The Nude Normal (Chapter 4 Part 1) [Casual Nudity] [Family Nudity] [Exhibitionism]

I wasn’t going to make it awkward and thank you all for your kindness *again*, but given the response to Chapter 3, I just couldn’t not – so thank you so much one again for your upvotes, comments, and awards, I really do appreciate everyone who takes the time to show their support!

Just a small content warning for this one, there’s a conversation that alludes to some potentially abusive behaviour from a male character, nothing too specific or explicit, just wanted to give a heads up if this is a trigger for you.

And again, just like Alex’s private parts, this chapter kept growing until it was too big to be contained in a single post, so don’t miss the link at the end of Part 1 to find out what happens with Alex’s alone time with Ava in Part 2.

If you’re new to this story, you can start at the beginning with [Chapter 1](

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# The Nude Normal
# Chapter 4 | Alone With Ava
## Part 1 (of 2)

I sat on the edge of the bath, watching the stream of water cascade from the faucet. She’d been on my mind all morning.

I replayed our late night conversation in my mind from twelve hours earlier.

“Get your rooms confused?” I asked her, as I found her sitting alone on the bed in my dark room. The light from the hall shone slightly on her face, highlighting the fact she’d been crying again.

“No,” she shook her head and looked up at me. She met my gaze without wandering eyes, even though I wasn’t wearing anything. “Can I talk to you about something?”

“Of course, anything,” I told her gently. The moment felt serious. “Are you okay?”

I approached the bed and sat beside her, both of our bodies moving to half face each other.

“Have you received any weird messages?” She asked me, tentatively.

My eyebrows raised trying to understand. “Like text messages?”

“Yeah. Anything out of the ordinary?”

My phone had been pretty quiet this week, I was hardly the most popular guy back home.

“No, nothing,” I told her.

She exhaled and nodded gently. “Okay, good.”

I just looked at her not understanding what was going on.

“Do you know if Mom or Dad have?” She continued her investigation.

“Um, not that I know of,” I told her. “Although they probably wouldn’t have noticed if they did, they’ve been kind of… distracted.”

She nodded in the same way again, uninterested in the distraction I was alluding to. “Okay.”

“What’s going on?” I asked her. “Are you in some kind of trouble?”

“No, no. I mean I hope not.” She looked at me, vulnerable.

“Is there anything I can do?”

“I’m sure it will be fine, it’s just…” her voice trailed off as she looked to the floor and a tear fell from her eye, leaving a dark stain on her pyjama top.

“If something’s going on, we can figure it out,” I told her. She looked at me intensely then, there was a kind of s scaredness in her eyes. She pushed her body towards mine and latched her arms around my neck in a hug.

“Oh,” I let out at the surprise gesture. I wrapped my arms around her back, and we both just sat in silence for a moment.

“Thank you, Alex.” she pulled back from the hug and looked at me. I hated seeing her like this. I wanted to help her, but also didn’t want to pry too much and make her uncomfortable.

She stood from the bed. “I’ll um… I’ll see you tomorrow,” she backed away towards the door.

“Sweet dreams,” I whispered as she disappeared into the hall.

I still had no idea what was going on. She had seemed okay at breakfast this morning, maybe a bit standoffish and not really joining in with the conversation as much as usual, but nothing super noticeable. Her eyes were still a little red, but not enough for Mom and Dad to notice or say anything. I was worried. I had to find out if she was okay.

My mind drifted back to the present and the quickly filling tub in my parent’s ensuite. They had left to go out to lunch, just the two of them, about twenty minutes before. I think they said they were heading into town, which meant I had a good few hours to myself this afternoon. And with Ava not seeming like she was in the mood to hang out, I decided to make the most of my time with a relaxing bath in my parent’s empty bathroom.

“What are you doing!” I heard her voice behind me, and turned to see Ava march into the room in her t-shirt and shorts. She spoke like she had just caught me red-handed murdering someone.

“Just filling the tub?” I replied, confused as to her accusation.

“Mom said *I* could have a bath when they went out. It’s the only time I get to use the bathroom in here!”

The water had almost reach the top edge now and I reached for the tap and turned off the water, a calm quiet suddenly coming over the room.

“Well, you snooze, you lose,” I said, tentatively testing the mood for a joke. She just looked at me frowning. I wanted to give it to her, let her go in instead of me, especially if she was dealing with something stressful. But I also desperately wanted to get in myself, I had been looking forward to this moment since Mom had told me they were going out to lunch.

