Rockette’s Rocky Adventures – Ch. 4: The Ringer [rape][f/M][bondage][humil][punishment]

Ch. 1 + 2: [Rockette’s Rocky Adventures – Ch. 1 & 2 [Fantasy][NC][f/MMM][bd][humil] : eroticliterature (](
Ch. 3: [Rockette’s Rocky Adventures – Ch. 3 [Fantasy][Rape][[f/M+][humil][bd] : eroticliterature (](

Ch. 4: The Ringer

The heroine and the thugs didn’t have to wait too long, a mere twenty minutes for a car to pull up. Any longer though, the men might have done more to the seemingly helpless heroine, each one of them feeling even hornier every time they looked at her.

The doors open up and a man walks in. Peaking her eyes slightly open, Rockette is shocked to see who it is, Jim, the BestCircuit employee. Dressed in similar khaki’s he was wearing earlier today and the same nerdy wire glasses, but instead of a purple BestCircuit polo overtop, he was wearing a black hoodie with a skull on it. Now instead of looking like some simp BestCircuit employee, Rockette thought that he looked like some incel nobody.

No fucking way! That fucking simp!? The heroine tries to rationalize what she was seeing. Not only was Jim a gangster working for Los Perdidos, but he was somewhat high on the chain.

“That’s the bitch that put three of our guys in the hospital?” Jim the Ringer asks. No longer was he a stuttering mess of a person, but he was cynical and well-spoken.

Nice, good for me! Fuck those assholes. Rockette celebrates in her head, continuing to listen in on the conversation.

“Yeah boss.” John says.

“It looks like you guys have it handled, why’d you call me?” Jim inquires

“Uh well… You see, this bitch broke a lot of the crates…And like you said, she put three of us in the hospital…” Linus sheepishly answers.

“Then fuck her up and bring her to the boss…I see you guys were in the process of teaching her a lesson.” Jim states, disappointed in the men.

“Well uh…We were afraid the boss was going to be mad and kill us if he found his product was fucked with… You know how he goes…” Luke counters

“You spineless fucks.” Jim says, “But okay…I’ll help you out. I’ll bring her to the boss so you guys don’t have the potential of getting caught in his rage. Happy?” Jim suggests to the delight of the men.

This fuck knows where Diablo is! Rockette realizes, feeling herself revitalized with not only strength and power, but drive and motivation as well. Guess it’s time to make my grand escape!

“Cool plan, but one problem.” The heroine says to the surprise of the five goons but not Jim who looks on with mild amusement. “I’ll be seeing Diablo alone. And there will be six more thugs in the hospital!” She adds as she stands up, then snaps out of the cuffs with ease.

“Jesus guys. It looks like she bamboozled you.” Jim comments, snickering to himself.

“What the fuck!? How the fuck!?”John says in disbelief, looking at the now fully awake heroine in awe. The four other men scramble to respond, surrounding the heroine like last time. It looked rather ridiculous with Rockette standing between them all in an aggressive fighting stance with her bare tits out.

“Give up bitch and I’ll go easy this time.” Kyle says with a grin, and is met with a scowl from the heroine. The men attempt to pounce on her like last time, but she blasts two of them away immediately and dodges the blows from the other three with ease. She counters Linus’s attack by grabbing him by his shirt, then ripping it off of him. While dodging the attacks of the thugs she ties the ripped black T-shirt around her breasts into a make-shift tube-top, covering her tits relatively effectively. Jim snickers, impressed by the move.

“Ah! Fuck! Aghh!” Linus screams as the foot of Rockette meets his face, knocking him out, leaving John and Kyle left on both her sides. . Kyle comes in from the left with a wound up punch, and like a martial arts master the heroine dodges it so it connects with Johns face instead.

“Ahh! You fucking idiot!” John grunts, stumbling to the ground. Not making the same mistake twice, she notices the two guys she blasted at the beginning begin to get back up, so she blasts them again at their heads, effectively knocking them out.

“No big talk from the big man?” Rockette teases as she walks towards Kyle who is trying his best to keep it together.

