Johnny’s Smith Life with his Two Bisexual Girlfriends – Chapter 5 – I love you Kat (Action/Slice of Life/Erotica)

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Day 4 Part 2

I love you Kat

Louisville Colorado

22 October 2013

” What is it?” replied Johnny, worried.

“A customer at the restaurant groped her ass.” Said Kat.

“What?!” exclaimed Johnny.

Kat explained what had occurred. How the man grabbed her butt while asking for food. And then forced himself upon her when she turned around to get something for him. Telling her to come closer and touch her inappropriately.

Kat said. “When she tried to push him off her, he hit her across the face and called her a whore. A real nasty name too. He also threatened to tell everyone that she’s been fooling around. So she ran outside crying. But no one could see where she went because all the windows are closed.”

“Oh god,” sighed Johnny. “Is she hurt?”

She paused. “…And after that, he ran out without paying anything.”

Kat cried over the phone. “Hannah has a broken nose and black eyes. They took her to hospital where doctors examined her. There are bruises all over her body too. But nobody wants to press charges because that customer is an important guy.”

“No way,” gasped Johnny.

“Fuck.” muttered Johnny under his breath.

“Who was it?” He asked her.

” I don’t know his name, he had grey hair, glasses and wore a sort of red religious jacket. ” She said with sadness.

“Reverend Pawn, that fucker” cursed Johnny through gritted teeth.

“We need to do something,” insisted Kat.

“Yeah,” agreed Johnny reluctantly. ” But he got the cops on his payroll. Can’t call them.”

“So what do we do?” whined Kat in the parking lot of the restaurant.

The sun had set long ago and there wasn’t much light left anymore. It was getting cold.

“Let her rest in the hospital for tonight. I promise we’ll go see her tomorrow. I got a gig to play at the Belle de Coeur. You should come to play with me.

After hearing everything, Kat agreed readily. Her voice quivered with emotion. ” Yeah sure baby. I love you so much. I’m driving there right now.”

She walked to Hannah’s red Ford Escape, got in, then drove to Belle De Coeur. She parked and walked across the street. Rain was falling hard outside the bar. It made the pavement wet and slippery. Walking towards the entrance, the wind blew raindrops into her face.

She opened the door to find a small crowd gathered near the stage. Standing underneath the lights, waiting impatiently for their favorite singer. As soon as she stepped inside, people cheered loudly. Someone whistled. Others shouted and clapped hands together. All welcoming Johnny Smith.

He said with a sad voice. ” I dedicate this song to my girlfriend Hannah that is in the hospital right now.” He announced solemnly. ” My life would be nothing without her.”

Everyone listened intently.

Then he started singing.

I sing for you.

Ooo, I love you so

And it won’t do or make me blue,

You know I love you, you,

Stay with me and you’ll see I need you, too.

His voice filled the room. His guitar playing accompanied him. Making each note vibrate like thunder. The riffs were heavy and dramatic. The lyrics spoke deeply from within him. Each word seemed to cut straight to his soul.

His voice cracked with emotion. Tears fell down his cheeks. Everyone watched him closely. Waiting eagerly for the next verse.

You’re everything I am to you,

You’re the love of my life, ooo, come on,

Don’t leave me here alone,

Come back home and hold me tight.

Moving the hearts of every person present. Even those who didn’t really care for his music. This particular song spoke deeply to everyone listening. Especially to women. Who were secretly wishing they had someone special to share their lives with.

People started to dance and sway to the rhythm of the song. Feeling the beat pulsating throughout their bodies. Giggling and laughing. Enjoying themselves. Drowning themselves in joyous euphoria. Their faces glowing brightly beneath the bright lighting. In ecstasy. Because of Johnny.

They shouted. “Encore” when he finished the last chorus. People wanted more. Hoping he’d give them another song. And then again…

The crowd roared its approval.

He smiled confidently. ” Come listen to me and Kat perform live.”

It was time to start performing.

Kat was moved by the emotion radiating off the audience. By the sound of their cheering.

She shouted “Alright, Johnny, I’m coming” as she climbed onto the stage.

Shaking herself free from the magic of the moment, she looked around. Seeing how many people loved her boyfriend. Hearing them cheer for him.

Johnny moved aside and let her use the mic stand.

Smiling shyly at him, she said. “Thank you guys for supporting us tonight. Playing our songs makes me feel good. Makes me happy. That’s why I write these songs.”