I couldn’t help myself, and already being naked, I swung my legs over the side and eased myself down into the water. I looked at her, feeling mean.

“I’m sorry.” She looked like she was fuming. “I won’t be long, you can have it right after me. I promise I’ll give you plenty of time before they get back.”

She just looked at me in the water, enjoying what should have been hers, and shook her head. “You’re *so* annoying, you know that?” She turned and marched back towards the door.

“Or you’re welcome to join me!” I called out as she approached the door, trying to repair the relationship with a joke. At the door she turned and smiled an exaggerated fake smile at me.

“How kind of you,” she mocked before she left out into the hall.

Now alone in the room, I laid myself back against the side of the tub, fully submerging my body up to the neck. It was a pretty big tub, one of those triangle shaped ones you see in the corners of fancy hotel rooms or luxury spa places. It certainly seemed too good for the rest of the house, and I wondered how my parents had scored almost exclusive use of this room over the years, leaving Ava and I to fend for ourselves in the tiny box that was *our* bathroom.

I exhaled and felt the warmth engulf my body. After all the craziness of the past few days, it was nice to have some quiet time to myself. Looking out across the room and towards the shower, I saw the scene from last night, pleasuring myself in front of both my parents. There was no awkwardness, no weirdness about it this morning at the breakfast table like I was maybe expecting. It had seemed like we had crossed another boundary, both with the physical act, but also on a psychological level, letting go of the weirdness of it all and just enjoying being open and vulnerable around each other.

It was an incredible feeling, knowing I had reached this new level of honesty with my parents. And while I hadn’t reached quite the same level of openness with Ava, being comfortable being nude in front of her to the point where both of us had come to accept it without any weirdness, well, *almost* any weirdness, was still such a liberating thought.

I took in a breath and slid down the side of the bath, submerging my face under the water. There was something about being under water that had always calmed my thoughts, letting my brain come to a pause so I could just *exist*. My eyes stared blankly up at the ceiling, the soft light making patterns on the rippling surface. For the first time in a long time, even before coming to the beach house, I felt good.

I felt calm.

I felt free.

I felt like I was being… watched?

I pulled my body from the water and sat up in the tub, wiping my eyes and taking a breath. She was standing not far from the bath, in her bikini now, looking at me with a cheeky expression. She had said something while I was submerged and I hadn’t heard her.

“I *said* since you offered,” she said again, watching me make sense of the situation. “Move over, I’m getting in.”

“I…” I looked at her, shocked.

“Unless, you were lying to me and didn’t mean it?” She made a sad face with exaggerated puppy dog eyes.

“Be my guest,” I said moving my body to create space, still not believing she was going to do it.

But, not being one to chicken out, she stepped towards the bath, lifting one leg and placing it down in the water beside me. She did the same with the other leg, awkwardly coming into a squat, before she allowed herself to sit, legs stretching in all directions, her feet coming close to kicking me in the nose, before she got into a comfortable position.

“How nice of you to join me,” I joked, still not quite believing this wasn’t another one of my exercises in imaginative thinking.

Turns out the tub wasn’t *quite* as big as I had made it out to be in my mind. Ava and I weren’t exactly the biggest or tallest people around, but there still wasn’t a whole lot of room to move once we were both submerged under the water. We both had to awkwardly manoeuvre our bodies to fit, the lower parts of our legs and feet both coming to rest on the edging on either side of each other, and the water sloshed and fell over the rim with the displacement of a second body.

“Comfy?” I looked at her. The water line was sitting just below her bikini-covered breasts.

“Better than missing out because you were gonna hog it the whole time,” she teased me.

It felt strange being so close to her like this, me nude and her just in her bikini. I could almost smell her scent, drifting from her glistening legs at my side. It was exciting sitting with her like this, but also, it was just *nice*.

“What?” she snapped me from my thoughts.

“Nothing, nothing,” I feigned, not wanting to make the moment too sentimental.

“It’s weird, isn’t it?” She spoke the words she thought were on my mind.

“Not weird, I don’t think. I mean, this whole *week* has been weird, I guess. The nudity, the being caught…” My voice trailed off in embarrassment. “This isn’t any weirded than all of that. It’s kind of nice, actually.”

She looked at me strangely. “It has been a big week, yeah.” The images of all of the milestones of the past few days flashed through both our minds.

