The Nude Normal (Chapter 3 Part 1) [Casual Nudity] [Family Nudity] [Exhibitionism]

Thank you so much once again for your kind response to Chapter 2. I really am overwhelmed by how positively this story has been received, and it’s been a massive encouragement as I’ve continued writing, so thank you!

Just a heads up, Chapter 3 has been posted in two parts (because the entire thing exceeded the post character limit) so make sure you click the link for Part 2 at the end of Part 1 and don’t miss the big *climax*.

If you’re new to this story, here’s [Chapter 1]( and [Chapter 2](

Hope you enjoy round 3!

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# The Nude Normal
# Chapter 3 | Caught In The Act
## Part 1 (of 2)

I woke late the next morning. I think my body needed some time to recover; between barely sleeping the night before and the sheer amount of masturbating I had been doing since arriving at the beach house, it’s safe to say I had exhausted myself. But I slept pretty well, I could vaguely remember dreaming about being back on the beach with the woman and the frisbee, but not quite enough to make out the details.

I did however, wake up with an absolute trunk of a morning wood, and it stood proud, hidden beneath my white sheet which was splotched with my now hard semen from last night’s fun.

I gently gripped my shaft beneath the sheets, feeling the tingle as a I slowly slid my hand up and down, making sure to give extra attention to the head and all the sensitive areas I knew would make me quiver extra hard.

With my free hand I thrusted back the sheet, exposing my hard cock and naked body to the warm room. I started to pick up speed, the promise of an orgasm lingering on the horizon, and I continued stroking up and down, faster and faster. I tensed the muscles in my butt and legs as I tried to coax the cum out of me.

*Knock knock*
“Good morning, love. You awake in there?”

I froze as I heard Mom at the door, cock still in hand. Why was she outside my room? I checked my phone, it was past 11am. She hated it when I wasted the day in bed, and probably even more so if she had plans to spend the day together. I should’ve set an alarm.

“Uh, yep, I’m up,” I spoke towards the door. “I’ll be out there soon.”

“Can I come in?” she asked warmly.

I let go of both the idea of an orgasm with my mind and my erection with my hand, and sat up in bed, returning the sheet over me, bunching it up at my waist to try and hide the shape of what was hiding underneath.

“Um, sure, yep.”

She opened the door slowly and peered through the gap. It all came flooding back. Seeing her in the pool, being fucked by Dad. Me running down the hall, erect and about to explode. I prayed she didn’t want to confront that situation now, I was barely in the position to have a chat like that, my cock still desperate to cum beneath the sheets.

“Good morning, love,” she smiled and stepped into the room.

“Good morning,” I tried to act natural. She was still in her nighty, head messy with bed hair.

“How’d you sleep?” She asked as she sat on the side of my bed.

“Like a log,” I smiled. “Guess I really needed it.”

“Well, it has been a big couple of days,” she said, in a somewhat serious tone.

I acknowledged her with a silent nod.

“That’s actually kind of want I wanted to talk to you about,” she said tentatively.

Oh God. It was happening.

“About last night, I, we just got a bit carried away in there. We didn’t mean for anyone to see, I’m so embarrassed.”

I swallowed, my barely awake brain desperately scrambling for the right thing to say.

“It’s okay,” I said in the most reassuring tone I could muster. “One thing leads to another, things happen I guess. It’s a new sensation for all of us.”

She nodded, I think she was surprised at how maturely I was trying to act. “It was your Father’s idea,” she continued. “You know how he can get when an idea pops into his head.” She smiled.

“Mm, yeah,” I almost laughed. “And I get it,” I shrugged my shoulders. “It’s not exactly like I didn’t get carried away either..”

I paused as I heard myself speak the words. Nope. No. Why did my brain choose to talk about the erection I had when I emerged from the pool yesterday. I wanted to run.

Mom exhaled in a short sigh. “Yeah, about that too.”

I felt my face go red. “I’m sorry, I don’t know why it happened, it was just so overwhelming in the moment, I…”

“You don’t have to explain, honey, or make an excuse. I’m not mad.”

I raised my eyebrows at her admission.

“Almost the opposite in fact. I’m glad you were comfortable enough in showing us that side of you. Almost proud in fact. You’ve grown into such a … man.” She spoke kindly and warmly.

I was surprised at this development. “You mean you didn’t find it *weird*?” I asked her.

