My roommate in a red dress and cowboy boots [MF]

When I was in college I lived with two women, Jen and Lydia. Lydia was like the mom of the house, she gardened and cooked, and more or less offset my drunken partying and laziness. Jen was an extreme go-getter, ambitious and focused, an art major who was always in the middle of a creative process, most of which were laid about our house in various states. We had all developed an excellent platonic relationship, occasionally all hanging out, but usually up to our own devices. The two ladies had boyfriends, though neither relationship was going very well at the time, and I was still recovering from a pretty abusive breakup but had gotten to a place where things were pretty good on my own.

One weekend over the summer, Lydia was out of town, so we had the house to ourselves and nothing much to do. We hung out for the day on Saturday and decided to go to a party at a friend’s house later. We had started drinking a little early and grabbed some dinner together before heading out for the evening. The conversation drifted to how things were going with Gabe, and like usual she remained a bit closed off, saying they were fine despite knowing that I knew that they had spent the last week on a break. I shifted the topic to my own woes, which she already knew everything about, but I think she was more comfortable as a therapist than a patient.

As we were getting ready I was shaving when Jen walked in, wearing a frilly red dress with low cut back and tied halter top, and a pair of loose brown cowboy boots. She was holding another dress, I can’t even remember what it looked like, and asked which one she should go with. I’m normally extremely cool around her, she is smoking hot but we had always just been friends, but that dress caught me off guard, and I just nodded and said something dumb like, “definitely the red.” She giggled her little fairy laugh and agreed.

At the party we mostly split off, each gravitating towards our clicks. Many of these nights would just go on and on, but having had a buzz early and working towards getting it back had me feeling pretty exhausted, tonight wasn’t the night to just drink till dawn. Around 11 or so, Jen and I found each other and I saw a look in her eye that I agreed with, “mimosa’s were the wrong choice this morning,” she huffed and we both laughed.

“Wanna just head home and chill then?”

On the walk back we sipped on a bottle of whiskey I had brought with me, humming and then singing loudly in the streets as we went. When we got home Lydia’s cat ran in with us and we fed her before having another shot in the kitchen. Then something just…happened.

From across the dimly lit room we had a moment of silence, each looking at the other, still a little out of breath from our walk. We were hesitating, waiting for something, and one of us just took a step towards the other. The next thing I knew I had her in my arms, her hands up to undo her curly blonde hair and shake it out as I grabbed the back of her neck and waist and pulled her toward me. Our mouths met with a primal sound, a grunt and moan laid together.

I easily lifted her small frame and she wrapped her legs around me, locking her boots behind my back. I spun her around and slammed her into the refrigerator, scattering magnets and pictures everywhere, propping her up on my thigh while our mouths ripped at each other. My lips moved across her cheek to tug on her earlobe before taking large, soft bites out of her neck. Her breath was harsh and erratic, her golden hair filling my vision and my nostrils with lavender.

He pushed me back then, unlocking her legs to set down between me and the fridge, shoving me away to give herself some space. That look again, it had us both, I can’t remember for how long. She gave a little nod and just reached up and pulled at the knot holding her halter top, and the dress came down like a red rush of smoke.

I had seen Jen naked before, we both had walked in on each other in the bathroom, but to see her body revealed like that triggered something inside me that I haven’t felt since. Her breasts were like two soft handfuls of flesh pulled high on her chest, her hands lingering behind her neck as though to give me time to let my eyes fall down and back up her. She wasn’t wearing panties, and I couldn’t get at the buttons on my shirt fast enough.

She turned away then, and without the need of a leash I was on her like a dog, my eyes watching her tight butt sway, her boots stepping out of the red puddle like she was walking out of a sunset sea. In my memory everything is in slow motion, my mind willing the situation to last forever. As we walked into her bedroom she spun around, hands on her hips, smirk on her face, “boots on or off?”