“Speaking of which,” I thought back to our conversation last night. “Are you sure you’re okay?” My eyes narrowed in concern.

She nodded, looking disappointed I had brought up the topic. “I’m okay, I promise. It’s complicated, I don’t really wanna talk about it.”

“Of course, sorry.”

“It’s okay,” she shook her head. “I know you’re just trying to look out for me. I do appreciate it.” She looked at me and smiled.

“If I can do anything, just ask. I mean it.” I reassured her.

“Thank you.”

There was an awkward moment of silence between us.

“Your week has been *way* bigger than mine though,” she tried to lighten the mood.

“I mean, you’re not wrong,” I conceded, looking down at my naked body in the water.

“So I guess you’re a *nudist* now?” She teased me. “Never wearing clothes ever again?”

“Well, I’m not sure the whole world is exactly ready to bear witness to that sight,” I laughed. “But yeah, I’m certainly interested in exploring it a little more, I guess,” I continued in a more serious tone. “And now Mom and Dad are kinda into it, who knows,” my voice drifted, I didn’t want to accidentally reveal the events of last night that took place just steps from where we currently were sitting.

“Mm,” she said surprised. “I certainly wasn’t expecting that. For them to join in too.”

“It surprised me too,” I admitted, then my thoughts turned to her. “Is it weird for you? All of us going around in the nude? It doesn’t make you uncomfortable, does it?”

“I mean,” she tried to put her thoughts into order. “I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t *super* weird at first. The night you came into the pool room with nothing on and you showed us all your…” she didn’t say the word. “I mean yeah,” she picked back up. “It was pretty weird.”

I was about to apologise when she continued. “But the more you did it, I guess, the more not-weird it became, kinda? Like seeing you just walk around totally comfortable, I guess it made me think if you were okay with it, it was okay if I was okay with it too.”

“Thank you,” I said then, “for being so cool with it all. I never planned any of this, it was just a stupid mistake, forgetting my suitcase. I never imagined it would lead to here.”

“It’s okay,” she shrugged. “I kinda like it now,” she smiled at me.

“Have you thought about joining in?” I tentatively asked, genuinely interested in her answer but not trying to make it sound like I was putting pressure on her.

“I mean, I’ve thought about it,” she answered carefully. “I mean, it was actually kinda weird being the only clothed one in the pool last night. I don’t know,” she looked down into her lap. “It’s just not as easy for me as it is for you guys, I guess.”

“Oh, none of this was *easy*,” I joked. “All the new sensations, the vulnerability of it all, it’s been hard from the beginning.”

“That’s only because you’re so easily excitable,” she smiled, making a pun at the expense of my dignity.

“There is that too, yep,” I agreed, feeling a boldness in admitting it.

“You were really going at it yesterday, huh?” She spoke unsure in her tone, but also interested to see my reaction.

I shrugged. “There’s just something about being nude in places you’re normally clothed, I guess. It awakens something inside me. I tried so hard just to chill out and relax around here when you all went out yesterday, but I guess my thoughts just got the better of me.” My mind flashed back to the image of Ava sitting in the chair by the grass, slowly lifting her shirt. I tried my best to suppress it.

“Well I’m glad one of us got some action this week, I guess,” she said awkwardly.

It took me a moment, but I realised she was giving me an in to ask about her own *adventures* with Ethan.

“You didn’t?” I asked. “With Ethan, I mean. You didn’t have sex?”

She looked down again and shook her head. “It was… It didn’t go like I thought it would in my head.”

“What happened?” I asked, half expecting her to not want to say again.

She sighed, ready to vent. “We went for a walk along the beach at first. Just chatting, catching up, it had been a year since we had spoken in person. I don’t know, I guess he seemed different to how I remembered him, how he was over our texts. Like he expected something of me, I don’t know.”

My face made a slight frown. “Not a great start.”

“No. It wasn’t. But I don’t know, I just went along with it. Then he drove us back to his place. Once we were inside he just started kissing me, on the neck, he pushed me up against the wall. He was gentle, it wasn’t aggressive or anything like that, I guess I wanted it too. It was all just moving so quickly, I don’t know.”

I felt my heartbeat increase in my chest. The thought of someone doing that to her, especially if it was against her will. Pure anger rose inside me. I swallowed the thought down as she continued.