“Not at all, I actually figured it was only a matter of time. It was me who suggested this foray into nudity, remember. I wouldn’t have said it if I wasn’t prepared for some … well, excitement, shall we say.”

I didn’t know what to say.

“Not that I was expecting your Father to get *quite* so carried away.”

“Well I guess if you’re not weirded out by me, then I’m not weirded out by what I saw either.”

She smiled and I was pleased my brain, in all its usual failings, had actually found the right thing to say for once.

“Good, good,” she said, a renewed confidence entering her voice, replacing the awkwardness. “So if you find yourself in that state again, please, don’t feel weird or embarrassed. It really is just a natural part of life. I mean one of *them* is how you came to be here in the first place, I guess.” She laughed at her own admission, and the thought of my Dad having erection flashed through my mind. “And your Father and I will try to keep our, well, activities, a bit more private in future.”

“Sounds like a plan,” I said, a bit too chipper.

She leaned over the bed and half hugged me. The material of her nighty was soft against my arms.

“I’m glad we got that out of the way. I guess it’s a bit trickier than expected, this nudism business.”

“Mm,” I laughed, letting the relief overcome me. My thoughts returned to our conversation in the pool. “Is it true, what you said? You and Dad are going to try it?”

“Well,” she began. “Your Father is far more enthusiastic about it than I, he seems to have taken to it like a duck to water. I’m a little more, apprehensive, I guess you could say, but I’m open to the idea.”

“Have you asked Ava about it yet?” My mind started imagining the possibilities.

“Not yet, she was already in her room by the time we… finished in the pool. No pun intended.”

“Nice one,” I smiled, surprised at how open we were about the thought of her having an orgasm.

“I’m hoping we’ll be able to talk about it this morning, maybe over breakky. You hungry?”

“I am,” I told her.

“Shall we?” she looked ready to stand from the bed.

“I, uh,” I looked down at my crotch, and her eyes followed. “I know we just talked about it not being weird or anything, but…”

I hoped that she was going to catch my drift without me actually having to say it. She just looked at me waiting for me to finish my sentence.

I bit my lip and made a bold decision. I pulled at the part of the sheet resting on my legs, and slowly revealed my body. First my chest, then my stomach, then as the sheet eased down to my legs, my cock sprang free from its hiding place.

“I, uh, was kinda in the middle of something.” All at once, a feeling of vulnerability mixed with complete liberation washed through me. It felt electric on my skin.

Seeing my morning wood, she realised. “Oh, oh. I see, I see. Did I interrupt? I’m so sorry.”

“It’s fine, it’s fine,” I reassured. “But I don’t think it’s going to let up, not on its own.” I looked down at my cock, hard and fully exposed to the world.

“Of course, of course.” I don’t know whether it was the morning light, but it looked like her face was beginning to show a hint of blush.

“I’ll, uh, I’ll leave you to it then I guess.” She stood up and stepped towards the door. “Come join us when you’re done then.” She slipped out into the hall. “Have fun!”

I wondered if I had pushed it too far, alluding to the fact that I had been masturbating before she came into the room. But my mind was too on fire to hold a fully formed thought and it gave way to pleasure as I resumed stroking.

After a couple of minutes, my orgasm finally rolled through me and I watched my cock as it erupted like a water fountain, adding to the mess of semen scattered over my bed.

A small amount of shame came over me all of a sudden. Was it wrong if me to have just subjected Mom to that, showering her my erection, telling her I was about to jerk off? I know she had just said it was okay, but part of me worried it had been too much. The last thing I wanted was to make anyone uncomfortable. There had to be a way to separate being openly nude, and getting carried away with the arousal of it all.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I had a quick shower, washing the sticky mess that had collected in my pubes, then dried myself off. I wrapped the towel around my waist, but then had a second thought. Mom and Dad might have been sitting nude at the dining table at this very minute, I didn’t want to look unenthusiastic about the whole thing. So I undid the towel, hung it on the rail, and proudly opened the door to the hall.

In the kitchen, Mom, Dad, and Ava were sitting around the table, finishing breakfast, all clothed. Dad was in a t-shirt and his board shorts, Mom was in her one piece, Ava was again in her short shorts and a small, tight shirt.

