Part one let me know if you’d like me to continue posting:) true events.

I was working front desk at the gym and we were closing that day due to Covid so it would’ve been my last shift.

I’d loved my job as front desk at the gym.. I’m flirtatious and bubbly, and was really good with customer service.
It was a great spot to meet people, and I left my job with soaking panties from quite a few steamy encounters.

It was a laid back position, very minimal responsibility, and I got a free membership. What else could a kinky, slutty, exploring girl want from a job?

I recall getting the text, and attempting to embrace the feeling of leaving the job I’d loved, “for how long?”
“Will I be invited back if we reopen?”
“What will I do in the mean time?”
“I could use a vacation though”

I got ready for the day, but decided to put extra pep into it, to make it cheery situation, And had actually volunteered to cover for another co worker so I could say my goodbyes.

I can recall the sunset, it was around the beginning of March so it was a tad gloomy looking but with a purple, orange sunset with gray in the background of the sky. My shift started at 5 pm that day and would end at 8, much shorter than usual.
I remember the feeling, of a mild sadness but also I was kind of excited because I knew I was going to get time off.

I figured I’d make my last day a nice one.

I did my make up extra nice so I could have my final flirtations, and maybe get a few regulars numbers I never got the chance to before, at the front desk.

I was silly, throwing paper balls at coworkers and sloppily doing my job, cracking jokes, and comforting sad members instead of working… because what were they gonna do, fire me?

I’m goofing around saying my goodbyes to all my regulars since I have been working at the gym for4 years, and wasn’t quite sure when I’d come back.

At this time I’d been married slightly over 8 years. But we’re ethically non monogamous. I’d recently given birth to my daughter and my hormones were raging, I’d gone back to working out and was losing the baby weight, feeling pretty decent. That mixed with hormones, I was a raging horn ball.

I was full of new excitement of being a first time mom, but also very driven to work out and get in better shape than ever.

Butttt, Being that I was ethically non monogamous, I’d recently had a sexual encounter and date with a guy, that left a pretty sour taste in my mouth.
Terrible sex and he was a fucking douche. 😂 but I fucked Him anyways and felt ashamed after about it.

So I made a promise to myself to not interact with men beyond simple flirtations. BECAUSE WHO DOESN’T LOVE TO FLIRT AND I’M THE BIGGEST FLIRT. ( Which is unusual to me) as I’m generally a very proactive dater/sexual encounter seeker outside my marriage… being that I was in a full fledged hormonal breeding peak. Lol

But I’d honestly started questioning my feelings for women and why find it incredibly hard to meet women I click with or am attracted to.
I wouldn’t say I’m gay, or even bi, but during this time I’d craved the idea of an intimate and sexual relationship with a woman. I wanted to know how it felt to eat pussy, I wanted to feel unintimidated by the touch or deep gaze of a woman, I wanted to see how another woman would kiss me, I wanted to see if I could live a woman the way I do men, and if I’d just be closed off.
I wanted to look at another woman’s body, and not feel comparison, rather unison…
It wasn’t a “mission” but for the first time in my life, I felt I’d welcomed the idea way more than ever before and was ready to explore it.
I wasn’t sure if the bad date had invoked this or just curiosity in general, but it was blooming inside me.

As I’m sitting at the front desk on my last shift, I can feel the gym buzzing with curiosity regarding the shut down, our phones were ringing off the hook, and people had questions.
People had political opinions to give, and I could sense uneasiness and concern since this was the first Covid shut down in California. No one knew what was next, and because we were one of the first things to close, people thought we had answers.
We didn’t. Lol

As I’m goofing around, laughing about the absurdity of it all with members and coworkers,
I see a beautiful woman about to leave.

I’d seen her one other time at the gym. She’s caught my eye then as well, but timing JUST FELT SO PERFECT, she was walking pro me and I could tell she was gonna talk to me…
I did my over zealous “byyyyeeee have a good one! Hopefully we soon you soon ☺️” in hopes of coming of welcoming to open the door for a conversation.

Because we were closing, I thought “FUCK IT” I’ll probably never see her again if worse comes to worse, buttttt at best I may form that connection I’ve been looking for.”

Again, generally, I’m not attracted to woman, but…. I really liked something about her physically.

She had long blonde hair, a tomboyish vibe, no make up, naturally beautiful skin and face, I’m pretty sure she was an emt, beautiful blue eyes and a pretty great physique.
Breasts were small and perky, I’d assume a B cup at best,had killler legs and a pretty fantastic ass. I’d say she was about 5’5, 135 lbs.
I’d normally be so intimidated by the looks of this woman… pretty women scare me…

She and another gentlemen, whom also was in fantastic shape, stopped at the front desk to shoot the shit about the whole shut down situation.
They appeared to be friends, not romantically involved, possibly training together?

They were both funny, and easy to talk to, and I found myself dropping hard hints at the girl hoping she’d pick them up.

“We should hit the park to work out since the gym is closing, I actually have my PAT for the police department coming up … I need to be able to pass! If you’re down?”

She seemed miiiiillldlyyy interested so we exchanged numbers, and the guy with her asked to give me a text so I could text him when the gym was open.

Part 2 yay or nay?



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