“Then he lead me to his room, he started taking off his clothes. So I did the same, I got down to my bra and panties. I laid back on his bed. He started kissing me again, his body on top of mine. He unhooked my bra at the back and threw it on the ground. That’s when he took the picture with his phone.”

“He what?” I asked in disbelief.

She nodded. “I didn’t know what he was doing, then he held his phone over me and then he smiled. I asked him, what are you doing, he said it was no big deal, we were just having fun, then he dropped his underwear and everything felt wrong.”

“What did you do?” I asked, the rage building.

“I got up. I scrambled for my clothes. I don’t think he was going to do anything against my will, anything with my body, but the fact he had just taken a picture without asking me, it said everything I needed to know about him.”

“Yes,” I nodded in agreement.

“He complained, he said why were you talking to me this whole time if you didn’t want to fuck me, I told him it wasn’t even as close to being as simple as that. I asked him to delete the photo, he said no at first, then I made him. I think he did, I don’t know, it all happened so fast.”

“That’s why you asked me about getting a text?” I asked her.

“Yeah. I thought maybe he kept it, figured out who I was, how he could send it to my friends and family. I don’t know, it’s probably crazy. But I just wanted to check.”

“If he does, it’s illegal, we can go to the police,” I tried to sound tough.

She just shrugged. “I guess. Anyway. I just got out of there. Walked the whole way home. It was a relief to see you when you opened the door.”

“Sorry I took so long,” I remembered her complaining she’d been at the door for ages. Then I remembered my *excitement* after leaving the pool room. “Sorry for that too,” I looked down at my crotch. “That must have been awful, me being like that, after what you had just experienced.”

“It’s okay,” she half smiled. “It wasn’t. It’s different with you,” she looked at me. “I know you’d never hurt me.”

I exhaled. “I wanna hurt this guy,” I told her, but she shook her head.
“I’d rather just forget about him, to be honest. I’m glad he showed his true colours before it ended up being the story of how I lost my…” She stopped mid sentence.

“You lost your what?” I filled in the silence. She looked at me, with a guilty look like she had let slip too much. I put the dots together.

“Your… virginity?” I said quietly. She just kept looking at me and didn’t deny it.

“I thought…” I stammered. “With the amount you tease me about being a virgin, I thought you…”

“Surprise,” she said flatly. “Guess you’re not the only dumb virgin after all.”

“No need to call me dumb,” I smiled. “I had no idea. I thought you’d have a long list of guys lined up waiting for you.”

She shrugged again. “I mean, I’ve had opportunities, yeah. I just don’t…”

I said nothing waiting for her to continue. She looked at me annoyed I couldn’t figure it out for myself.

“I’m just not what they want, okay? I’m not as confident as the other girls, I can’t give them what they want.” She looked down. “I’m not pretty.”

“Huh?” I let slip, deeply surprised at this revelation. She just looked at me.

“I’m not!” She continued. “All the guys I know, they have this image of what they want me to be, and I’m just not *that*, I’m not want they want.”

“What on earth are you talking about?” I said, trying not to sound completely shocked.

“Look at me,” she looked me in the eyes intensely. “I’m not like the women in the videos they watch. I’m inexperienced, I have no idea what I’m doing. My boobs aren’t even…” She grabbed her breasts, one in each hand, and slightly squeezed them. “They’re tiny. My ass isn’t any better either…”

“The videos, none of that’s real life!” I frowned sympathetically at her. “Guys know that, they don’t *expect* any of that. And if they do, then they’re too stupid for you to be fucking anyway.” This got a tiny laugh from her. “You think *I* look like the guys in those videos? My dick is tiny compared to theirs. But that’s not a *bad* thing, it’s just who I am. I don’t let it stop me from showing it off.”

I gave my body a little naked wiggle under the water, and she tried to suppress her smile.

“Besides,” I looked at her more seriously then. “I think you’re beautiful,” I told her. “Not in a *weird* way, or anything. But like, you are. Beautiful. I’d choose you over the girls in the videos any day.”

She instantly blushed and looked down at her lap. Her feet twitched at my sides.

“I wish I had your confidence.” She looked up at me again. “Just walking around the house naked in front of everyone. Not a care in the world.”

“I mean, you *could*. If you wanted to.”

I could see the thoughts ticking over in her mind.

“You really think I’m *beautiful*?”

“Yes.” I said a little too quickly. “Honestly, yes. If you weren’t my sister, I’d…” My brain was moving too fast for my mouth to censor itself.

