[F] 22 Fucking a Freshman so I could Streak thru my Old Dorm (only to bitch out on part of it)

So this will be the first of a few updates on my scavenger hunt and life that I post in the coming days (aka the much needed winter break). These probably aren’t as fun as some of my other updates, but… C’est La Vie.

So as some of you may know this is my senior year and I have challenged myself to a fairly extensive “scavenger hunt” of sorts. It’s a list of (mostly slutty) things to do before I graduate in May and have too go become a real adult.

One of the items on the list is to try and sleep with someone from every class (Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, Grad) and another was to streak through the hallway of my old freshman dorm.

Now it was a game day which as you can probably guess is one of the days that I party the hardest. And we were playing one of our rivals that day so it was an even bigger party than usual (we would end up losing).

All of that is to say that if I had been of a sober mind I probably wouldn’t have done this… but while we were at one of the many parties we often end up at. E and our other friends were debating calling it a night and just going back to our place to drink and hang out when this freshman boy starts hitting on me.

First a sidebar. I realize that when I was 18 and a freshman my friends and I probably looked that young… but I swear to god freshman today look way younger than I ever did… I guess that’s just three and a half years of perspective.

That’s all to say I can tell this kid isn’t more than a sophomore when he starts hitting on me (aka definitely wasn’t old enough to have bought the beer he was drink for himself). But again I’m drunk and he was kinda cute. I was planning on just flirting with him till we left for greener pastures when somehow we end up on the subject of dorms. That’s when I find out that he currently lives in the dorm I had lived in my freshman year (different floor).

Now see this is where the drunk wheels start turning in my head. Logistically the streaking through this form is one of the harder things on the list. You need to swipe your ID to get in (which you can only do if you live there). And if I’m going to run butt ass naked down a dorm hallway better to do it at night when everyone is asleep and I won’t get caught right? So here in front of me was an answer to that problem. And it would also allow me to check the freshman off my list!

Now again I was pretty drunk and didn’t fully think through much of this plan. To the point that when E asked me 1) why I was going home with a freshman and 2) why was I going back to his dorm and not our apartment, I told her point blank it was so I could go streaking. Which let me tell you got me one of the weirdest looks from her I’ve ever received.

So we walk back to this dorm (which is practically in the middle of campus) together and all my drunk mind can think of is not the sex but the adrenaline rush of knowing I was about to be naked in a public place again.

Now it’s not until we get into the elevator and he pins me against the wall so we can make out (which side note for you guys out there: is an A+ move) that I’m brought back to the reality that I’m also here to fuck this guy.

My bubble is only further burst when we get out on his floor and it is not as dead as I thought it would be. In fact it is very much a party. But those kinds of parties that only happen in freshman dorms? Where everyone is gathered in like two or three dorms and thinks they are being super sneaky drinking and partying right under the RAs nose even though everyone knows what’s happening? Having literally done the same thing in this exact building just two floors lower I get the appeal. But let me tell you turning 21 and being able to drink at house parties and at home? Way better.

Anyways I digress. I’m starting to reconsider the streaking aspect of this excursion, but I keep telling myself “when will you be back in here?”. I get shown off to some freshman when we stop into this party for a hot second. Which sober hindsight being 20/20 was what he had asked me back to his dorm to do (hooking up was implied but I appreciate that he was attempting to be smoother than straight up just asking for it).

Now eventually we do end up back in his dorm. Drunk me is still trying to figure out when the running around naked part of this task fits in when he starts stripping me. I make a mental note of “once you’re naked you’ll find a time” and start to return the favor.

Now I tend not to get to graphic here when I recount these confessions to y’all. But because it’s semi important to this particular story I will.

Once we both get naked I table the streaking idea and end up on my knees on the floor giving him head. Now I’m no porn star or anything but I like to think I give a better than decent blowjob. But by the way this guy started moaning 10 seconds in you’d have thought I was a BJ giving GOAT (which not gonna lie I took as a compliment).

