Amnesia Was The Best Thing To Happen To My GF [M/F/F/F/F] Part 51


=== ***Alexa*** ===

No opponents, the coach told me. I’m slightly pissed off, slightly mad that we can’t find a match. We’ve also gotten a few more girls in the gym today, some just wants to learn how to throw a proper punch while a couple wants to go into the ring. They’re young, probably around high school age, but they’re pretty determined.

And they all look up to me, for some fucking reason. I only have two fights under my belt, nothing to really say out loud, but I’m itching for action.

But I do enjoy the days I spend with my new family. Bella has been kind of sad lately, particularly because she messed up her date night. But all of us, his women I should say, try to spend a lot of time with one another.

“Has Chris ever churned you guys?”

We all looked curiously at Roxanne, wondering what she meant by that. “W-Well, he did it to me a few times yesterday. He just slammed himself into me and then grabbed my hips and just kindof… swiveled me or stirred me on his cock.”

“Oh wow, what did it feel like?” Bella asked as she leaned forward, “I imagine it feels really good.”

“Holy shit, I passed out the first time, and every time he did it, I came really hard. It literally felt like a huge stick is inside my guts and stirred it, but then he just pressed all of my buttons continuously.”

Bella licked her lips, while Alana just laughed slightly. I’m more of a listener, really. I like listening, it gives me insight on them.

“Then I told him not to cum inside me, and he did anyway, that son of a bitch. I had streaks of his cum running down my leg when I walked back to the office!”

“Oh, and I had to ice myself down there when I got home. I was so sore afterwards that I couldn’t even sit properly on the chair,” Roxanne giggled. Alana nodded at her, as if fully understanding, and the two shared a laugh as they gave each other a high five.

Bella is slightly dejected. Jealous, actually.

“Well, he came inside my mouth when we fucked in the restroom,” Alana said followed by a sigh, “then that bitch, Amber picked up the cum that was on the edge of my lips. That’s how she got a taste of him, by the way.”

“Well, she hasn’t been sending him any nudes or anything, so whatever you did worked,” Bella gave a harrumph as she straightened herself up on the couch, “but hearing you guys have a really good date night, I feel so jealous. He hasn’t touched me in the past two days.”

“Oh relax, it’s only been two days. Maybe after Lex here gets her date night, you two can go again,” Alana snarked. Huh, I guess it is my turn.

My turn.

“Date night!? What do I do? What do I wear!? I don’t have ANYTHING!”

I panicked. I’ve never been on a date, and all of my clothes are basically active wear and jackets. That’s all I really wear, that’s all any girl really wears nowadays! Good god I have no idea what to wear! What if we go to a restaurant? What if we go dancing? What if we go to the movies!? WHAT DO I WEAR!?

“Bitch, calm down,” Alana walked up to me and slapped me, causing me to finally calm down a bit. The pain brought me back and it allowed me to focus. “Just show us what you’re working with.”

So, the girls and I went over to my room, with them spreading my clothes over the bed and looking over.

“You don’t have a lot,” Roxanne inspected, “just basic clothes and athletic wear.”

“I don’t have any money to go out and buy proper clothes,” I offered, “I had to spend most of my money from when I was a model just to come to America.”

“You were a model!?”


So, they asked me to model for them, the clothes that I had. I don’t have a lot, but they did take into pains just how much the clothes I do have looked well on me. But then, Bella had the bright idea.

“Alright, let’s see the underwears then.”

So now, I’m acting like I’m back on the runway again, with the skimpy underwear that Bella paid for. The type of underwear I’ve never worn before in my life, when I used to live back in Russia, now touches my privates. Even when I did work as a model, I never regularly wore thongs and G-Strings except during photo shoots. Each and every time I changed, they would look at me and nod, as if judging me.

“You have a really good body, Lex. I know you work out a lot, but you’re not as muscular as Izz here,” Alana commented, which caused me to look all over me and then gander over at Bella who’s looking at both of us in shock. “Don’t get me wrong you Izz, I love your body it’s just an observation.”

“It’s probably because my body is built more for strength, agility and durability rather than strength alone,” I replied, “I have to be able to move faster, and throw punches and kicks faster so I cannot afford bigger muscles.”