“You’d what,” she looked at me, edging me on.

“Nothing,” I let out a laugh and shook my head.

“You say it like it’s so simple, just showing everyone your body like that,” she returned back to our previous train of thought.

“I mean it kinda is,” I joked. “You just gotta take your clothes off. It’s really as simple as that.”

She rolled her eyes. “But what about how it *feels*. Isn’t it weird, scary even, being naked in front of us?”

“Oh for sure, it was to begin with,” I admitted. “But the more I did it, the more natural it felt, I guess. Like you said, you get used to it.”

She paused in thought. I wondered if she was actually considering joining me.

“Besides,” I added, “aren’t *you* the weirdo in this situation, who wears their bathers in the bath?!”

She looked at me and laughed.

“Fine,” she said then.

I looked at her, about to clarify what she meant, when she reached her arms around her back. Feeling like an eternity but moments later, the straps around her shoulders came loose, and she peeled her bikini off her wet skin, holding it in her hands.

She looked at me, her chest bare, her small breasts just out in the open between us.

The fireworks I expected in my mind, in my cock, at this moment, they didn’t come. It felt completely different from the times I had imagined her sitting outside as I touched myself, slowly undressing in front of me. Having just revealed to me her vulnerability, her insecurity, the act of her revealing herself took on much greater significance, and I wanted her to feel the liberation that I had felt when I first freed myself, without sexualising the moment.

Of course, my brain was slow to receive this memo and still did it’s best in making the situation more awkward than it needed to be.

“Wow,” was all I could manage as I tried to meet her eyeline. She let out a small giggle and her face flushed.

“See?” I tried to compose myself. “The world didn’t end. In fact, it’s a better place now everyone can see *them*!”

“Dork,” she giggled again, and gently kicked my shoulder with her foot.

“You’ll be one of us in no time,” I laughed. She looked at me and smiled.

She really was beautiful, in every way.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

“So what’s this thing all about, anyway?” she asked me, her voice taking on a new confidence. “The nudist thing, I mean. Do you just spend all your time jerking off when we’re not here?”

“Well,” I began. She wasn’t far from the truth, but I couldn’t let her know that. “Not completely. You can do anything you want, I guess. Hang around the house, go for a swim. I went nude sunbathing in the backyard a couple of days ago,” I added taking a slight creative licence to the events that actually occurred out there on my first outing.

“You went outside?” she asked. “Like that?”

“Yep,” I said proudly. “It was my favourite feeling so far, being naked outside, feeling the warmth of the sun. Highly recommend.”

She paused. “Okay,” she said bravely.

“Okay?” I asked, not understanding.

“Let’s do it. I wanna try,” she said, an excitement taking over now.

“Um, sure,” I tried to match her tone, hiding my shock at her adventurous streak revealing itself. “Now, or?”

“Yep, let’s do it,” she confirmed. “Before I chicken out.”

I shook my head slightly in surprise. She sounded more excited than me.

“If you want to, that is,” she looked at me. “I don’t want to get ahead of myself.”

“Are you kidding?” I laughed. “It’ll be even *more* fun doing it with you!”

“Good,” she smiled. We both rose from our positions, holding onto each other’s shoulders as we got our balance standing in the tub. We stepped from the bath one at a time until we were both standing on the cold tiles. I was surprised to see my cock had only slightly come to life, it wasn’t its complete flaccid self, but it was far from a complete erection. Maybe I was getting a hang of this nudist thing after all.

We shook ourselves dry, not bothering to wet our towels, before I moved towards the door, opening it to Mom and Dad’s bedroom, expecting her to follow behind me.

“Wait,” she said, still in the middle of the room. “If I’m gonna do this, I may as well do it properly,” she laughed, as she slipped her finger into the elastic of her bikini bottoms. She bent over, pushing them down her legs, and they landed loose around her ankles. She stepped out of them, replacing her feet on the cold tiles and stood up facing me. “How do I look!” she smiled, the nervousness creeping back into her voice.

My eyes naturally ran over her body and I saw her vagina for the first time. She was completely shaved, and just stood there, her legs slightly apart, letting me take it all in. I felt a stir at my own crotch.

“Like a natural,” I laughed, and she smiled, before tiptoeing across the floor, meeting me at the door. We made our way through our parents room and exited into the hall.

“This *does* feel kinda weird. Like freeing, I guess?” she said as the cooler air of the hall met both our bodies.
“Mm,” I nodded. “Wait ‘til you get outside. It’s electrifying.”

