I set up 2 friends I wasn’t sexually compatible with [FM] [FF]

Alright don’t judge me for this story…

*Reddit is notorious for being a non-judgmental place, right?*

Part 1:

I went on a date with a guy my second year of law school who I had a pretty major crush on. He looked like Superman and won our moot court competition. That’s apparently all it takes to spark a crush from me.

Our date was honestly a little less than ideal. He was SUPER enthusiastic about law school and we didn’t really have much else to talk about.

*I’m a lawyer who hates most lawyers. We’re mostly boring.*

We go back to my house and are making out in my bed. I try to pull his shirt off, but he tells me he wants to wait because he “respects me” so much. I tell him I will not feel disrespected by the absence of his shirt, but he insists we should go slow.

*Makes sense. All is well.*

Instead we talk for half the night which is oddly refreshing. Once I got him out of his law school bubble he’s actually quite interesting. We’re calming down and he asks if I still want to see him without a shirt on. I do.

We start making out again and he pulls back, looks me in the eye, and tells me I’m beautiful. It’s very sweet and all that jazz.

I try to reach to take his pants off, but he stops me and says he still wants to go slow. I tell him we can go as slow as he wants.

I did not realize *how* slow his slow meant.

He puts his forehead to mine as he’s on top of me. “Has anyone ever told you that you have a beautiful mind?”

*Yeah bro! I’m a lawyer and an writer- my mind gets complimented all the damn time. Please talk about my ass.*

I tell him he’s very sweet and try to go back to making out. He tells me he just wants to stare into my eyes.

This is not doing it for me.

I decide to ask what he likes in bed. He tells me he’s definitely a “lover’s lover” and really likes “sweet, passionate sex.” He hates doggy style because he really likes to look his partners in the eye.

*Oh no…*

He asks me what I like. I don’t know how to tell him my tastes are a little different.

I very gently explain that I like being dominated and really enjoy experimenting. He says he LOVES experimenting.

“Out of curiosity, what’s an example of you experimenting?” I ask.

He gets VERY shy and answers like it’s the juiciest secret in the world, “I once used a vibrator on my ex-girlfriend.”

*I had a box of dildos and bondage under my bed. Oh dear.”

Bottom line, we did not get very far. He cuddled me all night (*which I kind of hate*), but a couple of days later I texted that I wasn’t feeling it and wanted to be friends. He agreed and we were totally cool. Neither of us had deep feelings.

Part 2:

I fingered a girl from my class in the bathroom of a bar near campus.

We were in LGBTQ club together so I assumed she was queer but I had never asked or pursued her. I usually don’t get with blonde girls because it feels too much like I’m fucking myself…

*I’m a sex addict, not a narcissist.*

…but I made an exception for her. She was super hot.

We were out with a group of friends and she kept asking about women I’ve been with. I told her a few stories and she asked if I wanted to go to the bathroom to smoke weed.

*Lol, ok.*

Immediately upon our arrival to the bathroom we start making out.

I smile and ask her if she’s ever been with a girl before. She tells me she definitely has but she’s never been fingered or eaten out.


When I ask her to elaborate, she explains a girl used a vibrator on her once. She goes on to explain “it’s not possible” for her to get off with someone’s fingers.

*Challenge accepted.*

I ask if I can try and she gives me a little nod.

We start making out again, and I push her back so she’s sitting on the bathroom counter. All is going well until she suddenly pulls back and tells me I’m beautiful and that she wants to look me in the eye while I do it.

*Btw, I’m not afraid of eye contact… Especially if I’m being forced to in a degrading way. I also like intimate sex on occasion, but this is not my baseline. I am definitely more of a “let’s destroy each other during sex for fun” kind of girl*

I want to make her happy so I try. I guide her hand to my chest as I start exploring her body with my own. I try to kiss her neck buy she pulls back so that we’re making eye contact again.

“You are such a cool and interesting person,” she says.

*What the fuck is up with people complimenting my personality? Bitch, your hand is on my boob. It’s a great boob. Say something about that!*

“Thanks,” I reply as sweetly as I can.

I put my hands between her legs and slide her underwear off. As I put my finger inside of her she grabs the back of my neck so our foreheads stay touching.

*Yall, for so many reasons, this is a very difficult position. I just don’t think nature wants us queer folk to look at each other as we fuck.*

Still, I am damn champion and keep going. I put another finger inside of her and she’s freaking out, telling me how good it feels.

TBF, even with the technical difficulties, she’s pretty tight and wet. Plus, her sex face is adorable so I’m actually pretty into this.

By the time I move to play with her clit, I try one more time to move my mouth to her body. She stops me and tells me I have beautiful eyes.

My hand is cramping without freedom of movement, but luckily she announces she’s close and moves her hips to match my rhythm. I feel her come on my finger and finally pull my hand away just before I’m about to lose feeling.

She asks if she can return the favor and I tell her we should save that for another time.

Part 3:

I am in the library with this same girl when man from part 1 comes up and starts chatting with us about one of our professors.

A beautiful realization dawns on me. These two hotties need to have full-on, eye-contact, missionary, sweet sex with each other. If they ever get bored they can spice things up with a vibrator like the great experimenters they are. I’m a damn genius.

After he leaves I tell her I think they should date and she shyly explains she doubts he’d be into her.

*This girl does not understand how hot she is.*

I convince her to let me give him her number just to see and she finally agrees.

They are still together.

Idk, ask your slutty friends to set you up.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/rbcsbh/i_set_up_2_friends_i_wasnt_sexually_compatible


  1. After a long and shitty day your stories always make me feel that much worse because of how fucking boring my life is by comparison. Keep doing god’s work slugger.

    /S this was adorable

  2. Ahh, the head I gave and got in the law library. Nothing like getting head while trying to read LaFave.

  3. This is actually really sweet at the end. But the one thing that frustrates me the most. Is someone likes experimenting and they thought using a vibrator on a partner once was experimenting. I understand people can be more vanilla and that is fine just not my idea of experimenting.

  4. Lol.. that was priceless.. So how did u recover from that vanilla torture? Thats a story I’d love to read

  5. What is it with moot courts leading to hookups? I have a bunch of lawyer friends, and it became a running joke where I’d ask if they hooked up with people they’d mention in moot court stories… more than half the time, they’d blush *hard* and change the subject.

    I’m also kinda surprised that you draw a line at narcissism; I’d have thought that the vague taboo of banging “yourself” might actually carry some level of appeal.

  6. You had me at: “I tell him I will not feel disrespected by the absence of his shirt”
    Please won’t you be… my slutty friend?
    I enjoyed reading the different gender partners all in one story and then how you managed to sweetly set them up.

  7. “my mind gets complimented all the damn time. Please talk about my ass.” 😂😂😂😂

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