What if… My GF Didn’t Get Amnesia[M/F] Ch. 3


*** ***Chris*** ***

Should I tell Anna or not? I’m hesitant about my choices. On one hand, it’s the perfect opportunity to get my name out there. Oliveira is the most popular Brazilian Steakhouse in our city, so that means bigger connections.

On the other hand, Anna is terrified of Raissa.

“We can go if you want,” she conveyed as she placed a hand on my knee, “I… I can manage dealing with her.”

“W-We don’t have to. I don’t have to go there,” I replied but she gently shook her head.

“No, no you need this for your business. It’s fine, I can’t have her live in my head forever. I need to confront her eventually.”

I gave her a tight embrace. I know about her past, about how she cheated on a boyfriend, the one before her last. Now I know the saying, “once a cheater, always a cheater,” but I also believe in second chances. Just the fact that she told me she cheated before in her relationship, that alone allowed me to give her my trust, though I’ll admit I have doubts.


The party soon came up and we both dressed in a professional manner. Nothing too flashy, just slacks and a button up shirt and work shoes. She has a skirt that goes past her knees and a blazer atop her blouse. It’s, more or less, what she usually wears at work.

No one is dressed particularly fancy, thank god, and there are plenty of waiters flitting about offering drinks and appetizers. While we are absolutely hungry, it’s in bad taste to not meet up with the host.

But when Raissa approached me and she got a look at Anna, well I immediately noticed that smirk flash across her face.

“Little dove? I did not know you are acquainted with Chris! If I had known, I would have sent some items you left in the house.” Gone is the kind tone she employed before, replaced with some sort of malice in each word.

“Raissa, it’s nice to see you again,” Anna answered back hesitantly but Raissa only chuckled. I shook her hand, but Raissa’s gaze didn’t come off of Anna until a very handsome gentleman approached us.

“Anna? Wow, I didn’t expect to see you here,” said the man. A tall, dark man with Asian features, shoulder length hair kept brushed back with a white, plastic headband. He looks kind, gentle, and he offered to shake Anna’s hand, but Raissa took his into hers before they could touch.

“Hmm, well, enjoy the party, Chris. Anna,” she said as she walked away, with the man in tow.

“I’m guessing that’s your ex,” I said as I watched them walk away. Anna only nodded and she wiped away the tears forming on her eyelid, “hey, hey it’s alright! The worst part is done and over with.”

“Right, right, you’re absolutely right,” she said as she forced a smile, “let’s just enjoy the food.”

The party is massive, with many people from different companies and the likes. From business owner to contractors and to simple blue-collar workers too. She spared no expense with the party, and it shows.

But then, I hear that shrill voice clamoring from behind. “Chris!?”, and it is all too familiar, and I felt it deep within my loins and my soul. I didn’t look back; I knew exactly who it is, and Anna just looked at my face.

“Babe, what’s wrong? You look like you’ve seen a ghost?” she said with concern, and I swallowed hard. I turned to see the owner of the voice. Her. Isabella.

She looked stunning as always in her blue dress. She’s got her hair dolled up, so it looks like ribbons flowing down, and her make-up looked divine. She’s a really beautiful girl, perhaps the most beautiful I know of, and she knows it. She wasn’t always the abusive, narcissist that I’ve come to know; when we first started, she was kind and gentle. A bit guarded, but who isn’t?

She came up to me but stopped short when she saw I’m standing next to Anna with our arms interlocked.

“Who is she?” she demanded with her hips cocked to the side and arms akimbo. I turned to look at her and then to Anna.

“Isabella, I don’t have to answer to you,” I told her, “w-we’re through, alright, just leave me alone.”

“Chris, who the fuck is she!?” She demanded even more, her eyes widening and becoming more erratic. Behind her is one of her friends, from what I can assume, meekly trying to pull her away.

“I don’t have to tell you a god damn thing, Isabella!” I finally answered her with as much confidence as I can muster. She charged at me, which is surprising because she wore heels, but stopped short when her friend intervened. By this time a crowd has gathered and stared at us like we’re some sort of circus act, and frankly I’m starting to feel like a fucking clown.