“You’re nothing but a slut and you know it.” Kyle insults bravely, his hands up ready to go. However ready he is though, he’s no match for the heroine out for blood. In a flash, Rockette launches up into the air at her tormentor and kicks his upper right arm. “AARGGHHHH!” Kyle screams as his upper arm snaps and shoulder dislocates at the same time, “Arrghh! Y-you bitch! You bitch-argrrhgh!” He mutters in anger until he feels his throat get crushed by a horrifying grip from the supposed heroine. “Argrhhh-agrghhh!” he struggles to breath as she lifts him into the air with her left hand.

“Oh man, this is getting dark!” Jim comments

“Don’t worry, I didn’t forget about you.” The heroine says, turning her attention to Jim for a second. “But you. You overgrown piece of shit.” She turns her attention back to Kyle. She drops him and he keels over onto his knees, gasping for air, head hung low. “Oh my god, are you crying?” Rockette teases

Kyle is indeed crying, tears streaming down his face from the pain of his crushed windpipe, broken arm, and dislocated shoulder. Rockette’s once tormentor is wheezing for air, and she wasn’t done with him yet. On his knees, Kyle is like a bowling pin to the heroine. Rockette strikes, delivering a powerful roundhouse to Kyle’s upper left arm. He would have screamed if it wasn’t for his crushed windpipe, instead the man wheezes from the pain before passing out.

“Pathetic.” Rockette says before spitting on him. She looks over to John who is the only one left from his crew still conscious, and he is cowering behind the wall on his knees having seen his peer just get brutally beaten. Rockette deems him to be not a threat and turns her attention to Jim.

Alright Jim the Ringer…Let’ see what you got. Rockette muses as she turns her attention to the last man standing.

“That was pretty brutal for a super heroine.” Jim comments as him and Rockette begin to circle each other, measuring one another up.

“It’s effective.” Rockette replies, feeling a dark eerie aura coming off of Jim, “So you’re the Ringer?”

“So they call me” Jim admits, “So you’re Rockette – the new fast flying, blasting, ass-kicking super heroine on the block?” the Ringer asks

“So they call me.” Rockette playfully replies, grinning at her own wittiness.

“It’s unfortunate.” Jim says,

“What is?” Rockette probes

“That you decided to become a super hero at some point and decided to take on Don Diablo.” Jim explains,

“Someone has to take him down.” She says, “Are you going to stop me?”

“That’s what they pay me to do.” Jim sighs,

Rockette makes the first move, firing two quick blasts in succession, hoping to end the fight quick. Her hopes are dashed as she watches in awe and horror as Jim dodges her blasts with super-human speed, almost appearing as if the blasts when through him.

Shit! He’s super powered too! Rockette panics a little watching Jim with apprehension as he makes his move. He charges at her with super-human speed, too fast for her to dodge but with enough concentration Rockette is able to block the attack.

“Tsk!” She grits her teeth as she tries to counter, but the speedster is much too fast. Every attack she tries misses much to her frustration. With every attack missed, she was getting more and more desperate and frustrated, “Ahhh! You little shit!” She screams as she sends a fusillade of blasts in an act of desperation.

Unfortunately every blast attack missed, and all she managed to do was collapse the wall behind John on top of the coward.

Shit shit shit! Rockette panics as she can’t even see in the dust she caused. She was exhausted again, and afraid…I should run…I need to run… I’m in way over my head… I should run and get help. She attempt to rationalize what she should do next, feeling fear creep over her. I need to run! She resolves and attempts to fly out but it’s too late.

Jim makes his move. Moving at super-human speed in the cover of the dust cloud, he moves behind the heroine unnoticed with a coil of thick, cotton rope in his hand. Before Rockette can even react, he ties a rope collar around her neck. The heroine doesn’t even realize it’s around her neck as she attempts to fly off only to be pulled back down harshly, crashing to the ground.

“Aarghh-grargh!” Rockette chokes as Jim pulls on the rope collar, pouncing on the heroine at the same time, flipping her over and tying her wrists together quickly, cinching it tightly. “Aaarghh—too tight!” Rockette whines, but Jim ignores it, instead he pulls her up to her knees and takes a look at his handiwork.

