Porn Dick [MF rape, nc, Mdom, contortion] (excerpt from working title)

Strained muscles were the least of the damage inflicted on women that ensued. Torn tendons, ligaments; medial, and lateral menisci—sometimes simultaneously. Dislocated hips and shoulders. Dislocated jaws. Herniated and ruptured discs. Ruptured rectums. Torn perineums. Perforated colons. Fractured pelvises. What wouldn’t break if bent far enough?

In one really sad case, a women—an actual profession contortionist—sat on her own head while her husband fucked her from above, but he feverishly pounded too forcefully, slipped and fell directly on top of her, causing her cervical spine to fracture and leaving her paralyzed. She went from performing high aloft to hundreds of people as an aerial contortionists to now operating her motorized wheelchair with her tongue.

What’s more depressing was when the News got hold of her story and the sad details were revealed. Evidently, she and her husband had been going around and around, arguing, because she was afraid she was going to get hurt letting him fuck her while she laid in a chest-stand on their bed. A chest-stand is where she would lay face down on the bed, then lift her head while also arching her back to bend her legs up and over her head and then fold them down on her back, so her legs would jut out past her head while her buttocks rested directly on the crown of her head. [If you’re reading this and dont actually already know what I am talking about google [keywords: Straight leg, contortion, chest stand], perv. :) ]

She had told her husband that she was afraid that he would get carried away and not be able to control himself. Instead, she offered him a blow job, while in a chest stand, and maybe she could, with the help of his strong arms and hands, spread her legs out to the sides into a middle-split, for as contortionists went, men regularly described her as “top-shelf stuff.” He could finger her, while she sat on her head. With her muff moist and just inches away from her eyes, she could gaze upward and watch from below as he thumbed, fingered and made her clit throb She imagined feeling the heat, just inches above her head, emanate out from her groin and spread down her legs, and also up and around her body to her resting head underneath.

She imagined the impending orgasm begin like water lapping quietly beside a lake—each wave rising a bit higher than last one, before cresting and falling back. Each wave carrying just a little more heat than the one before as it moved through her clit, causing her to convulse, slightly, before receding back into her ocean of emotions. Each wave rising and falling, each wave coming closer to her dry shores. At first thinking, “This feels nice,” but soon she is starting to shudder, biting her lower lip softly, at first. Each crest, larger than the one before, taking a little more time before breaking into her, causing her body to begin to arch, to rise up and meet the pleasure coming down into her. “Nice” slowly becomes “good” then “really good” then “really fucking good,” she would think or said out loud (she could no longer tell) as her body has entered a feed-back loop, each wave building, then falling into and away from her, making her want the next one that much more. As each flow of electric current got stronger and lasted longer, she would start to yip and now visibly (to him) shake.

Because he did love watching her violently cataclysmic orgasms, he would keep fingering her, licking her, swallowing her whole, doing whatever it took to bring her to climax. Rolling waves of pleasure everywhere, inescapable and unstoppable. And so finally, just at that moment when she didn’t think she could stand the flood of electricity any longer and combust spontaneously, the tsunami from her clit would explode into her thighs, and simultaneously rush up and down her body making her writhe from pleasure so intense it paradoxically bordered on pain, and make her grab and squeeze whatever she could find: hands, shoulders, hair, etc,… and hang on as if for dear life, or she would be thrown off into the abyss. So overwhelmed, she’d be knocked senseless, losing herself in the rush, having only the barest hints of self-awareness that she still existed, and also never quite believing her body was the source of that tremendous joy she felt, that even minutes later when she was resting, her thighs would still be quivering. Friends, if a bolt of lightening had struck her and she lay literally thunderstruck, half-dead, with actual steam coming out of both ears, she would have felt no different than she would have just then.