She followed me to the end of the hall and I unclicked the door to outside. I stepped across the threshold first, the grass was warm under my feet and it felt amazing to be back out there. Ava stepped tentatively behind me, peering around the fences to see if anyone could see us.

“It’s pretty private, I think,” I reassured her. We moved out into the centre of the grass. “And if it’s not, then they get a first row seat to all this!” I wiggled my body to my invisible audience. I looked at Ava who was yet to speak.

“Are you okay?” I asked her.

“Yeah. Yeah,” she looked at me. “This feels amazing. Kind of… exciting? I don’t know.”

“Exciting is an understatement,” I told her. “The first time I came out here I…” I stopped, my brain had again overexcited itself and revealed too much.

“You what?” she asked me innocently. I just looked at her knowingly and I watched as the realisation came over her face.

“Oh my god. Oh my *god*,” she said. “You did that out here *too*?”

“Guilty,” I put up my hands not trying to hide the fact.

She looked around, maybe imagining the scene in her mind.

“You just like, came on the grass or something?” she asked boldly.

“I mean, pretty much,” I admitted. I felt tempted to tell her I had also imagined her watch me do it, but thought maybe that would have been too much.

“Is there anywhere you *haven’t* jerked off in this place?” She teased me.

“Yes, I promise,” I said half sarcastically.

“I get it though,” she said more seriously. “There’s a certain *excitement* to being out here.”

“Oh, I see how it is,” I quipped. “Teasing me for jerking off, all the while you wanna try it too.”

“Well, I wouldn’t go *that* far,” she said earnestly. “But I get it.” She looked around the yard, then to the grass at our feet.

“So it was just here? Where you did it, I mean?”

“Basically,” I nodded. She got down to her knees and touched the grass with her hand. “It’s a nice feeling,” she said, still looking at the grass. “And you were what, laying down?”

I nodded again. She moved her body until she was laying face up on the grass. “I like it,” she said, at the sky. “Very bold of you. Very… brave.” I couldn’t help but look at her exposed body at my feet, the way the light was gently dancing across her chest, the way her open legs showed revealed a little more of her pussy. My eyes made their way back to her own, and I realised she had been watching me and had caught me looking.

But instead of protesting, she just smiled at me.

“Lay with me.” She patted the ground next to her.

I got down to my knees and then onto my back next to her. I looked up at the light blue sky above us, there were a couple of whispy cotton candy clouds floating by, and a gentle warm breeze around our bodies.

“Thank you, Alex,” she spoke suddenly, both of us still looking at the sky overhead.
“What for?” I asked her, unsure.
“I don’t know. Everything, I guess. For covering for me, for looking after me. For being my brother, I guess.”
“I could thank you for the exact same thing,” I told her.
“I don’t think you could,” she returned. “I know I haven’t always been the best big sister around, going off meeting strange guys, getting myself into the *situations*.”
“That doesn’t make you a bad sister,” I said.
“Maybe. I don’t know.” She paused in thought.

“I’m gonna miss you. In a couple of months when I move, interstate. It’s not gonna be the same not having you around,” she continued.
“I’m gonna miss you too,” I admitted sadly. She turned her body then to face me, resting her elbow on the grass.
“Promise me you’ll come and visit?” she asked. I moved my body the same way so I was facing her.
“I’ll be there at *every* opportunity I get, I promise.”
“Good,” she smiled. She reached her free arm across me, pulling me close against her bare body. I said nothing and hugged her back. The moment was tender and surreal.

“Sorry,” she broke the hug, “gotta bit carried away.”
“It’s okay,” I reassured her. “It was nice.”
“It *was* nice,” she smiled. “We should hug more.”
“We should,” I agreed.
“Even like this?” she asked, referencing our nakedness.
“*Especially* like this,” I laughed back. There was a moment of silence before she spoke again.
“This might be a weird time to say this, but, I love you, dork.”
I looked at her, feeling warm. “Love you too, doofus,” I returned. We smiled at each other.

“So, what’s next on our nudist adventure,” she asked after a moment.
“Anything you feel like, I guess,” I suggested.
“Not gonna start jerking off on me, are you?” she teased. My penis tingled as she spoke these words.
“Not quite yet,” I tried to casually joke. She looked at me with a laugh.
“How about a swim then?”

[Continue Reading Chapter 4 Part 2](



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