“Well now, hold on, I can be agile too,” Bella replied, “and I don’t have big, gross muscles!”

“You don’t, Belle, but yours *is* bigger than Alexa here. It’s just how built you are, alright, you don’t have big gross muscles but yours show more than ours do.”

“Now I’m self-conscious about my muscles, thanks a lot you guys!”

Alana and Roxanne exchanged a knowing smirk, “well come on, Alexa, Belle, stand up and strip.”

Bella didn’t even bat an eye as she stood next to me, stripped fully nude. I did the same, seeing as we’ve all seen each other fully naked before it wasn’t so strange.

She’s much taller than I am, with hair reaching down to her lower back, tied up in a tight braid. Her arms are well muscled, her thighs are as well and her abs are really cut. But I can see that she has fat in all the right places, and while her thighs are muscled, she still held a lot of fat there for Chris to fully enjoy. Her ass is nice and ample, I dare say really thick and pliable. She squeezed it and her fingers disappeared into it. Her massive tits, good lord they’re nice and big and still perky. Usually with tits like hers, it would sag a bit and her nipples would point down, but her nipples pointed forward and there’s barely any sagging at all.

“See, now Belle, your body is nice and muscled, but at the same time you have softness in the right area. Your ass, thighs, tits, a bit on your hips and waist, it’s all in the right places! Good god, if I didn’t know any better I’d say a man made you, because you’re really built for sex.”

“Stop, you make it sound like I’m sort of nympho,” she whined, but I can see her blush a bit.

“Now, Lex here has muscles too, but her softness are still on top of it. You can barely see where her muscles are besides her abs and her back. She has a nice, plump ass, smaller than ours but its nice and really squeezable, her tits are nice too, and don’t worry about the size, not everyone like big tits, alright Lex? Chris is an equal lover of breast sizes, as far as I can tell.”

I hadn’t really seen myself in such a way. I just train myself, making my reaction and speed better.

It’s not so rare for us to spend time together. Bella doesn’t work, not like she needs to, Roxanne works a couple of days a week and Alana, while working full time, only works three days out of the week. Since I haven’t been able to find any opponents, and I don’t really need to work since Bella didn’t want any rent money, well we’ve been together most of the time.

Add the fact that our friend group is pretty much nonexistent, neither any one of us really has any friend, well the times we spend together is constant.

Bella and I started to get dressed, with me putting on the tights and sports bra that I wore before.

“Where do you think Chris will take you on your date?” Roxanne said with a grin as she tapped my thighs, “somewhere romantic? Adventurous and fun? Or will you two just get a room in some cheap motel and fuck all night?”

“I would hope fun, if I am being honest,” I replied as I held her hand, “I’m not much of a romantic person.”

“Well, I wasn’t much of a girl who loved taking a dick in her pussy before, so you never know Lex,” Alana giggled as she browsed her phone, “maybe you are, and you just never had a chance to be romantic.”

Maybe she’s right.


Today I’m at the gym again, working on my ground game so to speak. Ground grapples, toss and throws, it’s much different when we’re on our feet. I have to use both hands and legs when maneuvering around, in exchange I have better defenses since it’s harder for them to get on my back.

Chris just so happens to drive me to the gym and decided to stay and work out as well. “My ground game is shit, but let me do some with you,” he said while shaking his head disappointingly, “well, it’s not like I’ll use it anywhere.”

I smiled at him, wickedly. I don’t think he knows what he’s getting himself into, and while Chris has been training in boxing for a while, MMA is an entirely different method of fighting. The coach agreed to let us spar, with him watching over just in case anything goes wrong.

“Go easy on me,” Chris said as he extended his hand, and I bat it away, grabbed his wrist, and pulled him close and into a hip toss with me following him down and basically pinning him between my armpit and breast.

“Chris, ye damn idiot, always be on guard!” the coach chided as he groaned, “ye’ve always been the kind one, even when sparring!”

“Sorry coach, I can’t help it,” Chris struggled to get the words out as my arm is wrapped around his neck and he’s been trying to get a good footing on.

