That time I ended up at a donkey show convention (MF) (MFD)

Had a friend ask for a story on the spot and this is what she got. I figured I’d share it with all you degenerates. Be gentle. 😂

So once upon a time I had this friend who would always make jokes about donkey shows.

Well we both drove tractor and trailers and we ended up at the Laredo Texas terminal which sits right on the border of Mexico.

Outside of this terminal is a fellow that if you pay him a hundred bucks you get on a bus and he has an agreement with the border police to let him and his busload of Americans through without passports or questions asked over the Mexican line and then bring them back at the end of the night.

No we were forewarned that if we missed the bus, we had to fend for ourselves until the next bus came the following afternoon.

So my buddy and I get on this bus and cross the border and right off the bat, the bus driver goes “you guys want to see a donkey show?”

My first reaction is to pretend to be the ignorant gringo so I asked “what exactly is a donkey show?”

Now is at this point that I realized I might have fucked up, cuz this mans eyes light up with a child like Glee and he exclaims “man it’s a chick fucking a donkey. No more no less. For 50 extra dollars each i’ll take you to a show”

Well I looked at my buddy and he looked at me and we both knew that we couldn’t pass this offer up. So we said sure we’ll go see this donkey show. We paid the man and all the other white folk got off the bus looking at us like we were fucking psychopaths and he drove us deeper into Mexico than our white asses had any business being

To skip a few irrelevant plot details, we ended up in this ramshackle building with a cardboard door with the unmistakable sounds of a dive bar coming out of the windows which were just holes in the walls.

We walked in and I was greeted with the site of a rather morbidly obese Latina woman laying on her back writhing underneath a donkey. As we walked in the patrons got a little quieter and I’ll turn to look at us, including the donkey. And when I made eye contact with this donkey we shared a look of “what the actual fuck are either one of us doing here?”

So not being able to back down and not look like a bitch in front of my friend and assuming he was of a similar mindset, we spent a few hours at the bar and somehow lost contact with our “tour guide”

We met the owner of the donkey, a small build man who spoke flawless English and assured us that if we liked what we saw there was a convention happening in 3 days and he could take us to his stand at that convention and there would be Americans there to hang out with as well. We tried to politely decline, but somehow the invitation was implied as not really optional.

So here I was, 3 days later, AWOL from my semi, and in the middle of a Tijuana donkey show convention. I’m trying my best to blend in and not seem like I am thoroughly disturbed by the absurdity of the situation. My friend has taken to this like a duck to water because apparently all those jokes over the years about donkey shows was because that was one of his fetishes. So he was thoroughly not displeased with the situation.And the Americans that were supposed to be there?

As we walk back to this section it starts to look a little bit cleaner, the booth/stalls were a little more well put together obviously these are the….. Outfits…. That make a little more money. As I walk up to one…. Show… In particular, mainly because it was the first attractive woman I had seen getting plowed by a donkey all day, I realize that the woman getting absolutely mangled by Eeyore is not other than the terminal manager that I’d seen just a few days before.

I’m standing there watching this, feeling oddly aroused and thoroughly sexually confused by my arousal but not saying anything because not only does this woman hold my job in her hand, she might be my ticket out of this nightmare.At some point she looks up and makes direct eye contact with me, you can see it rise that she recognizes me but apparently at that point in the throes of whatever nightmare Winnie the Pooh passion she was feeling she just didn’t care. She maintains eye contact with me until the donkey finishes.

I’ve never felt so dirty to be aroused before or sense.

She cleans herself up while laughing hysterically at how we ended up where we are. She promises to get us back across the border with no issues and put in that we had requested time off so we didn’t lose our jobs for being AWOL for multiple days from our trucks in Mexico, in exchange we don’t share that she likes to get plowed by an extremely sad looking donkey.Think it should go without saying that we more than readily agreed to that, and my friend decided he wanted to participate with her and the donkey.

That’s about where I drew the line. I left them to their antics and went to walk away. I should have walked away. I shouldn’t have turned back to wave… But I did… And the sight of one of my good friends performing an Eiffel Tower with a donkey and my boss will forever haunt my deepest darkest dreams and forbidden unspeakable fantasies as Long as I shall live
