How do you deal?

You weren’t sure what brought you to the door.  Of course, you knew what drew you to look, the feeling that made you search.  That ache you wanted sated, and also the ache to ache.  He offered your salvation in a deal, you only had to offer one thing.  You reached up to knock, your hand almost touching the door when it swung open.  Off-balance, you falter forward before he catches your hand.

The prim and proper persona poised presently stirred something inside you.  This was not that familiar ache of desire.  He smiled slightly too wide, with slightly too much teeth.  The emotion swallowing you whole was fear.  Despite natural evolution, or maybe because of it, this made him all the more alluring.

Kind words enter your ears and lift your spirits.  He plays to your inner depravities, promising things you’ve only dreamed of.  Mild distraction and you notice the tools of his trade proudly displayed on his walls.  The thought leaves your mind as quickly as it entered as his words quickly captivate you again.

A gentle caress of his finger along your cheek as he proposes a trade.  You’re torn.  It’s exactly what you wanted, somehow as if he pulled the thoughts straight from your mind.  While a troublesome thought in of itself, what you have to give up is what holds you back from jumping to a yes.

Of course, you also want to thank him for the opportunity.  It all sounds so enticing…

“What do you say?  Is it a deal?”
