Dog Show [F/M] [Fdom] [Pet Play] [Exhibitionism] [Foot Worship] [Examined] [Prostate Milking]

This is my second erotica. I hope you enjoy any advice and feedback would be greatly appreciated!

“Wakey wakey, Cupcake.” Mistress gently shook me, arousing me from my slumber from the foot of her bed. With tired eyes I got up on all fours, my bone shaped tag connected to my collar rattled softly. On it my name “Cupcake” was engraved on it. I looked at my mistress in the eye and gave her a groggy smile.

Rubbing under my chin she spoke, “You have a big day today my precious puppy wuppy.” She cooed. I tilted my head in confusion. “You’ll find out soon enough, momma doesn’t want to ruin the surprise. Come on let’s get ready.”

She lead the way to the bathroom and I obediently followed, always on all fours. When we walked inside mistress turned on the sink faucet and washed her face and mouth with water before opening the shower curtain and waited for me to climb in before turning on the faucet, water gushing out. Mistress wet her hands and proceeded to gently clean the goop from my eyes that accumulated throughout the night. When she first started training me I flinched in protest, but now mistress has me trained like a good boy and I calmly let her groom me, her loving touch making me whine in pleasure. When she finished I crawled closer to the faucet and lapped up some water to wash out my mouth and lifted my leg slightly off of the tub and proceeded with my morning pee. Mistress then put her hands under the faucet once more and wiped at my member to wipe it clean, even after all of mistress’s training I still squirm when she does this. Mistress then turned off the faucet, got my towel and gently dried my face and now clean member before replacing it on the rack. “Good boy.” She said petting my behind. Now that I was ready for the day I got out of the tub and sat in front of mistress as she sat down on the toilet and did her morning business before moving away to allow her to get up and wash her hands.

I followed her out into the kitchen and got close to her legs as she prepared our breakfast: Scrambled eggs and bacon. Mistress split her portion onto a plate and finely chopped my bacon and mixed it together with the eggs before putting it in my doggy bowl. I walked under the table by her seat where she put her plate on the table and my bowl of eggs and bacon on the floor next to another bowl filled with milk. Mistress sat down and put one foot in the bowl of food and the other in the bowl of milk, wiggling her toes in each. Like a good boy I waited patiently for mistress to say I can eat which I was grateful she didn’t make me wait for long. “Eat up, Cupcake,” I heard her say.

Not having to be told twice I quickly lapped up my food, my tongue gliding around mistress’s foot. I dug out a piece of bacon in between her toe with my tongue making mistress squirm before she caught herself lest she spill the milk.

“Slow down,” she laughed “That tickles. For a puppy you sure eat like a pig.” She playfully lifted her foot up pushed her toe against my lips. “Isn’t that right my little piggy?” She spoke in baby speak. I greedily lapped up the food stuck to her foot in response, making sure to clean thoroughly between each toe before taking a break to slurp up some milk mistress’s other foot was bathing in.

Soon enough I was down to the last piece of bacon but it would seem mistress was in the mood to play as she moved my bowl around making me work for that last bite. I whimpered when after several tries I couldn’t get it so mistress pinched it in between her toes and lifted it up to my face. I licked piece up before continuing to lick her foot clean afterwards I proceeded with the bowl of milk, lapping the rest of it up and cleaning her other foot.

“Come to the bathroom, you need to get your teeth brushed for today.” I was very curious about what was so special about today but I followed her obediently to the bathroom regardless and climbed back into the tub, allowing mistress to brush my teeth. “Rinse with mouthwash.” She commanded and I obeyed as she titled the cup into my mouth. “Good boy.” She praised

