Lisa in Toronto (part 1)

Lisa Marks was the youngest to graduate top of her class at Harvard Business School. She was nineteen. She lost out on much of the social life at Harvard by being so young, but she used the time for study – which was how she liked it. So it was no surprise that within the year that she got the job as junior account executive with the largest PR firm in Boston. Even so it was to be an uphill swim. She was the youngest executive at the firm and was one of just two women executives. The other one, Patty was 40 years old and they both represented the women of the department against eight men at the executive level

“I’m not convinced this firm has actually made it into the twenty-first

century,” Patty said when they first started working together. “If I wasn’t pretty, I’m sure I wouldn’t be working here, no matter what my abilities were.”

Patty was indeed pretty, with a full hourglass figure and beautiful face. She had big breasts, big hips and a sassy attitude to go with all that woman. This particular conversation was at the local bar around at the end of Lisa’s first two weeks. It was a tough day and Patty was a little sauced as she sipped her fourth rum and coke. Patty went on: “And with tits like yours the firm is lucky you’re so smart,” and she took a sip of the


Lisa’s breasts had been the topic of much conversation since Lisa was in junior high – most of it just as Lisa was entering or leaving a room. Lisa was only 5 foot 2. She had a cute baby face, long dark hair and an enormous bust. She wore a D bra, which on a girl that small made them look even bigger. On this particular day, Lisa was wearing a white blouse and jacket, but you could still tell they were big. Even so, Lisa balked at the


“Oh, and I suppose my bust got me through Harvard,” she said with some edge.

“No” said Patty, “I’m sure they had nothing to do with your diploma,”

and then Patty leaned in to her. “Unless there’s something I should know.” She laughed a bit and Lisa could smell the rum. “But at this firm they were definitely as big a factor as your brain.”

“Now wait-“

“Which I’m sure is considerable.” Then she paused. “As are your tits.” Lisa was nursing a white wine. It was her first, to Patty’s four drinks. “I can handle myself,” Lisa said and took a small sip.

“I’m sure you can, Honey” said Patty. “Hell, I can, and I didn’t go to Harvard. Here, let’s get another drink,” and Patty held up two fingers.

“I’m fine,” said Lisa.

The bartender took note of two drinks.

“Well you won’t be fine if you’re done on just one wine,” Patty went on.

“As much as I d like to think that we get our accounts solely on the merits of the firm, we don’t. We still get them the old fashioned way: tits, ass and liquor.”

“Patty I am not going to whore myself to the top,” Lisa sniffed.

Patty laughed at her 20-year-old companion. “’Whore myself to the top’

– that’s sweet. Relax, Angel. You don’t have to sleep with anyone unless you want to. But most execs are men and they like to give business to someone who they can fantasize about fucking. So we dress slinky and go out for drinks and do our little flirty thing and voila: ch-ching!”

The bartender brought Patty’s fifth rum and coke and Lisa’s second wine. Lisa looked startled.

“Oh, you can get that look off your face right now,” Patty said. “Didn’t they tell you drinking is part of the job description? This is five for me and I’m still standing. Or still sitting. And five is nothing for a client meeting. Drinking is a power thing.” And then Patty leaned close and whispered in Lisa’s ear. “The clients will want to know that you’re a grown up.” Patty laughed again.

“Don’t you worry about me,” Lisa said pointedly in her best adult voice.

“I can schmooze with the best of them.”

“It’s not just the schmooz – it’s the tits, ass and booze. I’m just warning

you.” And Patty downed her Rum and coke in one gulp.

Six weeks later the electronic media convention was held in Toronto. Ten of the firm’s execs flew in on a Thursday and that evening they all had dinner at the Marriott Regency where they were staying.

“We’re here for five days I hope you can see all that Toronto has to

offer.” Ed Hill was speaking. He was Lisa’s boss.

“I’ll be lucky to get out of this hotel,” said Patty smiling.

“Isn’t this cool, being in Toronto?” said Amy. Amy was a cute

eighteen-year-old assistant. She had been asked to come with the company to Toronto, not only because they needed a gopher, but because she was cute blonde with great tits and ass.