“Right now, I can just punch your handsome face, you know that right?” I remarked as he kept struggling under me, “but I won’t do that to you, because I like seeing your face like this.”

“Gee, thanks,” he sarcastically replied, “now get off so we can do this properly.”

We squared off again, looking at each other and glaring. “I just need to get you on your back,” he surmised.

“All you gotta do is ask nicely, you know,” I smiled, and he kindly looked away momentarily. Moments where I took advantage of it and lunged at him and got ahold of his waist quickly.

“Fucking hell boy, don’t ever look away!” The coach griped as he slapped his knees, “how do you expect to turn pro with amateur moves like that!?”

Bella used to say that Chris was thinner back then, but now I think he’s packed on enough healthy weight. Once I got my arms around his waist, he tried to tear me off, but my grip was far too sure for him. I got him down to his knees and maneuvered myself behind him and he tried to get his arm far back enough that he can put it under my chin, but he was too late. I got behind him, quickly got my forearm around his neck and my other arm over the opposite side where I locked it within the crease and gave him a rear naked choke.

He tapped shortly after, “not as good in here as you are in bed,” I whispered into his ears while giving his cheeks a quick peck, “wanna go again?”


The showers is misty, and whatever’s behind it is hidden well. I walked barefoot, naked, intending on completing what I came in there for.

Then I got to it. I drew the curtains back forcefully, suddenly, and it caused him to scream a little bit.

“Alexa, this is the men’s locker room!”

“I don’t care. I won, so I’m taking this,” I told him as I stepped in and grabbed his thick cock, soft as it is, it’s still a very nice length.

“W-We didn’t have a bet,” he pointed out, but I just put a hand over his mouth.

“Like I said, I don’t care. Now, shut up.”

We’re about the same height so kissing is easy for us. I enjoy it about as much as he does, but I’ll admit I’m not as experienced with it. He’s my first in everything, so I’m very inexperienced with this. But the way I act is born out of necessity.

“For someone who’s a recent virgin, you’re very aggressive,” he said as we separated, “like, you’ve done a lot of these things before.”

“I have had fantasies, and I watched a lot of porn my friend would bring over when I was younger. I haven’t told the girls this, but when I was 16, I worked as an operator for a phone sex company. I was paid well and, and I saved up as much money as I could.”

“Isn’t that illegal? What’s the age of consent in Russia?” he groaned as he gave me another kiss.

“Sixteen. It’s legal for my country, but it might not be legal for the country of some of the men I talked to. Mostly English-speaking men, some Russians of course. Ah, well, it doesn’t matter. What matter’s now is what we’re doing.”

I stroked his cock before him, wet from the shower while keeping his lips around mine. “You have the biggest dick I’ve ever seen,” I alluringly proposed, “my hands can barely wrap around it.”

“Can’t we do this at home? So, we can have some privacy?” he groaned as he cupped an ass.

“No, this is one of my fantasies, and I’ve always wanted to have sex in the locker room, and now I get to live it. Besides, don’t tell me you’ve never wanted to have sex in here.”

“What if someone come’s in?”

“This is an individual shower stall, so unless you’re expecting someone else then it’s not a problem.” I licked the side of his face while continuing to stroke his hard member, “nice and hard for me, that’s good, I like that.“

“You like getting jerked off in here?” I asked as my free hand went up behind him and rubbed the side of his face, “you like having a girl coke in here and just stroke your big, hard, cock?”

He nodded as he breathing hastened. “Just relax,” I whispered in his ears, “your cock is so hard, it’s like a steel bar. What are you thinking of doing with this naughty thing.”

“I-I want you t-to suck it. I want yo shove it out our throat.”

“Oh my! That’s very daring of you! But we’re in the shower, what if someone comes in?”

He looked at me and I just smirked, then our lips came together again. “Naughty Chris, you’re such a bad boy.”

I bent over at the waist, tilted his dick up, and tried to get the head into my mouth. He barely fits! He got in there, but he barely fits! He’s just stretching my mouth as much as it can, I didn’t even think I can open it this much!