“Maybe we both could enjoy it?,” she asked again, thinking about sucking his (perfect for her) penis that she loved, while she was folded into a hairpin. She really did love his cock. Especially in her mouth. Especially when he came in her mouth, and she felt the warm, sticky, syrupy jissom fill her mouth. Especially if he had a geyser of an eruption that hit the back of her throat, and if she couldn’t swallow fast enough, she’d love the feeling of the semen escaping to drip down and off her lips. She was, in no uncertain terms, an absolute freak about her husband’s cum. Afterwards when she had swallowed and licked clean the last drop of his cock had strained to produce, she’d take her hands and scoop what was left off her face and dripping chin, and lick her hands clean. She’d lastly dab at the corners of her mouth with with her delightful tongue, so not a trickle was left. Her chores done, she would then curl around his groin, and place his cock back in her mouth. Resting her head on his belly, she would close her eye, and with his limp, resting cock in her mouth, gently suckle his still warm penis, like a pacifier. Her lover’s cock wanly throbbed in time to his slowing heartbeat, pulsing gently, gently in her mouth. Safe.
Very soon, she would fall asleep, which is what would happen when he had fucked her hard and well, and banished the stresses of work and life that had, even for a contortionist, accumulated over the past week. With his cock filling most of her mouth, her lips would form a relaxed oval and she would start to quietly snore through her nose. He would caress her hair and cheeks, while she slept, just watching her, wondering could if any man be luckier.

But because of all the porn he had seen, he now felt entitled to fuck her the way guys where fucking women online. Part of their argument had been that he had already been fucking her in ridiculous positions. In fact, she pointed out, she enjoyed fucking in as crazy a position as they could find online. She went on to tell him that he damn well knew that her favorite was when he fucked her, while she was bent into a pretzel. She enjoyed the strong, sure grip of his roughened hands, the size of his fingers as they encircled her slim ankles. She enjoyed—if warmed up enough—how he would grab her ankles as he entered her and then place her ankles crisscrossed up high on her chest, her calves resting on her breasts. Her feet resting in between their faces, she would wiggle her toes at him, because like the rest of her body, it drove him wild to see her pretty, well-maintained, toes whenever he could. As they continued fucking, he’d take her feet and then raise them up, over, and then down behind her head, and cross her ankles onto the nape of her neck. While holding both her ankles by one hand, he’d take her two wrists and hold them above her head and proceed to angle her to fit him, getting deeper which each stroke. Because her thighs were flush up alongside her torso and her knees were pushed behind her shoulders, her compressed cunt tightly enveloped his penis which sought to widen her, to pierce down further into her. It was in this folded pose that the pace would slow, because he so enjoyed watching her twisted up into a human pretzel. With the tempo reduced, they would finally find each other’s rhythm, and the real fucking would begin.

With each gradually deepening stroke, the warm, wet friction of his penis crossing in and over and out and back into her, would cause, if given enough for her vaginal walls to start contracting; start mimicking his rhythms—start squeezing him in anticipation of his thrusts which only served to make him feel bigger in her to both of them. Instinctively, he would start to time his pelvic dives to maximize the pressure he felt when her vagina involuntary compressed his penis which would press past her new resistance, opening her up further, allowing more of him to enter her more fully, which caused her entire body to feel like it was expanding and eventually going to explode in all directions, because his dick felt so big, too big in her, that all she could feel were the slick walls of her very being trying to constrain his inexorable penis. Her thoughts would grow hazy as they rocked and melted together; for brief moments, there would be no him, no her, just them, together. Any time she would involuntary, reflexively, and against her own will, try to escape the overload of sensations, he would press into her, holding her down more firmly, stretching her legs further to restrain her body, to lock her down. A part of her truly loved, how her body felt when it was being used to bind her down, was being used against her, used to fulfill his desires. She loved the feeling of knowing she was the only one who could do that for him; it made her cum even harder.

Afterwards, when he could not last any longer, his penis, his body edged past all reason, he would then explode out and into her. She would feel herself quickly fill with a sparkly wetness that always thrilled her and caused her vaginal walls to contract even more, as if her cunt was steam-rolling the cum out of his penis, like toothpaste, and into her deepest core. To her friends, who thought she went on a bit too much when she talked about how much she loved his cum in her, she would describe the feeling of being cummed in as: “sparkly and electric, like fireworks going off, because my pussy is so fantastic,” she’d smile. And if it had been a few days between sex, and if he hadn’t jerked off too often (which of late was becoming more and more of a problem because of all the porn he was watching) and if he had been edge to an inch of his life, then when he came, the cum would fill her, and overflow out, down her thighs. La petite mort—he would collapse on her. Despite being slight, she would take his weight full, because for as long as she had been an adult, maybe earlier really, she had been taking on the full weight of the men in her life.

