Gambling your body.

Ace, 10, Queen, all hearts.

Combined with your Ace and Two Queens you had practically an unbeatable full house. The only hands that would beat yours would be four of a kind or a straight flush, both extremely rare. The four of a kind was impossible of course, as all three cards were of different rank. A straight would already be an unlikely hand as none of the cards were consecutive. It would require both Jack and a King, but it still ranked lower than a full house. One or the other would be worthless, “close but no cigar” as they say. A straight flush was even less likely, as all five cards would need to be hearts.

So the only real possibility of losing was if someone had a better triplet than you. Three kings would be the next best triplet but there was no pair on the board to complement that triplet. A triplet of Aces was the only possibility that concerned you. Still there were only two other Aces out and about, with one on the board and one in your hand. So again. An unlikely outcome. All these different hands floated across your vision as you estimated you odds. Yes you wasn’t as skilled with the numbers as that human calculator of a man sitting across the table from you, but you had a good intuition for the game. And he almost certainly couldn’t complete with your hand, even if he had been beating your statistical average. You just had to take this pot then you could cash out and go home.

“It seems you’re nearly out of chips little miss. You’ve got nothing else to wager with. Right?”“Yeah what’s the pretty lady going to raise with now, hmmm?” Tweedledee and Tweeldledum, the fat fucks, were right. This was the largest bet and ante yet, but you had just lost the previous round so you didn’t have enough chips to cover the full bet. Beady-eyed motherfuckers practically had their hands in their pants all evening, but as a high ranking female poker player, this wasn’t exactly new to you. In fact, you usually used it to your advantage.

Men. Really, they were making it too easy for you. You reached under the table and parted the slit of my evening dress, letting your breasts rest on the table as you did so. I probably wouldn’t even need to bargain, not with their dicks doing the negotiating anyway.

“How about…” you said pausing with half parted lips for dramatic effect, “How about… me. Will that do, boys?” And with that you pushed the last of your chips and your lacy black panties into the stakes pile.

A flirtatious wink, a flick of the tongue across your lips? What hot blooded male could resist? Some of them were already salivating like dogs at the prospect. Only the savant was unperturbed. You’d hoped for at least crack that icy facade, but alas. The fact he was still completely composed with your cleavage staring him down worried you.

“We have an agreement, miss. Though as a gentleman, I’m obligated to give you a chance to reconsider.” For a flicker of an instant, you thought you saw a glimmer flash across his eyes, but then it was gone.

Your heart trembled for a beat in your chest. If you folded now, you’d have nothing left. Almost penniless. Destitute.

“No, sir. The offer stands.” Losing wasn’t exactly an option before, but it certainly wasn’t now.

The other men practically had their dicks out, so really it came down to you and him.

Your adversary was at this moment speaking to server. “An old fashioned for me and an ankle bracelet for the lady. Oh and a drink on my tab if she desires”.

“Scared I won’t make winning easy for you?” A sly smile from you.

“No miss, merely being polite.” A small smile back. “If this is to be the precursor for our contract, I wish to make a good impression”.

The server returned with your drinks and set of silvery cuffs with a thin chain.“Your leg please, Miss” he said kneeling beside you. As soon as the cold metal clinked around your ankle, the reality of what you’d just gambled sunk in.“Its only a temporary measure and will be removed right away if you win the pot, Miss. Consider it collateral insurance.”

“Orrrrrr….One of us get lucky and win… the pot. I *burp* raise” The man on my right looked me over with lecherous, hungry eyes. He let a brazen hand graze my thigh and sneered when I pulled away. As much as the chain would allow anyway.

“Excuse you! Hands to yourself!” The slimy fuck mumbled a few choice words about how I was simultaneously a slut and a prude. What mess was I getting myself into?

“Lucky. I don’t rely on luck.” The savant was responding to Mr. Grabby Hands, but staring at you. Was this some sort of intimidation tactic? Well it wasn’t working. Not working. Nope. You are an island. You are collected. You’ve bluffed and schemed my way to get this far, and You’ll win this. Get this chain thing off you, and fly home with your winnings.

The savant was the last in the round this time.“I call.” He said looking straight at you, as he pushed in his chips. So you cocky attitude didn’t scare him off. Whatever, it’s his loss.

“Full house, Queens over Aces”. I confidently smiled, looking around at the disappointed faces with their subpar hands.

“I may not rely on Lady Luck, but I’ll happily take advantage of her.” Slowly and dramatically he revealed his cards.Jack of hearts. King of hearts.“Royal Flush”.



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