I [M] 33 received panties from a Customer [F]43

New account created for posting some of my escapades. Typing on mobile app so please comment as you like and I know you will.

For context. I’m a Single 33 year old straight male. Has a house a dog and recently got into writing and hoping to develop this interest. I think I’m fairly alright looking and have a few stories worth sharing for those interested. Story begins now!

I work in a customer service/automotive collision career in Northern California. This story I’m writing as it’s a first time occurrence after a long career and thousands of customers serviced(no pun intended). Every day my job consists of taking in customers fixing their cars and delivering them. Most customers are rude and unappreciative. Makes you respect and bend over backwards for those kind customers.

She came in for an estimate on her vehicle and immediately she had an energetic spell on me. It could have been the day in late October in northern California(they tend to be spectacular) and it could have been her Disney shirt and hair in pony tail with little makeup on. The teasing color of purple red hair dye flicking over her shoulders she turned her head left me entranced. Her dark hair and dark brown eyes against her pale skin and tiny frame standing about 5th and maybe 115 lbs was such a gorgeous sight to behold. After I picked my jaw up we went and looked at her vehicle so I could give her an estimate.

She was kind and polite and while taking with me and taking with her kids, she was like a pro. Didn’t miss a beat with either even tho I stood dumb founded admiring her beauty control of all aspects. I tried to keep my gazes and quick looks short and brief but I felt that natural energy building between us. I check that most important finger and find to my pleasure it is empty. She is single as of now. That energy now intensifying as I pry increasingly with my eyes hoping to see into her and let her know my interest. The kind that both of you can sense and feel but neither reacts on out of respect. We head in side and I finish her estimate and schedule for a later date for her repairs.

After many nights of thinking about her and hoping and waiting to fix her car she finally called and schedules. I spend man more nights thinking about her gorgeous face and the frail but strong body and how great it would be to plead and taste this woman that is lacking so much.

Once she arrives and drops off for repairs I’m yet again speechless. This woman I’ve thought about for weeks now shows just stunning. Tight pants showing off her slim figure and black boots tying to elongate her height even though sh has not fooled me. A black v shirt with black jacket. Slight makeup she didn’t need but fortunately not over done. Perfection!

We casual small talk and as she hands me her keys I gradually (intentionally) graze her fingers. I knew I wanted to touch her and break my professionalism without seeming forward and inappropriate. It worked ! A week later while her car is in she is calls me be for her car is done and asks me out on a date. I’m shocked and try to hide my excitement so has coworkers do not hear. She has my short of breath tho. Fast forward a few days of small talk and gradually increasing to sext talk and we start challenging each other to writing about who can tease better. Ultimately our conversation ends with me telling her to hand over her panties while I deliver her her keys and show her, her vehicle.

She did with a wink in her eye and said “these are for you” she hands me a very cute thong floral pattern. Of course I’m instantly hard and trying to hide my tent pole. Our eyes stare into each other longing for more. The touch of our skin sending shockwaves throughout our bodies. Nothing more did I want but to strip her naked. That would come later….

More to come if you think it’s worthy. Love you all!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/rm0kyb/i_m_33_received_panties_from_a_customer_f43


  1. Great story, would love to read more!!

    Did she just hand them to you in the open?

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