Test drive for a new corset

This is my first submission, feedback is much appreciated.

We walked through the mall after lunch. It was a rare weekend where we both had some time to kill and neither of us were ready to end the "date" early. We talked about anything that came to mind and no topics were uncomfortable between us. That was unique to our friendship, we both knew enough about each other to know that there would never be any judgment, only honest feedback. There was a lull in the conversation as we passed a lingerie store.

"I really need to get a new corset," she remarked idly as we continued past the store. I stopped us.

"Well, let's go look."

"You want to go in there?" she asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm interested to see your taste in corsets." Her gaze turned skeptical for a moment, then she shrugged and led me inside. I followed her as she browsed around the store. She stopped at a display of corsets in various colors and designs and a girl working there approached as she did.

"Good afternoon, can I help in any way?" I stood by silent as they talked, my imagination drowning out much of their conversation as I pictured what she might look like in all of the different pieces she considered. They narrowed the selection down to two – one in red and one in black. "The fitting room is right over there, see which one looks best," the girl said. "You can join her if you want," she said to me, snapping me out of my daydreams.

"I can?"

"Happens all the time," she said with a knowing smile.

The fitting room was larger than most and had a large mirror on one wall. I sat on the bench as she pulled her shirt off and then unhooked her bra and let it fall off. Just like that she was topless in front of me, something even my imagination hadn't dared to dream a mere 10 minutes ago. Her attention was on the task at hand, like I wasn't even there. First the black one went on and she stood in front of the mirror twisting back and forth adjusting it. She was still in her jeans, there was no reason to take those off, but that somehow made it look even sexier.

"Well?" she asked, suddenly acknowledging me for the first time. I could see that her cheeks were slightly red and that told me that she was very aware of my eyes all over her the whole time, she was just playing it cool. I shook my head slowly and opened my mouth, but no words were coming out. "I take that as a good sign, let's see how the red one looks." She was topless again before I knew it, not looking at me as she changed into the other corset. Probably to keep her from blushing even more than she was.

When the red one was on she looked at herself in the mirror from every angle, which let me look at her from every angle as well. "What do you think?" she asked.

"You're killing me in both of them," I said. She laughed.

"Well that doesn't help, you're supposed to help me pick."

"The black one," I answered.

"Wow, you sound so sure all the sudden. I thought this one looked pretty good…" she mused as she continued to examine herself. "This isn't really the right environment to judge how good it really looks, I'd need to see your real reaction," she said in a matter-of-fact manner. "We can't really do that here, though…"

"My place is empty all weekend," I offered. She stopped moving and looked at me with that raised eyebrow again, this time with a coy smile to join it. I could tell that she was thinking it over behind her eyes. "I mean, if you really need help figuring it out I'm glad to help," that made her laugh again.

"Tell you what, I'll pick one. Meet me outside the store."

It didn't take long for her to come out, bag in hand. I couldn't see which one she picked.

"Okay let's head to your place. But if we're going to do this there's going to be some rules…"

"Okay, you can open them."

I opened my eyes and she was standing before me in a black corset. It hugged her figure perfectly, and contrasted with her skin in a way that made me long to touch her. I couldn't though, I promised my hands would stay at my sides. My eyes moved down to her hips and her legs in a g-string and garters and my breathing started to tremble in my throat. When my eyes finally made it back up to her face her smirk said a thousand words and I responded by growing hard almost instantly. She saw it and bit her lip a little. Her hands began to slide up and down her body as her hips moved seductively. She closed her eyes and tilted her head back, basking in my attention. I watched her hands as they slid up her thighs, then over her hips… up the side of her body. They crossed over her stomach and then up to her breasts. She gasped lightly as she squeezed her tits, fingers curling lightly over the top of the corset. She wasn't looking at me but she knew I was watching her every move and I could see her lust in the way her hips moved. She didn't so much dance, it felt more like her body was moving to the feel of my attention.

She looked down at me briefly as she turned slowly around. I took in her back and legs and ass, barely resisting the urge to reach out. Her hands moved down her body, caressing herself the exact way that I wanted to. My eyes traced up her back as she arched it for me, a sight that has turned me on since the time she had me zip up a dress for her. She looked over her shoulder at me and laughed a little. The look on my face must have been quite amusing. She stepped back until she was right against my knees and the skin of her thighs was lightly touching mine. Her touch was like electricity as she moved for me.

