum as we would be here *forever*.”

Jaime smirked, “You must think that highly of yourself to you can last that long.”

I nodded.

She sighed, “Fine how long you willing to fuck me?”

I shrugged, “How about five minute’s?”

She laughed, “I doubt you’ll last that long in my pussy but ok if you do without cumming I’ll accept that.”

I smiled, “Good and that also means **if** I fuck you that also means my secret remains a *secret*.”

She held out her hand, “Deal.”

I reached out and shook her hand.

I looked at the other girl’s and they turned deep crimson as they each agreed to the terms under the condition that each of them get a turn.

I stood up, “Now if you shall excuse me I need to get some electrolytes in me while Heidi secures us a secluded space.”




  1. I guess I would have gone longer than 5 minutes. Maybe 15, or even 30, would have been more of a lesson for the girls? Though maybe 5 with his size is the differentiator…

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