“Izz, Izz, calm down. Calm down, alright, you’re making a scene!” her friend said as she stroked her face and shoulders. She’s pretty herself, but looks a bit worn out and ragged, as she’s probably been dealing with Isabella.

“No! No! Chris, you’re cheating on me? Are you cheating on me!? B-Babe, why’d you leave! I missed you, I missed you so much!” Isabella kept reaching for me, trying to grab at me as I took a step back from her.

“What is this?” Raissa finally came over to inspect the commotion, “what is happening?”

“That bitch has my boyfriend!” Isabella screeched and hopped around in a tantrum, “she stole my boyfriend!”

Raissa gave us a look of feigned shock and disbelief. “Oh, I knew it. I knew it! You were not satisfied in ruining my marriage, so now you are stealing more men!? Anna, I had thought you to be a much better person than that! Did you not learn anything, little dove!?”

Anna hid behind me, “No! No, I didn’t take him from her!”

“Raissa, we’ve broken up! Anna is my girlfriend, not her!” I tried to explain myself, but Raissa only shook her head. Finally, her boyfriend, arrived and took stock at what’s happening.

“Anna, what’s happening here?” he asked in a gentle and calm headed manner.

“Nothing! Victor, this girl is saying I stole her boyfriend, but I didn’t do anything!” Anna cried out as she cowered behind me. “She’s my boyfriend’s ex, and she can’t let go!”

Victor looked at Bella’s tear-stricken face as he held her shoulders, “Bella? Bella, calm down. Calm down, alright.”

“No! She has my boyfriend! She has my Chris!”

“Alana, I think it’s better if you take her away,” he said to the other girl. Alana nodded as she pulled at Isabella, with her screeching and crying for me.

“Come on, let’s get some tea in you.”

Raissa looked at him in shock. “You are going to believe her? She cheated on you, querido, why do you believe a word she is saying?”

“From the looks of it, Anna hasn’t done anything. She’s trying to be a better person, why are you still on her?”

“Why? Because she broke my home! Because she broke my marriage, that is why!”

“Raissa, your ex-husband is just as guilty as Anna. You said so yourself, he already cheated on you four times before Anna! So why are you only after her?”

“Because! B-Because. I… I need her to feel my pain.”

Victor looked at her with shock. “You’re just holding a grudge, aren’t you? I thought we agreed to put all of this behind us.”

“We will, once I make her feel how much pain she caused me!”

Victor let her go, his arms dropping to his side. “I thought you’re a better person than this, Raissa. I thought you were a better person, but I guess I’m wrong. Anna, I think it’s best if you guys leave.”

Anna nodded as she took my hand, and we made our way out. I looked back to see Victor walking away the opposite way and Raissa staring intensely at us.


The drive home was, well, awkward. Anna couldn’t stop crying softly as she looked out the window. I took her hand and rubbed it.

“It’s ok, babe, we’ll be fine.”

“But your business. What’s going to happen to it?” She expressed with a sorrowful tone. Even when most of the shit was directed to her, she still thought about me.

“Ah, well that’s not important right now. We didn’t even get to eat, I bet you’re hungry.”

She kissed my hand, “burgers are fine,” she said with a light, gentle laugh. A sort of defeated laugh, but I can tell she’s still a little sad.

The lamplights passed by as we drove back to our apartment, watching others car drive by as I decided to keep off the throttle and drive the speed limit. It’s been a rough night, more for Anna than it is for me, but I believe we’ll get through this.

*** ***Anna*** ***

I don’t know if this is Karma continuing to punish me, as if I haven’t been punished enough. With Salazar cheating on me, something I should have seen, and ultimately breaking my heart, I thought that was it for me.

It’s good to see Victor again, though. It’s good to know he doesn’t harbor and ill feelings toward me. He’s always been kind to me, but I don’t want to hurt him anymore. I was going to send him a thank you text, but I decided not to. I might open up new wounds, or rather I’m afraid that I’ll cheat on Chris with Victor, and I don’t want to do that.