His cock doesn’t really taste anything, he all but washed off his sweat and whatever’s else, but the euphoria I’m getting in the excitement of it all, the thoughts of more in a few minutes, that’s where I’m getting the pleasure from. Having a dick as big as this be my first, I can imagine that I’ve become ruined for other men, like what the others have mentioned. Maybe, maybe I’m not ruined, who’s to say?

“You want to fuck me, dont you?” I interrogated, “you want to put this dick inside me?”

“Of course,” he grunted, “of course I do.”

“Mmmm, well what if I don’t want to? What if I want to just leave right now?”

He swallowed, I could hear it, “you and I both know you’re here for that.”

Really, I want a bit more than just fucking, and while I think that’s better saved for home, I really want it now. I sucked his cock more and more, kneeling down in front of him, “fuck my face,” I demanded, and he gently placed his hand behind my head and proceeded to do as he’s told. His thrust came quick, only going down to about the middle of his dick before pulling out slightly, but I took his dick out from me and looked at him irritatingly. “I said, fuck my face. Don’t make me say it again,” I glared at him, and he just nodded.

Just the feeling of his cock hitting the back of my throat, sliding down deeper into it gets me wet and horny. Just the feeling of having no control over him, over his and my urges, and where we are, it adds to the effect. With him grabbing a handful of my hair, just madly fucking my mouth with my lips tight around his shaft, I want that cum of his. I want it so bad.

His precum is already leaking and leaving a sweet taste in my mouth, coating my tongue and the roof while the head spreads it towards the back of my throat. I could feel my face leaking tears, tears that didn’t mirror my defiant look at his face, currently wracked in pleasure. He would fuck my face for a good 20-30 second and afterwards he released me, and I took some deep breaths in, looking and glaring at his spit covered stick, dripping with it. Then he’d grab my head again and pushed me down onto him and continued.

I love it.

He gave me a tight groan as he pushed my head further into his pelvis, and he released his dirty, stinky, yummy cum right into my gut. I felt it splashing against my throat and flowing down. I can’t even taste it, but when he drew back, he shot some more into my mouth. I protested, nothing against him it’s just because I wanted to, as I slammed my fist against his chest.

“I didn’t tell you to cum in my throat, did I?” I angrily spoke as I grabbed his cock again, “did I tell you? Answer me?”

“You didn’t tell me I couldn’t,” he chuckled slightly. Truthfully, I wanted him to, but I can’t let him know that.

I gave him a dubious look, but I wanted more. “Still hard after dumping your load down my throat,” I observed as I looked into his eyes again, “I bet you touch yourself at night, wanting to fuck each and every one of us.”

He nodded as I pressed my hands across his mouth. His cock is still so slick with his cum and my spit, and the sliding noises I’m making is honestly getting me even more turned on.

Suddenly, we hear the door open and footsteps comes in. “Why the fuck is it so foggy in here? Who’s in the shower?!” Came a rough voice.

“Oh, it’s just me guys. I just got in here,” Chris answered. I leapt onto him, wrapping my legs and arms around him, and he’s got both of his hand down under my ass.

“Chris? Yo, man you got destroyed by Alexa! I’m kind of embarrassed for you dog!”

“Trevor, I have no ground game,” Chris answered, “you and I both know this.”

His cock is twitching and throbbing, pulsating wildly against my bare ass. I looked at him, bit the edge of my lower lip, and reached back behind me and grabbed that big head of his. He shook his head, but I just nodded at him.

I rubbed it against my skin and as I slightly lift myself up and slid his thick, hardness into me I had to bite my lip in an effort to mute myself.

“So big, so fucking big,” I whispered against him, “you’re big dick is tearing me apart.”

He had to shush me. I didn’t realize my moaning was getting louder but he planted a kiss on me to make me stop.

“You alright Chris?” Trevor wondered. He took the next shower stall and had started his own wash up.

“Uh, yeah! I’m just… struggling to wash my back, but I think I’ll get it.”

“I hear you man. You’ve gotten a lot bigger since you came back. You have a body wash over there? I forgot to grab mine.”

Chris looked at me and then glanced over to the bottle on his righty. I grabbed it and held it up over the stall walls and Trevor grabbed it.

“Thanks, bro!”