“The nudie nut has arrived!” Dad proclaimed as I entered the space. His confidence and tone suggested Mom hadn’t told him that I had caught them last night. Or, perhaps, he just didn’t care.
“About time,” Ava muttered looking up from her phone, trying especially hard to keep her gaze meeting my own.
“Shoulda told us you were coming, we woulda saved you some,” Dad looked at the empty plates on the table, scattered only with a couple of toast crusts.
“I live here, where else would I get breakfast,” I played into his joke.
“Just ignore your Father,” Mom spoke up and looked at me. “We’re all about to head down to the beach, would you like to join us?”

“Uh, I might take a miss on this one.” I replied. “Not as much fun when you don’t have any bathers and can’t go swimming,” I conceded.

“Why don’t you just go nude there too, you perv,” Ava teased, but without any malice.

“Sounds like you’re the perv,” I hit back, “wanting me to go nude out there.”

She looked at me with a cheeky expression I couldn’t read.

“No one’s a perv,” Mom chimed in. Ava shrugged her shoulders.

“Right, I need to find some shoes,” Dad stood up from the table

“Have you seen mine?” Mom followed him out. Ava and I stood and took the empty plates into the kitchen.

“Sorry about last night,” I tried to clear the air once the plates were stacked. “I didn’t mean for you to see me like *that*,” I said shyly.

“You mean with a massive boner?” she teased. I was taken aback by her boldness, just her saying those words stirred something in my stomach.

“Yeah, that,” I tried to smile.

“It’s fine, I promise,” she said genuinely. “I’m sorry too. I didn’t mean to go off at you like that.”

“It’s okay. If you wanna talk about it, I’m here,” I told her, feeling like there was more to be uncovered about the situation with her and Ethan.

“Thanks,” she stepped towards me, making sure Mom and Dad wouldn’t hear the conversation. She touched my arm and looked at me with big eyes. “And thanks for covering for me too. I really do appreciate it.”

“Anytime,” I said. She was so close to me, I could almost feel the warmth radiating off her skin. We stared at each other a moment, before Mom and Dad came back into the room.

“Right, looks like we’re off then!” Dad announced happily.
“Come join us if you change your mind, you know where to find us,” Mom added.
Ava stepped away from me and just smiled.

They left out the side door, leaving me alone in the silence.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I had survived the worst of it. The awkward confrontation with Mom about what I saw in the pool, and apologising to Ava that she unexpectedly saw me erect. And neither conversation had gone as bad as I expected. I was almost proud of the way I had been handling myself with all this newness. It was a massive change, a huge thing to adapt to, especially in only a few short days, but I felt like I had taken it in my stride, most of it at least, and was beginning to find a comfortable place, of being openly nude around Mom, Dad, and Ava, and maybe even about talking about my *urges* without too much embarrassment, at least how I did with Mom this morning.

I strolled through the empty house, feeling the air rush past my skin. Even though I had been given the okay to be openly nude here, I hadn’t yet truly experienced what it really meant. I sat on the sofa and imagined my family in the room, all of us just casually talking like our conversation around the breakfast table, but all of us in the nude. The thought excited me. I tried to will my penis not to rise. If this was going to work, I had to find a way to control my arousal. It’s called *casual* nudity for a reason, I couldn’t be walking around with a massive boner all the time, as Ava had so eloquently put it.

I stood and decided I would try to walk it off. I did a couple of laps up and down the hall, trying to focus on my breathing. On the third lap, on my way towards the back door, I noticed it, sitting on the floor, just inside Ava’s room. I stepped right up to the threshold of the room to get a closer look.

It was a pile of her dirty clothes.

I paused.

I told myself no.

I told myself it was just a distraction that best be ignored.

Then I stepped a pace into her room.

At my bare feet was the pile of her dirty laundry. A t-shirt, some socks, a matching bra and panties. My body was ignited with wonder. I got to my knees and stared at the soft mess, imagining her standing in front of me, taking off all these items one by one. It felt wrong, it felt forbidden. Even though we technically weren’t related, she was still my sister. I’d grown up with her, we teased each other, we had each other’s backs, just like real siblings. But then, there was that strangeness too, that there was still something unspoken between us.

I thought back to yesterday, how I imagined her watching me masturbate on the grass, how she saw my hard cock when she arrived home. Maybe that’s why I did what I did next.

