The Nude Normal (Chapter 3 Part 2) [Casual Nudity] [Family Nudity] [Exhibitionism]

# The Nude Normal
# Chapter 3 | Caught In The Act
## Part 2 (of 2)

This is a continuation of [Chapter 3 Part 1](

I woke up in a puddle of sweat, and images of the naked woman behind my eyelids. Despite the craziness of the scene, the impossibility of it all, she was right. I was being way too uptight about everything. They’d caught me masturbating. That was all. If I was actually going to give this nudism thing a shot, I really had to chill out.

I stretched my naked body on the bed and let out a relieving sigh. I moved my body, sitting on the edge of the bed, and caught a glimpse of myself in the mirrored wardrobe door. The afternoon sun was streaming in through the windows, illuminating my bare skin in a warm, golden light. I watched myself sit there, all my glory exposed to the room. I *had* come so far. Too far to give up. Maybe being caught was just an awkward hurdle. I needed to apologise, to find out if they were as mortified as I was about the whole ordeal.

I stood from the bed and approached the door, before I turned from my room and started off down the hall. I immediately heard them in the pool.

“Hi,” I said to all of them at once, as I slid open the door. Mom and Dad were in the water, Ava was stretched out on the lounge in her two-piece.

“Hi love,” Mom turned to face me.
“The man of the moment, we were just talking about you,” Dad welcomed me.
“Yeah, about before…” I should have prepared a better apology.
“Hey, don’t mention it,” Dad interrupted. “Sometimes it gets the better of you, we know how it is.” He swum over to Mom and put his hand on her shoulder.
“These things happen,” she added. “It’s okay love, no need to be embarrassed.”
“Are you sure? I…” I looked over at Ava.
“As long as you didn’t get any in the pool. Gross,” she said with half a smile.

I noticed on the lounge next to Ava the familiar pile of wet clothes. I turned back to my parents.

“Are you guys nude again?” I asked them.
“We sure are, my boy.” Dad swam sideways. “Your sister said she didn’t mind, and there was nothing stopping us.”
I looked towards Ava, who just shrugged, like she didn’t want to be the one to upset their fun.
“Come join us,” Mom smiled at me. “Both of you, come on.”

Ava staged a faux protest, but stood from the lounge anyway, and we both descended down into the water. We came to rest treading water in the middle of the pool, facing each other in a circle.

“Well look at this here,” Dad said happily. “We’re like one of them nudist families, all together in the pool. I looked around at each of them. A happiness washed over me, it felt like I was finally finding some kind of balance.
“Well, almost,” he looked at Ava. “Just have to convince this one,” he smiled. Ava said nothing, but splashed him with an armful of water.
“Oh, I see how it is,” Dad laughed. “You’re gonna pay for that one!” He lifted up his own arm, and sent a wave of water towards her face.

And that’s how we spent the next couple of hours, laughing, joking, teasing each other, creating the exact kind of memories Mom would want to remember the trip by. And in one of the quiet moments, I realised it wasn’t just her who would want to remember moments like this. I looked at each of them, floating about in the water. I was insanely lucky to have these people in my life, for allowing me to try this nudist adventure I was on, for accepting me exactly as I was. I knew this was going to be one of the moments I would look back on and treasure in the years to come, and did my best to stop thinking and just live in the moment for as long as I could.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

“Well, I don’t know about you lot, but I am pooped,” Dad proudly proclaimed after we had been in the pool for what felt like hours. It had been an amazing night, just spending time with the three of them, goofing off and having fun together. The fact that three out of the four of us were completely nude had drifted to the backs of all our minds and it seemed liked we were old hats at this nudist thing, like we had been practicing it for years. That said, our bodies had been mostly underwater for almost all of the time, and I felt a tingle of excitement at the thought that we were all going to have to leave the safety of the water at some point.

“Time for showers and bed, I think,” he continued, Mom nodding alongside him. “It’s been a big day,” he looked a me, unintentionally referring to the earlier incident.

All I could do was laugh, and they all joined me with a giggle.

“Well I am outta here,” Ava announced, wading to the stairs. “I want no part in this little nudist party that’s about to happen up in here.”

“Aw, don’t be like that,” Dad teased her. “We don’t bite!” He held out his arms in a hug and started chasing after her.