“Don’t have too much fun, we have five days to go,” said Ed. “Here’s

the change: Lisa, you and Jack were supposed to meet with John Saxon to get him on board, but Jack is sick. He’s not even in Toronto. Lisa, you’re going to meet with Saxon alone and you will get his business.”

“I can meet with him,” Patty broke in.

“You’re meeting with Eliot. That might take all night. Lisa will meet with

Saxon.” And then he looked at her. “And you’ll do what?”

“I’ll get his business,” smiled Lisa. “That’s why you pay me the big


The following evening on Friday night there was a reception in the

ballroom at 6 pm for all attendees. Patty was dressed in a tight black cocktail dress, with a lot of cleavage, high heels and black stockings. Lisa was dressed in a black skirt and red silk blouse and jacket, high heels and dark brown stockings.

“We’ll you’re dressed to kill,” said Lisa to Patty.

“Is that what you’re wearing to meet Saxon?”

“I just met him. We’re getting together in the bar at eight.”

“And what did he think of your Sunday chapel outfit?”

“Relax, Patty, I’ll get that account.”

“Remember: tits and ass.”

Lisa rolled her eyes. “Yeah and booze…”

Amy walked unsteadily up to Patty and Lisa. “Yeah and booze!”

“Well,” said Lisa, “I see they’re not carding in here.”

Amy giggled at Lisa’s joke. “I juss been trying some of the free

champagne!” chirped Amy and she took a big sip of her glass.

“Now this is a girl who knows how to go to a convention,” said Patty.

“I’m a girl who knows how to gotowa conven-shun,” and Amy smiled


In spite of Patty’s suggestion Lisa did not change clothes. She thought

she looked fine and could take whatever Saxon could dish out.

At 8 O’clock Lisa went to the bar to meet Saxon. It was a very dark bar on the top floor of the hotel with a view of the city. It was so dark she had to stand there a minute and let her eyes adjust. She barely found Saxon at a booth in the back corner. Orange light shone up from a small globe on the table. Saxon was very good looking and fortyish with dark hair and dark eyes.

“You’d think with the price of these rooms that they could afford some

lights at this hotel,” Lisa joked.

“I got here early so I got you a drink, the martinis are great here,” Saxon

said as he stood to shake her hand.

Lisa looked at him and the two martinis on the table. They reflected the globe light, and almost looked as if they were giving off light themselves. “Thanks,” she said eyeing the drink as she sat down. Saxon admired her legs through the glass table top as she sat down, noticing the hint of a garter holder up her stocking.

“You are just about the prettiest exec I’ve ever seen.”

“Thank you,” said Lisa and she flashed him a smile.

Saxon took a big sip of his martini. “The youngest too, I’ll bet. How old

are you?”

What kind of question is that? Lisa knew you had to deal with all kinds.

But she was unflappable. She flashed him another smile. “A lady never


“Well you’re old enough to drink, aren’t you?”

“Of course,” she said pointedly, not knowing whether he was kidding

or not.

Saxon picked up his drink and waited until she picked up hers. “To

new friends,” he said and smiled at her.

Lisa remembered what Patty had said about drinking, but she could

certainly handle a martini.

“To new friends,” Lisa repeated and they both took a drink. Lisa had

never had a martini before and it was stronger than she imagined, but she concealed any surprise or discomfort.

“They make a great martini here,” said Saxon, “don’t you think?”

“Excellent,” said Lisa bluffing.

“I was just kidding about that age thing,” said Saxon and he took

another drink.” I’m sure you’re at least twenty one.”

Lisa smiled at him. ”Twenty two and a half.”

They talked for fifteen minutes about Saxon’s company and Saxon

finished his drink. “You don’t like the martini?” he said.

“Yeah, why?”

“You glass stands full before me!” he said mocking her playfully.

“I’m just a slow drinker.” It had only been fifteen minutes. Usually it

took Lisa a half an hour or so to finish a drink.

“Maybe you really are nineteen and a half,” Saxon said in a way that

was still a joke but not as quite good-natured.

For the first time, Lisa felt really young. But she hid her embarrassment and picked up the martini. “Twenty two and three quarters,” she said and took a big sip. She forced herself to drink as fast as she could. After a few moments she finished her martini and before she could say anything Saxon ordered two more. Lisa was not drunk from one martini, but she did relax, and was not troubled when the second one was delivered. She did not drink any faster though and soon Saxon’s new glass was empty while hers two thirds full.