My body acting on its own accord, I scooped up the pile of clothes in my hands, and in a single motion, brought it to my face. I pushed all the air from my lungs, then pushed my face into the clothes and inhaled. Her scent filled me, a mixture of sweat, perfume, sunscreen, the damp stains left behind on her panties.

I let the clothes fall from my hands back towards the floor, and the strap of her bra looped itself over my cock. It had already begun to grow again with the thoughts of her dancing around in my mind. This was not going to plan at all.

I got to my feet and pulled myself from the room. Staggering back out into the hall, I took a deep breath, and then spying the back door, decided to get some fresh air.

I unclicked the door and escaped to the warm air of the backyard. My chest was hot, I could feel the sweat collecting on my neck. The images and thoughts in my mind were getting harder to quiet.

Was I crazy? Was this all just a symptom of my increased libido from the nudity?

Was it just an accident she let her shorts brush past my erection yesterday? Why did she step towards me and touch my arm when she thanked me this morning?

Was I making all of this up? Or was there something going on here that I couldn’t see?

I stepped onto the grass and turned to face the table setting. I gasped when I saw her, sitting in the same chair as yesterday, in her little shorts and tight shirt, feet bare on the grass below.

My heart began pounding in my chest as she smiled at me, and reached her hands above her head in a stretch, pulling her t-shirt even tighter against her bra-less chest, her nipples hardening and visible beneath the fabric.

I shook my head at my own imagination as she lowered her arms and placed an index finger just inside her mouth. Her face smiled a cheeky smile.

“What’s the matter,” she bit her finger slightly and looked up at me. “You’re not gonna show me your *massive boner* again are you?”

She removed her hand from her mouth and began to play with the hem of her shirt in her fingers. I felt a quiver shoot through every muscle in my body.

She began to slowly lift up her shirt, revealing her belly button, and her bare stomach.

“I can’t, I can’t…” I started to back away towards the door.

“Are you sure?” She looked at me with big eyes from the chair. “Don’t you wanna …see…?” Her hands were at her chest now, and she continued lifting her shirt, beginning to reveal her breasts.

I scrambled to find the door handle behind me, before I pushed the door open and returned to the safety of the house. I closed the door with a thud and took a breath.

What the hell was happening to me.

My body was on fire, my cock was unable to be tamed and was pointing straight out in front of me like a guiding beacon. But I still didn’t want to head in the direction it was leading me, I was determined to be strong, I wasn’t going to give in.

I slid open the door to the pool room took a couple of steps, jumped as high as I could manage, and came down, deep into the water, a rush of bubbles chaotically rising past me to the surface. Here, I was safe. The stimulation of the water on my skin, the rush in my ears as my body equalised the pressure, it captured my full attention, suppressing all other thoughts down into the depths below. I let myself float for a moment, suspended in the water, unmoving, unthinking.

And then I saw his bare ass.

He had his arms around her body, right up against the edge where they were yesterday. He moved with the rhythm of the water, pushing himself deeper and deeper into her body, her legs squeezing around his waist, allowing him to fill her completely.

My lungs alerted me to the fact I had run out of oxygen and in a panic I propelled myself upwards breaking the surface, gasping to replace the air in my empty chest. I got my bearings and floated on the surface a moment. Even with my back to their position, her moans continued to increase in volume.

“Ah, Michael, fuck … fuck me…” she moaned aggressively, her voice bouncing off the walls in the tiled room. His heavy breathing was growing quicker as he came closer and closer to coming inside her.

I felt hot and sick, I couldn’t take it any longer. I swam my way to the edge of the pool next to them, eyes unwavering from the performance. I lifted myself up onto the edge of the pool, the smell of chlorine mixing with my sweat in the air, creating an aura of raw sexual energy around me.

I watched them fuck and began to stroke myself, following the same rhythm they had created of their bodies grinding, hard and deep into each other. I closed my eyes and let myself succumb to feeling my body craved and ached for all over, from the tips of my fingers down to the end of my hot, throbbing cock.

“Uhh,” I breathed, as I felt the orgasm finally building in my crotch.
“Ahhh, ahhh, Michael, I’m gonna…” her soft voiced filled me with warmth.

Then, without warning, new, faint voices filled my ears.

“What the fuck!”
“Ava, language.”
“Sorry, but what the fuck is he doing!”
“Ava, please.”