We got our burger, he knows exactly how I like it and I love that he pays attention, and we’ve just about to go home when I received a text message from a number I don’t know. I opened it to find hurtful messages, calling me a cheating whore or a lying bitch. I know it’s from that girl. I know how she got it.

So, I did what I didn’t want to do. I called up Victor, and he picked up.

“Victor, please tell your girlfriend to stop trying to ruin my life! Please, just tell her to leave me alone, please Victor.”

I hear him call out to her and ask for her phone. I hear an argument, then I hear him come back to the phone. “I’m sorry, Anna. It will never happen again. Take care of yourself, alright?”

“Alright, take care of yourself too, Victor.”

I cried again as I deleted his number, finally, and cleared him from my phone.

“You alright, babe?” Chris asked with great concern as he rubbed my cheeks with his thumb.

“Raissa gave my number to your ex,” I answered with a sniffle, “now I need to get a new phone number.”

“Why not join my phone plan?”

I gave a laugh as I pinched his loveable cheeks. “Sure. Of course, I’ll join your phone plan.”

When we got home I tossed my purse over at the couch while I sunk into it face first. Chris went over and hung the keys on the rack while he took the burgers out from the bags. Then his phone started blowing up. Chime after chime went on and on and on and he yelled in disbelief.

“No. No, no, no! She has my new number! She- Raissa! Raissa must have given her my number!”

I went him, held him as he blocked her numbers and two others. “No, why? Why, Anna? I just want to live my life in peace! Why?’

I rubbed his head as I held him close. “It’s alright. It’s ok. I’ll talk to Victor, maybe he can sort this out.”

So I called him up. “Victor, did you know that your girlfriend just gave my boyfriend’s abusive ex his number?”

He gave such a worn out sigh, how he usually sighs when he used to come home from work. “Hold on, I’m putting you on speaker, don’t speak.”

“Raissa? Raissa? Did you give Bella her ex’s number?”

“I… I did. She is his girlfriend, she has a right to it!” I hear her screech.

“No! No she doesn’t! Did you ever think why he changed his number? Did you ever think why he hasn’t talked to her or anything? Why are you doing this?”

“Because I want that bitch, Anna, to suffer! I want her to suffer like I did!” she snapped back and I just closed my eyes.

“Raissa, why can’t you leave her alone? She suffered enough already!”

“Why are you protecting her? Are you still seeing her? Is that it? Are you cheating on me, Victor!?” Just hearing that made me want to speak out, but I held my tongue. Victor isn’t that kind of a man, he’s kind and generous and he’d never hurt anyone.

“Wh-Why would I cheat!? Why? I know how it feels to get cheated on, so why would I do that to someone I cared for? I thought you were the kind of person I want to be with, but you’re starting to show your true colors.”

“What? What do you mean? What do you mean, querido?”

“Don’t ‘querido’ me! Don’t! I want to be with someone who’s caring, nurturing and kind, not a person obsessed with getting even, and someone who enjoys kicking others while they’re down in the shit! I’m done, I’m done with you Raissa!”

“No! No! You – You are not -”

The call cuts off from that. I would have called back, but I think they need their space from me.

Chris sunk into me, crying his eyes out. That girl must have done a number on him. I haven’t seen him cry at all. I just held him, stroked his back and sang to him. I suddenly lost my appetite, and I suspect he lost his as well, so we moved to the bedroom to try and get some sleep.

*** ***Chris*** ***

We laid there for several hours, eyes wide open and staring at the ceiling. Just lying there, flat on our backs with our hands together.

“Do you think we should move?” she said out of the blue. I hadn’t thought much of it, and it would mean breaking the lease on our apartment. But it’s something that I’m open to.

“That would mean losing our job, what little friends we have, and uprooting ourselves basically,” I countered, and she just grunted as a reply.

“It would also mean I could get away from Raissa, finally, and you could get away from your crazy-ass ex,” came her gentle laugh, “we could start fresh!”