“Wait for me on the bed, Cupcake. Momma is going to clean up.” With a full belly and a content smile I happily complied and went back into our room and climbed up on the bed. I heard the bathtub faucet open again as mistress cleaned her feet as I patiently waited. Soon enough I heard her footsteps and turned to see her, I beamed and shook my butt happily. “Turn around, mommy has a surprise for you.” I excitedly turned my back to hair eager to find out what it was. I felt mistress tie something around my neck and when I looked down I saw a red bandana and I shook with delight. “Don’t you look like a handsome boy? Yes you do yes you do!” Mistress tried to hold me back as I assaulted her with lots of licks to show my appreciation and joy. “Down boy.” She laughed. “It’s time to go on a car ride and when we get to where we’re going I need you be on your best behavior you hear me?” I barked in acknowledgement. “Good boy!” She scratched behind my ear. “Come on.” She patted her thighs to get my attention and led me to the front door where she attached my leash to my collar then lead me to the car trunk of her SUV. I got in and lied down on my towel that has already been laid out before going on to our destination.

Mistress parked in between two other cars in some sort of parking garage and opened the trunk and carried me down. I was feeling anxious so I kept close to her as she lead me to a door. At once I was assaulted by bright lights and music and I saw other pets with their masters and mistresses as my eyes widened in surprise. A woman quickly approached us and welcomed us. “Welcome to this year’s dog show, I hope you and your pet have a wonderful time! May I have your name and the name of your pet you wish to enter?” She asked before handing mistress a clipboard and a pen.

“Thank you it’s our first time competing.” She said, filling out the paper work.

“Wonderful! We’ll make sure to take good care of your little guy.” The woman said, crouching down and petting my head. “Yes we will yes we will.” She looked at my tag. “Cupcake! What a handsome name for a handsome boy!” I lifted my head in pride.

“Yes isn’t he just adorable?” Mistress agreed with a proud smile.

“Come along now, the first test is about to begin.” The woman took back the clipboard and pen and lead mistress and mistress lead me to a scale where I got on. “151 pounds. Average weight for a pup this size.” She wrote down some notes. She then brought us to a table which I got on and the woman put on a pair of gloves and then started to gently pull down my bottom lip and then pulled my top lip up as she examined my teeth. “Nice clean and white teeth.” She muttered, jotting down notes.

I looked up at mistress. “You’re doing great, Cupcake. Be a good boy and let the nice lady finish.”

“Next we have the penis measurements.” She took out a tape measure and measured my penis, jotting down the measurements. “Now I need to test his size when fully erect. May I?” She looked at mistress for permission.

“By all means do what you need to do.”

She took out some lubricant and rubbed it on her hand before rubbing it on my penis. It was surprisingly cold making me let out a yelp.

“Shh.” Mistress consoled me as the judge started to speed up and tighten her grip, the lube quickly matching my body temperature, or at least close to it.

I could feel my member start to harden, my breath quickening and soon enough I was fully erect, it twitching with delight. I leaned in to her commanding hand and started to hump but she quickly stopped. I whimpered.

The judge laughed, “My you have an excitable guy. Sorry, Cupcake but I can’t have you cum just yet.” She quickly took my measurements.

“Cupcake.” Mistress sternly said, “Behave yourself.” I looked down sadly.

“Next up for we have the prostate milking test.” The judge gave me a lustful smile. I quickly looked to mistress in fear and began whimpering.

“There there,” she cooed “Be a good boy for mommy, you can do it.” She held me until I calmed down. “Okay, he’s ready.” She gave the Judge the go ahead.

“I promise, you’ll enjoy this *very* much.” The woman giggled as she attached what looked like an oversized chastity cage, which it obviously wasn’t, on my penis and around my balls and locked it into place.

She poured lube on my awaiting butthole, this time I readied myself for the sudden coolness and held still. She teasingly rubbed one finger outside before slowly making her way in making me groan out causing both mistress and the judge to laugh out making me blush for the first time since I got here.

“Such a cutie.” Mistress cooed.

My breath quickened suddenly as I felt some pressure on my inner button, waves of pleasure crashing down on me, I feel fluid start to leak out into the cup as she kept pushing and swiping her finger across my prostate. my face fell to the table as my back arched up into to air, allowing the judge to get a better position. They laughed again but my mind was too fogged up to notice or pay it any care. Sooner than I’d like the judge removed her finger from my anus causing me to involuntarily shiver.

