Some of the fun places/times I’ve masturbated and gotten caught [F] / 28

Girls’ just wanna ~~have fun~~ **cum**

This idea was sparked by someone asking me in my DMs and I thought it would be a good place to share here with more details because I’ve been sluttin by myself a lot of my life and I’ve also gotten laid because of this particular activity as well. It’s one of my tricks which usually ends up how intended. It’s a win win.

# School

many times in school (college… also high school **after I turned 18** 😉). I used to just sit in the back of the room and do it under my desk or table or whatever I was sitting at. I didn’t wanna do it if a bunch of people could see. Usually just if I liked a particular guy or wanted him to fuck me. I would set the scenario up to be him somewhere close but not right next to me as not to make it too obvious.

I’ve always had this thing where I want the person to only be like 85% sure that’s what I’m doing. 100% is too desperate and obvious but 50% could be easily written off as not being the case. There’s a sweet spot in the middle to keep him guessing enough to drive him a lil crazy and keep him very intrigued by me. That’s just my method idk if anyone else believes this way but it works.

# In the car

this is one of my favorite places just in general whether trying to be caught or not. I like the thrill of the possibility and I like the seats of a car when they are laid back for this. When I have a partner or whatever that I want to catch me, the scenario would be him driving and me in the passenger seat. I would usually be covered up with a blanket or something or possibly not depending on the circumstances.

I still want the whole 85% rule to be true regardless of anything else, partner or not. It’s them having to really focus and think and wonder that I like. The good ones just try to find out without saying anything or asking me any questions. That’s my favorite. It makes it just sneaky fun that doesn’t have to be said to be understood.

I can remember one time in particular when me and a partner were going a few hrs out of town for something and I had a big flannel that I used to cover up with. I could see his reflection in the window and see where he was looking and what he was doing without him knowing I could because to him, I was looking away, staring out the window or whatever. So he thought he could “try to find out” by staring or whatever and I wouldn’t be aware of it. So I started subtly masturbating and the flannel was like moving slightly or I would readjust how I was laying back in the seat (I had it reclined all the way).

He noticed at some point and kept staring as much as he could and I would kinda stop or slow down to see him get really curious. I got kinda worried at one point he would wreck us if he didn’t look at the road more lol. So this went on awhile and I kinda amped it up and would still move my hands more when he would be looking instead of pretty much stop. Finally after quite awhile of doing this (and him never knowing I could see him), he became sure and he kinda slowed down really slow driving on a backroad with no other cars around so he could really watch me. And then I just kinda “gave in” and let him know that was what I was doing.

He never said anything, just watched. And I finally made myself cum and he loved it and we went on down the road. I got fucked later when we got back home. 😌 there’s many other times in the car but that’s my favorite one. I do it alone as well a lot with no partner just for the thrill of possibly getting caught but also being discreet.

# The window dudes

at my grandparents house, the window dudes aka the people hired to replace all the windows in the house to new ones, were at my room replacing those windows. I was on the 2nd story of the house so there was a ladder at my window they were using and could see into my room anytime they climbed up it. It was a bunch of guys and some were really yummy.

At the time I was into construction guys anyway, one of my ex’s was a commercial plumber. I would wait until I knew the 2 that I thought were sexy were gonna climb up (I could look out my other window down at them and see what they were going to be doing) and then I would start masturbating just ever so slightly so they would have to kinda stop and do a double take. That’s what ended up happening with one of them.

I was too into just the thrill of doing it and not enough into actually wanting to get laid so I kinda left it at that and didn’t really push the issue but I could tell one of them stopped on the ladder and just watched for a few seconds and then I presume told the other guys because I heard them get kinda rowdy at that point. I stopped because that’s all I wanted to accomplish lol. He gave me his number on a card when they left. I didn’t call him.



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