“Yes! Yes, we could! Let’s ask Lanie tomorrow, let’s see what she can pull for us.”

She grew silent again, sniffling once in a while but ultimately quiet. When she finally broke it, she giggled a bit. “I’m going to miss her. She’s been the best boss I’ve had.”

“She is, she’s a really good boss,” I agreed, and we just shared a laugh as we recalled several fun interactions we’ve had with her. Lanie is the type of person who can’t stop being level with us, despite being our boss, and she can’t help but be friends with her subordinates, but at the same time she can act like a boss. What we found weird with her, or rather endearing, is that she’s fairly open with her sexuality and she’s very open to having interoffice romance as long as productivity doesn’t suffer.

“W-Wait, are you serious about moving?” I queried as I posted myself against my elbow and looked at her.

“Of course! Your ex will keep looking for you, and Raissa will never leave me alone. So, it makes sense to move away.”

I fell atop her ample chest, sighing and wondering why our lives took a dramatic turn. I partially blamed myself for putting that ad up, I mean that’s probably how she found me but her call to Victor confirmed that it was Raissa who told her.

“Well, he’s happy to be here,” she weirdly said, and I perked up and looked at her. She then started moving her thighs a bit and felt it rubbing against my hard on.

“Oh, sorry,” I blushed but she took my cheeks and kissed me.

“Oh, don’t be. I know men can’t control when it gets hard. Sometimes it just happens. So, wanna fuck?”

She pumped her eyebrows with a sly smile, and I gladly took her up on that offer. We started making out, her lips are sweet and plump and tasted a little bit like apples. She’s just wearing a simple tank top, so I took one of her breasts out and played with it, pinching and fondling her nipples. Her hands went down inside my underwear, pulling at my shaft and pinching the head softly.

“Baby, you’ve got me addicted to you,” she whispered against my lip, breathlessly, “I’ve been waiting for three days to have sex with you again.”

“Three days? Why?” I asked as I gave her another kiss.

“I want your balls packed with cum. I want it nice and full so you can cum a lot. We’re going to fuck all day until you’re spent, and then we’re going to fuck some more.”

“Baby, baby we can’t just have sex all day. We gotta work or Lanie’ll be pissed.” I countered as I kissed her again.

“Oh, can’t we? Can’t we skip work just this once?”

She started kissing my cheeks, my chin and my neck, “I’m so stressed-out from yesterday, baby. I need a good dicking so I can sleep.”

“How about we have sex, then work, then we have sex again.”

She pouts at me, making such a cute noise. She started going south further and further, kissing my chest and my nipples, “alright, deal. But you gotta cum lots for me before work, otherwise I cannot focus.”

She pulled our comforter back, revealing her tiny thong and shapely thighs. I’ve always loved her body, drastically different from my ex, and she is nice and soft to the touch. I bridged my hips and slipped my underwear off, tossing it off to the side while she laid on top of me. She sat up, teasingly squeezed her tits together and then took her tank top off.

I’m not going to pretend she has the figure of some model. I’m not going to pretend that she has the biggest breast there is. But what I do know is that she’s here, with me, and she’s in front of me. She has her curves, her tits are big enough and perky and her ass is plump is juicy. She is sometimes too much, in fact, because her libido and sexual appetite, while far less than Isabella’s, is just right for me.

I’m glad she likes to kiss, because that’s something I’ve been missing from my past relationship. Isabella didn’t really like to kiss me, or hug me, or to show any signs of affection for me. She did, at one point, displayed that but then it tapered off until eventually she just stopped and became so cold towards me. Anna is warm and loving. She shows me just as much affection as I’m showing her, perhaps even more.

“Hmmm, I want you in my mouth first,” she cooed against my lips as she sucked on my lips and tongue, “I want to gag on that cock.”

So she spun around and planted her wet pussy on my mouth, shoving and grinding it as I reach up and over to hold her hips in place. “Ooooh, god you’re so good at this! I’ve never had my pussy eaten before, not once did any of my boyfriends ate me out!”