She began to sing. Swaying her hips to the beat of the music. Wearing a sexy tank top that showed plenty of cleavages. Slipping out of one side, revealing glimpses of skin. Rocking her waist seductively. Dancing provocatively.

The crowd laughed.

She sang another song this time. wanna lay down beside you babe

In a place where the roots of love are planted

I wanna make love to your soul

I can hear her heart beat as back waves float in her yard


A love for one another

A heart that knew no fear


Birds and bees get together on the friendly skies

They give their love and care to each other

They breed with each other for protection

But the deepest love is for the ground

Verse 2

And I mean to take her inside

She has got to be as deep into my thoughts as she

Once took my love

Oh how I love to open your word so that all the world can see


If I love the lord is everything to me

Colorado reached down and lifted me up,


Birds and bees get together on the friendly skies

They give their love and care to each other

They breed with each other for protection

But the deepest love is for the ground


In this habit, that I love so much

I wish you could build me up, maybe you could break me down


Birds and bees get together on the friendly skies

They give their love and care to each other

They breed with each other for protection

But the deepest love is for the ground

When Kat stopped singing, an explosion of applause went through the entire building. She blushed happily watching the fans screaming in excitement. They wanted more. So did she. But not yet. Instead of dancing immediately, she left through the backstage exit. She needed some fresh air. To clear her head.

Johnny followed behind her, waving the fans.

“Thanks Everybody!”

After leaving the venue, they walked along the street. Strolling hand in hand. Both enjoying the night. Laughing easily. Holding hands. Smiling softly. Glowing with happiness. Sharing their own private heaven under the moonlight.

Johnny whispered in her ear. ” Who is your favorite singer?”

“Prince” She replied without hesitation. Listening intently while moving her body against his. Rubbing her cheek against his chest. Kissing his neck gently. Feeling him shiver with delight.

“Why Prince? What about Michael Jackson or Elvis Presley?”

“Because Prince is romantic. His music speaks to my heart.”

Laughing warmly, he kissed her hair. “You know what else speaks to mine?”

Tilting her chin up, she asked. “What?”

“Your voice.”

“Oh so sweet” He moans kissing her forehead. “That’s nice but…”

Holding her close, he whispers. ” No buts.”

Sighing contentedly, she murmurs. ” Well if it means anything to you, I like your voice too.”

Stroking her hair lovingly, he tells her. ” Better than Prince?”

Kissing his temple, she says. ” Yes better.”

As they talked, they strolled past bars and restaurants, seeing groups of friends hanging outside talking and drinking. Some even danced to the sounds of rock bands playing inside.

Caressing her right ear, he tells her. ” You hear that? That’s my favorite band.”

She giggled:. “Which one?”

“Whitesnake” He replies laughing with her.

“No way! My dad loves Whitesnake. Says Mick Jagger sings great. It’s funny because we’re both big Rolling Stones fans.”

He chuckles saying. ” Yeah well Mick ain’t half bad either. If only Keith Richards would stop getting himself killed.”

Shaking her head, she laughs. ” Oh please don’t start with that again. Seriously Johnny…you’ll never change. Not ever.”

Grinning, he kisses her lips tenderly before whispering. ” Maybe someday I will.”

Pulling away from him, she asks. ” Really?”

Smiling wickedly, he answers. ” Just kidding. Now come here and let me show you something special.”

At the end of the block, they turned right toward the park across the way. Walking slowly under the starry sky. Enjoying the cool breeze off the river flowing by them. The scent of flowers drifting from gardens filled the night air. A few couples were sitting around chatting quietly, others stood alone gazing at stars above. Music was still coming from somewhere nearby.

Coming upon a bench, they sat down facing each other. Pulling their knees up, resting their arms over them. Looking deeply into each other eyes. As though searching for something hidden there. It felt intimate between them. Like sharing secrets.

Turning her face slightly upward, she asked. ” Do you have any brothers or sisters?”

A small smile crossed his lips as he answered. ” Nope just me.”

Reaching out, she took hold of his hand. Squeezing it tightly. Tenderly stroking her fingers over his palm. Loving every moment of contact. Nuzzling her nose against his shoulder. Lovingly brushing her fingertips back and forth over his skin. Scented with sweat and male musk.

“Any Friends?” She inquires innocently.