“Hey teenager,” he said, “you’re slowing down again.”

Lisa smiled easily from the liquor in her system. “You’re just fast, Mr.


Saxon signaled waitress over and ordered two more.

“Hey!” she objected, half playfully and half seriously, “I still have one!”

“You better be done with that by the time she brings the next round or

you’re gonna have a lot of catching up to do. I want a PR firm that can keep

up with me.”

“He’s trying to test me,” thought Lisa. “Well, I can handle this just fine.

He wants to drink? I’ll show him who can handle her liquor.” And in five minutes she finished her second martini.

By the time the third martini was placed before her Lisa felt very

relaxed and confident.

“You know your firm is not the biggest in Boston.”

Lisa wanted to stay on top. “And why do you think I would not know that?” she smiled and sipped the drink. “You don’t think we’re competitive?” She stumbled a little over the word “competitive,” but not much.

“No I do think you’re competitive or I wouldn’t be here.” He picked up his martini. “I just mean that your company is…young.” And he smiled at her and took a deliberate sip to challenge her.

He’s really flirting with me, she thought and she picked up her drink. That’s good. Make him think he’s in control. “Not as young as you think,” she said and gave him a sexy smile. She felt very sexy and in control. And she took a sip to match his challenge.

“How young?” and he smiled and took another sip.

“Old enough,” and she smiled and took another sip.

“Old enough for what?” and he took a sip.

“Old enough to take care of you.” And said and she took a sip. She was a little surprised at her own innuendo, but she concealed it. She hoped.

There was a pause as they looked at each other. “I’ll drink to that,” he

said and clinked her glass and finished his drink.

In another few minutes Lisa finished third martini in less than half an hour. It was strong, but went down nice and easy, warming her belly. Lisa put down the glass and said, “Scuse me, I have to go to the li’l lady’s room. She stood up a little uneasily and walked a little unsteadily in her high heels toward the lady’s room. She thought to herself, this meeting is going great. I do know how to schmooze. And those drinks are no big deal. What was Patty scaring me for? I’ll have to tell her ‘I told you so’ when I meet her at eleven in the other lounge.

Lisa checked her make up in the ladies room mirror. She looked great. But she was starting to feel hot, so she took off her jacket. There. That felt better. He won’t mind if I’m a little casual. She flung the jacket over her shoulder and it slipped out of her hand and onto the floor. “Oops.” She picked it up, held it tight, and casually but carefully flung it over her shoulder again.

Lisa walked from the bright ladies room back into the dark bar. She was a little disoriented as the martinis started really kicking in. She stood and wavered a moment to get her bearings. When she returned to her seat there was no longer her empty martini glass, but two full shot glasses.

She stumbled a little into her booth seat when she at down heavily, tossing her jacket on the seat next to her. Iss really dark in here, when you come out of the ladies-“ She stopped and looking at the glass in front of her. “What are these?”

“Peppermint shots. Always seal a deal with Peppermint shots.”

Lisa felt a rush. She had sealed the deal!

“So do we havva deal?”

“We just need to seal it,” he said and picked up the shot. She picked

up hers and they both downed the shots.

She coughed a little even though she felt great. I did it, she thought. Ed will be totally proud of me! And Patty with that ‘tits, ass and booze!’ It was all accomplished with my incisive know-how over professional cocktails. What she didn’t know was the peppermint was Rumplmintz, 100 proof peppermint schnapps.

“So I guess y’don’t thingk I’m teen-aysher now, do you?” She was leaning a little across the table. Saxon could see that she was tipsy, he wanted to see how drunk he could get her. Maybe she would have sex with him later.

Saxon gave her his sexiest smile and joked, “Just because we sealed

the deal, it doesn’t mean I don’t think you’re a teenager.”

“Oh, yeah? An’ wha’ would make you thing I wasssn’t?” And Lisa


“You almost drink like a woman, but I think you choked on that shot.”

“I di’ not!”

“Yes, I think you did.”

“Di’ not!”

“I think you’re gonna have to prove it.”

Lisa turned around and called out to the waitress, who was standing

at the bar.