Like aftershocks of an earthquake, her own orgasms would slowly subside. Her entire body would still spontaneously and spasmodically jolt as she gradually would return to reality. Even fifteen to twenty minutes later, she would register surprise at the random spasms in her legs, arms, and mind; as if parts of her body remained unaware that they had stopped fucking and continued to receive electric emissions from an unknown source.

But the husband wouldn’t fucking quit talking about how he wanted to fuck her tight cunt while she literally sat on her own head in a chest stand, so they finally agreed to video it. Just this once, so that he could replay it as often as he wanted without putting her under too much strain by asking her to perform again and again. She once again asked if she could blow him, since she was hoping they could both enjoy the crazy antics she was about to perform. She knew she wouldn’t be anywhere near having an orgasm if her mind was distracted trying to balance her body, let alone focus on breathing which got hard when the rib cage got so distorted and flatted in a backend. She wasn’t sure how how much weight her shoulders and neck could take, which only served to upset him more.

In the video you see her resign herself, her shoulders and arms dropping to her side as she walks to the bed and undresses and lays flat on her stomach in the bed, naked. She brings her legs up and over her head and and the legs come down so initially the back of her thighs are resting on top of her head, but she pulls her ankles further in front of her face, forcing her hips to ride up her back and on to her head. She is now in a chest stand. Her naked butt rests on top of head. Her legs are held together; the soles of her feet rest on the bed, a few feet in front of her upturned face

From the left frame of the video, he suddenly rushes into the scene and is quickly up and onto the bed. You hear her say,, “Be careful honey.”He scrambles up to her and sort of squats down like he taking a shit. From his vantage point, all he can see is just her thighs, pelvis and pussy. She is not only torso-less, but head-less. He briefly wonders if fucking a bisected corpse would feel any different. He is surprised by the strange feeling of being excited about the thought of fucking half a body, even a dead one; he quickly pushes the thought out of his mind. Her chest-stand stretches her dry labial lips flat, taut against her pelvis as he jabs his penis into her vagina. You see her hips press closer to the top her head. There is a slight give as her checks move slight down towards the back her head. Each time he drops into her, he pushes her into a tighter bend, her ass slowly creeping down the back of her head to rest on her upper neck and shoulder. It is an incredibly tighter backbend, he is forcing her into with each strike into her cunt. He, reaching almost a full squat at times, is thrusting down into her, and then almost bouncing up off her, as if she were a spring. His penis now sometimes enter her vagina, or slips out elsewhere finding her ass-hold so enter her without warning, because he finds it so much easier to push in now, because he has so much leverage; she is immobilized by his weight and by her pose he is squeezing her further into. He is going increasingly faster, as you hear his breathing grow heavier, more raspy with the exertion and the excitement he is feeling.

Her face is now buried in the comforter of their bed. Her voice, if any, is muffled by the bed’s comforter. Maybe she is saying something, but her voice is mute; her face now hidden, pressed deep down into the bed. It is clear she can no longer hold her head up against the weight bearing down onto her hips and thus onto her head. The cheeks of her buttocks spread down to the ears on either side of her head from the unceasing pressure. He is now bouncing up and down harder and higher, faster and faster and you keep hearing something but its hard to tell what it is until he bounces up off the bed and rises up to where he is almost standing straight-legged, before he begins to drop back down hard and fast back her still dry holes and that’s when you realize you are hearing her screaming, that up until now she has not been able to shout let alone breathe because he her head was being continuously shoved down by her ass which is being, essentially stomped on by her husband. Only in the final movements when he has stands up fully up to survey what lays below him, you hear her finally scream “Stop!” as he reaches his zenith and now cannot stop his final descent. As he lands, you hear a loud pop on the video, and he shoves his penis into her ass to the hilt. Her voice is now silent as you see her hips and her ass suddenly, impossibly drop a few more inches further down the back of her head to rest on back of her neck.