“Ew, ew, ew!” She quickened her pace, her body rising from the pool. I watched the water slide off her small figure, her fingers pulling her bikini bottoms stuck between her cheeks. She unfolded the towel waiting for her on the lounge and wrapped it around herself, turning to face us.

“This was fun though,” she smiled at each of us. “Same time tomorrow?”

“You betcha!” Dad called out.
“Goodnight, love, sleep well,” Mom smiled at her.
“Don’t use all the hot water,” I teased. She rolled her eyes kindly.

She made her way to the door, her wet bare feet slapping against the tiles, and I couldn’t help but peek her butt cheeks wiggling as she walked, just under her towel. She let herself through the door before she disappeared down the hall and into our shared bathroom.

“Shall we?” Dad waded towards end of the pool and held out his hand to help Mom up the stairs.
“So kind,” she grabbed his hand and they both ascended the stairs together.

And there they were, my Mom, my Dad, both completely nude, moving towards the lounges, unfolding their towels and drying their naked bodies. Never in my wildest dreams, even just a few days ago, did I imagine this would ever be a scene my eyes would ever behold.

They both turned to face me, their towels covering up most of their naked fronts. “Coming?” Mom looked at me.

“Ava’s gonna be *hours* in the shower yet,” I exaggerated. “I may as well hang out here for a bit longer.”

“She does like a long shower that girl,” Dad dried off his body.
“You should have gone in first, you must be pretty tired, honey, after your *busy* day.” Mom rubbed her arms and her chest with her towel.

“I’m exhausted,” I admitted. “This place needs a third bathroom.”

“You could always join us.” She looked at me then. “You know our ensuite is double the size of yours. With the double shower, there’d be plenty of room. Wouldn’t there, Michael?” She looked at Dad who had finished drying and was wrapping his towel around his waist.

“Oh absolutely,” Dad looked at me too. “Come on, we’ll have our little nudist party Ava was talking about.”

I guess it made sense. Their bathroom was so much bigger than of ours, and their double shower was so much nicer than our tiny little cubicle.

“Sure, why not.” I stepped from the water, revealing my nude body to them. Dad threw me a towel, Mom wrapped hers around herself, and we all made our way to the pool door.

Mom flicked on the light in the ensuite. I didn’t come in here much, but every time I did it immediately made me jealous. The room was huge, the double open shower, the large triangular tub in the corner, the two sinks. It was luxury compared to ours. When I finally moved out of home, I wouldn’t accept a bathroom anything short of this.

We all moved into the room. Dad pulled his towel from around his waist and threw it onto the edge of the bath, exposing himself to me for the first time. His penis was smaller than I expected, not that I had thought about it much, but it was slightly smaller than mine. I joined him, throwing my towel on top of his, and he couldn’t help himself.

“Just a couple of nudie boys,” he smiled at me, then turned to face Mom. He shimmied his body and his cock and balls wobbled slightly. “Whaddya think, honey?” He prompted me to turn to face her as well.

“Well just look at that. My two boys. My two *men* I should say.” I felt her eyes running all over my body. My cock couldn’t help but stir a little with the feeling. There was a different feeling in here than how it was in the pool. More intense. More intimate.

“And what a fine couple of men you are,” she smiled at us both. “Before the last couple of days, it had really been a long while since I had seen Alex like this. How my baby boy has grown.”

“Puberty will do that, I guess,” I smiled, trying to ease the tension. I looked at Mom. She was just looking at my penis now and was making no attempt to pretend she wasn’t.

“And that’s not even its final form,” Dad joked.
“Well, exactly. And weren’t we all so gratefully gifted with that sight earlier today,” Mom smiled.

It was surreal hearing her talk so freely and openly about penises like this, but even more so the fact that she was referencing *my* penis. Hearing her talk about it like that made me feel strange inside, hot all of a sudden, and it caused a stir at my crotch they both noticed.

“Drop that towel and you might see a bit of action from mine too,” Dad looked at her with a cheeky smile.

I couldn’t believe my own eyes when she did.

She pulled it from her front, and let it fall to her feet, showing both of us her nude body.

“Now *that* is a site, I will never, ever, *ever* get sick of seeing,” Dad beamed at her. I looked down at his waist. Sure enough, his own cock was beginning to spring to life.

He stepped towards her and put his hands around her waist and kissed her on the lips, before he stopped and pulled back.

“Sorry, I know what you said. Not around the kids.”