In the matter of two minutes, Rockette went from on her feet ready to fight, to on her knees effectively bound with her wrists behind her back and a rope collar around her neck at the mercy of an apparent super-villain.

“Heh…Yeah, I can’t believe those idiots didn’t give you a little spin…I guess I get first dibs…” Jim comments, his cock growing at the sight of the helpless heroine. “I think it’s time for my reward now…”

This is bad…I really am helpless now…aughh I can’t break out.. Rockette laments as she writhes and struggles helplessly in her binds as Jim walks up to her. Maybe he’ll cum quick again… She wishfully thinks to herself as she feels the rope around her neck get pulled. Despite her situation, she was desperately horny now and has been for some time without any form of release.. She could feel her pussy getting wetter and wetter and her body warm with arousal.

“John. Take these four other idiots to the hospital. You know the one. I can take care of this little super slut by myself.” Jim orders. John does as he is told. Waking those who could walk and taking them over to the van. Jim meanwhile walks over the defeated super-heroine and lifts her head by her chin, forcing her to look at him. “You’ve never been so thoroughly defeated huh?”

The heroine just glares up at him not giving him the satisfaction of answering him. But Jim was right. Tess as Rockette had never been so outclassed before, she usually felt invincible until today. And now she was scared and horny of fucking Jim from BestCircuits.

“Ah! Hey!” Rockette whines as Jim rips off her make-shift tube top she had made from Linus’s shirt.

“There’s that feisty sexy little thing that was talking all that good shit just a few minutes ago!” Jim comments, pulling the girl up to her feet. “You know, you’re going to have to be more resilient than this if you’re going to want to make it as a super heroine.” He tells her as he walks her over to a bare desk in the room.

“Augh! Don’t tell me how to be a super heroine! What do you think you’re doing!?” Rockette whines having ignited the fire and resistance in herself back up somewhat.

“Showing a naive little super slut consequences.” Jim replies as he bends the girl over the table and ties the rope leash to a table leg on the opposite end. Rockette writhes and struggles but is too at the moment to do anything effective.

“Let me go! You creep!” the heroine cries, kicking behind her ineffectively with Jim blocking the desperate attack with ease, “AH! Noo! Stop!” She whines as Jim then ties a rope around her ankles to the legs of the table with little slack. “Aughhh!” Rockette groans in frustration, struggling fruitlessly .

Jim backs away and takes in the sight of the helpless heroine tied to the table, his cock hard and ready to go. He lifts the heroine’s dress up, revealing her pantyhose-clad round tight ass, then easily rips the stockings around her ass.

Oh noo…. I’m helpless! Rockette despairs, writhing in vain in her bonds, feeling Jim’s cold hands caress and grope her ass. Aughhh I can’t believe I’m so fucking horny! The heroine thinks, feeling how wet her pussy was.

“Ahh!” Rockette let’s out a small moan as Jim gently runs his hand across her over her throbbing, aching, pussy, feeling how wet she was and how soaked her panties were.

“You’re a ripe little slut aren’t you?” Jim teases as he tugs at her her panties. Rockette becomes red with humiliation, humiliated by the villain and how she was reacting.

“Nooo! S-stoop!” Rockette pleads at she feels Jim rip her panties off. Before she can even react, the villain shoves the panties, soaked in her own juices, into her mouth, “Graamgrphh!” She whines, tasting her own potent self.

“Don’t let those fall out of your mouth unless you’re begging me to fuck you!” Jim instructs, groping and squeezing the girl’s perfect ass. He lines his right hand up with the girl’s trembling pussy, sliding a finger easily inside of her, “God you’re tight” he comments as he gently rubs his thumb over her erect clit, massaging it gently.

“GraaammgrphH!!!!” Rockette moans through the panties gagging her, feeling a shudder and overwhelming rush over pleasure crash over her from just his finger and thumb. She feels herself instinctively begin to grind against his hand, overwhelmed with arousal and pleasure, she wanted to cum badly…

SPANK – Jim slaps the girls perfect ass with his left hand, breaking her out of her trance.

“Gramgrphh!” The heroine cries in pain and frustration, only getting more turned on by the second as she was teased then punished.