She has a really thick, round ass and her hips are nice and thick as well. So when she lays her entire backside on me, I’m engulfed in her. She has a slightly musky odor and her pussy lips are a bit salty, but I actually enjoyed those things. My girl doesn’t have to always smell of perfume, sometimes their natural odors excites me as long as it doesn’t offend the nose. Sometimes, I wish she wouldn’t shower after her morning jog just so I can hug her and smell her.

I just kept eating her out, licking her little pink slit and sucking on her little pink button. She gasped and moaned as her head rolled back, grinding her hips against me and swirling herself around. “Fuck, you’re so good babe! Fuck, you’re gonna make me cum, you’re-”

Then I felt her pussy tighten up a bit while my tongue is still in there. Her thigh shook and her ass rippled. She squealed and whimpered and huffed as she rode her orgasm to completion. “Yeah! Yes, yes! Fuck, keep eating me out, yes!”

She gave another needy moan and a shaky exhale as she swallowed hard. “Oh god, baby I’m sorry I forgot about you,” she blurted out as she leaned down onto me. I didn’t really care, as soon as she started making those sexy sounds, I was sold and just went for it. She came, that’s all I want right now. If I can make her orgasm again, well then, I think I’ve earned another day with her.

I felt her hands all over my thigh. I felt her hands, both of them, wrap around my shaft. Then, I felt her wet lips around the head, and then she started sucking. “Mmm, oh god, you’re a little salty there,” she giggled, “probably from all the sweat.”

“S-Sorry. I should’ve taken a shower before bed,” I offered but she only moaned.

“I wasn’t complaining, babe. I like your sweaty, salty cock! I like how musky you smell down here, like a man. Like a real man.”

*** ***Anna*** ***

I can’t help but compare him to Salazar, because he’s a better man than he ever was. Raissa was too kind in their divorce, giving him the house they bought together, because now he’s got some other floosy in there.

Salazar never went down on me. Salazar barely kissed me. Salazar was far too controlling, and he was so cocky and arrogant that I questioned what I ever saw in him. But Chris, oh Chris has been more than enough for me. More than enough. While I sometimes think of how my relationship with Victor was eerily similar, it never once entered my mind to think of Victor as anything but a person I wronged before. While cheating on him and breaking his heart is my biggest regret, it allowed me to grow as a person and become who I am now.

His cock is so long and thick, the biggest one I’ve ever had. I honestly think it’s bigger than Victor’s, the brief time I saw his dick, and it’s definitely a lot bigger than Salazars. I could barely go down his cock, all the way down into a deepthroat, and that is something I’ve been wanting to do! I want him to pump his seed directly into my throat, I want to feel it slide down and go into my belly. Thinking about it gets me so wet and horny, sometimes I find myself fantasizing about him, even while he’s directly a couple of feet away from me! I fantasize about him fucking my face forcefully, even getting me pregnant. I fantasize about a lot of things that I want to do with him, things I wish to speak to him about and I really hope he’s with the idea.

The sounds I make while sucking and slurping up the saliva all around his cock has gotten me really, really, incredibly horny. I made sure to suck on his balls too, marveling at how heavy they seem to be. “Oooh, your balls are so heavy! It’s gotta be packed with nice, warm cum for me.”

I need him to cum. I need that cum! I want it!

He started groaning and slapping my ass then just grabbing it hard. “Babe, I’m g-g-gonna-”

Upon hearing that, I threw myself down his pole and held him tight. I felt his first rope against my throat, splashing against the walls and then sliding down. More and more he gave me, and I could feel his cock pulsing and throbbing wildly with each ejaculation. He gasped and moaned each time his cock pumped its beautiful load into my throat, grabbing and mashing my ass in an effort to keep himself from trashing around. He gave me more and more, much more than what I’m used to, and it just goes to show that a little bit patience earns me a nice reward.

When he finally stopped, I began my ascent with my lips tightly puckered around his pecker, making sure to suck out the rest of the cum hiding in his tubes.

