[M4F] A battle between cøcks

I was a some tall skinny dude from Africa and you were a country girl who could barely use a computer. Both of us in college and getting ready for the World. But through some circumstance we met. And we hated eachother.

Trying to get us to be friends was like trying to have crows and owls befriend one another. It was impossible. I was a shy geek and you were an outgoing party girl who was kind of decent in school.

You barged into the library drunk in the evening and wrecked the place while I watched in horror. I confronted you and all you did was walk away without a care, but the cameras would definitely have you done in by security.

That’s what I thought until you showed me a picture of the security guards wrapped around that **cøck** between your legs. This was unacceptable and I wasn’t going to have it. This was how you were passing your classes, you probably had some of your professors under that spell of yours.

And thus a rivalry was started between us, one which you started and were currently losing at. You had a decent size between your thighs not like mine. The challenge was who could last longer in bed, the goal being, while I pounded my cøck deep inside you, who would bust first. The only place where we could bare with eachother to an extent.

This was going for weeks at this point almost every night. 5 me, 2 you. And tonight would be no different. This was my only way of showing you I was superior and I was not planning on losing anytime soon.


Sup, Name’s Ender! Thought up another prompt and again still new to writing thses but I do hope it peeks any of your interests!

Kīnk list: thigh stuff, affectionate intercourse, interracial, butt stuff, teasing, edging, cosplay

Limits: typical scat, vomit, blood

Just hit me up with a PM and if you’d like we can take it to Discord, more than one line as well peeps. I want some detail, at least a few sentences.
We can discuss further with about ideas you may have.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/rgxer1/m4f_a_battle_between_cøcks