Mom looked at me and laughed.

“It’s okay, Michael, I don’t think that really applies anymore. He already saw us, last night,” Mom said gently. Dad just looked at her blankly.
“In the pool,” she tried to hint.
“Well I should hope so,” he replied trying to sound smart, “he was right there in the room!”
“After that, Michael.” Mom was astonished with his cluelessness, as he continued not to get it.

“He caught us, Michael. In the pool. Last night. Making love.”

“Ohhh,” Dad finally realised. “Well, lucky him I guess. What a sight that would’ve been.”

The memory flashed into my head. I imagined it happening right now in front of me. Dad slipping his hard cock inside of her, the kissing, the moaning. The thought flattened my last line of defence, and my penis rose fully at my waist, straining for the ceiling.

“Looks like he enjoyed what he saw too. And how could I blame him for that.” He kissed her one more time on the lips, lingering a moment, before stepping back. He was completely hard now, and now that he was erect, his cock was almost identical to mine.

Mom admired us both. “I know you’re technically not related, by blood and all, but you two are remarkably alike. In so many ways.”

“Well, not completely. I didn’t get to spend the day spreading my seed all around the house.” He flashed his cheeky smile at me this time, making sure I was still okay as the conversation pushed further and further into new territories.

“I mean, I didn’t actually…”

Mom looked at me surprised. “You can deny it all you want, but we did all see you, love.”

“No I mean, I didn’t spread my seed, as Dad said,” I admitted to them. “And please, never use that term again, *spreading your seed*.”

Dad let out a small laugh. Mom kept looking at me.

“You mean after all that, you didn’t… finish?”

“No, not really.” I couldn’t believe I was talking so openly about this with them now. “After being caught, it was all a bit overwhelming. Didn’t really feel like it I guess.”

“Well, no wonder it’s so excited to go again.” Mom looked at it again and smiled.

I looked down at it too. It was almost jumping around with excitement now. Dad had moved toward the shower and had turned both of the shower heads on and water streamed from the ceiling. They sat at opposite ends of the large rectangular open cubicle, I guess so you could shower with someone but still keep your distance. I wondered what Mom and Dad had got up to in this very room.

“And looks like it’s not the only one ready for some action.” We both looked at Dad, who had stepped under the stream of water and was giving his cock a quick, couple of strokes as the water fell over his bare body.

“Hey, just getting comfortable,” he took his hand away and laughed as if he had just been sprung.

“Don’t stop on my account, honey.” She looked at him. The feeling of sexual tension in the room had reached its peak.

She turned to look at me then.

“And you too, love. You can what you need to do I mean. If you want to. We don’t mind.”

I just starred at her in shock. My heart was pounding in my ears, my cock was throbbing. I could not believe what I was hearing. I had just been given an open invitation to masturbate in front of my parents. Would I dare to be so bold.

“Why don’t you hop in,” Mom gestured to the empty spot in the shower. I nodded without speaking and moved towards the cubicle. Dad had begun washing his body, but his hand kept making its way back to his penis, giving it a gentle rub every so often.

I stepped under the warm water, letting it cascade over my naked body. The feeling was insane, being nude and hard, just a couple of steps from Dad who was in the same state, with Mom watching us both, also naked. Dad’s hand was firmly holding his cock now, and he was gently rubbing himself. I looked at Mom, who was watching him smiling.

I couldn’t stop myself. I had to do it too.

I bit my lip and let my right hand wrap itself around my own cock. I gave it a couple of gentle strokes, slowly at first, but it didn’t take long for the sensation to overcome me.

I looked at Dad who has also worked up a steady pace, and Mom who was watching us both intently. I couldn’t believe I was actually doing this, I was convinced my imagination was playing with my reality again like it had earlier today. But this felt *real*. I was actually openly masturbating in front of both my parents.

Mom stepped towards us, up to the edge of the shower. She smiled at me, encouragingly.

“There they are, my two beautiful boys, stroking their big hard cocks for me, what a lucky woman I am.”

I looked at her while still stroking. I couldn’t believe those words had just left her mouth.

“What? I am!” She laughed. “It really is something to behold.”

She stepped into the shower then, between us. I wanted to reach out and touch her, feel her bare skin in my hands.

“It’s even better up close.” She took turns watching both of us, before she stepped towards Dad, replacing his hand with her own on his cock.