Even as you see it, what she is doing looks impossible. Her ass has completely slid off the back of head and is now straddling either side her neck. Her head is now between her upper thighs. The top of head has now emerged from between the front of her thighs, like like some turtle. Her legs which had been held straight are now bent underneath. Her knees are resting next to the tops of each shoulder. Her knees are fully folded so that her feet are laying next to the either side of her breasts which lay flattened on the bad. She has done some sort of triplefold, but it looks much odder than it should. When you watch the video in slow-mo, you will see she tried to place her feet next to her head to try to lift her hips off her head but was overwhelmed by the incessant jackhammering from above. And so somehow she has folded even tighter, gone boneless, raggedy-ann doll-like and been crushed into small ball of pale pink flesh with her head jutting out from between her thighs. She is no longer is offering any resistance to his fucking from above. By this point, her body is visibly seen to bounce up and down on the bed like a beachball, as he rises on his legs again and again to drop down again and again, brutally into her , compressing her all the more. And all, he will later say in court, without a sign or sound of protest from his wife. You hear the moan of the husband as he finally comes, wish fulfilled and collapses off to the side of the bed and stuporously falls asleep. The camera is still recording the whole scene. He is on his side, breathing deeply, heavily.

She is still laying in her mangled triple-fold and you cannot help but gaze at her head which remains extended much further past her thighs than seems anatomically possible. A few minutes later, her husband stirs and sees his wife remains folded far past in-half, and he says, “Honey?”and gently touches her shoulder which causes her to fall sideways to reveal her purple face and blank eyes.

He screams and fumbles to call 911. Then like most any one of us would do under the circumstances, he turns her, while stills screaming her name, over onto her back. Her body is now facing the ceiling, but her face still lays on its side. Grotesquely owl-like, she appears to be looking over her shoulder, her chin now resting on her clavicle, as if her head was a separate and discrete object from the rest of her body. She is facing directly into the camera. Her eyes are windowless. He grabs her head to rotate it up, her face expressionless. He screams “honey!”, and inadvertently pulls her head forward into his chest, which would have been fine if several of her cervical vertebrate hadn’t been crushed and fractured and so by pulling her head towards him in a such a sweet-looking and loving embrace, he completes the spinal cord transection, that is, he literally separates all the connections to her head from the rest of her body. Her head, still cradled in his hands, is doll-like and unblinking, but her color quickly changes color from bloated purple to her usual translucent pink paleness. When they would lay in bed together, he used to spend hours contrasting her luminous skin with his darker, mediterranean-flavored skin. The medics finally show up and immediately recognize the urgent need to stabilize the neck and tell the husband to get away from her: to let them try to save her. And this is when when one of the medics finally sees the video camera’s red blinking light and reaches towards the lens and the video stops.

Despite having paralyzed his wife, he still watches the video online, along with hundreds (thousands?) of other “people” every day (many of them repeat customers like himself)) which helps pay for her lifelong medical care, since it’s not often you see porn almost become a snuff film. If she had died, quickly asphyxiating on a crushed trachea, instead of just being paralyzed from crushed vertebrae, who knows how many more people would have clicked, breathlessly waiting for that ‘pop.’ Sick fucks comment on-line how they time their self-inflicted orgasms to cum as her neck goes snap, crackle, pop.

In truth, some suspect that’s what the husband actually wanted to happen. How else to explain the abject ferocity and negligence in his actions, despite knowing her wife to be delicate, small boned and willing to do whatever it took—maybe just not so fast—to please her husband as she was taught a wife should. The prosecutor in the case actually filed first-degree murder charges but the judge dismissed them, because the wife wouldn’t press charges and there was a serious outcry from privacy groups. The judge at least ruled that she could continue to monetize the video, instead of having it scrubbed from the known internet. She would have her care paid for by the very video that ended her life as she knew it.

And even now, he still furiously masturbates to his wife’s final moments of freedom, before being rendered a prisoner of her own body—all so he could cum. He himself isn’t so much masturbating to the images he sees on his screen anymore, but to the feeling gets in his head when he hears her pop, exactly like the other online wretches. Vigorously masturbating until he drifts off, he recalls and smiles inwardly in remembrance of fucking his wife, contorted beyond all recognition, he mashes himself to that high of owning her totally and completely and finally..
But, eventually his penis will become so numb from the abuse its received from his own hand that he will lose the ability to cum at all with his gnarled root. He will then be in a special kind of hell, as he watches the video on endless repeat until the end of his days, unable to cum in any way: a worthless and spent porn-dick having reached its fruition, justly.