“So… how was it? I told you you’d enjoy it.” The judge smiled at me, twisting the cup, allowing it to easily detach from the base. I gave her a weak “woof” in response as I recovered from the sensation eliciting another giggle from the two. The judge screwed on a cap to the cup, removed her gloves, and recorded how many milliliters I produced.

“That’s all for the tests, the results will be announced after tallying all of the points. Thank you for competing I hope to see you again next year! Good luck!” The judge said.

“Thank you!” Mistress called out to the Judge’s retreating form, no doubt rushing to turn in my results. “Oh you were so well behaved mommy’s so proud!” She nuzzled her face against mine and I licked her nose in response.

About ten minutes later announcer approached the stand. “Masters and Mistresses, studs and bitches I am excited to announce this year’s best dog. For you rookies out there, first place stud and bitch get the opportunity to mate and give you Masters and Mistresses a show to remember!”

My heart started pounding loudly. I looked at my Mistress and she looked at me with excitement. “I hope you win, Cupcake, you and I deserve this treat!” She scratched behind my ear, my penis erect once more at the prospect.

First third place was announced. It wasn’t me. Next, second place was announced. It wasn’t me. I held my breath.

“And now, the moment you’ve all been waiting for… first place stud is… Cupcake!”

I jumped on mistress as she cheered for me, my penis now throbbing with anticipation.

“First place bitch is… Princess!” I looked over to the cheering couple. It would appear that Princess also had a mistress. She was a beautiful bitch with wavy blonde hair, C-cup breasts hanging freely and a cute round butt. My penis twitched again.

“Will our first place winners please come up to the stage?” Asked the announcer.

“Go claim your prize, *stud*.” Mistress said giving me a smack on the ass. I huffed in lust. I kept my eyes on Princess and she kept hers on me. She sexily put one hand in front of the other, lifting her head up to give me a better view of her boobs. Eventually we stood face to face looking deep into each other’s eyes.

“Cupcake, Princess. You may begin.” Said the judge as he walked away. I have had sex with mistress several times but this is the first time I was going to have sex with another pet not to mention in front of so many people. I relished the thought. Before I could make the first move, Princess slowly licked my lips, I opened my mouth and licked her tongue back. She quickly bit my tongue before I could move back eliciting a yelp causing the audience to laugh. My ears burned red from embarrassment but it only turned me on more. Princess followed up by pushing me on my back and started to lick me all over, no part of my body was spared from bathed with her tongue. Eventually she reached my throbbing member, pre cum leaking out. She gave it a tantalizingly slow lick causing me to moan out before jumping on my chest, her hands holding me down and her dual pendulums swinging in front of my face. I licked all over causing her to moan the most sultry moan ever. She moved away, moving my gifted bandana away with her nose and licking my neck before biting my collar bone hard. I yelped out but that only made her more excited. She eventually released, licking the spot from the bit of blood that leaked out. Princess then turned around and sat on my face and I gluttonously licked her clean, her juices flowing into my mouth. When I started struggling for air she got up and prostrated herself in front of me, coaxing me toward her luscious ass with hypnotic moves. I got up and like the horn dog I am I claimed my prize and got on top of her sticking my rocket into her vagina, a guttural groan of pleasure escaping her lips. I pumped, slowly but fully, quickly hastening my pace. Her whimpers of pleasure aroused me to no end as I felt my climax coming. I gave a primal howl as I came inside her, Princess’s body going limp with exhaustion, her soaked pussy slipping off of my penis as she lied there quaking with after effects of a torrential orgasm. With half lidded eyes I looked to the crowd as they erupted with cheers before my eyes landed on mistress, it would appear mistress was having some fun of her own. Mistress was lying back with Princess’s mistress each of them had a hand in each others pants. They gave me a lustful look and a thumbs up as I lied down next to my new play mate. Mistress was right, today was a big day.


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