My [F] hand helped the passenger [M] overcome the fear of flying

Many people are afraid of flying, some drink pills, others just drink a lot of alcohol, but there are those who are really very afraid of flying. Here’s a guy about 25 years old I met a week ago. I felt very sorry for him. He was shaking and sweating all over. He was sitting in the business class and to calm him down, I sat next to him and took his hand and just started talking. It didn’t help.

So, I put my hand on his leg. After 5 minutes, he looked very confused, but he felt much better. I just sat there, looked into his eyes and talked, and only then I realized that I accidentally put my hand on his cock, which was become bigger more and more. He even forgot about his fear and just looked at me and smiled. I somehow restrained my laughter and felt that his cock was getting bigger and would soon tear his pants.

It was very funny, especially since my colleagues saw it too. So, I sat for about 20 minutes until the captain gave the command that we were going to landing.

For all the time, this passenger did not say a single word to me and when he got off the plane, he walked past me with his eyes downcast and all flushed. I hope I cured his fear of flying. I wouldn’t be surprised if I see him back on board with flowers for me or suing me for sexual harassment



  1. Maybe flowers or a thank you card. The fact that you sat with him hoping to calm his fears says good things about you. Even though it was an accident, you did at least distract him from his fear. 👍😘🌹

  2. Very fun story, and seems to show a lightness about sex, which is sometimes helps so much in life.

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