I always enjoyed swallowing cum. Some girls aren’t into it, I am and I’m glad to do it for my boyfriend. I like the creamy, slimy texture and how the taste can differ depending on diet. Chris’ cum taste a bit salty but mostly sweet. I like the smell of cum, the strong musky odor it has and the longer the cum has been sitting in his balls, the deeper the smell and even the taste.

I made sure to clean his dick proper, swallowing whatever cum I can find. “So good, so fucking good,” I went on as I straightened up forward and lift my hip up over his cock, “now I need a good fucking.”

Using my index and middle finger, I gently spread my pink lips for him as I slowly lowered myself onto his dick. Oh, it feels good. Oh, it feels so good! Just the thickness alone could send me over the moon!

“Hoh, fuck! Hoh, fuck, Chris! You’re so big! You’re just so big, baby!”

He took a deep, hissing breath as I continued going down, groaning and mumbling about how tight I am. “Baby, speak up! You know I like hearing you talk when we’re having sex.”

“Oh, s-sorry,” he relented, “I get so into my head that I forget sometimes.”

“Mmmm, I want you to tell me how good it feels, alright? Think of it as a group exercise.”

He nodded with an eager smile and I could only gently laugh with him.

Our moans joined together in a symphony of lust as I bounced myself up and down his massive shaft. He held me by the hip as I continued, supporting me so I wouldn’t get tired as fast. Our phones kept blowing up with calls and texts, but we didn’t care as we’re so into each other.

I got off of him and spun myself so I’m facing him as he sat up properly. I took his dick into my mouth, sucking up both of our juices together in a salty-sweet-slightly bitter taste. I want him to be more forceful. I want him to be more aggressive, but it’s just not in his nature.

“Babe,” I said as I sucked his cock a little bit more, “would you mind being more aggressive with me?”

“What? Aggressive how?” he wondered, “you want me to hit you?”

“Do you want to?” I teased. He didn’t say no, but he seems hesitant. Maybe sometimes soon. “Heh, babe, I just need you to be more aggressive, you know. Hold me down when I deepthroat you until I almost pass out, or pull my hair when we fuck, or choke me while you ravish me. I’ll let you know when to let off, don’t worry.”

I can see his face, how he’s a little uncomfortable with the idea of hurting me. So, I went up to him and looked him straight in his big, beautiful hazel eyes, “you won’t hurt me, I promise. We’ll try it out sometimes soon, just to see how it feels for you.”

“Did Salazar do this with you?” he dared to ask, and I can see where the question came from, “did any of your exes? Did Victor?”

I shook my head. “No, no, none of them did this to me, and definitely not Victor. He and I didn’t have a sexual relationship. You’re the only one I feel comfortable enough to ask for this.”

He pulled me in close and kissed me. Oh, how his lips feel so soft against me, so warm and he feels so loving. I really do love this man. “Alright, we’ll try it out,” he agreed, “but please tell me if I’m hurting you.”

I just nodded as I dipped down low, and my mouth went back around his cock. He gives me comfort, something I haven’t had in a long time even when Salazar and I were together, and right now that’s what I need in the wake of Raissa’s attempt at upheaving my life. I know I did her wrong and I already paid for it, yet she finds it appropriate to continually pursue a misguided vendetta against me. Now, what did it cost her? Victor, that is who. A person who will love and cherish her, who sees her now for the bitch that she is.

Our phones kept buzzing, continually like a pair of annoying mosquitos, but like before we didn’t care. We’re both lost in our lust for one another, wanting each other’s touch and embrace, finding comfort within one another. If this is love, like true love, then I’m quite happy that I finally found him for me, even when I stumbled along the way and made some horrible choices.

“Fuck me hard again, babe, try it out. I want you to make me scream out your name, alright babe?”

I got down to my knees and hands and presented myself to him, swaying my hips from side to side. He firmly grabbed my hip and slapped my ass. I gave him a moan as he slapped my ass again, and once more I moaned. Then his slaps started becoming more and more harder, until the sting of his slaps started becoming too much. When I reached for his hand, he pushed me over to my stomach, like he did the first time we had sex, but then he slipped his hand underneath my chest, and I felt his grip tighten around my throat.