"You can touch me," she said. I reached out and placed my hands on her thighs. They trembled slightly at first and I heard her exhale through her nose as I made contact. My hands explored the side of her legs, fingertips stretching out then curling in. Her body reacted to my caress, moving into me and with me in a way that gently begged for more. My hands moved up to her hips, lingering there and feeling them move side to side… back and forth. They slid up her sides and then own over her lower back, slowly feeling the transition from corset, to skin, to g-string, to skin again. She sighed out a little giggle, the one she does when she is getting very turned on.

She stepped back farther, pushing my legs apart with hers as she got closer. She reached behind her and put her hands on my knees, lowering herself onto my lap. My cock pressed against the fabric of her panties as she pressed her ass onto me. My hands slid around to her front, sliding up and down her stomach and over her breasts. She slowly moved her ass up and down, sliding me between her cheeks. I heard her breathing change, it got heavier and more urgent. My cock twitched in response and she sighed out another little laugh.

"You're not going to cum yet are you?"

Part of the deal was that I also couldn't talk. She kept moving slowly up and down, teasing me. Her lower back arched as my hands hungrily squeezed her chest. She moved in a steady rhythm as I explored her shoulders and back… as I slid my hands back up over her neck and gently around it. The head of my cock was wet with pre-cum now, and she could feel it.

"Don't cum," she said with her words, but her body said something different. She moved more urgently, daring me to defy her command.

"You better not…" she said as she reached down and pulled the g-string to the side. Her fingers found me and rubbed my head against the wet opening to her pussy. "You said this was all for me, it's not over until I say," she said as she made me do tiny circles right against the opening to her. Then she slid herself down onto me until I was all the way inside. Her pussy felt so good on me that it was immediately a struggle to hold myself back. She squeezed me inside of her and I almost lost control, this made her laugh again. She put her hands on my knees for leverage and rocked her hips back and forth. My hands slid down to her hips so I could feel her body move under them. "You better not…" she repeated as my breathing grew even more urgent. She knew by telling me not to she was making it harder for me to hold back. "Not until I say… not yet…" she said, her voice almost a whisper through her heavy breathing. She ground her hips into me pushing me as deep inside of her as she could, then raised up and back down, steadily sliding me all the way in and out of her as I watched. She kept that up and it became harder and harder for me to hold back. I was going to have to break my promise to be silent soon or I was going to cum inside of her.

Then, she stood up. She turned around and smiled at me, genuinely pleased with herself.

"You did good! Thanks for the feedback."

She left to the bedroom to change without looking back, leaving me sitting there with myself and my thoughts. I could still feel her, everywhere where she was touching me I could feel it. She made me want her like I hadn't wanted a woman since I could remember. I needed her pussy. I stood up and walked down the hallway into the master bedroom. She was in there changing out of the corset. She had just gotten it off and was laying it on the bed as I entered and startled her. She covered her breasts with one arm reflexively, "Excuse me, I don't remember this being in the rules."

"Fuck the rules," I said. I saw a look of shock momentarily cross her face before I took her in my arms and kissed her deeply. Her body was tense under my hands but my hunger for her was evident in my kiss and I felt her start to give. She slid her arm from between us and slid her arms around me slowly. I felt her body move into mine and she let out a tiny moan as she let my desire overtake her. My hands explored her as we kissed, but I needed something more. I broke off the kiss and grabbed her by the shoulders, pushing her forward onto the bed.

She didn't make any move to resist as I quickly pulled her panties down and took up position behind her. I was in no mood for teasing, I put myself right where I needed to be and sank my cock all the way into her. I slid one hand up her back and grasped her shoulder firmly, my other hand on her hip as I took her selfishly. She started to raise up so she could reach down between her legs but I pushed her shoulders down and shoved her harder into the bed, pinning her arm in place. She had it her way now she would get it my way. She gasped in surprise and I fucked her even more insistently in response. She stretched her arms over her head and grabbed the covers, crying out into the bed. She realized she had no choice but to give her body to me. She had teased me and delighted in tormenting me with my want for her and now she was feeling exactly how much she made me need her.

I lost myself in her as well. My movements weren't conscious, they were just happening. Her body was mine to mold in my hands and the feel of her pussy squeezing me became the only thing that existed in the world. Every time I pushed into her I felt my orgasm building like I was pushing it up a mountain. I hit the peak with force almost before I was ready. I pulled back just in time for my cum to spray all over the lips of her pussy. I got my hand on it in time to send the rest over her ass and onto her back, closing my eyes as the blood rushed from my head. I heard her moaning into the bed as well and I wondered if she came too.

When I could feel my legs again I hurried into the bathroom for some towels and we cleaned up in silence while we caught our breath. She was beautiful standing there in just her panties, framed by the tussled bed behind her. I could only think of one thing to say.

"Anyway, I like the corset."

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/36wvnt/test_drive_for_a_new_corset