“Definitely on,” I laughed and nodded as she squatted down in front of me, no hesitation as she undid my belt and pulled my pants down. I clumsily kicked my own shoes off and finished with my shirt even as she went to work, a guttural sound escaping me. I gathered her blonde curls up, brushing them from her eyes as she looked up at me. We had never looked at each other like that, but ever since getting home that night we were staring at each other like two hunting animals stalking a kill.

She stood then, before seeming to fall backwards onto her bed, her eyes like a finger motioning, pulling me towards her. I knelt down to kiss her again, letting my cock lay across her soft clit and grind there for a moment, before letting my lips move, this time down to her small breasts as she wrapped her legs back around me. The soft, rough leather scraped my back as I ran my hands down her smooth, perfectly tanned thighs, opening her up as my light kisses down her belly pulled gasps from her. I gripped her thighs in either hand, and as my tongue tickled down her clit she grasped onto them, our fingers intertwining as I slowly circled her sensitive area.

Knowing that here is where I could slow down, and take back control over this situation that was unfolding for me, I took my time. She moaned, I looked up as my tongue stroked her, her breasts pushed together and up, her nipples hard, her eyes clenched tightly, and her red lips pursed and cooing. I flicked and licked, kissing her pussy deeply with my entire mouth, patient and attentive, studying her steady rise. I could tell she was climbing, and I spread her lips with my fingers, my tongue now focused on lightning fast flicks, just the tip wavering over her swollen clit while my two fingers pushed inside, working up and down on her g-spot. She was moaning rhythmically and loud now, and in a flash she grabbed a handful of hair on the back of my head and cursed, the heels of her boots grinding into my shoulders as her pelvis spasmed. My face was trapped tight against her, and I was devouring each buck and thrust she made against me, her cries muffled by her strong thighs.

As she lay back and caught her breath, I crawled up, reversing my routine of kisses to meet her mouth again, letting her legs rest around me as the tip of my cock found her. So wet and softened up, she pushed against me, and I plunged into her all at once. She let out a cry and held me, my hands reaching under her back to pull her into me as I began to fuck her, slowly at first before building to a heavy rhythm. Her cries, augmented by my own grunts, were punctuated by the smack of our pelvises against each other. After so much building I knew I would cum soon, and realized we hadn’t bothered with a condom. I told her I was close and she just whispered, “don’t worry, I’ll take care of it.”

She pushed me up then, her arms toned and forceful, and turned me over, crawling on top of me. Her lithe body was on full display as I grabbed a handful of each ass cheek and began to guide her movements over me. The change in position settled my cock a bit, and a good thing because she began to ride me like a wild horse. Within a minute I could feel her rising again, and I ran my hand up her stomach to pinch her breast, grasp her neck and then run my thumb across her lips, pulling her down for our tongues to meet as she screamed, cumming and fucking me through the climax.

I couldn’t take it anymore, her pussy was closing on me like a vice, and my voice cracked as I groaned and held onto her. Breaking my grip easily she pounced off of me, and just as my cum began to shoot out of my throbbing cock I felt her lips dive down over it. She gripped the base while my pelvis shot up uncontrollably, her other hand kneading my balls and perineum as I emptied myself into her mouth. The sensation was too much, she was sucking with such force that my orgasm seemed to push over the edge, the tip of my cock being electrocuted with the sensation.

As the twitching in my body steadied, she crawled back up to slump beside me, her hand on my chest as I wrapped an arm around her shoulder. Our breath returned to normal and we lay there together for a time before she got up to use the bathroom. I got up to make some coffee and put a robe on, handing her her own robe and a cup when she had gotten out.

The air had changed, our eyes didn’t find each other again, but we sat on the couch and sipped, my arm wrapped around her and her head on my chest, watching the Office. It happened to be the episode where Angela cheats on Andy, and the hot, primal feeling in the air from earlier seemed frozen now, my own stomach uneasy, my mind distracted, thinking about how she must now feel about what we had done. In the morning Lydia was home, and Jen and I went back, as best as we could, to the time where the night before had never happened.



  1. Hot story. You seemed to have trust, affection, and mutual attraction. Why pretend it never happened?

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