Jim then sends a flurry of spanks against her sexy ass cheeks, alternating between each ass cheek with each slap


“Oh! Yeah! You fucking like that don’t you slut!?” Jim taunts while pumping his fingers inside the defeated heroine’s pussy, taking a moment to caress her sore butt that was red and raw from his assault on her butt.

“Geeze whore! You really do! Look at how wet you are!” The villain comments, sliding his finger out of the girl for a moment much to her frustration.

“Graamgrphh! Grammmgpprgrhh!” The once proud heroine whines as she writhes in her binds, helpless and horny as she is spanked over and over again, all while the villain cruelly teases her with his thumb on her clit and finger pumping slowly inside of her.

Ohgawwdd it’s too much! It’s too much! I need it! It need him to fuck me! The heroine breaks, letting the panties fall out of her mouth, drool and spittle dripping down her mouth and chin before letting herself melt into base desire to cum despite the shame she felt as well.

“Ahhh! Ohhgawdd! P-please! J-just fuck me! P-pleaseee! Fuck me!” The heroine begs, shaking her ass in the air like a whore in heat, “OOOOooOOOOHHH!” She screams as Jim then vibrates his thumb and finger inside of her, pushing her over the edge instantly, having felt nothing like that before. She can feel her legs tremble beneath her as the concentrated vibrations on her clit and inside of her pussy bring her over the edge.

“That’s right! Cum you little slut! Melt into nothing but the good little whore you are!” Jim exclaims as he pumps his vibrating fingers against her g-spot and clit, causing her to cum again and again in quick succession. He springs his thick cock out and presses it against the heroine’s slick wet pussy.

“Ahh! Ohmygod!Ohmygawddd!” Rockette pants, her breathing erratic, and mind overwhelmed iwith pleasure as the villain slowly pushes his cock inside of her, moving his hand to rest right above her crotch so he can still tease and massage her clit as he pumps his cock inside of her. It’s too much for the petite heroine as she screams loudly, her body shivering in pleasure as orgasm after orgasm crashes over her, “Ahhh! OooHhhhh! F-fuck! F-fuckk-ahHHH!” she moans loudly as her body betrays her again and again as she’s railed against the table.

“Fuck! Your pussy is like a vice grip!” Jim comments, pumping his cock inside of the heroine’s tight little pussy, “Aughhh!” He groans . The villain was hoping to fuck the girl senseless before cumming inside of her, but her pussy felt too good. “Fuck! Ohh! Yeah…yeahh…. you’re going to take it all! Your tight little super pussy is going to take all my cum…” the villain bends over and groans into the poor girl’s eat, pumping his cock at a steady rhythm inside of her.

“Ahh! Noo! D-don’t c-cum inside of me! Nooo!-AHhhhHHH!” The heroine pleads, feeling the villains cock pulsate and throb inside of her. Rockette squirms in pleasure and reluctance as Jim’s cock pulsates more and more inside of her.

“Augh! Yeahh! Take it slut! I hope you’re on the pill whore!” Jim grunts, cumming deep inside the defeated heroine’s pussy.

“Nooooo—ahhh!” Rockette cries out in despair only to cum again hard feeling his cock explodes inside of her, filling her up.

“Aughh-Yeahh! I can get used to this!” Jim comments, pumping his cock inside the heroine as her pussy squeezes the last of his cum out of his cock. He pulls out, grinning to himself at the sight of the defeated heroine, tied to the desk, trembling in pleasure, cum dripping out of her pussy and down her trembling legs.

Jim steps back for a moment to soak in the moment. The cocky yet sexy heroine was tied up and bent over a table. In tatters of her proud costume . Her ass in the air, red and raw from his viscous assault. Her legs are shaking as cum oozes out of her trembling pussy and down her thighs, soaking her ripped stockings. Jim could hear her ragged breathing and her moans slowly turn into cries and whimpers as the pleasure that overwhelmed her begins to fade, leaving dread and humiliation to fill her.

Unfortunately for the defeated heroine, the sight of her helplessness only reinvigorated the villain who’s powers gave him extreme stamina. Jim walks back up to the girl unnoticed, and begins to caress her thighs.