“Ahh, Anna, fuck,” Dad let out as he let Mom take over. “I’m gonna, I’m gonna cum,” she said breathlessly.

“Do it,” she just stood there stroking him. “Cum for me, honey.”

His legs began to shake and he bent slightly at the knees and I watched as his cock erupted in a stream of semen. His breathing way heavy, his chest was tight, and he moaned quietly as Mom milked him of all of his juices.

I couldn’t believe what I had just witnessed. Watching this scene has only brought me closer myself, and I kept stroking fast, feeling my semen rising in my balls, ready to make its entrance into the world. I looked at Mom standing there under the water, rubbing Dad’s stomach and kissing his neck.

It was too much, it was about to happen. I couldn’t hold it back.

“I’m gonna cum,” I let slip through my lips.

Mom turned from Dad and smiled at me. “Let it all out, honey. Don’t hold back.”

“Hnngaahh,” I let out a sound as my orgasm reached the head of my cock, and with it, my cum started squirting out in front of me. Despite being surrounded by falling water, my spurts were clearly visible, longer and more forceful than I was used to, mixing with the warm water and creating a gooey mess at my bare feet. I kept making quiet sounds as my orgasm slowly subsided and my consciousness returned to the room.

As the last of my semen left my cock, the reality of what I had just done set it. But it wasn’t a feeling of shame, it wasn’t a feeling of embarrassment like I might have expected.

It was a feeling of total liberation I had never before felt in my 20 years of being on this earth. I felt ecstatic. I felt *alive*.

I looked at Dad, who was stroking the last beads of white liquid at his waist. Mom stepped from the shower, smiling at us both.

Dad and I got ourselves clean, all three of us casually chatting, Dad making his lame but comforting jokes. As I stepped from the water, Mom caught me before I reached my towel. She looked at me and smiled.

“I don’t want to make this into a sappy moment or anything, but I just wanted to say how proud I am of you.” She put her arms on my shoulders. “Putting yourself out there, being vulnerable like this, for something you wanted to try, it’s not something many boys your age could do. You should be proud of yourself too.”

The craziness, the boldness of the last few days was far from lost on me, but hearing Mom speak like that, it really brought home how scary it was, what I was doing, what we were *all* doing, but also how nice and comforting it was, how bonding it was, for us to be experiencing these events together.

“Can I give you a hug?” She looked at me.
“Of course, Mom,” I smiled almost nervously and she stepped forward and wrapped her arms around me. Her body was warm and gentle and hugging her, both of us nude, was a feeling like no other I have ever experienced.

“What, without me?” Dad said from behind us, before I heard his wet footsteps approach. His arms engulfed both of us, which brought a laugh out of Mom, and I could only join her, the emotion and intensity of the past hour freeing itself from my body as I experienced this moment with both my parents.

After a long, warm, moment, our bodies detangled from one another, and Mom joined Dad back in the shower. I got myself dry, catching glimpses of then continuing to kiss and touch one another, acting like high schoolers crushing on each other. As I hung my towel on the rack, I looked at them one last time.

“Sleep well, love,” Mom smiled at me.
“See you tomorrow, nudie nut,” Dad laughed.

I said good night, closing the door behind me, and made my way through their bedroom and out into the hall, feeling a new sense of confidence as I followed the path down to my room. I turned into my room, but stopped as I crossed the threshold, surprised to see Ava sitting on my bed in her thin, cotton pyjamas.

“Get your rooms confused?” I asked her, standing in front of her, not trying to hide my bare body. I noticed her face then, her eyes were red. She’d been crying again.

“No,” she shook her head slightly, then looked at me with big eyes.

“Can I talk to you about something?”

**Chapter 4: Alone With Ava, Coming Soon**



  1. My brother be naked and my dad jealous cause his wife/our stepmother told my dad going to fuck ur wife my dad told him he going to cum on his aunt face his real mommy brother dick got hard and he called his mom while my dad was fucking my sister best friend now she going to call my uncle and my stepbrother oh wow

  2. Great job. A young man seeing his mom like that, a bit of detail about what she looked like would have been nice. But fun story. Looking forward to more. Thanks

  3. Initially I though that its now too much in the scene when he starts masturbating with his dad in front of his mom in the bathroom, but then got carried away as the story progresses. Overall amazing, waiting for the next part. I think all are waiting for this next part where author is “Alone With Ava”.

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