“Waidress! Two more shoss!, And brin the bottle, isss on me”

“Them’s fightin’ words!” said Saxon and they both laughed.

The waitress brought the shots.

“I am womam, hear me roar!” said Lisa and she downed the shot.

Saxon left his in front of him.

“Ha!” Lisa. “Whatcha say now?” Lisa was smiling drunkenly.

“You win. You are a woman. I should have known when I saw that


“Hey!” said Lisa giggling, “This is biz-ness.”

“Not any more. We sealed the deal.”

“Soooo we did,” Lisa slurred. She was noticing for the first time how charming and sexy her companion was. How could she have not noticed it before? She must learn not to pre-judge people.

“So I can compliment your body?”

“Meebee,” slurred Lisa.

“I know you dress to hide your body, but you can’t.”

Suddenly Lisa was embarrassed. “I don’t dress to hide it.” And then she added. “How could I?” And she laughed out loud.

“Well those buttons are up pretty high.”

“Thass how they’re s’pose to beee.” Lisa was really starting to get drunk after five drinks in just over an hour and that last shot was beginning to hit her hard.

“You afraid to undo them?” Aren’t all the girls showing cleavage these


“Firss of all, I’m notta girl. I’mma womam. Secon’ of all,” and Lisa wagged a finger at him. “Um notta fraida nothin’.” And with that she undid two of the five buttons down the front of her blouse. “There!” she said and sat back in her chair with a clumsy air of triumph. She didn’t notice her skirt was riding up her legs and Saxon had a great view of her stocking tops, garter and the smooth white skin of her thigh through the glass top of the table.

Saxon put his shot in front of her. “Well you’d better have this for some

more courage, because two buttons is nothing.”

Lisa stared drunkenly at the shot.

“Come on teenager, let’s see what you’ve got.”

Lisa laughed. She picked up the glass and downed it, spilling some on her blouse. She laughed again loudly, in a distinct unladylike manner when she saw that she had spilled on her blouse.

Saxon laughed too.

Lisa undid the rest of the buttons on her blouse and held the fabric closed with her two hands and teased him with a look like, ‘will I or won’t I?’ Her head was delightfully fuzzy and she felt very naughty. She waited and the sexual tension hit a high. Suddenly she flashed her cleavage at him. She wore a black bra that was cut so low it barely covered her nipples. Her tits were spectacular, thought Saxon.

“Oh!” said Saxon covering his face, “don’t point those things at me they

might go off!”

Lisa thought this was the funniest thing she had ever heard and dissolved in laughter.

Saxon picked up the bottle and poured two more shots. Lisa had been drinking so fast that she was getting drunker just sitting there. Lisa drank hers shot eagerly and sloppily.

She was now officially wasted.

Lisa now talked and drank easily and wavered in the seat. And, because she had forgotten to button it back up, her blouse still hung open. Her two big white bosoms were pressed together by her bra, creating a beautiful fleshy crevice that caught the drops of Peppermint that occasionally ran down her chin. Smiling stupidly at Saxon she leaned forward absentmindedly and drunkenly, making her hanging tits seem bigger and riper. She had tucked her legs under her seat and her shoes popped off her heels reveling her smooth stocking soles. She was in the middle of a monologue about her days at Harvard, and not so coherently.

“A course any colleagit institushun shoul’ be the world in micro-cosmum microcosmum…miniature…but in the case a Harvuhd, that wassn’t rilly the case…Harvuhd was rilly an anni…anni…an ’anti-cosmum’ if I may coin tha’ phrase, because it waz rilly remoooved from th’ worl’ at large.” She suddenly looked down at her open blouse and said with surprise, but no particular concern, “Fuck, my tiss are showing…”

She began to try to do up one of her buttons but was having a hard time.

“An anticosm,” said Saxon trying to distract her. “That’s a fascinating

idea. Can you elaborate?”

Lisa looked up dumbly and forgot about her blouse. It fell open again. “Why yes, I’d be mos’ happy ta elabrate…but firss, I nees anoser drinn” She picked up the bottle and slopped Peppermint into the shot glasses.

