[MF] The Reddit Woman who made me feel adored for the first time in my life. First post is about the moment we learned we were in love (First Kiss)

A little backstory. I made a lovely friend on Reddit. We shared a lot in common and ended up talking every day about everything. Over 2 months, this escalated to the point where we made plans for me to visit (she was in Europe) where we would attend a music festival together. And although we started off as friends, things moved so fast that after a week, we weren’t able to keep our hands off each other. For me, this was my first experiences with a woman, so it was overwhelming in the best sense of the word. If you’ll indulge me, I want to share a little more about one session we shared together.

I can write about a lot of different nights, and how they would always build on the night before, but I want to start by talking about the night we went from friends to being romantically involved. And fair warning, it’s nothing extreme. But for me it meant a lot, and quickly set the tone for what was the follow.

Before this particular night, we would always cuddle. We’d climb into bed, flick on a TV show we both loved, and loosely wrap our bodies around each other. At this point I was still conscious of trying to hide my erection, and was timid in how I would hold her back, but it was always nice.

We had a really great day together (unable to go out as I was quarantining) where we cooked, ate food, and she serenaded me with a 3 chord rendition of a Smash Mouth song on her old, out of tune guitar. My point is, it was clear that we enjoyed each others company and were finding ourselves falling for each other.

We prepared the laptop for bed and sat down. She grabbed her facial cream and applied it on herself. Then she told me to scoot closer and used her hand to gently layer my face with the same cream. It smelled great and a never felt so pampered in all my life! But our eyes locked, and her smile was radiant. The look people talk about when they say “I wish my partner looked at me like X is looking at Y in this picture”.

We lay down face to face, just staring at each other. For as long as I live in will never forget her face in that moment. She wrapped her arms around me, and I her, and we tightened our grip as though to physically prove to each other we wouldn’t let go. She rested her head just under my jaw and we held that moment. After a moment, I whispered into her ear, “I think I love you”.

She pushed her body up closer to mine so our heads were level, whilst grabbing the blanket to make sure we were tucked in. She rested her cheek against mine, and replied “I think I love you too”. We awkwardly maintained eye contact (it’s hard when you’re that close) and just lay there smiling, blissfully unaware of everything around us.

She progressively moved her head closer to mine, still eyes locked and smiling. In a moment of panic, I stuck my tongue out and licked her cheek (immediate regret on account of the facial cream). But then seconds later, we closed our eyes and kissed.

There wasn’t much rhyme or pattern. It was just both of us playfully exploring each others lips for the first time. I would kiss specifically her bottom lip, and she would sometimes place her tongue out and brush it against my lips. We’d roll over and she would be on top, and then me, as our hands caressed each others face and neck.

We did this for about ten minutes, before we stopped to just stare at each other again. We knowingly knew that everything was okay, and rolled back towards the TV and turned on the laptop to watch our show.

And that was all for that night. From there things built up night on night, and it got really hot between us. I’m happy to share more about those if there’s any interest. Because even though things didn’t work out between us, and I’m still in a lot of pain even after 5 months, these memories between us are the one thing that has ever given me faith that I can be adored by someone. That means a lot when you’ve gone your whole life thinking no one would ever feel that way between you. Being able to write about these I think is somewhat cathartic, and maybe if someone out there has ever felt the same about themselves as I used too – it can give you hope.

Anyway. That’s all for now. Thank you for you time x

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/rhrtag/mf_the_reddit_woman_who_made_me_feel_adored_for