Looking directly into her eyes, he smiled. “Only you,Hannah and Margo.”

He paused smiling. ” I use to know a guy called Zachary. He was a great friend of mine.”

With a sad sigh, he continues. “We grew up together in New York. We used to go everywhere together. And then one day, he disappeared.”

Gazing deep within her eyes, he adds sadly. “I think maybe he got involved in drugs or some shit. Or maybe he found God.”

Pushing her hair aside, Kat caresses his cheek. Stroking her thumb along his jaw line. Leaning forward, she presses soft kisses on his mouth. Lips touching lightly. Her tongue slipping through his parted lips. Tongue tasting his breath.

Warmth spreading throughout his entire body.

When they break apart, she smiles softly. ” So where did you grow up?”

Nodding his head, he begins. ” In Brooklyn actually. With my mom and step-dad. I moved to Manhattan when I started high school. But I came home sometimes.”

Kat nods sympathetically. ” Did you love growing up there?”

Raising her gaze, he looks beyond her. Seeing the moonlight reflecting off the water below. ” I loved everything about it. Especially all the people.” Turning back to look at her, he grins. ” Even the rats!”

Laughing, she shakes her head. ” Rats are gross Johnny. They stink and make noises.”

Chuckling, he leans closer kissing her neck. Feeling her warm smooth flesh beneath his hands. Fingers digging gently into her hips. Rubbing her ass cheeks. Kissing lower until his chin rests on top of her breasts. Breathing in her sweet feminine fragrance. His cock hardening further.

As she licked his ear lobe, she whispered anxiously. “I trust you. so I’ll tell you something I’ve never told anybody, even Hannah. I should’ve told her before… hope she’s okay.”

She paused taking several deep breaths. “I and Hannah used to hang around this girl Carrie in high school. Us three were best friends since grade two. We did everything together. We played volleyball, made music, and even made love together once. Only we didn’t call it making love because we thought we weren’t supposed to do that yet.”

Johnny gazed into her soulful blue eyes. ” So what happened, babe?”

Kat inhaled. ” Carrie died in a car accident when I was 15…. I feel so bad, we fought the night before over some cute boy called Chris. Then she went to bed crying saying how much she missed him. When I woke up the next morning, she was dead.”

Stroking his beard, he ponders. ” How long ago was that?”

Kissing his chest, she whispers. ” Four years now.”

His heart aches hearing such tragic news. Holding her close, he murmurs tenderly. ” That must be why you’re always looking after others like Hannah”

Smiling shyly, she answers. ” You can say that again.”

Taking hold of her waist, he pulls her onto his lap straddling him. Hugging her tight, he strokes her back lovingly. Smelling her scent. Running his fingers through her silky blonde locks. Gazing into her sparkling sapphire eyes. A tear slips from hers falling slowly down her cheek. Closing his own eyes, he savors her delicate touch. Biting her lip, she places a kiss upon his whiskered cheek. Whispering sweet words of comfort. Comfort which makes his heart melt.

He removed her softly bra letting her full firm tits bounce free. Tilting her face toward his, he kissed each nipple causing them to swell larger. Looking deeply into her blue eyes, he moans. ” Why don’t you let me take care of those for you? ”

A wide smile spreads across her pretty pink lips. Raising her arms above her head, she stretches luxuriantly. Giving herself over completely to his desires. Arching her spine, she lets out a sexy little moan as he takes both nipples between his teeth tugging sharply. She bites her bottom lip moaning loudly. As he sucks harder, feeling her hardened buds against his tongue. Squeezing her plump tits, kneading them roughly. Kneading them until they become swollen and heavy.

Kat felt the electrifying touch of his hands on her bare skin. It was like nothing she ever experienced before. The warmth of his palms rubbing her thighs sending shivers running through her body.

When he pushed her legs apart, opening himself to her hungry gaze, she gasped. Taking a moment to catch her breath, then closing her eyes tightly, she leaned forward pressing her breasts against his strong muscular chest.

She said. ” I love you”

He replied. “I love you too”

Leaning forward, she placed another passionate kiss on his lips. Their tongues dancing sensuously. She tasted his sweetness, breathing in his masculine aroma.. She smelled his manhood underneath the wetness of their mingled saliva. He smelled like a conqueror, like someone who had won many battles,

The music show must have made him feel better, she thought.

