[FM] fucking tired

I was fucking tired last night.

I had a friend over. We have been hanging out and having sex for a couple weeks. We’re both in our 30s. I’ve been living the blessed single life. She just exited a long, ugly relationship.

I’m beginning to realize she is quite clingy. She wants my attention always, and she frequently makes me tell her “no” multiple times before she takes the point. Usually her feelings get hurt. Sometimes I relent and give her what she wants.

Two nights ago I had to be blunt with her over text, telling her I need her to listen when I say “no” and not ask me again. I had told her at the beginning of the day I couldn’t hang out in the evening because of work. Yet, she still asked me to cook dinner for her. Even after I said “sorry, I’m working, not tonight” she asked if I would come watch a movie after work. And even after I responded “tonight is really not a good night for me, I have to work tomorrow” she texted me yet again at 10pm to ask me to come over for a bit. I called her out for it, and she got upset.

I stayed up too late trying to make her understand that I have to be an adult and act like a person of responsibility. I was, of course, useless in the morning because I was tired.

Fast forward to last night. She came over, I cooked her dinner, and I talked to her about taking me seriously when I tell her “no.” She said she understood, and agreed to be better. We did some non-sex things and my lack of sleep caught up to me. I got tired, and we went to bed.

Generally by the time I’m sharing a bed with a woman I’m DTF, but not last night. Last night I couldn’t keep my eyes open. I just wanted to sleep.

As I was falling asleep though, she crawled on top of me and started kissing my mouth. I wiggled free and I told her I was too tired. She pursued me with her face, and she kept pursuing me. I can’t remember how long this went on, how many times I told her I was too sleepy, or how well I articulated I wasn’t up for it. She was relentless. I kept pushing her off, and she kept getting right back on top of me, kissing me. There were times I felt like I couldn’t take a breath because her tongue was in my mouth. She was also touching my body—poking me, stroking me, practically chasing me around the bed as I rolled away from her to try to get to sleep.

Eventually I relented, and we had sex. For the record, I got an erection during this event, and I did consent. I told her “If you want to fuck me, then fuck me.” If she wanted it so bad she could have it, but she was going to have to do the work. So she took off our clothes and rode me for a while. Annoyingly, she got sick of that and told me she wanted me to fuck her. At that point, disappointed that she didn’t at least want to enjoy the fucked up eroticism of the moment, feeling like the only person of responsibility in the room, and most of all wanting to go the fuck to sleep, I flipped her off of me and onto her back and I fucked her.

I didn’t finish, I just stopped after she came. Because, dear redditor, I was

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/rji7ih/fm_fucking_tired

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