I taught my friend how to get his wife off [MF]

I’ve had several women tell me they’re incapable of climaxing. I have proven every single one of them wrong. Female pleasure is one of my greatest passions in life.

Contrary to what this account might portray, I’m actually pretty private with my sex life. My job inherently gives me a somewhat high profile so I have to be a little careful with who I disclose my freakiness to.

*Apparently with the exceptions of the thousands of you who have read my stories.*

All this is to say, I gave my friend quite a shock once.

He was helping me move and found my sex toys. I’m usually very careful to hide my valuables in these situations, but I was going through a crazy life transition and just forgot. When he got to a certain drawer I distinctively remember time stopping as I screamed for him to stop. It was too late.

“What the fuck?” He asked as his eyes swept over the contents. My collection is pretty vast.

“How about I pack that drawer myself?” I wasn’t exactly embarrassed, but I was not loving the thought of this dude rummaging through my butt plugs. We did not have that kind of relationship. He was very religious and had gotten married when he was twenty.

“Do you use all of these?”

“Dude, close the damn drawer.”

“I’ve heard you giggle at the words ‘penal code’ so this is just kind of unexpected.”

“It’s not that fucking weird. Most people have a sex drawer.”

“I don’t even know what half of these things are.”

*Wait… what?*

“Ok… What are you confused about?”

“Is this a remote?”

*Oh boy.*

And that, my friends, is how the contents of my sex drawer ended up splayed throughout my bedroom floor. We REALLY got to know each other on another level.

My friend would point to one and I would explain what each one did and how I liked to use it.

“What’s that?” He’d ask.

“Vibrating kegel balls. They’re controlled with that remote. I like it because I can use them in public and give someone else control. It’s a public humiliation thing.”

“Ok what’s that?”

“It’s a candle with wax that turns into massage oil. It’s punishment and after care in one act.”

“Doesn’t it hurt when hot wax is poured on you?”


“And this?”

“It’s a gag. I had a dude who used to like gagging me and then would ask if I was a whore. He got a kick out of me not being able to answer.”

“This is a whip.”

“Yes. Do I have to explain what that’s for?”

We went on like that for entirely too long. I no longer felt the need to buy this dude pizza for helping me move.

“Ok,” he finally says. “You let men do this to you.”

“And women.”

“I once saw you go fucking off on your boyfriend because he had the nerve to question your answer on a crossword puzzle.”

“I’m different in bed. Aren’t you different in bed?”

This opens up a larger conversation. Him and his wife had only been with each other and had never talked about experimenting. They rarely even tried different positions. She had never, ever orgasmed from sex. He had watched porn to try ideas (*big mistake*) but he was afraid to bring it up.

This man needed my help.

I ask if he had tried simultaneous clit stimulation. I ask if he had tried toys. I ask if he’s ever fucking gone down on her.

He had not.

We go over some basic anatomy of where certain things are located.

“How does she get herself off?” I ask.

“I don’t know if she does. We’ve never talked about it, but she’s really shy.”

I stare at this dude for a moment and let that sink in. “She does. That’s step one. Tell her to get herself off in front of you and watch how she does it. Take notes. If she’s shy, get her vibrator. It’s much easier to get over mental barriers with a vibrating sex machine between your legs.”

*I’m a strong believer in watching your partner self-pleasure. It’s important to know how they know their body.*

“Step two is discovering the clitorus. Find it, love it, worship it, and read it a damn bed story.”

I explain most women have a very difficult time climaxing through penetration alone. I personally can with enough foreplay, but it’s far easier if there’s outside play. For me personally fingers can be a little rough because mine is sensitive. I like fingers inside and tongue outside. However, vibrators distribute pleasure so use that wherever the hell you want. Better yet, let her use it wherever the hell she wants, especially during penetration.

Finally we come to the sacred act of cunnilingus. The fact that this woman has never been tongue fucked hurts my damn soul and must be remedied. I explain that the key is to make her feel comfortable. Tell her to take as much time as she needs and start very slowly. I personally like being fingered during but some women find that distracting. This is why communication is key. As a general rule, keep your tongue on her clit and stay consistent. Sometimes it’s hard to communicate what feels good, so if she’s having trouble, ask her to lick your hand with what she wants you to do.

The man’s mind is blown. He asks when toys and bondage come in and I say that’s a lesson for another day.

“Can we pack my damn house now?” I ask.

I got a text later that night from his wife that just said “Thank you.”

A couple weeks later we all went out to dinner with our friend group and the two of them were cuddling a little more than usual. They left early and both winked at me on the way out.

I deserve sainthood.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/rdfjx9/i_taught_my_friend_how_to_get_his_wife_off_mf


  1. All hail [Name redacted] patron saint of Better Orgasms

    You should get sick more. The pacing, details, and general vibe of your stories are absolutely spot on, and the fact that there’s this much quantity in the past few weeks is just *chefs kiss*

    I’m definitely checking out your posts at least once a week now.

  2. You might be one of the great philanthropists of our generation. You’ve also become one of my regular reads. Right in-between mayo clinic and psychology today.

  3. it’s 2021 and men still arent going down on women, and wondering what can be done to spice up sex. incredible.

  4. When you’re each other’s only sexual partner, you don’t know what you don’t know. And most (decent) people are worried about feelings if they tell a partner that they’re not getting the job done, so his wife didn’t give the guy a map. Toy drawer opens dude’s eyes to a whole new world of sexual exploration and a nudge towards communication got dude’s wife off. He probably had more fun too. Sounds like the happy couple should have bought you pizza.

  5. Yo, I’m gonna try licking my partner’s hand STAT. I communicate easily and he takes direction *excellently* but this tip has potential for near instant responsiveness.

    Plus it’s always nice to give my mouth something to do, give the neighbours a break from my hollering.

    Thanks OP!

  6. >The fact that this woman has never been tongue fucked hurts my damn soul and must be remedied.


    >I deserve sainthood.


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