Lisa went on with her monologue and as she did she swayed to and fro in the seat. She frequently pushed her chest against the edge of the table top, squeezing her boobs up and almost out of the bra, the strap fell off her right shoulder down her arm threatening to release her breasts altogether. Saxon watched this magnificent sight as Lisa was oblivious to what she was doing. She looked down and was surprised to see the two shots in front of them.

“Thang you very mush” Lisa slurred. She looked at the glass lustfully. She drank the Peppermint with her left hand while the fingers of her right hand idly traced over the tops of her breasts and her deep cleavage.

This made Saxon’s cock hard.

“Now,” Lisa said dreamily as she licked the last drop of Peppermint off the rim of the now empty shot glass with her long tongue “where was I?’

“You were telling me about your breasts,” Saxon said seriously.

Lisa smiled and her eyes rolled back for a moment as her lids closed half way. She didn’t really know where she was. He eyes lazily opened again and she looked at the handsome man across from her. She continued seriously as if she was still talking about the sociology of Harvard.

“Well, they started gettin’ ver’ big when I’s fourteen. I remebber looking down on ‘em inna shower an’ shaking ‘em back an’ forss. I said ‘whoa!’ By the time I waz a feshman at Quincy Private School they were a C.”

She squeezed one big boob for emphasis on the word “C.” Lisa poured herself another shot and took another big drink from the glass. She loved the way it felt going down her throat and hitting her stomach. A delightful dagger. “This Peppermins iz fuckin’ amazing,”. She almost fell over but she opened her eyes and caught herself with her hand table. She blinked twice and went on. “By the enna my feshman year

they’re a D. An’ for a kid thass some pretty fuckin’ big tiss…”

“Tell me more.”

“I’d be mos’ happy to.” Lisa smiled stupidly and took another deep sip. “An’ now they’re are preddy fuckin’ sexy.”

If she was cogent at all, little Lisa would have noticed that her pussy was wet. Some Peppermint dripped off her lips but she caught it with her tongue. She put down the drink and, without any fanfare, pulled her bra to the sides and let her two creamy young tits popped out. She pushed them together with her wrists, her two big nipples pointed straight out at Saxon. No one else in the dark bar noticed.

“An’ preddy fuckin’ big, I’d say.”

Someone, she wasn’t sure who, asked, “Are they big enough for you to

suck with your own mouth?”

Without missing beat, Lisa picked up one of her boobs and put the nipple in her mouth. She sucked and the nipple got long and hard. She then dropped it and did the same with the other. The two nipples stuck out like large pencil erasers. She picked up her drink, and finished the rest of it. “Biggess tiss at Harvuhd, yes-siree-bob. But no one coul’ see ‘em ‘cept me.”

Saxon stood up and slipped onto the seat next to her. He started squeezing her exposed tits, massaging the flesh and pulling lightly on the hard pebbly nipples. He couldn’t believe how firm they were, considering their size. Lisa’s head rolled back and she began to moan softly. “Yep, I am saving these tiss…”

Saxon discreetly reached under the table. He slowly reached under her skirt. He put his thumb on her pussy, over her panties. Lisa squirmed with unexpected pleasure. She straightened her legs under the table. Her shoes were half off her stocking feet by now. Saxon pulled her sopping wet panties down her legs and dropped them on the floor causing her shoes to come all the way off. Bleary-eyed Lisa – tits out, panties off, skirt hiked up- reached over the table and grabbed Saxon’s glass of Peppermint, which he had barely touched. She really had a taste for it now. Saxon rubbed Lisa’s smooth, stocking covered legs. He buried his fingers in her young pussy, tracing the clit with his thumb. Lisa drank the Peppermint as her body arced in pleasure. She put the glass down and grabbed her colossal tits, squeezing them. The nipples felt rock hard. As she pulled and squeezed them she thought, “I’m too young to fuck, but I’ve got the tits and ass for it.” And this made her giggle. The giggle stopped as his finger with suddenly thrust deep into her. “I’m such a slut,” she thought drunkenly. Hands ran up and down her smooth, girlish legs, while her own hands caressed her large ripe titties. The magic fingers continued to invade her wet sexy snatch. She was not a screamer, which was lucky for Saxon, and Lisa was given the most incredible orgasm as she dug her nails into the booth seat, stretched her legs out straight and curled her stocking toes.

Part 2: [](