I blinked open my eyes. Standing opposite me on the other side of the glass window stood Mom, Dad and Ava. I hadn’t heard the door click, I was so deeply lost in my own fantasy.

“Shit,” I managed to mutter, releasing my cock from my hand, feeling the wave of shame and embarrassment take hold of me. I looked at all of their faces. Mom had wide eyes, Dad looked astonished. Ava just stood opened mouthed.

“Shit,” I said again, and pulled my legs from the water, standing up on the tiled ground. I tried to cover my erection with my hands, but even with the shock of being caught, it was still filled with excitement and not ready to be contained. I pushed it down with both my hands and felt it spring back against my palms.

Mom was trying to turn Dad and Ava from the window to protect the tiny amount of dignity I had left, but they remained in my peripheral vision as I raced towards the door. I almost slipped on the wet floor, reaching my arms out in front of me to steady myself, my cock flying free once again for the audience.

“Careful,” Mom closed her eyes, cringing at the entire scene.

“I’m sorry… I…” I tried to explain as I exited the pool room, joining them on the other side of the glass. I had no words, what could I have ever have said anyway, and backed away towards the door to my room, failing at hiding my erect cock, my last morsels of dignity evaporating from me like sweat.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I crashed into my bed, face first, in a crumpled heap. It was one thing alluding to Mom this morning, but them all seeing me like that, erect, exposed, pleasuring myself with zero inhibition. It was mortifying.

I rolled onto my back, starring up at the ceiling. “Fuucckk,” I exhaled to the room. My hands found my cock, shrivelling with embarrassment. My orgasm had been ruined, there was no chance of one now. Not that I had any interest anymore, in the battle between lust and shame, the latter had won, and with it brought an army of regret.

This was getting out of control. Had this whole thing been a mistake? It was one thing to be a nudist in front of your family, it was an entirely other thing to be *sexual* with them. Mom had said it was natural to experience some *excitement*, not to openly jerk off around the house. Lines were being crossed. And all of it was my fault.

I closed my eyes and cringed at the thought of what they had all just seen. It was too awful to think about. It was easier to just let myself drift off to sleep.

And then I was back on the beach.

It was just like last time, the man walking his dog, the surfers past the break, the women playing with their frisbee, all of them nude. I look down at my own body, naked and free, but instead of feeling liberated, I feel only shame and immediately cover my small and limp cock with cupped hands.

The frisbee catches on the breeze and comes to rest just by my bare feet. “Hey!” the woman calls out, but I can’t bear to reveal myself to the world and just sit there feeling stupid. “Hey you,” she says again and turns to run towards me. Her muscles flex on her toned body as she approaches, the sweat on her small breasts glistens in the sunlight. She slows as she reaches me and squats, her open legs revealing her pink pussy hiding beneath her trimmed bush.

“You okay?” She looks at me strangely.

“Um,” I mutter, feeling exposed and stupid.

“I just wanted you to fuck me, that’s all.”

“Wha… what?” I look at her confused.

“I said I wanted you to fuck me. What’s the matter, suddenly getting shy on me?”

“No, it’s just…”

“Look at how far you’ve come already,” she moves her body close to mine, climbing over me and sitting at my waist. “And now *this* is the thing that shakes your nerve?”

“I mean, they saw me…”

“So what? They caught you jerking your big hard cock.” She holds onto my hands and gently pulls them up her body.

“Did the world end?”

“No, but…”

“Did they sky fall in?”

“No, but it’s not that…”

“What if it is. What if it *is* that simple.”

I don’t have a comeback. She holds my open palms against her wet breasts.

“You don’t even know how they feel about it! Maybe they *liked* it, have you thought about that?”

I stay quiet as she begins to grind her waist against my own.

“And I think you liked it too,” she narrows her eyes at me. “Perky little Ava, just standing there, watching you beat your meat like a man. You know she couldn’t take her eyes off it.”

I swallow as she slides herself over my cock.

“You know what your problem is, Alex? You’re living in your mind. All these fantasies, all this stress. That’s not what nudism is about, baby. You gotta chill out a bit, live a little.”

My breathing becomes heavy.

“Now fuck me, Alex. Just like you’d fuck your sister.”

She dives onto my body and starts sloppily kissing my neck and chest, moaning for all the beach to hear.

[Continue Reading Chapter 3 Part 2](



  1. What do the mom and sister look like? I don’t think it says any about their bodies

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