“Ahh….ahh….no..more..let me goo….” Rockette whimpers as she weakly struggles in the ropes binding her against the table, but her body is exhausted from being forced to cum over and over again. She’s helpless to stop the man from molesting her.

“Oh yeah? That’s not what you were saying just moments ago super slut.” Jim comments as he caresses up her thigh to her ass with one hand while the other travels along her inner thigh to her pussy that was slick with his jizz and the heroine’s own juices.

“Ah! No! Stop-AahhH!” the heroine protests, feeling his fingers barely brush against her sensitive and sore pussy.

“Ha! I’ll tell you what. If you can prove to me that you’re more than some common slut in a costume, then I’ll let you go to fight another day…If not, Don Diablo is going to pay me quite handsomely for bringing him a nice durable fuck-toy.” Jim says as he brushes his fingers against the girl’s pussy again, feeling her tremble against his weight, his other hand groping and caressing the heroine’s tight round ass.

“Ahh..Okay! Okay! I’ll prove it!” Rockette concedes to play the villain’s twisted game having really no other choice. Jim the Ringer scoffs.

“Okay. Here’s your one chance super slut. You have two minutes, don’t cum.” He explains the simple premise of the game he was playing.

Rockette’s heart sinks as a sense of dread washes over her, given that last time he fingered her, he had her gushing and cumming like she never thought possible. A not insignificant part of her was excited at the prospect.

“Ready?” Jim asks and the heroine bites her lip in anticipation. Leaving his left hand on her bare ass, groping it a little while he slowly drives two fingers from his right hand into the heroine’s pussy.

“Mmmm!” Rockette lets out a squeal between her closed lips, trying not to make any noise as her pussy is once again violated by the villain’s fingers.

Slow and deliberate to let the shame and humiliation build inside of the heroine, Jim eventually crooks his fingers inside of the girl’s tight pussy against her g-spot while his thumb begins to prod against her clit. The once proud super-heroine feels her body tremble in both fear and excitement, already feeling a powerful orgasm begin to build inside of her.

“Ready?” Jim asks with a large grin across his face, taking his left hand and pulling on the heroine’s red mane to force her to look at him. She shakes her head no, looking at him with pleading eyes, fighting back the urge to moan as she feels his fingers slowly move inside of her.

“Mmmmmmm!” She squeals loudly, biting her lips hard as she feels the villain’s fingers begin to vibrate like last time, feeling intense vibrations pushed against her clit and g-spot.

“Scream slut! Scream as you cum like the common whore you are!” Jim demands as he pumps and vibrates his fingers inside of the girl harder while pulling on her hair

“MMMMMM-AHHHH-OOHH!” Rockette breaks, letting out a loud moan as she cums hard against the villain’s hand, her body spasms and shakes in pure bliss as she is once again overwhelmed with pleasure.

Jim makes the defeated heroine cum again and again, until she can barely move.

Jim unties the rope around her neck that forced her bent over around the table. He flips the heroine so he can look into her eyes glazed with pleasure and exhaustion.

“Ahhhh…ahhhh….P-please…..I c-can’t take any more….” Rockette whimpers, her entire body trembling from pleasure and exhaustion.

“You can and you will slut.” Jim says, lining his hard cock against the heroine’s tight pussy slick with her cum. He wraps his right hand around the girl’s petite neck.

“Graahh-stop-ahh…can’t breathe—aaAHHHhh!-a-agrh!” Rockette whines as Jim’s hand slowly begins to tighten around her neck, while his cock slowly pushes into her pussy, causing a choked moan to come out of her.

Tess had never felt this feeling before, the feeling of being forced to cum while sinking into unconsciousness as the villain choked and raped her. She hated it. She hated that it felt so good. She could feel herself slipping as Jim slammed his cock into her pussy again and again, choking her harder and harder.

Overwhelmed with pleasure and exhausted., the once proud heroine, Rockette falls unconscious as the villain continues to fuck her lithe petite body until he pulls out and cums all over her tits and the tatters of her teasing little costume.

Jim looks at the unconscious heroine who’s tits were covered in cum, with some of his cum having hit her face, dripping off of her mask. Jim takes a few photos with his phone before making a call, “Yeah. Bring the van. Got something good for the boss.”

To be continued?