Stroking his strong bearded jawline, she sighed happily. She slowly removed his jean jacket and unbuttoned his shirt. Letting it fall open revealing his broad hairy shoulders. Pulling away, she runs her hand along his thick muscular torso. Her fingertips brushing lightly against his pecs. Sliding down his body, she felt his cock swelling inside his pants. It’s rock solid. Harder than steel. Pressing her palm firmly against its base, she squeezes it tightly. Leaning her forehead against his shoulder, she snuggles closely to him.

Laughing happily, she squirmed atop him grinding her pussy firmly against his rigid erection. The friction sending shivers running through their bodies. Breaking away from the kiss, panting heavily, she rested her forehead against his. Kissing his neck, she nibbled at his jugular while gazing deeply into his eyes. She unbuttoned his jeans pulling them off together. His boxers quickly follow. Kat sits upright straddling him facing him. Breathing hard, her lust filled eyes look deep into his. Licking her moist red lips, she looks down at his erect member. Gripping his shaft, she lifts it up kissing the tip of his penis. Stroking him lovingly. Feeling him throbbing beneath her warm soft grip.

Then lowering her mouth to engulf his hardness, taking every inch into her hot sucking mouth. She tastes him deeply swirling her tongue around his sensitive flesh.

The warmth of her moist red lips sends sparks shooting throughout his entire body. Making his toes curl. His knees go weak. Hearing her slurping sounds fills him with ecstasy.

He looked into her eyes. “Suck it like you mean it ”

Giggling, she replies. ” Yesssss”

She lowers her head swallowing all of his length. Slowly bobbing her head up and down rapidly. Moaning erotically. Then stopping suddenly making him wince. Grabbing his hips, she pushes him deeper into her throat gagging slightly.

She eye-fucked him. ” You like that? When I suck your big cock.”

He gasped with pleasure. “Hell.. Yeah”

Breathing hard, gasping for air. Panting. Trying desperately to keep control. But failing miserably. This woman has no idea what she is doing to him. What effect this will have upon him later tonight when they make love. He knows he cannot hold back much longer.

Taking one last desperate gasp of fresh air, he grabs her hair holding her head still. Groaning loudly. Pleasure racking his muscles. Releasing her long silky locks, he feels his seed well within her eager mouth.

She gazed into his eyes, sucking out each drop greedily. Swallowing everything without hesitation. Laughing as if she just got caught stealing candy bars. A wicked smile spreading across her face. Blushing profusely.

“You’re so cute,” she purrs. ” So innocent. And sweet. Like sugar wrapped in cotton candy.”

he licked her lips, tasting the remains of semen dribbling from between her full pouty red lips.

She smilied deviously. ” Your cum tastes like pinneaple. I’d lick it right off my fingers.”

Pressing his thumb against her lower lip, forcing it open. Sucking out a stray droplet of spunk. Smiling mischievously, she closes her eyes savoring the flavor.”

“Fuck, little angel, you’re gorgeous” he says.

His words sent a thrill racing through her body. Pinching his nose playfully, she giggles. ” Mmmm… Thanks”

She let out a tear of joy, feeling happy and free. ” I’ve never felt this way”

Her heart fluttered wildly with excitement. Happiness filling her soul. Surrounded by nature. Johnny was such a nice guy. Kind. Sweet. Loving. Caring. Looking after her needs before his own. Holding her close during sex. Hugging her tight afterwards. Touching her tenderly. Allowing her to touch him freely. Giving her affection openly. Not hiding anything. Revealing himself completely. Sharing his deepest desires. Striving to please her above all else.

And she had fallen madly in love with him.

Johnny kissed her deeply and tasted himself on her tongue. Their tongues entwined passionately. Tasting themselves on each other’s mouths. As if sharing something sacred. Something private. Something special. Her hand caressed his cheek stroking gently. Rubbing circles over his smooth skin. Kissing his cheeks and forehead. Nuzzling his earlobe teasingly. Whispering softly into his ear.

This man loves me. Completely. Without reservation. No matter how crazy or strange our relationship may be. We belong together. Kat thought

Smiling shyly, she blushed deeply and said.

” Let’s make love now, fuck me Johnny”.

She straddled him, getting into a cowgirl position, resting her hands on his shoulders. Arching her spine upwards pushing herself onto him. Rocking slowly riding him until he filled her fully.