My hands went back around the back of his neck as he nodded. I leaned back, allowing me to go deeper into him and he gave me a short grunt. “Fuck, it’s deep,” I whispered to myself, “you’re so fucking deep inside of me. More, fuck me more!”

Seeing as Trevor is the only one here, not counting Chris and myself, Chris set me down gently. He turned me around and grabbed my hair and pulled it, then tapped my ass, so I spread my leg a little and jut it out.

Instead of fucking me, he got on his knees and buried his face between my cheeks.

“Fuck, he really needs to eat pussy before fucking?” I thought to myself, but then I realized that some men would never go down on their girlfriends.

Feeling his rough tongue against my entire lower region, with him running his teeth against my thighs and ass, scraping it and then licking it afterwards.

“Fuck me already,” I thought to myself, but then I felt his tongue come inside my pussy, flicking and rubbing against my walls. God it felt great, he really does know how to go down on a woman.

“You alright bro?” Trevor’s nosy ass asked, “Sounds like you’ve got a cold over there.”

“No, no I’m fine. I’m just washing up a bit over here,” Chris answered as he stood up and rubbed his cock all over my pussy.

He put his hand over my mouth and slips his cock back in. Slow, and steady and it’s hitting most of my spots. I grabbed at his hands and he started pumping his hips against me, slowly so we wouldn’t make any sound. The thing with his thick cock is that even when it’s slow, the rim grinds against my walls and I could feel every bump and hard veins bulging with blood.

“Fuck, he’s making me cum so hard! Fuck!” I screamed inside my head as I bit into the fat of his hand. The warm water crashing down on us felt so good too.

“Man, you take a long ass shower! Well, I’m done so I’ll leave your body wash up here. Later bro!”

Finally he turned his water off and stepped out and I heard his wet footsteps going away. He started singing as, I guess, he’s drying himself off and getting dressed. He kept fucking me slowly, and as soon as we heard the door slam shut he drove that cock deep into me.

“Fuck! Chris, that… oh god, that felt so good! Fuck me harder, fucking pound the shit out of me!”

So, like a good boy, he does. He brings the tip all the way out and then he slams it into me. The force, the intensity of the head just quickly grinding against me and then punching the deepest spot of my cunt. I’ve never gone faint before, but for a second I did.

My legs went numb. I’m loosing strength and balance but he held me by my hip as my hand dragged down against the wall.

“Again! Fuck me again! Harder!”

He grunts as he grabbed my arms and held me up while slamming his hips against me. I’m screaming, moaning and yelling for him to keep fucking and fucking me. He took himself off of me, spun me around and lift a leg up and slammed his cock back into me harshly, all the while grabbing at my ass and kissing me.

“I love you,” I told him as our lips parted, then we started kissing again with such intensity. His cock just kept scraping and digging into me, that I’m losing all sense of personality. Right now I’m just a senseless cum slut begging for cum to seep into my pussy. I want him to feed me, feed my pussy his delicious, warm cum.

Fuck, that strong cock of his had reduced me into a blubbering mess begging for more and more. I climbed up onto him, lashing my legs and arms around him as he pumped his cock into me more and more.

“Cum, cum inside me, please, I need it. I fucking need it.”

He’s just banging his hip into me at this point, pinning me against the wall and each time he slammed himself into me he produced a heavy thud as the force went through the wall. Harder and harder he did, grunting and moaning with each passing minute until he gives me a deep grunt.

My pussy clamped down around him, grinding and gripping and pulling more and more of his warm cum shooting into me hot and bard. Each stroke shoots a few ropes of cum into me, and he just kept going more and more.

“Shit! Fuck, I’m just… fuck you’re so hot,” he gasped as he held my face with his right hand.

And my heart turned into jelly.

We washed up, like actually washed up, and as we stepped out we see Trevor just staring at us.

“Oh, that’s ok my dude. Eve does the same thing for me. But try not to bring the damn gym down around you, for fucks sake.”

Chris just rubbed the back of his head embarrassingly, while I kind of his behind him. This is not the date I was promised, but I’ll take a good fuck any day of the week.

~ End of Part 51 ~
