The old foreigner…

Kate was used to ride the jeepney everyday coming back from college. It wasn’t a long ride, but the areas she was crossing, weren’t the best in town, due to some squatters’ areas, where mom said her to never get off.
The jeepney, at that time of the day, was never full of people. Her classmates were used to just walk home, because she was the only one living a little far from school.
That Wednesday, there was just her and an old foreigner.
She never saw him before, but he wasn’t for sure the kind of guy she would have loved to meet being all alone.
Besides, the jeepney driver was busy talking to his friend on the cellphone, so she was just hoping to reach home as fast as possible to be safe.
The old man started to smirk to her. He was really fat and looking pervert. Wearing a pair of shorts barely showing his hairy balls coming out from the side of the crotch.
Kate was trying to not look at him, but she could feel his eyes like eating her alive.
She was just sitting on her side of the jeepney, keeping her legs closed tight to not give him hope to see anything and with her backpack on her legs to keep herself safe.
“Hi baby” said the man.
Kate was an educated girl, so she just smiled back as sign of courtesy.
“You’re really beautiful” he continued, moving from his seater side, for being beside Kate.
Kate smiled again, trying to slide a little far from the man, who just made slide his fat ass on the seat to keep closer.
She was like feeling his eyes on her. The same feeling that probably a prey was having while the wolf was looking at her before being eaten.
“You’re so tiny” continued the man, moving his hairy hand towards her.
“Sir, please…” she started murmuring, right when the man started touching her chest.
The man could have been 4 times her size.
Kate was a sparrow compare to the man. He was like 6 feet for, at least, 130kg.
She had no chance with him in a fight, but her jeepney stop wasn’t that far and she was hoping that time would have run fast and that the nightmare would have ended soon.
Just, she didn’t think about the traffic.
The big fingers of the guy, started to enter between the buttons of her college uniform.
She could feel his rough finger slip up and down on her nipples.
Her mind was telling her to yell and look for help, but her pussy was getting wet and so her hello kitty panties.
No other guy ever did that to her, not even any schoolmate before.
Being so tiny, the boys at school weren’t looking at her, considering Kate still a baby.
But her body was reacting to this man hands and she wasn’t feeling a baby anymore.
Her breath was becoming heavier and the man noticed it.
“Let’s go down” said.
Kate, like hypnotised, followed the guy to the nearest alley.
It was one of those areas where her mother told her to never get off the jeepney. One of those places close to the squatters shacks.
The man was holding her hand tight, to not let her go.
“Come here” he said, once in the middle of the alley.
Pulling up her skirt, he slides his finger in the middle of her legs, touching her wet panties.
“Hmmm you like it” he said, looking her in the eyes while sniffing his finger just passed on her pussy.
“Sir, but I’m…” started saying Kate.
The hand of the man, pushed Kate head down, like to force her to kneel, while he was unzipping his shorts.
The same head that was pushing her down, pushed her face against his dick.
The acrid smell gave to Kate the sense of puking, to the point she retched.
“Suck me” he ordered her.
He had a big fat dick. Really hairy and with a big purple head under the uncut foreskin.
She noticed something white and really stinky on the base of the dick-head.
Something that, way more than stinky, she felt it disgusting when he pushed his dick in her mouth.
It was cheesy and slimy and it was on her lips and her tongue.
Kate was on the edge of crying, when…
“Fuck someone is watching us” said the guy.
Two squatters, at the end of the alley, were watching the scene and masturbating.
The man pulled up Kate and holding tight her hand, started walking fast.
Kate was still like hypnotized and followed the guy.
There was a SOGO not far from there, and the guy knew it.
“A room please” said at the receptionist.
“For you and the girl Sir?” asked the boy.
“Yes” answered the man.
Seeing Kate with the backpack and way too young to be his girlfriend, the boy asked “May I see your documents”?
The man, rummaging in his pocket, pulled out four bills of 1000php, saying “Will this suffice as documents?”
The boy just nodded, giving the key of the room to the man.
Kate, still shocked for what happened in the alley, wasn’t able to react and just followed the man.
The door of the room slammed behind him, who entered in the room after Kate.
Unzipping his shorts, he took the backpack of Kate and threw it on the chair.
The man’s dick was still hard and big like when she was sucking it in the alley.
In the light of the room, Kate was able to see he was way hairy and on the head of his dick some of that “White cheese” was still there. The acrid taste was still in her mouth and the thought was almost making her retch again.
“Come here” said the man to Kate, and he set himself on all four on the bed.
“I want you lick my ass” ordered the man.
His ass was very hairy and sweaty. The man didn’t wear any briefs under his jeans’ shorts.
“What are you waiting for” yelled the man to Kate.
Moving slowly, she started get closer with her nose to his hairy buttocks.
The smell of sweat mixed to his very poor hygiene, were making Kate really feeling disgusted, but he insisted again and she had no choice but lick him.
She could feel his hair on her tongue. The sour taste of his sweat mixed to who knows what, was all over her tongue.
The man was moaning and grunting, while stroking his dick.
Just a few minutes passed by, that the man moved towards Kate. 
He literally pulled her up and sat on the desk.
Kate was able to see his dick very hard and pulsating, pointing between her legs while the man was sniffing her neck.
She felt his hand over her thigh and in a snap of fingers, he snatched her panties in the middle.
“Sir, please, I’m virgin” she was saying while it was too late.
She didn’t have time to finish say it, that the pain she felt made her scream like something unbearable just happened.
He was inside her deep. Pumping his dick in and out, making her feel wrecked.
His heavy breath was smelling of alcohol and cigarettes and while grunting he was licking Kate’s face like he was going to eat her.
The time was seem not passing at all. The man was pumping her tiny virgin pussy that was sore and bleeding on the desk.
Kate was in pain and on the edge of a nerves’ crisis.
She heard him starting breath faster, moan louder and breath deeper, until he screamed “I’m coming” and she felt something warm explode inside her.
Kate felt for a last time him grunt and breath close to her neck. Still with her closed eyes, she hoped that everything would have been over soon.
His tongue licked her face for the last time and she felt his dick get out her pussy, like something was emptying her.
That amplified the pain she was feeling while he was fucking her, and she felt like a river flowing out.
Still with her eyes closed, Kate heard the door of the room open and close.
She was scared to open her eyes. Scared to see him still there and ready for something else.
Trying to be brave, she slowly opened an eye and saw the room empty.
The man was gone.
Looking down, she saw her Hello Kitty panties snatched and opened where her pussy was. Flowing on the desk where she was sit, a trickle of sperm and blood was dripping on the floor.
Kate had to wait a while before stand up. She could feel her legs shaking, for the fear and for the couple of orgasms she had while the man was fucking her.
Walking thru the hallway of the SOGO hotel, the boy at the reception looked at her smirking.
That made feel Kate worse than she already was feeling. 
The feeling of being abused, degraded and used just as a tiny cumdump, made her wanna cry, and she did. A lot.
Regrets and her mother words were roaming in her head.
She was feeling like a dirty slut, despite her young age and the innocence just thrown away.
Kate started walk back home from there, without noticing that the two squatters that had seen her suck the man dick in the alley were just standing outside the hotel.
