The Accident Fairy [ENF] [MF] [Urban Fantasy]

This is my first time writing, so please don’t be too harsh.

“Trav! Watch out,” were the words I heard before everything went wrong… Much to the fairy’s delight.

One hour earlier:

Cehic, the mischievous fairy of misfortune and accidents came fluttering down from her perch in the clouds. She uselessly brushed her tiny, pink legs clean of fairy dust that sprinkled from her wings as she flew.

“Damnit,” she started with a pout, “somebody is gonna pay for my cloud formation being disrupted.” The fairy gave a glance back to her former home, now separated apart due to strong winds.

She growled, “fuck! Why is it so hard to find a decent cloud? This shit is ridic-” she stopped herself when she heard two young humans chatting.

“Travis! Give me back my keys,” the girl demanded, chasing her friend. Her hair was dyed a soft tone of red and her skin pale as an Irish lass. She looked healthy, no more than 140 pounds. She would do nicely.

“Over my dead body, bestie,” said a young man who appeared to not yet know how to shave his face properly. This one was just slightly heavy set, but his long, black hair hid the curvature of his face quite nicely. His complexion was a little darker than the young woman’s, but not by very much at all. He was running away from his pursuer just quickly enough to remain out of her reach. “Come on, Erica! You’re gonna have to be faster than that,” Travis shouted back to her in a joyful, mocking tone.

Cehic wore a grin from ear to ear as she adjusted her green and white hair, the locks flowing down past her ears. “They shall do perfectly,” she exclaimed to herself while rubbing her hands together. “I’ll make this day a bit more,” she paused, surveying the two, “interesting for them.”

50 minutes later:

“You know, you could have just said please,” Travis said, resting his head on his hand, a smile shown widely. “You’re still stuck on that? We’ve been friends since middle school,” Erica raised her eyebrow, adjusting her frilly white skirt, “of course I know you were kidding around.”

The two of them gave each other a friendly look and a simultaneous nod and then exited the SUV Erica had driven.

“Oh! This will be perfect,” the fairy said whilst cracking her knuckles. Beneath her was a very crowded ice skating rink.

5 minutes later:

“Hurry up and get your skates on Erica! We only have a couple of hours until close,” the young man said, playing with the backside of his hair. “In a rush to get your ass beat,” Erica replied, adjusting her loosely fitting B cup bra and finally lacing up her ice skates. “Oh fuck! They’re gonna have a race! Let’s get lined up with them,” Travis said excitedly.

Erica quickly made her way to the line up, allowing Travis to catch a glance at her rear. His best friend wasn’t much in the breast department, but she more than made up for it with a large bottom, which you could see the curvature of, even through the skirt. He darted his eyes away, feeling the burning of embarrassment and shame of ogling his friend while she wasn’t looking.

“I don’t know about this, man,” she started to speak, noticing her friend was now beside her “there’s a lot of people here and you know how I feel because of my social anxiety.” Travis looked at the nearby camera and the feed going to large monitor at the top of the stadium so all could see. There were hundreds in attendance, and that was just the audience. Why were there so many people here? Fate is just weird like that sometimes, he guessed.

“Relax, gal. You got this! You don’t came to come in first, you just gotta enjoy yourself.” His words reassured her and she gave him a faithful smile.

“Excellent. This prudish virgin girl and her dopey friend are exactly where I need them,” Cehic looked at the many audience members and smiled with sinister joy, “everybody suddenly had the urge to be here. I wonder if they noticed yet.”

The referee gave a white and black flag a wave and the race was off. To their surprise, Travis and Erica were somehow in the lead. “Oh my god, we’re fucking winning,” the male shouted to his friend. “We really are,” Erica said, having a laugh for the first time in a long time. “Travis,” she yelled, pumping her feet, “thanks for this,” her friend shot her a confused look. “For bringing me out of my shell! For getting me out here an-”

Suddenly Erica stopped talking, realizing that something was wrong. Like a bad feeling. From behind, another skater closed in on her and then slipped forward. The camera man had gone out for a smoke break, but the camera itself began to conveniently follow the action. The crowd let out a sound of audible shock as the skated tore down the young lady’s skirt, revealing her white, frilly panties.

“Oh no,” Erica said now also tripping backwards. Travis stopped himself quickly and began to skate back to her, but somehow also slipped, falling onto his chest and sliding forward. Erica’s momentum wouldn’t break, but her panty strings began to. She watched as her best friend’s face grew closer and closer to her, as she continued sliding forward.

“Trav, watch out,” she cried, closed her eyes tightly, hoping to make reality become a dream. And then suddenly, her momentum ceased. She breathed sigh of relief. “That was really clo-” she began, opening her eyes, but was interrupted by seeing her shaved mound, completely bare naked; one inch in front of her friend’s face. Travis’s eyes were wide as he seemed to be staring directly at her exposed vulva, commiting its every detail to memory. “No,” she howled trying and failing to get up. A referee began skating towards the two, but lost control and slammed onto Travis’s back, moving him another inch forward. His mouth flew open with a cough and his head slammed downward, causing him to wrap his lips around the entirety of her privates.

Erica’s eyes began to water as she felt a light sucking and licking sensation coming from her barely conscious friend. He came to and his eyes grew wide again, now realizing that he was tasting her genitals.

“No, no, no, no, noooo,” she screamed as she struggled to get up. She skated away, crying and covering herself up. She tripped one last time and landed on her back, knocking the wind out of her as she slid forward. The crowd of hundreds gasped and cheered, much to her surprise. She sat up with her legs spread, forgetting for a moment what had just occurred, and saw many people with their phones out, recording the large television. She looked forward and saw the camera facing her, well, between her legs and felt confused for a moment. Erica, for the last time, attempted to get up, but didn’t even get off her butt before she slid back down to a laying position. She looked up, and her eyes grew wide once more, as the massive monitor displayed what was between her legs, close up, and in high definition.


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