Laughing breathlessly, she moaned happily. ” Oooooohhhhhh…”

Looking at her beautiful naked form sitting atop him, Johnny grunted. “Damn girl! That ass looks great bouncing up and down on top of me!”

A huge grin spread across her face, causing her soft pink blush to deepen. ” Thank you baby.”

Shaking his head, he chuckled. ” Don’t get used to it.”

Rolling her eyes, laughing, she replied. ” Oh god, don’t worry about it. Just relax and enjoy yourself. It’ll feel good soon enough.”

She rode him like a cowboy ride an horse. Riding him fast and furious. Whipping her pelvis around wildly. Sliding up and down quickly. Leisurely moving her hips side to side. Pumping her legs furiously trying to get more friction. She bounced rapidly. Squealing ecstatically. Raging with passion. Filled with lust. Wanton desire.

Shaking uncontrollably. Breathless with anticipation, making the bench shake underneath them.

Holding tightly to the backrests, moaning blissfully, she cried out loud.

“Oh my god, Johnny, I’m gonna cum”

“Cum for me, babe!” replied Johnny as he kissed her.

Sitting upright suddenly, letting go of his shoulders, she falls forward collapsing on top of him. Panting heavily. Heaving for breath. Gasping hard. Grinning broadly.

“So good, it feels so good.” she cried out, her legs shaking.

He grunted animalistically. “Urgh,”

His cock buried deep inside her. Twitching violently. Shooting another load of hot sticky sperm deep inside her womb.

Breathing hard, they lay there exhausted. Breathing silently, their bodies intertwined. Both sweating profusely. Eyes closed contentedly. Lips locked in a passionate kiss. Neither wanting to move.

A scent of sex hung heavy in the air. A sweet aroma that could only come from two people who just made love. They remained still for long moments, basking in the warm glow of satisfied euphoria.

Breaking away from the embrace, kissing lightly, breathing evenly, both looked at one another lovingly. Contented smiles crossing their faces. Laughing quietly. Feeling loved and cherished.

Kissing again, their lips parted slightly allowing small gasps of pleasure to escape between kisses. Stretching languidly, arms wrapped around each other.

The sounds of panting breathing echoing throughout the forest behind the park. Mixed with the rustle of leaves underfoot. Birds chirping quietly in the distance. A cool October breeze blowing lazily through the trees. Hummingbirds flying overhead singing melodiously.

All is calm here. Peaceful. Quiet. Serene. The perfect setting for this momentous occasion. For these lovers. Who have found happiness together.

Gazing into each others’ eyes, they smiled widely. In unison. Laughing together. Crying together. Embracing each other. This time without fear or shame. With complete acceptance.

Their hearts beat strongly within their chests. Beat loudly. Rhythmically. Strongly. Passionately. Pulsating with life.

They made love many times during the night. Sharing everything. Every secret. Every fantasy. Holding nothing back. Giving all to each other. Nothing was hidden anymore. Not even by omission.

For some reason, tonight felt different than any other night before. Maybe because they were alone without Hannah? Or maybe because they knew that if she died, they’d be alone in this word. But whatever the case, no words needed to be spoken. Everything seemed clear and obvious. And right. Perfection itself.

As dawn broke over the horizon bringing light into the sky, Kat awoke first. Looking at her sleeping lover beside her, she thought how lucky she was. How blessed. Smiling softly, gazing deeply into his eyes, she gently stroked his cheek tenderly. Kissed his forehead. Whispering huskily, she said:

” Thanks for tonight, Johnny. But I’m worried about Hannah. We should go see her, you promised.”

He nodded slowly. Nodding gravely.

With heavy hearts, they got up from the bench. Walking hand-in-hand towards the path leading to the parking lot, they followed the same route they took last night. They strolled past empty bars and restaurants on their way to it. As expected, Hannah’s car was parked where they left it, they got in the Red Ford escape and drove to the Avista Adventist Hospital. They parked themselves next to the blue glass facility. Waiting patiently for someone to open the door. It didn’t take long until a nurse opened the front doors and welcomed them inside. Sitting down opposite each other in chairs near the nurses station, they waited patiently while being checked in.

After filling out forms and signing numerous papers, the nurse called for Dr. Freeman, who came running in looking extremely agitated. Running straight to them, he shook hands vigorously with Johnny.

“You must be Johnny and Kat. Hannah is waiting for you. She has something to tell you.”
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