“Oh my,” I said to him, “choke me, choke me hard daddy.”

I felt his cock against my entrance, prodding and pushing gently. “Mmmm, put that prick where it needs to be,” I went on as I felt his breath against the nape of my neck. His fingers started to tighten and I could feel him finally slip his stiff prick inside of me, knocking out the rest of my breath from my chest.

I tapped his forearm, and he slowly let his fingers off. “Oh, you fucked the air out of me daddy. You literally fucked it out!” I laughed and he gave the back of my head a gentle kiss. “Come on, come on baby, be rough with me.”

He pulled my head up by my hair, tightened his grip around my throat, and locked his lips around mine while continuously bashing my poor, little pussy. I came so hard again, so hard that the air went out of me again so I had to tap his forearm again.

“Chris, I’m cumming baby, don’t stop, don’t stop, keep fucking me baby, keep going!”

That body quivering, bone shaking, thigh twitching, abdominal crunching feeling that I crave for arrived, full powered and it kept hammering at me while Chris fucked me from behind. He bit down around the nape of my neck gently, and frankly it surprised me that he did that and I enjoyed it. His beautiful moans filled me with such lust that I wanted more from him, more of his love and his energy.

“Oh god, baby! I don’t think I can ever live without you,” I said aloud what I was thinking and he completely stopped. He stopped and then flipped me over to my back so he can take a better look at me.

‘What did you say?”

“I said I don’t think I can ever live without you,” I hesitated for a little bit, but I know that this man is a person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.

“D-Does that mean….? D-D-Did you just propose to me!?”

I shyly looked away, embarrassed that I proposed instead of waiting for him. But I wanted him, and I don’t want any other woman to have him. I pulled him in close and wrapped my leg around him, “yes, dummy, now don’t stop fucking me! I’ll get you a ring tomorrow, alright?”

He shoved his cock back into me, uttering a surprised yelp from my mouth, and started fucking me rather roughly. I tightened my legs around him and held him tight as well, with his head cradling around my shoulder, allowing me to hear his gentle grunts and moans.

“I’ll be the best fiancé you’ll ever have,” he grunts against my cheeks as he kissed it.

“Silly, you’ll be the only fiancé I’ll ever have,” I corrected him as I took a breath. My hands went to his back, when did he become more muscular? His back wasn’t as defined before, but now I can feel every cord and bump all over!

“I’m cumming, I’m cumming,” I hear him softly say.

“Go ahead, daddy, empty your load into me. Give me a big load, a big one! Someday, I’ll stop taking my birth control and you’ll breed me, alright? You’ll put a baby in me, and we’ll raise it together somewhere far away from this place!”

“F-Fuck, l-let’s get a house together, with the white picket fence and a big garden!” he proclaimed as he kept slamming his pelvis into me.

“Of course! A-And, and we’ll have three kids! You’ll breed me three times, make me a proud mommy!”

He gave me a deep groan as he finally pushed himself into me and let loose a flood of his hot jizz flowing into me. I felt every pump, every twitch and pulse of his cock muscle, grinding against my cervix as he gently kissed it. He kept fucking me, pumping more and more of his thick, creamy load into me.

“W-We’ll be… living like a happy c-c-couple…. and I want a-a-a dog, too,” I muttered as my orgasm cascades all over me, “a h-h-usskky. Oooh baby, you fucked me so good.”

“N-No, they’re loud… a golden retriever is the best one,” he sighed as he kissed my chin and then my lips.

“Fine, a golden retriever…”

~ End of Chapter 3 ~

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ri502a/what_if_my_gf_didnt_get_amnesiamf_ch_3


  1. Please keep posting the stories from this series… In order not to lose the track of the story

  2. Teososta this series is good but I do like the other one better. My favorite character right now is Alex. I like everything about her! Great writing and beautiful character development. You are definitely a pro!

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