So from my knees hitting the floor to “oh fuck I’m gonna cum. Let me cum on your tits” was a grand total of less than 60 seconds. Again I counted it as a win.

My mind beings to drift back to figuring out how I’m gonna go streaking in this building and how I can do it without showing myself off to a whole floor of freshman. I remember specifically thinking to myself “you definitely can’t go streaking with cum all over you” which I think was the one time sober me took over the thought process.

Now after he gets me a towel to clean up with he wants to return the favor before he can “go again”. Normally someone doesn’t have to twist my arm to get me to agree to let them go down on me… but this is where things go downhill.

He gestures up to his bed. Yes up. Of the two guys in this room he was the one with the lofted bed. Nothing tests your sobriety like climbing up into a bunk bed, Buck ass naked while being watched by a guy you just met, let cum on your tits, and is 4 years younger than you.

But I make it up into the bed. And now maybe it’s cause I had gotten used to S going down on me, or because I was so drunk that the room was spinning a bit… but this guy did not know what he was doing with his tongue between my legs.

Eventually I get to the point where I give him the coy “oh just fuck me already” just to get him to stop and so I can get something out of the actual sex. Normally in this situation I’d have tried to be on top (I get the most pleasure from it hence the name), but again Fucking bunk bed.

I’d call this guy a 2 pump chump, but I’m not entirely sure he got to the second pump… It took him longer to crawl off his bunk bed, grab the condom, crawl back up, and put it on than it took him once he was inside me. Now I don’t mean to drag this guy (ok I mean to a little bit). He’s got moves he just needs practice. It’s all just important to tell this final part of the story.

Now he practically passes out on top of me, and I start to reassess the situation. My first thought is that I should lay here until I sober up a bit and then get up get dressed and leave. Then I remember that I came here to go streaking also. So then I make the plan to lay there till I sober up and then streak and leave (this plan had the added benefit of the party down the hall dying down).

Of course I fall asleep. Now I have no clue what time it was when I woke up, but I was more sober than when I had climbed up into the bed (aka still drunk just less so) and the sounds down the hall had stopped. So here’s my window. I check and make sure he’s still passed out next to me, and start to prepare to angle myself out of bed and then down the ladder.

Of course that’s when I start to hear the door being unlocked and freeze. I pretend to be asleep as his roommate comes home. Dude is also clearly drunk in the fact that he doesn’t acknowledge us up in the bunk, or all of our clothes in a pile on the floor, and proceeds to strip down to his boxers and climb into his (unlofted) bed. Now the plan was still feasible till he started watching TikToks on his phone and I passed out waiting for him to fall asleep.

Alas I am the first one of us to wake up in the morning. I am now very sober and very very hungover. All thoughts of streaking are gone from my mind as all I want to do is be back in my own bed at a normal height off the ground.

So I still completely naked crawl out of this guys bed and down his ladder. Now for reference it’s not a true bunk bed as in one bed on top of the other. His bed is on top of his desk and his roommates bed is against the perpendicular wall. So all of that is to say that if his roommate woke up while I climbed down this ladder he’d have had one hell of a view of my ass and shaved pussy (for those of you following that part of my journey I bitched out on that too).

I have one more brief thought about streaking as I’m getting dressed but decide it’s too risky to open the door twice. I have the thought again in the stairwell on my way out as I check the time and see it’s still before 8am. “No one would see me right?” But I decide against it.

Normally my walk of shame isn’t so shameful. But I did kick myself for not checking that item off my list (oddly Enough more so than the bad sex which at the very least provided me with a funny story). It also didn’t help that it was below 40 degrees out and I was in a crop top and ripped jeans with no jacket…

E got a very big kick out of it when I got home. She still over a month later makes fun of me for it. But I’m hoping to have the last laugh with our next NYE bet coming up…

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/rdtira/f_22_fucking_a_freshman_so_i_could_streak_thru_my


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